Thomas Renz – Never Forget What Fauci & The [DS] Put Us All Through, Accountability Is Coming
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Today’s Guest: Thomas Renz
Website: Renz Law
Attorney Thomas Renz is the lead Attorney in several major cases brought in Ohio, New Mexico, Maine, and Nationally against the CDC and DHHS regarding the COVID-19 lockdowns, mask mandates, business closures, false PCR data, fraudulent death numbers and more. Tom begins the conservation talking about the DOD database and the coverup, Tom has shown how dangerous the vaccines are and he has the information on it all. Accountability is coming and the people should never forget what they have done to us.
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Hello Dave
I find it funny and amazing Dave still hides from everyone…he still thinks the deep state is going to get him!
Messenger blocking shares, what are they afraid of? Thank you Thomas Renz. You are over the target.
God bless us all.
With such a corrupt government and (in)Justice Department, prosecuting the low level corrupt people is not enough. Go after the billionaires and foundation people bribing our (s)elected officials to say they are investigating or will set up an investigation but do nothing. We need a Justice Department and the rule of laws that can prosecute with real evidence these evil people for Treason, along with the subsequent extreme prejudice sentencing. We will not stand for firing from their position or a financial penalty or never run for office again or prison. What they have and are doing is mass murder and they actually are satanic enough to tell what they are going to do.
If not, they will never stop because there is no penalty –
Dave my name is Capt Brad Fry I am one of the observers for the Ed Solomon analytics open access group. I have all the PDFs and Excel data sheets. Currently Ed is completing the write up for Washue and Clark counties NV. He is and will continue to work with Beadles in Reno. Please contact me [email protected].
If they are not bio labs why did they say they were afraid that Russia would get access to them and release a bio weapon on the world.
Thank you for all you do. GOD BLESS YOU!
fauci s been arrested US Special Forces on Saturday scored a major victory in the war against the Deep State–the arrest of Deep State mastermind and plandemic architect Dr. Anthony Fauci, a JAG source told Real Raw News.
The “White Hat” partition of the US military, he said, had for “a very long time” attempted to shadow Fauci but often lost his scent because the Deep State doctor used every trick in the book to delay his inevitable capture. When in public, Fauci was well-protected and often surrounded by at least a dozen armed guards and civilians who would have been caught in the crossfire had the military grabbed him in the open. And when travelling to and from events, Fauci used decoy vehicles to reduce risk of being captured. The decoy vehicles, our source said, often held Fauci lookalikes or even mannequins that someone had built and painted to resemble him.
On Saturday afternoon, however, the military caught a break.
“We got very good intel that Fauci on Saturday had minimum protection—two guards—and was leaving his D.C. house for a visit with his wife, who he hadn’t seen in months. The Deep State kept them separated because they thought we’d target her to get to Fauci. We’ve known all along where they hid her, and we were hoping for just such a stroke of luck,” our source said.
Fauci’s wife, Christine Grady, had been staying at the Ivy Hotel in Baltimore, Maryland, under an assumed name.
Special Forces in civilian vehicles discretely tailed Fauci’s car to an underground parking garage near the hotel and made their move. They boxed him in, drew weapons, and ordered Fauci’s guards to toss their firearms out the window.
“Fauci’s security complied, and Special Forces dragged Fauci from the vehicle, subdued him, and carted him off for processing.”
Incidentally, the arrest took place shortly after Bloomberg TV aired a taped interview with Fauci. During the interview, Fauci predicted a Covid resurgence and told host David Westin that the US would likely have to reimpose mask mandates and programs to encourage citizens to get more frequent booster shots.
Our source jokingly said JAG has evidence proving Fauci’s a prophet.
“Fauci seems to have an uncanny ability to look into the future. He has prerecorded literally thousands of videos about Covid that foresee what’ll happen one, three, and five years from now. In one video, he’s sitting at a desk in front of an electronic clock and calendar, and the date reads August 4, 2023, and Fauci’s going on and on about a new Covid variant that’s swept the country and pleading with citizens to obey new stay-at-home mandates. The breadth of these, I’m sure, will be shown at his military tribunal. The charges against him are astronomical,” our source said.
Those charges include treason, mass medical malpractice, and seditious conspiracy, and criminal homicide, accord
The video interview of Thomas Renz just scared the hell out of me!
I never even considered that they would put the stuff from Covid vaccine in the FLU vaccine.
That’s it! I’m done! I will never ever get another vaccination, no matter what!
I will die on my own rather than slowly be killed.
How can these bastards threaten the entire World?
RED is coming in November & HELL is coming with them!
Who would have the money to do This? CB.
Early on in ‘covid’, an English teacher, actually an associate professor of technical writing, asked a medical doctor, a PhD lab biologist and a couple of chiropractors, all long-term ‘friends & associates’, the following provocative question: “When did we change the definition of a “vaccine”? He received no reply on ‘re-definition’ from any of these professionals. Silence. He then stated that this injection, according to manufacturers’ descriptions of its design & function was NOT a “vaccine”. By its – rarely reported – harmful effects, short term, it was not safe; its long-term effects were not known, because not researched. On safety, the lab guy sent this comment from an associate: “People who don’t want the ‘jab’ shouldn’t have one – there’ll be more left for the rest of us.” (I don’t call that rational discussion.)
“Tom begins the conservation [SIC] talking about the DOD database and the coverup.” Cute. Also factually correct, but not, perhaps, the original intention.
He’s WRONG about the Republicans pushing the vaxx/covid mandates. It’s the BLUE STATES that are mandating the masks, the vaxx, particularly NY, CA. It’s ALL Demonrat Govs that deliberately puhed the elderly into nursing homes to kill them to increase the covid deaths to blame President Trump. Trump NEVER mandated masks, jabs or lockdowns, in fact, he kept saying the opposite. The Reps believe in Freedom of Choice but the Dems believe in tyranny & dictating the injections, masks. I HATE the Demonrats who are brought, paid & sold to Big Pharma & the NWO. They are pure EVIL.
Thank you Dave `for always telling the Truth, Thomas is a great advocate but he needs to understand that it’s the Dems/RINOs who are in lockstep with Fauci/Gates & the whole criminal cabal.
Go to and listen to the 3 part interview by Mike Adams with Dr. Brian Ardis and you’ll understand what’s happening.
Go to and listen to the 3 part interview by Mike Adams with Dr. Brian Ardis and you’ll understand what’s happening.
Fauci and ALL involved needs to be executed in public and on live tv. We know what’s going on. We know EVERYTHING… How this is genocide, Nasa’s lies, Antarctica, flat earth, pedophiles in ALL governments, child trafficking in ALL governments, agenda 2030,the role of free masons, the shape shifting queen witch, old news like the rigged 2020 election, poisons in food, water and basically all consumables, satanists in government etc… Execute ALL thses bastards and bring Jesus back into our lives. Thank you and God bless.
I believe the bottom line for the RNa vaccines is to kill off enough people that much of the governmental and insurance expenditures on medical care and pensions can be eliminated. Those costs are not sustainable in the future. Additionally, the undesirables in this world can be eliminated.