RedPill78-What We Are Witnessing Is The Destruction Of The Old Guards System,The Best Is Yet To Come
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Today’s Guest: RedPill78
Redpill78 begins the discussion talking about the election. The [DS] cheated for [JB] and Trump won in a landslide. We are witnessing the destruction of the old guards system. When we approach Jan 6, the tide will turn and the [DS] will attempt some sort of FF. The patriots are in total control, this is the great awakening, the people must see it to understand.
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- ← Ep 2362b – Truth Belongs To The People,Public Awakening,Treason,Fraud,[Knowingly],Down She Goes
- Ep 2363a – Sometimes You Must Show The People The True Economic Motivation Of Congress →
I think some of what they are calling covid is font gear anything bout flu now and last winter it was huge
Trump got more that 300 electrol votes
Most people I know feel the virus is no threat. I have never worn a mask and do not plan to. I’m 68 and live in Michigan, I go where I want with as many people as I want. Listen to Dr.’s and scientists not politicians and the media.
You were talking about a false flag. Remember that C.A.I.R. in California is connected to Hamas (Info. on the FBI page) and with the Clintons and the Obamas paying and handing arms to ISIS in the past can you really put that past them that they wouldnt use them in some way for a false flag?
Dave, ill be glad when this a-hole communist hag governor of ours here in Maine gets sent to Gitmo Bill bar had to step down so he can testify against the deep state! merry Christmas patriots! we will succeed liberty will stand! we shall not falter we shall not fail! hooah!
It has been reported that covid can be spread by arisol. What would prevent someone from spraying it on the Trump crowd? If I thought of this you can be sure the evil players (whose job it is) have. The dems created this virus with China so they know what we are dealing with. We don’t. We are at a disadvantage. We know that the dems will not stop at murder. If you go to DC on the 6th, be sure to take vitamin D and other precautions. Masks are not effective. Even so, we MUST go to D.C. to help Trump. He won the election legitimately.
Merry Christmas Dave! Excellent work on the reports and spotlight.
Rothschilds, is who George Soros works for
The X 22 Report has been the only thing to keep me feeling positive. Thank you for keeping us informed and calm while waiting to see all this play out.
We didn’t build our businesses, remember, Obama helped build it. Remember you are helpless without the governments help. All the criminals in government will be arrested. If a person has been committing crimes against humanity even in secret will be arrested. No one will escape. If you have been committing crimes against humanity and you think you are home free because no one knows, well think again because it is known and is recorded. The sentence for Treason is execution and there will be many. Pres Trump won the election and will continue to be our Pres. for 4 more years or even 8 years if he wants.
Today, 12/27/20 I listened to Lions Republic on YT about Jeffrey Epstein being interrogated. During the questioning he answered he went to Cooper U. I read in comments saying Bill Barrs father worked at Cooper U helped Epstein get a teaching job after only 2 yrs at Cooper U. More comments they read Bill Barr’s name on the Epstein Island flight log. If its true maybe Trump knew and kept him close like you do your enemies. Took him to the point he needed him than Barr turned on Trump so Barr would resign on his own so Trump not blamed. Anyway I listen to most of your audio’s and appreciate your hard work. I share with family because a few are upset thinking Trump won’t be our President. I know he will! I am not worried. It makes sense he wants the American people to see the fraud and the traitors.
Ive been watching you for a few months now and believe you are correct on all or most of your analysis. I appreciate what you do. Also a sidenote, I think making the site background a different color than white might be more appealing, watching your videos or listening to the audio on my other monitor is super bright with the white background, just a thought.
Love your show
i am always amazed how heroic it appears when it is quoted, mentioned, written somewhere, said: the silent majority – the”conservative” – etc.
Why speak of it or them like the “glorious” one; while they actually are so the most despicable? They sit there, doing nothing, opening to cnn, andd raa, ra, raa, ra, ra dems. singing “We are the Champion, my friend”. Then, when they realize the winner is Trump… they just change sides because HEY! they have to, must to, be o the winners side. Huhhh! is not that the definition of BA (Benedict Arnold) ooops, i mean the ddefenition of TRAITORS… to jump ship to be on the winner side. YOU don’t think BA jump ship to be on the winners side…
Oh ya, forgot: BA jump ship because he knew he was going to be on the losers side because we didn’t know he was a masochist. COME ON!
STOP GLORIFYING THEM. They are actually our biggest block on the road. They are as this is written, the useful idiots of the real TRAITORS. Isn’t it the whole strategy of Trump? to wake he useful idiots? Nothing glorious about that. When they switch and comeback, i want them to amend, to repair, to humble themselves, to ask sorry, to tell us how bad it feels to wake-up to being an idiot, before anything else.