[DS], Storm Coming, We The People Are The Calm Before & During The Storm – Ep. 3105


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[DS], Storm Coming, We The People Are The Calm Before & During The Storm
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Europe and the UK are feeling the economic pain. The green push is falling apart, solar panels hit by hail destroyed them all. The King started the countdown to doomsday. Bidenomics is a failure. Trump will destroy and starve the [CB]/[DS]. The [DS] is now signaling the storm is coming. Trump has said that this is the calm before the storm. The [DS] policies are being reversed, the [DS] put these in place to infiltrate America and destroy from within. Their plan has not worked, the patriots have stopped it before that happens. The storm is approaching and Trump will use the leverage to win against the [DS] cheating. The [DS] will push for war Trump will counter that with peace.



Joe Biden: “You’re Not Going to See Anybody Building New Coal-Fired Plant in America” (VIDEO)

  • Joe Biden on Wednesday traveled to Chicago, Illinois to deliver an address on “Bidenomics” – which he describes as an economy built from “the middle out and the bottom up, not the top-down.”
  • Bidenomics = Record high inflation, record high gas prices, record high prices for eggs, meat and poultry.
  • Bidenomics = Greater human misery.
  • “Wind and solar are already significantly cheaper than coal and oil. You’re not gonna see anybody building a new coal-fired plant in America,” Biden said.
  • 20% of the US currently runs on coal.
  • Coal is also used to power electric vehicles.


Source: thegatewaypundit.com
  • The Teamsters working for shipping giant UPS said a strike is “imminent” after walking away from the bargaining table.
  • The UPS Teamsters said in a statement late Wednesday it gave UPS a one-week notice Tuesday to “act responsibly and exchange a stronger economic proposal” to more than 340,000 employees of the shipping company.
  • The Teamsters demanded that UPS delivers its “last, best and final offer” to the union by Friday.

Source:  thehill.com 

Thanks, Buttigieg: US Hit With More Mass Flight Cancellations Ahead of July 4th Weekend

  • Air travelers across the country faced hundreds of flight cancellations Wednesday, spelling trouble for the record number of people traveling this Independence Day weekend.
  • East Coast thunderstorms and continued FAA operational troubles caused 3,000 flights to be delayed and more than 800 cancellalans and a “computer glitch” grounded planes in January.

Source: freebeacon.com

US Pending Home Sales Plunge More Than Expected In May

  • After existing home sales were flat and new home sales exploded higher, pending home sales once again are the tie-breaker on May’s housing market (and were expected to decline 0.5% MoM). The actual print was considerably worse than expected, down 2.7% MoM (and April was revised down from unch to -0.4% MoM)…

Source: Bloomberg

  • That is the 3rd monthly decline in a row and leaves pending home sales down 21% YoY.
  • Sales declined in three of four regions, with transactions in the Midwest falling to the lowest level since April 2020
  • So the bifurcation between current home sales (existing and pending) and new home sales continues to gape ever wider…


Source: zerohedge.com

WSJ Checkmates ‘Bidenomics’ In One Move 

“The Bureau of Labor Statistics says real average hourly earnings have fallen 3.16% during the Biden Presidency.”

  •   real wages are down on a YoY basis for 26 straight months (i.e. since the resident’s term began), 

  • That’s a 3.16% decline in real earnings for the average worker across the 29 months of the Biden Presidency.

Source: zerohedge.com

Trump Plan To Bypass Congress And Starve ‘The Deep State’,

  •  . If he returns to the White House, Trump will seek to resurrect authority that Congress stripped from the presidency almost a half century ago.
  • What President Nixon squandered, his campaign promises, Trump will restore, namely the impoundment power. “A lot of you,” the former president told a New Hampshire crowd Thursday, “don’t know what that is.” Indeed, few now remember it.
  • Impoundment, if restored, would allow a president, in theory, to simply refuse to spend appropriations by Congress. More than just an avenue to cut spending, Trump sees that kind of authority as key to starving, and thus crushing, the so-called “deep state.” 

Source: zerohedge.com

  Thomas Jefferson was the first president to exercise the power of impoundment in 1801. The power was available to all presidents up to and including Richard Nixon, and was regarded as a power inherent to the office 


Veteran biology professor who teaches scientific fact that sex is determined by chromosomes X and Y is FIRED after four students walked out of his reproductive class – accusing him of ‘religious preaching

  • Dr. Johnson Varkey claimed he was let go from his teaching position at St. Philip’s College in San Antonio after he was accused of ‘religious preaching’ 
  • He was discussing the human reproductive system on November 28, 2022, when four students stormed out of the lecture
  • Varkey was then accused of ‘discriminatory comments about homosexuals and transgender individuals, anti-abortion rhetoric, and misogynistic banter

Source: dailymail.co.uk

BREAKING: Hunter Biden settles with baby mama under condition child can’t use his last name

  •  .
  • However, Hunter Biden, who has never met Navy and refuses to acknowledge her existence, submitted court filings that opposed Navy Joan Roberts changing her surname to Biden, claiming that he wants her to have a “peaceful existence,” and to live a life free of public scrutiny associated with the Biden family.


Source: thepostmillenial.com

  • Members of President Biden’s family may have accepted in excess of $40 million from foreign nationals in exchange for favorable policy decisions, House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer suggested Wednesday.
  • Comer noted that of the six policy decisions, four of them “were made while Joe Biden was president early on — [where] we cannot come to any other conclusion as to why these decisions were made, other than the fact that this president is compromised.”
  • “This was organized crime. There’s no other way to define it,” Comer alleged.
  • The Oversight Committee chairman explained that as recently as “in the last five days” his panel has obtained banking statements and suspicious activity reports that show “more bank accounts, more shell companies and more Bidens” being involved in the family’s overseas influence peddling scheme.

Source: nypost.com

House Oversight Committee Chair James Comer Tells Janet Yellen to Turn Over All Suspicious Activity Reports Regarding the Bidens and Burisma

  • James Comer, the chairman of the House Oversight Committee is demanding that Biden’s Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen turn over any and all suspicious activity reports (SARs) related to the Bidens and Burisma.

Source: thegatewaypundit.com

  • Investigative reporter John Solomon actually did something few journalists would have the chutzpah to try: Call a ‘secret’ phone number in the Hunter Biden documents.
  • And as fate would have it, Joe Biden picked up! That’s according to the veteran journalist.
  • Solomon said Joe Biden answered the phone, but then promptly hung up.
  • Well, I’ll tell the story,” Solomon said. “I’ve never told this story before. Only my editors at The Hill knew this back in 2019. I early on got some documents from Hunter Biden laptop, by the way, before it was turned over from the FBI. There had been some documents that law enforcement had gotten through other meets, and one of those documents got leaked to me and it had a cell phone number that Hunter Biden was paid for.”
  • “So I figured, oh, this is my chance,” he said. “Maybe I can, I’ve been trying to get fair comment from Hunter Biden, so I’m going to call the cell phone. So I called the cell phone. And who picked up the phone? Oh boy, Joe Biden.”
  • “Boy was he shocked when he got when he picked up the phone and found out it was me — he hung up pretty quickly,” Solomon added.

Source: justthenews.com

  Hunter would have received of thatThe reason the DOJ refuses to prosecute Hunter for his shady business dealings is not to protect Hunter, it’s to protect Joe and Obama.


Geopolitical/Police State

Awkward moment police arrest Democratic state senator accused of keying a car because it had a ‘Biden sucks’ bumper sticker: Name drops police chief in an attempt to wriggle out of charges

  • Rhode Island state senator Joshua Miller was arrested for allegedly vandalizing a vehicle with a ‘Biden sucks’ bumper sticker 
  • The victim saw Miller holding a set of keys and confronted him about the vandalism but Miller denied it and walked away only for police to get involved 
  • A series of police videos shows Miller denying vandalizing the vehicle claiming he thought the victim was a ‘gun nut’

Source: dailymail.co.uk


More Evidence That Prigozhin’s Mutiny Was Backed By The West

  •   a European based correspondent for the Wall Street Journal, who wrote the article, Wagner’s Prigozhin Planned to Capture Russian Military Leaders. He claims to have the inside scoop on how Western intelligence agencies knew in advance that Prigozhin was going full Benedict Arnold, but is so naive that he did not realize he was being fed a fairy tale. He wrote:

Western intelligence agencies also found out early about the plans by Prigozhin, Putin’s former confidant, by analyzing electronic communications intercepts and satellite imagery, according to a person familiar with the findings. Western officials said they believe the original plot had a good chance of success but failed after the conspiracy was leaked, forcing Prigozhin to improvise an alternative plan.

  •   It is an insult to your intelligence to ask you to believe that the West’s intel folks discovered that Prigozhin was going rogue by “analyzing electronic communications intercepts and satellite imagery.” Exactly how does “satellite imagery” tell some photo interpreter that a coup is about to happen? Did Prigozhin scribble out his intentions on a big sign and carry it around outside for all to read? Maybe he was trying to recruit some muscle for the trip to Moscow. “Hey, I’m Going to Moscow to Grab Shoigu. Join Me!”
  • The fact that the CIA briefed the Gang of Eight in Congress on Prigozhin’s planned uprising two days prior means that the CIA had information from a human source. It could have been a recruited CIA asset or someone recruited and controlled by a foreign intelligence organization. But someone close to Prigozhin was blabbing. Or maybe it was Prigozhin himself.

  • I find it noteworthy that the Biden Administration went to extraordinary lengths to insist it knew nothing about the coup and certainly did not encourage it or support it. Oh no. Biden, Blinken and Nuland do not want Putin overthrown by force. Perish the thought.

Source: thegatewaypundit.com

False Flags

BREAKING: Supreme Court Strikes Fatal Blow to Affirmative Action in Historic Ruling – Bans Race-Based College Admissions- All but Eight States Impacted

  • In a historic ruling, The Supreme Court on Thursday ruled that the Harvard and UNC race-based affirmative action programs are unconstitutional.
  • Schools nationwide will no longer be able to discriminate against students on the basis of race.
  • What a beautiful day for freedom, liberty and justice.
  • Here is the announcement:
  • The conservative group involved in the lawsuits, however, said that the colleges were engaging in reverse discrimination by using race as an admissions factor.
  • As reported by Fox News, one Asian American student, Jon Wong, was rejected by six elite colleges despite having a 1590 SAT score. He said this was due to affirmative action.
  • He was one of the people behind the successful lawsuits today. Now he will likely be able to enter the college of his choice.
  • Developing…
Source: thegatewaypundit.com

So the Left actually fueled the reverse racism.  

Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump

  • This is a great day for America. People with extraordinary ability and everything else necessary for success, including future greatness for our Country, are finally being rewarded. This is the ruling everyone was waiting and hoping for and the result was amazing. It will also keep us competitive with the rest of the world. Our greatest minds must be cherished and that’s what this wonderful day has brought. We’re going back to all merit-based—and that’s the way it should be!

  • What happened: Reuters investigated the family backgrounds of U.S. political leaders and found that many of them are descended from slave owners. • Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, and Elizabeth Warren made…
  • freebeacon.com



Judge Denies Maricopa County’s Motion to Dismiss Kari Lake’s Special Action Complaint for Voter Signature Records – Judge “Not Convinced That The Ballot Affidavit is a Voter Registration Record” (VIDEO)

  • Maricopa County Superior Court Judge John Hannah partially denied Maricopa County’s Motion to Dismiss Kari Lake’s lawsuit against Maricopa County for 2022 mail-in ballot affidavit envelopes.
  •  Judge Hannah “I am not convinced that the ballot affidavit is a voter registration record. It is a record from which the election officials derive information that becomes part of the voter registration record, but that doesn’t mean the ballot affidavit itself is a voter registration record.”
  • Judge Hannah granted Defendants’ Motion to Dismiss in regards to all Defendants except Maricopa County Recorder Stephen Richer, who is responsible for comparing mail-in ballot affidavit signatures. “I’m inclined to think that there might be the need to take some evidence here,” the Judge said. Hannah also indicated he would set a status hearing and asked the attorneys to file a proposed scheduling order for future proceedings on the matter.

Source: thegatewaypundit.com

HUGE! 66% of American Voters or Two-Thirds Believe the 2024 Presidential Election Will Be Affected by Cheating


  •   Kari Lake released her new hit single “81 Million Votes My Ass” describing the entirely unbelievable “results” from the 2020 presidential election.
  • Kari’s new hit song, “81 Million Votes My Ass” with The Truth Bombers and Mailman Media, debuted on Billboard’s Digital Song Sales chart and hit number one on two Billboard Charts as it continues to skyrocket in sales.
  • Mailman Media is the same production team that brought us “Justice for All,” featuring Donald Trump and the J6 Choir. The hit single featuring President Trump reached number one on the Billboard Charts and iTunes.
  • 66% of American voters or nearly two-thirds of voters believe the 2024 election will be affected by cheating.
  • Most voters are worried that next year’s presidential election could be affected by cheating, and nearly half agree with a popular song challenging the legitimacy of Joe Biden’s election in 2024.The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 66% of Likely U.S. Voters are concerned that the outcome of the 2024 presidential election will be affected by cheating, including 40% who are Very Concerned. Thirty-two percent (32%) aren’t concerned about cheating in next year’s election, including 15% who are Not At All Concerned. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

Source: thegatewaypundit.com 

  • The Trump Train is moving full speed ahead in New York!
  • New York is Trump Country for Republican voters. President Trump continues to dominate the Republican primary polls nationally, and the same is true right here in New York.
  • cc: Daniel Scavino


  • Exclusive — Elise Stefanik: Polling Shows It’s Time to Unite Behind Trump
  • GOP House Conference Chair Elise Stefanik (R-NY) called for unity behind former President Donald Trump’s 2024 campaign.
  • www.breitbart.com
  • Federal prosecutors examining former President Donald Trump’s efforts to cling to power following the 2020 election interviewed Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger in Atlanta on Wednesday.
  • “Georgia is a national leader in election security, integrity, and access,” the Raffensperger spokeswoman said. “Failed candidates and their enablers have peddled false narratives about our elections for personal gain for a long time and the voters of Georgia aren’t buying it.”
  •  Source: ajc.com 
  • REVEALED: Anti-Trump Counsel Has Soros, Clinton, Obama Links.
  • Jack Smith, Biden’s special counsel in the criminal indictment of former President Donald J. Trump, has connections to the Obama family and Democrats through his wife, and George Soros and Hillary Clinton…
  • The National Pulse+
  • Trump’s Poll Numbers Are a Cry for Justice – The American Spectator | USA News and PoliticsThe American Spectator | USA News…
  • The harder Democrats hit Donald Trump, the higher his poll numbers go. Jack Smith’s 37 charges pumped helium into his reelection odds.
  • The American Spectator | USA News and Politics


Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 957a90 No.8975355
You didn’t think the statement by POTUS re: ‘CALM BEFORE THE STORM’ was just random did you?
Transparency brings accountability.


Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: q8aHxh0v No.150698662
Anonymous ID: jYb7cHDY No.150698169
>Who knows where the bodies are buried?
The ones who put the bodies there.
Blackwater was used in a shitton of shady ops by the US government back when it was under Cabal control and, as a proper PMC, they’ve got it all kept on the books.Books which the POTUS just got access to.
Expand further.
Make the connection.
Map currently has 43 confirmed connections.
Important to understand.
When this breaks many won’t swallow.
MSM not trusted.

The media will lie about everything.

You are the voice.

The people now have the ability to tell the truth and spread it across the globe
We are here to help guide.
Future proves past.
You are the calm before and during the storm.

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