Thomas Renz – The Coverup Phase Has Begun, The Evidence Will Bring Down Big Pharma & Fauci
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Today’s Guest: Thomas Renz
Website: Renz Law
Attorney Thomas Renz is the lead Attorney in several major cases brought in Ohio, New Mexico, Maine, and Nationally against the CDC and DHHS regarding the COVID-19 lockdowns, mask mandates, business closures, false PCR data, fraudulent death numbers and more. Thomas begins the conversation discussing DOD database and how they are tracking the effects of the vaccine. Big Pharma has been forced to produce the documentation in 6-8 months. Big Pharma, the [DS] are now trying to cover it all up, the coverup always gets you in the end.
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Data of what? 2016_20020
Where did they testify?
Professor Bhakdi from Germany said all this many months ago!
He warned the people that we will have hell on earth if the people keep on taking the vaccines!
But he was vilified in Germany and not allowed to speak on German TV!
Israel does not realize that the pharma industry is silently and stealthily committing genocide on the Jewish people. There are many pretending defenders of the Jewish nation and pretending to be Jewish who are doing what the Nazis indented for the Jewish people.
The vaccines are killing, if not sterilizing, the Jewish population.
Not just reduce the population but also exterminate a race.
Very good interview, Dave!
Might people like him be in danger of being killed? He is one of the expert witnesses of Reiner Fuellmich’s trial that just started. Or are they in the clear because assassins know he has back-up data bases spread around (just as Space Force would be able to produce the fraudulent changes of that 2016-2020 period)?
thomas renz is the MAN… thanks so much for what you do
Thomas Renz deserves to go down in history as an American hero.
I suspect that Big Pharma has been putting all kinds of cancers and other ‘crap’ into ALL vaccines for a while now.
In 6 months when mask mandates are gone. Shots not required. In 6 months there will be a false flag and opps masks again. Shots again. Must make examples of these criminals. Or face it again down the road.
Your interview with Mr. Renz is the highlight of my week. I felt the hope and determination in his words. All your interviews and daily X22 reports have kept me sane during these months. I’m not a person of means but you and Mr Renz have my prayers and good wishes. I will continue to spread your messages.
Thank you how can I talk on your show ? They stole religion all over the world I’m mr nobody ! An American an a citizen! I’m not all that educated like to people you have on the show ! I just have thing s yo say I’m the little man on the ground ! That’s all ! Real time info on the ground ! What the communities think an the thinking of the other communities I’m a Uber driver I invested in crypto since 2017 with 3 bucks an I listened to Trump an I followed the money an I’m good now !
Congress and the Senate should immediately remove the 230 liability staus from all big pharma.
Arrest the CEO’s, Govenors, and any legislators who have pushed these mandates as well as all federal
bureaucrats and elected officials who have pushed this GENOCIDE. Yes globalist/Democratic and some
Republican Rhinos and corporate CEO’s, Bankers, the FEDERAL Reserve requiring vaccines. Also
the big pharma whistle blowers who sent poison death shots to red states while sending clean shots to
blue states. Countries and their leaders all over the world like Australia, Canada, et al. Lockdowns, masks, so called vaccine mandates are all criminal. My whole family has been vaccinated. Do not let them get to our children. What happens-we are in the great die off and by this January will be a period
of die off for all and the death tolss could be as high as billions. The elite must pay for this Genocide to include Bill Gates, George Soros and many more. The woke corporations, main stream media should all be held to account. The jabs and their consequences are being hidden by the fraudulent PCR tests.
Like my family or anyone who takes the Poison death shot they will very likely suffer shortened unhealthy lives if not out right be murdered by all these muderers. The shots are weaponized to destroy us all. Fauci needs to be seriously held to account. So go for it before they force us all to die off by
the elite goenocidists. Stop the chemtrailing, make sure they do not poison our food, water, soil and air
with the same nano particle weapons. They will continue to sully the human race and do not reserve the power, fortunes and sharing the planet with us. They want the survivors to be their slaves.
Freedom must rise and defeat the enslavers/muderers. Our own federal CEO is also responsible and
mey God protect us from WW#.
I agree with him on this issue; send him aprayer, THEN send cash!!! He and his crew still need to feed his family. Please.
How do I help you financially?
Dave thank You So much my Friend! A True Hero and a solid foundation during the build up of this storm! Praise God For YOU! Thank You!
Thank you Thomas Renz, This has been my favourite Spotlight interview so far!! And thanks to you also Dave. Paul from Darwen, Lancashire, England.
Hi Dave , just wanted to say what an amazing job you are doing ,I love and listen to every single x22 I receive ,I share with all my friends ,and we wait anxiously for next report ,I’m a 77 year old grandmother living in Queensland Australia ,yesterday the 12 Feb there were over 3 million people March to our Capital Canberra to block all covid mandates ,there is a great movement around the world ,which I read is now being called convoys ,people plus trucks ,it’s people like you that give us hope David,I hope you realise just how important you are to the whole world,I will continue to watch every report from you as long as you keep putting them out ,I pray 🙏 for you and your wonderful family to stay safe ,I can’t believe all BS that is pouring out from the media it’s so blatantly lies ,I was born in the Second World War in the UK and my dear old mum taught me all about propaganda ,we are being hammered with this ,so we really need truth seekers like you David .God bless you .keep up the amazing work
Cheers Christine
this is the scariest shit I’ve heard.
it make me sad and pissed off all at the same time. that these people are on charge of our country and us. it is disgusting . unfortunately I did get vaccinated and wish I never had
took 2 jabs and said that’s it I’m done with this shit. they should all go to jail
start with fauchi and then the rest .
this country needs to know this and needs to be saved. God bless us all
and pray for us.
God Bless you all. Praying the TRUTH will be revealed to all the world. Thank you for your fight for justice. Be steady and strong in your convictions as you continue in your work. 🦅🐦
So who is stopping Faucci from getting approval to vaccinated babys?? Talk is great but….????
ps, haven’t gotten tested or shot.
Tell everyone you know about Charles Schwab. Tell people to google his name and discover that he want you dead. He has bought out governments. This is what is happening!
Jail is not justice for these people – Gates is saying another worse virus is coming. The DOD saying a glitch occured means it is captured. Straka said anyine who uses patriotic language and US flags is a target of the FBI. We know the CIA is operational domestically – spying on citizens. They will do to us what Trudeau is doing to the protesters – disparaging them with the usual slurs. They’re being arrested too.
Up to this date I have not seen the national blood bank questioned. When blood is donated they do not ask if you have been vaccinated. Will the vaccine pass to a blood recipient?
They want the kids jabbed so they can put the covid vaccine onto the childhood schedule, which frees them from liability based on the 1986 act that made all parties (except for the parents and kids) free from liability. Then they can go for full approval and be free from all liability and get all adults onto a vaccine schedule. So, they aren’t really after the kids, they want the adults (getting there through the kids).
Thank you, THOMAS RENZ!!!
This comment only applies to Tom Renz video.
If Tom stepped up to the plate a long time ago and with that being said he needs to get out front just like his life depended on the all out charge. Life or Death with nothing in between.
Let’s stop pulling punches. What we all have in front of us are Politicians, Doctors, Judges etc; with specifically Doctors, no matter where they work, have to know about Masks, Virus’s Etc, and requirements of dealing with people.
Doctors, Hospital Administrator and many other knowing individuals know exactly what they are doing and it’s called Knowingly Killing the Civilian Population, Genocide… What is required on a Global Scale according to International Law is these Bastards MUST be HUNG by the neck until dead..
TOM RENZ must come out strong and in their face Start tell people there are going to be Many, Many responsible individuals Man or Woman the must be Hanged.. If Courts can’t or won’t do it you will, IMHO, make the civilian population so pissed off they will take the law into their own hands…. And don’t think for a second that it will not happen; remember family members have been MURDERED and bygones will be bygones isn’t going to fly.
You could tell that Fauci was a lying asshole. Hang the bastard.
Why jab the babies? Because money/greed? Maybe. Seems like there might be more to it.