All X22 Reports


All X22 Reports (podcast and video)
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Watch The X22 Report On Video [WEF] is now pushing the idea that we need to change our food supply Read more
Watch The X22 Report On Video China is trying to destroy Boeing to replace it with their own airline system. Read more
Watch The X22 Report On Video The Fed is right on schedule, they are holding the rates while building the Read more
Watch The X22 Report On Video The people are rejected the Biden student loan cancellations, those who are receiving the Read more
  Watch The X22 Report On Video The Biden admin is making its final push as we get closer to Read more
Watch The X22 Report On Video Trump is now showing the people that there is another way. While Biden and Read more
Watch The X22 Report On Video The Biden admin are continually pushing the green new scam, they are trying to Read more
Watch The X22 Report On Video The economy in California is now imploding, California needs to reduce funding for police, Read more
Watch The X22 Report On Video The [WEF] is bragging about the 100 billion they have taken in from carbon Read more
Watch The X22 Report On Video ADP tumbles to lowest since January, growth is slowing, the manipulation is not working, Read more