[DS] Pushing Events To Block Declass, Operation/Replace Remove, Proclamation Set – Episode 2060
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Current News – 01.02.2020
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The [DS] has now gone into overdrive, they pushed the event in Iraq, it failed, now they are pushing other events, the question is why? Trump and the patriots are now ready to release the declass, they know it, they don’t know when so they are trying to start an event before this, but the patriots already know of this plan, we will talk about this a little later in this report but first the fake news put out stories that Trump was golfing during the event in Iraq, this again is false. Trump tweeted out the following
The Fake News said I played golf today, and I did NOT! I had meeting in various locations, while closely monitoring the U.S. Embassy situation in Iraq, which I am still doing. The Corrupt Lamestream Media knew this but, not surprisingly, failed to report or correct!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 31, 2019
We now see another candidate drop out of the presidential race,
- Julián Castro ended his White House campaign
Source: breitbart.com
Now we know that the Patriots are preparing to release the declas, RG is ready to dump all of this information about Ukraine and we also know that Lunden Roberts is suing Hunter Biden and the Judge has ordered 5 years worth of Hunter’s financial records. If this information ever got out this would confirm where is money was coming from, Ukraine, China etc. but something very interesting just happened.
- Independent County Circuit Judge Don McSpadden suddenly recused himself from Hunter Biden’s paternity case
- The Democrat Arkansas Gazette reported that Judge McSpadden recused at 10:20 AM without explanation
- Lunden Roberts’ attorneys are asking that Hunter Biden be held in contempt of court for refusing to turn over his financial records related to Burisma and the Chinese private equity firm.
- .McSpadden filed an order at 10:20 AM Tuesday saying he was recusing “pursuant to the Administrative Plan of the Sixteenth Judicial Circuit.”
- A hearing in the case was scheduled for Tuesday. Attorneys for Lunden Alexis Roberts had urged the judge to find Biden in contempt of court at that hearing for not providing financial information for the past five years.
- Joel Caplan filed a motion in Independence County, in an effort to become a part of Lunden Roberts’ case.
- Joel Caplan claims he was swindled in a scheme known as the ‘China Hustle’ and Hunter Biden’s bank records will show he was part of the scheme.
Caplan told Judge Don McSpadden to ‘follow the money’ and in a 30-page filing, lays out how he was allegedly swindled out of 10 years of his life savings in a ‘multi-billion dollar stock scheme known as the China Hustle.’
Source: thegatewaypundit.com
Coincidence, no, what did they have on the Judge that made him recuse himself from the case, then we have the Biden papers, it seems the Bidens are now in overdrive to protect their secretive information, they know if any of it gets out they are finished, they are on the defensive.
- documents, which purportedly fill 1,875 boxes and include 415 gigabytes of electronic records spanning Biden’s time in Congress between 1973 through 2009, were to be made public on Dec. 31, 2019, according to an agreement the former vice president entered into with the University of Delaware in 2011 upon donating his papers to the institution.
- Those parameters, however, were changed on April 24—the day before Biden declared his 2020 campaign—when the university announced the trove of documents would now be made public on Dec. 31 or “two years” after the former vice president “retires from public life.” At the time, the university provided no definition for what it considered “public life,” leaving open the final date for release.
- Thousands of documents pertaining to Joe Biden’s nearly 40-year career in the U.S. Senate are still unavailable to the public after one of the preliminary release deadlines agreed to by the former vice president passed on Tuesday.
Source: breitbart.com
While all of this is going on Trump and the patriots are continually draining the swamp,
- National Security Adviser Robert C. O’Brien, is now cleaning house, 40-45 NSC staff officials had been sent back to their home-agencies, and more are likely to be moved out.
- “We remain on track to meeting the right-sizing goal Ambassador O’Brien outlined in October, and in fact may exceed that target by drawing down even more positions,” said NSC spokesman John Ullyot.
- Under Obama, the NSC ballooned to as many as 450 people – and officials wielded ‘enormous power’ according to the report, directly telephoning commanders in Afghanistan and other locations in the Middle East to give them direct orders in violation of the military’s strict chain of command.
- After O’Brien is done, less than 120 policy officials will remain after the next several months.
Mr. O’Brien noted that the NSC had a policymaking staff of 12 in 1962 when President Kennedy faced down the Soviet Union during the Cuban missile crisis.
Source: zerohedge.com
[Mueller][impeachment] all meant to ‘slowdelayprevent’ the exposure [& prosecution] of their crimes.The ‘silent’ war continues.
- Human trafficking erodes personal dignity and destroys the moral fabric of society. It is an affront to humanity that tragically reaches all parts of the world, including communities across our Nation. Each day, in cities, suburbs, rural areas, and tribal lands, people of every age, gender, race, religion, and nationality are devastated by this grave offense. During National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month, we reaffirm our unwavering commitment to eradicate this horrific injustice.
- Trafficking crimes are perpetrated by transnational criminal enterprises, gangs, and cruel individuals. Through force, fraud, coercion, and sexual exploitation of minors, traffickers rob countless individuals of their dignity and freedom, splinter families, and threaten the safety of our communities. In all its forms, human trafficking is an intolerable blight on any society dedicated to freedom, individual rights, and the rule of law.
- Human trafficking is often a hidden crime that knows no boundaries. By some estimates, as many as 24.9 million people ‑- adults and children — are trapped in a form of modern slavery around the world, including in the United States. Human traffickers exploit others through forced labor or commercial sex, and traffickers profit from their victims’ horrific suffering. The evil of human trafficking must be defeated. We remain relentless in our resolve to bring perpetrators to justice, to protect survivors and help them heal, and to prevent further victimization and destruction of innocent lives.
- This year marks nearly 20 years since our Nation took decisive steps in the global fight against human trafficking by enacting the Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000 (TVPA) and nearly 15 years since the United States ratified the United Nations’ Palermo Protocol to Prevent, Suppress, and Punish Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children (Palermo Protocol). Both the TVPA and the Palermo Protocol established a comprehensive framework for combating human trafficking by establishing prevention programs, creating victim protections, and advancing prosecutions under expanded criminal statutes to usher in the modern anti-trafficking movement domestically and globally. These two measures illustrate a global consensus on the issue, and yet as a Nation we must continue to work proactively to foster a culture of justice and accountability for this horrific crime.
- TRUMP, proclaims January 2020 as National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month, culminating in the annual observation of National Freedom Day on February 1, 2020. I call upon industry associations, law enforcement, private businesses, faith-based and other organizations of civil society, schools, families, and all Americans to recognize our vital roles in ending all forms of modern slavery and to observe this month with appropriate programs and activities aimed at ending and preventing all forms of human trafficking.
Source: whitehouse.gov
Now we know that the [DS] is doing everything in their power to win the 2020 elections, states like NJ and NY are allowing illegals to obtain drivers licenses, DHS is now looking into the state laws.
Homeland Security Chief Orders Review Of State Laws Allowing Driver’s Licenses For Illegal Aliens
- Chad Wolf, the acting secretary of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), ordered a review of state laws that allow illegal aliens to obtain driver’s licenses and restrict data sharing with federal immigration authorities.
- In New York, in particular, numerous county clerks have expressed reservation over the fact that illegal aliens can obtain a driver’s license with foreign documentation — arguing that such a policy paves the way for voter fraud, identity theft, and even terrorism. DHS had already voiced its opposition to a provision in the New York law that prohibits Homeland security Investigations, a division of ICE, from accessing DMV information — even if the agency is investigating serious crimes.
- A total of 14 states allow illegal aliens to obtain driver’s licenses in the U.S.
- Wolf’s memo ordered DHS agencies to assess the following: What DMV information is currently available and how is it accessed? How is the DMV information used in day-to-day operations? What are the security consequences and long-term impacts if information is limited?
Source: dailycaller.com
Geopolitical/Police State
- Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu informed the government that he is resigning from all his positions as minister.
- Netanyahu said he will appoint ministers to all the posts he held in the coming days.
Source: israelnationalnews.com
- Haftar, scored a big advance in Tripoli on Wednesday, giving their forces control of several sites in and around the city.
- Turkey has now voted to send troops to Libya
Source: almasdarnews.com
Trump speaks with Erdoğan about Libya, Syria
- President Trump spoke with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan on Thursday about the conflict in Libya and fighting in Syria’s Idlib province, according to the White House.
- “The leaders discussed bilateral and regional issues,” White House deputy press secretary Hogan Gidley said in a statement. “President Trump pointed out that foreign interference is complicating the situation in Libya. The leaders agreed on the need for de-escalation in Idlib, Syria, in order to protect civilians.”
The [DS] pushed their agenda in Iraq, it failed, the [DS] used Iran [DS] operatives to push a protest and the MSM reported that it was Iraqi protesters, they tried to push a Benghazi incident but Trump and the patriots knew the plan, Trump war room tweeted out the following
No lies about a video.
No lies about who was responsible for the attack.
No unanswered calls for help.
No dead Americans.
There will be no Benghazis on President Trump’s watch! https://t.co/QIdqNOC03x
— Trump War Room — Text FIGHT to 88022 (@TrumpWarRoom) January 1, 2020
It’s nice to wake up in a country who once again leads like they should. When our embassy’s is under attack & they ask for help they actually get it… Immediately!
Yesterday’s action vs the disgraceful response at Benghazi is all you need to know about leadership then & now!
— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) January 1, 2020
It’s a sad day when you can hear it in the media’s voice how upset they are that the Iraq embassy attack hasn’t turned into a disaster like Benghazi because this administration had the guts to actually take action & defend Americans. At least we know whose side they’re on!
— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) January 1, 2020
The DS pushed an event in Iraq, they expected Trump to do something which would aggravate the situation, but Trump and the patriots told the truth, they were transparent and the people knew what was happening. [DS] plan failed,
Why are we seeing these events now, because the patriots are getting ready to release the Declass and the [DS] is now pushing events to divert from this. Pompeo had plans but they were postponed because of IRaq.
Pompeo postpones travel to Ukraine over situation in Iraq –
- U.S. Secretary of State Pompeo to visit Ukraine on Jan 3 “Secretary Pompeo must postpone his visit to Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, and Cyprus due to the need for the Secretary to be in Washington, D.C., to continue monitoring the ongoing situation in Iraq and ensure the safety and security of Americans in the Middle East,” U.S. Department of State said in a press statement. It is noted Pompeo’s trip will be rescheduled in the near future and he looks forward to the visit at that time.
Source: unian.info
Former Obama-Biden officials are telling the leaders of Iran to wait out President Trump, says Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.
They are telling Iran that if Trump loses in November, America will go back to appeasing Iran and giving away money.
Shameful! https://t.co/wyPCm2Xywr pic.twitter.com/WrORQvBzeg
— Trump War Room — Text FIGHT to 88022 (@TrumpWarRoom) January 2, 2020
RG is continually pushing out the information on Ukraine, China etc…
The legacy of Obama & his #POINTMAN for Iraq, VP Biden, who failed to get a status of forces so troops could remain.
Brother James, however, was much more successful for the Biden Family Enterprise, obtaining… https://t.co/2F6ZIPxaXW
— Rudy Giuliani (@RudyGiuliani) January 2, 2020
…1/3 of a $1.5B housing deal in Iraq. James knew as much about housing as Hunter did about Oil & gas.
— Rudy Giuliani (@RudyGiuliani) January 2, 2020
Since the Iran event failed they are now pushing the NK again,
Kim says world will soon witness ‘new strategic weapon’
- North Korean leader Kim Jong Un warned the world will witness “a new strategic weapon”
Source: thehill.com
The [DS] will most likely move from one area to another to try to get something to stick, this will all fail
Very interestingly A 5.5 magnitude earthquake on Dec 27 shook the southwestern region of Iran, near where the country’s first nuclear power plant is located,
DEVELOPING: A 5.5-magnitude earthquake has struck northeastern Iran, 78 km from Taybad – EMSC
— LIVE Breaking News (@NewsBreaking) January 2, 2020
North Korea Mountain Collapse
2 Nov 2017 – 2:47:47 AM
What a coincidence the mountain that housed NK’s nuclear weapons and testing collapsed. Unbelievable timing. I wonder if critically important materials as well as scientists aka the bomb makers were inside when it happened. Shocking no global news agency suspects we had nothing to do with it. Enjoy the crumbs.
The question is, did the patriots do what they did with NK
- What a coincidence the mountain that housed NK’s nuclear weapons and testing collapsed. Unbelievable timing. I wonder if critically important materials as well as scientists aka the bomb makers were inside when it happened. Shocking no global news agency suspects we had nothing to do with it. Enjoy the crumbs.
- Press accounts attributed this collapse to “tired mountain syndrome” even though this was the acknowledged nuclear weapons center of NK. [Speculation] If facility and press are both CIA, that would explain that cover story.
- Sabotage by US agents to prevent nuclear fallout. Killing of most of the capable knowledge workers who would be able to reassemble a nuclear bomb from buried materials.
- extra answers
- What a coincidence the mountain that housed NK’s nuclear weapons and testing collapsed. Unbelievable timing. I wonder if critically important materials as well as scientists aka the bomb makers were inside when it happened. Shocking no global news agency suspects we had nothing to do with it. Enjoy the crumbs.
I so appreciate all the work that you do and your ability to put everything together and see the bigger picture in a way that is both easy to understand and uplifting.
Dear sir. I married my lovely wife of 45yrs, a loooong time ago. Did not need an id! Got a SS card and did not need an id! Got my drivers license and did not need an id! In N.Y. even!!!!! Got my first mortgage at 23. Bought my first car, at 21 and did not need an id! Etc,,,,,,,,.
Government made SURE there were not illegals to begin with. Government worked better when left alone to do their JOB! At least years earlier. My question.
Is those times gone for good? Was that the END off those times? Hmmmmmmmm?
GREAT WORK sir. I salute you and your staff.It is every citizens responsibility to protect our way of LIFE.
Reminds me of 35!!! ALL THE WAY!
Have you heard anything about UN Militia troops being called into America to combat citizens who refuse to give up their weapons? And that there was plans to arrest Americans? ??
Again, thank you for your time to inform us of the latest news.
Here, here, Joanne, I’m hearing reports of U.N. boots (and blue helmets) on the ground in New York to enforce the (Unconstitutional UN)SAFE Act weapon confiscation. No doubt, patriots on the ground there know what is happening and very likely will pop off a very likely “regional civil war” scenario. Possibly the same could be said of Virginia, a similar situation there as the traitorous Democraps have now assumed majority control of the Virginia House, Senate and already present control of the Governor’s seat. Northam is threatening gun owners here as well, along with a certain incoming Democrap Congressman threatening to use the Virginian National Guard to enforce their draconian measures.
[DS] is already now making it’s moves in blue states to destabilize and force regional and eventually, a nationwide civil war. I can only assume this is for pretext for a U.N. total US invasion under the Kigali Principles that the Democrap traitors signed as a U.N. treaty while the Kenyan Unsurper was in office. I’d love to hear what Q and other patriots have to say about his and how we can neutralize this peacefully, save at the end of a barrel. Otherwise, lock and load ladies and gentlemen, it’s about to get very real and at our doorsteps.
Anyone who thinks the UN Blue Helmets will try and take American’s firearms and/or fight against Americans in regional civil wars is smoking something. That will NOT happen. The UN Blue Helmets may be good at molesting small children in third-world countries, but they would not last ONE DAY fighting armed American patriots. That is all BS.
F. DiTullio,
Don’t think for a second the [DS] won’t try and this won’t be some pathetic European U.N. soldiers they’ll be sending, fully expect Russian and China to send troops under the guise of the U.N., they won’t be pushover. On the other hand, they have never faced a well armed, 10 million man nationwide irregular militia/guerrilla force either.
I look forward however to my new blue helmet collection too, but don’t think this will be so easy for a second.