Roger Stone – Michelle Obama Replaces Biden, Precedents Set, Barack Obama Fair Game
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Today’s Guest: Roger Stone
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Roger Stone is a seasoned political operative, speaker, pundit, and New York Times Bestselling Author featured in the Netflix documentary ‘Get Me Roger Stone.’ A veteran of ten national presidential campaigns, he served as a senior campaign aide to three Republican presidents: Nixon, Reagan, and Trump,he is the author of the New York Times bestseller The Man Who Killed Kennedy: The Case Against LBJ, the Clinton’s War on Women, The Bush Crime Family, and the Making of the President 2016 – How Donald Trump Orchestrated a Revolution, and Stone’s Rules: How to Win at Politics, Business, and Style.Roger opens the conversation on how Michelle Obama is going to replace Biden. Attacks on Trump set precedents which means Barack Obama is fair game. The [DS] will use everything they have to cheat in the election. The illegals are one of their tactics which also includes mail in ballots. The election cheating has been transparent so this is going to be very difficult to cheat in the next election. They will throw everything they have at Trump to take him down but this will fail in the end.
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IN A little over a billion years, we expect Earth to become a baked, barren, powder-dry desert. It’s hard to imagine how multicellular life could survive,” says a recent issue of the magazine Sky & Telescope. Why? “A brightening Sun will boil the seas and bake the continents,” says Astronomy magazine, adding: “This apocalyptic scenario is more than an inconvenient truth—it’s our inevitable destiny.”
The Bible, however, states: “[God] has founded the earth upon its established places; it will not be made to totter to time indefinite, or forever.” (Psalm 104:5) Surely, the Creator of the earth can also maintain its existence. In fact, he “formed it . . . to be inhabited.” (Isaiah 45:18) But not by a wicked, dying race of humans. God set a time for the restoration of his rulership by means of the Kingdom spoken of at Daniel 2:44.
Jesus preached about the Kingdom of God. He spoke of a time for judging the nations and peoples. He warned of a tribulation that would be greater than any that had yet occurred. And he gave a composite sign to indicate when the end of the world as we know it would be at hand.—Matthew 9:35; Mark 13:19; Luke 21:7-11; John 12:31.
That such an important person as Jesus would tell of those things has stirred the imagination of many people. When would those events occur? By studying Bible prophecy and chronology, some have sought to determine just when the end might be. One who researched the subject was the 17th-century mathematician Sir Isaac Newton, the discoverer of the law of universal gravitation and the inventor of calculus. (The full Last Days report is 4 pages. If you would like to receive it, or if you have questions, please email me [email protected] OR [email protected] and I will send what you request free of cost. I can also direct you to an online Bible study course which is also free. I can answer any question about the Bible and will do so freely.)
The LAST DAYS of this Satan ruled system of things are here. How do we know this? ALL evil is NOW in the process of being revealed just as is stated in the Bible; Mark 5:22 For there is nothing hidden that will not be exposed; nothing is carefully concealed that will not come out in the open. (Matthew 10:26) So do not fear them, for there is nothing covered over that will not become uncovered, and nothing secret that will not become known. (Luke 12:2) But there is nothing carefully concealed that will not be revealed, and nothing secret that will not become known. This explains why there is so much corruption; WHO ACTUALLY RULES THE EARTH? And why is this IMPORTANT? Because it reveals WHY there is so much corruption. Luke 4:5 So he (Satan) brought him (Jesus) up and showed him all the kingdoms of the inhabited earth in an instant of time. 6 Then the Devil said to him: “I will give you all this authority and their glory, because it has been handed over to me, and I give it to whomever I wish. 7 If you, therefore, do an act of worship before me, it will all be yours.” HERE IS A WAKE-UP VIDEO TO HELP YOUR UNDERSTANDING; What If…? The Sahara Desert is SHRINKING as plants grow and land becomes more GREEN, thanks to rising CO2! If you have questions, please ask, or email me at [email protected]. I can also give you directions to a FREE online Bible study course that you can use when it is convenient for you. If you have questions about the Bible, I can answer them. Any help I can provide is always freely given as is commanded in the Bible. GET OUT OF Satan’s WORLD!! I am out, and I have more than 8.6 million brothers/sisters that are also out of THAT world. We do not vote OR ever run for or serve that ‘world’. Read Luke 4:1-8 in your Bible.
I want Sheriff David Clarke for VP.
Would “Mooch” run as a man, or a woman? What if his big secret is exposed?
Michelle Obama?!! Roger, we’re really talking about Mike Robinson. Michelle is a MAN. Why won’t you bring this FACT into the discussion? Michelle Obama, aka BIG MIKE. There are so many authentic photos of Big Mike and his “big mike.” The important aspect of this farce is that “shim” is a complete FRAUD. This fact must be part of the discussion now, not later, and it’s true identity must become common knowledge.
I guess Mr. Stone drilled holes into all the “…Durham is in the background…” hopium you fed us for over a year, eh?
But I DO appreciate you having interviews with great Patriots like Mr. Stone.
cackling kameltoe?? supreme court / shit she s got and IQ of 23… she s dumber than shit
Hi Dave I just heard the Roger Stone interview. Congrats. this was an awesome 55 mins. you asked all the right questions and it was a terrific summary by a very bright guy. In particular I liked his recap of the Georgia election issue. the ”what was Trump thinking” ”fake electors vs alternate electors” evidence On a lighter note is Roger attempting to enter the David Ferrie look alike contest
Peter Swanston
Mississauga, CANADA
Dave, been watching for years and always appreciate your hard work and insight. However, after further research into films like “A Storm Foretold” I do not believe Stone is a trusted source of information and may be driving true Patriots who support Donald Trump away from your channel. Stone looks a little more like he was behind the bad actors on Jan 6th to include prominent proud boys. Flynn appears to be of the same ilk, trashing Q and calling Patriots who ask questions “toadies”. I respect you sir and do not like to see you be psyopped.