Sean Stone – The Pedo World Is Deep & Wide, Epstein/Maxwell Just The Tip Of The Iceberg
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Today’s Guest: Sean Stone
Website: Sean Stone
Best Kept Secret –
The Paradigm of Money –
Sean Stone is a filmmaker, media host, author, actor, poet, speaker, and above all, truth-seeker and spiritual activist. He has a new documentary out called best kept secret, this documentary lays out the hidden agenda of the dark elite in a six-part documentary series. The documentary visits the dark world of Human trafficking, pedophilia. Sean begins the conversation explaining why he created the documentary Best Kept Secret. Sean explains that the pedo world is deep and wide and politicians, Hollywood and royals are all involved.
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Thank you for having yet ANOTHER Jesuit-trained disinformationalist on your show. Man you are a dupe and a half, Dave.
Prince Andrew has no business asking B. Clinton why he stayed at Epstein Island! Unbeknownst to B. Clinton, Prince Andrew was in league with him in the like atrocities!
I miss President Trump & want him back in office.
Hi Dave,
Good interview really. Very informative indeed. Honestly I wish that you would talk more about the pedophilia aspect especially when it comes to Jeffrey Epstein. On the other hand, I think it is good that you did in fact talk about the wicked plans of the Deep State because at the end of the day, we needed to know who these people are, what they stand for and how truly evil they are. Do you have any good advice in how to organized to fight for freedom. I am very interested in doing so that we need to come together. Hope to hear from you soon. Again great interview. Looking forward to seeing your next program tomorrow. Hope all is well.
Please Listen If You Dare to The Dots being connected.
The “vaccines” (in name only) are slow burn bio-weapons meant to slowly kill and sterilize. Cull the Herd is their true mantra.
This was great! He touched on all of the areas that we disagree with. I pray this will be over soon. But that ALL the deep state is arrested, stand before justice, and pay for what they have done. America should always be self supported and not dependent on any country. Trump was leading us in the right direction. We believe he is working with the military to bring down this corruption, Helping endorse people running in the elections and talking about what they stand for to help this country get back on our feet. He and the Patriots are working so hard! Without us seeing what has happened we would not have believed this was the biggest Coup in the history of the US. I pray each and every day for all of the Patriots to be safe and protected from harm. Thank you to Dave for the information. You should be on the news not this corrupt media!
I’ve heard earlier about Epstiens “trafficking ring”, but now that he’s room temperature and MAXWELLs on trial, the prosecution has the balls to focus on how MAXWELL procured 4 girls for Epstien! All this time and they have 4 witness ‘s. Not one question about co-conspirators! Not even “who else did you have sex with?” The swamp has dodged another bullet!…..or so they think!
Leak Epstien ‘s little black book, we deserve to know how many pedos there are in our Government!
These people worship the Baphomet and the Babylonian Kemetic Mystery system!!!!
You research that and it pretty much as Dave says “tells you everything you need to know”