Game Theory, The Take Down Will Be On The Patriots Timetable – Ep. 2397

The economy is now taking off, cities, states are now opening, the [DS]/[CB] is now doing all the work, this is exactly what Trump wanted. The unemployment rate dropped to 6.3 and we are seeing a V recovery. Trump lost billions while being President compared to the other Presidents who became millionaires. The [DS]/MSM is now being brought down a path where they are going to be trapped, this is game theory. The [DS] doesn’t know the plan, Trump and the patriots are controlling the optics, which means it seems nothing is happening until it happens all at once. The timetable has already been established, public opinion and the trap is now moving forward.
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US Added 49,000 Jobs In January, Unemployment Rate Fell To 6.3%
- The U.S. economy reported an increase of 49,000 jobs in January while the unemployment rate fell to 6.3%, according to Department of Labor data released Friday.
- Economists projected 50,000 Americans to be added to payrolls and the unemployment rate to increase to come in at 6.7%
- Bank of America gave data and information to the feds at the request of the US government, without the knowledge or consent of the customers.
- One innocent Bank of America customer was actually interrogated by the feds and ultimately cleared of any wrongdoing.
- How is this even legal?
- Bank of America scanned through customer records to flag the following:
- Were they in DC between January 5 and January 6
- Purchased a hotel stay or AirBnB in DC, Virginia or Maryland after January 6
- Any purchase of weapons between January 7 and their upcoming suspected stay in DC area around Inauguration Day
- Airline related purchases since January 6
- One innocent man was actually interrogated by the feds all because of his purchase history.
JUST IN – US Senate has adopted a budget scheme that will allow the Democratic party to pass the #COVID19 aid bill without Republican support. VP Kamala Harris has cast the decisive tie-breaking vote.
— 🚨 (@disclosetv) February 5, 2021
- President Trump offered up his annual salary and gave it to charities. In spite of this, how many Trump supporters were told that President Trump was only pushing policies to help his businesses.
- The Washington Examiner reported:
Former President Donald Trump lost close to half of his wealth during his time serving as president.
Trump left office with a net worth of about $2.5 billion, down from $4.5 billion when he announced his candidacy for president in 2015.
Trump was no. 121 on Forbes’s list of wealthiest Americans when he entered office. He saw his net worth fall from $3.1 billion in 2019 to the current $2.5 billion amid an economic recession brought on by government lockdowns that severely hit industries where Trump held many assets.
- President Joe Biden detailed his plan to end former President Donald Trump’s “America first” diplomacy and resume a focus on global leadership.
- The challenges facing the world, he said, were authoritarianism, climate change, the coronavirus pandemic, and the proliferation of nuclear weapons.
- “We can’t do it alone,” Biden asserted promising to rebuild America’s “global policy and global power” by restoring alliances questioned by President Trump.
- Biden claimed that America’s democratic values were “under intense pressure” and “pushed to the brink” during the Trump administration, promising to help lead the world.
- He accused President Trump of hurting America’s alliances with Canada, Mexico, the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Japan, South Korea, and Australia with policies of “neglect” and “abuse.”
- The D.C. District Court judge who presided over the Justice Department’s prosecution of Trump administration national security adviser Michael Flynn announced on Thursday that he intends to retire.
- Judge Emmet Sullivan, who was appointed by former President Bill Clinton, informed President Biden in a letter that he is moving to senior status, giving Biden the opportunity to select his replacement. Sullivan, in addition to the Flynn case, Sullivan also took charge in keeping alive prosecution of the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s emails.
- Sullivan joins a growing list of judges either retiring or moving to senior status as Biden prepares to soften the effects of then-President Donald Trump’s historic number of judicial appointments. Since Biden took office, 11 judges have announced their decision to retire, with the first making her move only hours after his inauguration. Source:
- Maricopa County refuses to turn over elections equipment and ballots from the November general election to the Arizona Senate, escalating a fight between the dueling government bodies over election integrity oversight.
- The Board of Supervisors, which announced its audit of the county’s election machines on Jan. 27, missed a Tuesday noon deadline to comply with a Senate subpoena following a meeting with the board’s attorneys, a local Fox affiliate reported.
- Three days after Maricopa announced its audit, the Senate initiated its own parallel audit of elections equipment and materials, claiming the board’s audit does not meet the Senate’s request for a “deep forensic audit.” The Senate audit began on Tuesday with the issuance of the subpoena.
- Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Warren Petersen said there could be “serious legal consequences” if the board does not comply. Petersen then followed through on the threat, announcing on Twitter that the Senate would draft a contempt resolution against the board.
Senate President Karen Fann drafted the contempt resolution, with the entire Arizona Senate Republican caucus cosponsoring the move.
- Senate Republicans claim they can force the board to hand over election materials, but members of the election board disagree. Maricopa County Board spokesman Fields Moseley said there is no legal mechanism to conduct a recount or turn over the 2.1 million ballots to the Senate without an issued court order.
EXCLUSIVE: Here’s the Breakdown on the 80 Cases Related to the 2020 Presidential Election
- When looking at the number of cases related to the 2020 Presidential election that were decided on merits, there were only 21 cases decided so far. Of these cases, President Trump won 14. The President won 14 of 21 cases decided on merits which is two-thirds of the cases.
- What the media doesn’t tell you and omits from their reporting is their greatest lie.
- According to a list of all 2020 election cases related to President Trump found at the following link here:
- The report as of February 4th, 2021 shows:
- There are 80 court cases to date based on the 2020 election
- In 28 cases President Trump was/is the plaintiff
- In 48 cases President Trump was/is not the plaintiff
- In 4 cases President Trump is the defendant
- 21 of these cases have been decided on merits
- Of the 21 cases decided on the merits, President Trump won 14 of them or two-thirds of the cases
- 25 cases remain active
- There are still 25 cases to be decided related to the 2020 election.
- On Tuesday, November 3rd President Trump was ahead of Joe Biden in the swing state of Michigan by over 100,000 votes. This appeared to be another solid win for President Trump in Michigan with a greater margin than his 2016 victory. The ballot counting in Detroit, Michigan on election night took place at the TCF Center, formerly known as Cobo Hall.
- This is the site where Detroit City Officials put cardboard over the windows to prevent the GOP observers from seeing in, where poll workers were militantly hostile to the GOP observers, and where hundreds of affidavits by election observers claim they witnessed voter fraud.
- Until today, no one has bothered to review the video footage from the TCF Center on election night.
- The Gateway Pundit requested the TCF video back in December!
- The TCF Center tried to quote us over $22,000 for one day’s worth of video.
- We requested two hours of video.
- Last Friday we were sent the requested video.
- Since last week we have been combing through the hundreds of hours of security camera footage from the TCF Center on the morning of November 4th.
- And what we found is a political bombshell.
- ** At 3:23 AM The Gateway Pundit has exclusive video of a white van registered to the city of Detroit entering the gate into the TCF Center.
** At 3:25 AM we discovered video from a second camera showing three individuals unloading over 50 boxes of ballots in a hallway inside the TCF Building and just outside the counting room.
** The ballots were then wheeled away on carts into the ballot counting room.
** The van is then seen on video leaving the center about 25 minutes later.
** Then we saw the van returning an hour later, entering the TCF Center again and unloading more boxes of ballots.
** The white van was escorted by a black sports car for both ballot deliveries.
** The white van was allowed through an electronic gate to enter the TCF complex. - This is video proof of the fraud in Detroit, Michigan. It is exactly as the GOP observers described it to us back in November!
- For weeks after the 2020 election President Trump and anyone paying attention argued the election was rigged.
- President Trump even warned months before the election that the only way Republicans could lose was in a rigged election.
- Trump was right.
- And today TIME Magazine even admitted in a long and detailed article written byMolly Ball that a secret cabal of wealthy and politically connected elites joined together to rig the election against Trump.
- Molly Ball at TIME Magazine reported:
Their work touched every aspect of the election. They got states to change voting systems and laws and helped secure hundreds of millions in public and private funding. They fended off voter-suppression lawsuits, recruited armies of poll workers and got millions of people to vote by mail for the first time. They successfully pressured social media companies to take a harder line against disinformation and used data-driven strategies to fight viral smears. They executed national public-awareness campaigns that helped Americans understand how the vote count would unfold over days or weeks, preventing Trump’s conspiracy theories and false claims of victory from getting more traction. After Election Day, they monitored every pressure point to ensure that Trump could not overturn the result. “
Time magazine is literally admitting that a secret cabal of powerful wealthy elite people and corporations hijacked our 2020 election by steering media coverage, influencing perceptions, and changing rules and laws.
So TIME Magazine is claiming that anti-Trump individuals engaged in something unlawful or harmful to stop trump
I wonder why this article wasn’t published until 2 weeks after Inauguration Day?
If you had said this out loud on Twitter a few months ago, it would have gotten you banned.
- Joe Biden announced he will be raising “refugee” admissions back up to 125,000 persons for the first fiscal year of his administration in the middle of the Covid pandemic.
- Americans are struggling because of the unconstitutional lockdowns but Biden is focused on helping foreigners.
- “
False Flags
Psaki: “Even After You’re Vaccinated, Social Distancing and Wearing Masks Will be Essential” (VIDEO)
- It was never about a virus.
- “Social distancing” (Communism) and mask-wearing is here to stay.
- The Democrats are never going to let go of their newfound power.
- White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said, “Even after you’re vaccinated, social distancing and wearing a mask will essential.”
COVID-19 cases drop 40% since last week
- The number of reported COVID-19 infections has plummeted 40% in the United States in just one week and 30% worldwide in the past three weeks.
- And the primary reason is not the distribution of vaccines, contend experts, who point out that only 8% of Americans and 13% people worldwide have received their first dose, reported.
- California Governor Gavin Newsom’s recall is unavoidable.
- Newsom’s poll numbers are tanking and the recall effort has attracted 1.4 million signatures.
“If you just do the following, we won’t call you a Domestic Terrorist”
Denounce Trump
Denounce Patriotism
Denounce Any Notion of Election Fraud
Denounce The 2nd Amendment
Denounce Q
Denounce Whiteness
Denounce Your Gender if you are Male
Denounce America
Denounce God
Trumps lawyers ARE NOT CONSTITUTIONAL lawyers, they are criminal trial lawyers, their speciality is fraud, organized crime and RICO
Trump has trapped them all
They have opened the front door on election fraud, We know this is going to be televised and on SM because the [DS] believes Trump is going down, Trump can use this to PROVE election fraud while the world is watching, I wonders what the MSM and the SM companies are going to do, look at what what happened to mike lindells video on election fraud, it is being taken down everywhere.
General Flynn was asked if there was a plan, he said there is not plan during an interview with Doug Billings. When you are fighting war you do not reveal that you have a plan, you appear weak, there is no direction.Remember when Gen Flynn and family took the oath, listen to the end of the oath
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Flynn said something very interesting about the impeachment, take a listen
This is not a game.
Do not let personal (emotional) desires (“do it now””now””what is taking so long””NOW!”) take over.
Logical thinking and strategy should always be applied.
NEW THREATS (investigations by [SDNY], [AS], [MW] in an effort to delay/prevent release (‘insurance extension’) WILL FAIL.
TRANSPARENCY is the only way forward.
Define the following:
Conspiracy to commit…
Do you understand and fully appreciate the GRAVITY of the situation?
Do you understand and fully appreciate what POTUS endures each and every singly day?
He loves this County.
He loves you.
There is EVIL in this world.
There is DARKNESS in this world.
There are those in POWER who wish to CONTROL (enslave) you.
To keep you sedated.
To keep you unaware.
To keep you blind.
This will be on our timetable.
(Transparency and Prosecution)
There is simply no other way.
[Except 1]
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Also at the end of General Flynn’s comment where he says WWG1WGA, they people with their right hands raised to take the oath, change their open palm. If you count the fingers, it equals 17. Three open palms, two with this one finger and the rest are closed fists. 17
it is amazing the way you can take any information and some how turn it into ….the patriots are in control…….this is all part of the plan…type of spin…no matter what it is……
of course the virus is going away and the economy will do well and kids will go back to school… act like this is proof the patriots are in control…….THE TRUTH …the D/S, Dems and MSM no longer need the lockdown…it will go away and they will take the credit……
But somehow we are to believe Trump, Q, the Military are in control…look here ..not there…don’t pay attention to the fact the Dems are in complete control…….don’t pay attention that everything is being reversed……..that Q was a lark on the Patriots……that somewhere along the line…the D/S out smarted Trump…….that Trump promised…”You Wait”…what would be exposed……..What happened……
It does not matter what we SEE…..We already voted against the D/S and for Trump in a landslide…….They simply stole the election…..right in front of our face…in plain view.
Why does the right act surprised about what the left does…no kidding they are not for us. It doesn’t matter. They control the machines, that is all they need
You are lying Dave….this is NOT part of any plan…..Wasn’t part of the plan another term?…..
Don’t have one answer you like….just shake that magic Q ball until you finally get a connection, no matter how false, you like…………….Enjoy the show…..just don’t buy Dave’s cure all tonic…..or Q’s lies.
They won’t turn over the machines because they don’t have to nothing will happen to them….no one is EVER held accountable….
President Trump is being impeached because he is actually still President.
Well this beats Wendy’s moto in the 80s…this was real hot & juicy. Nice job guys.
They hate Christians because Christians need to live by the truth. And they hate the Truth.
Pingback: Game Theory, The Take Down Will Be On The Patriots Timetable – Inspiration
I’m going to say it again Dave. Please stop misleading people. I’m not a bot. I’m not a troll. I love my country and know Trump is the best president we have ever had.
I did however just have breakfast with one of best friends who is getting pinned full bird colonel this year and is stationed out of Colorado Springs / Cheyenne Mountain.
He flat out said – there is absolutely NO TRUTH to the talk out there that the military is in control. They aren’t. The Insurrection Act WAS NOT signed.
You have hundreds of thousands of people that are wanting hope and I appreciate you giving it to them. Just have the facts, Dave. You’re not right.
The election was stolen. 100%. But the bad guys (NOT THE MILITARY) are in control.
I’d welcome a response from you.
As always Dave, the day isn’t complete til my X/22 session is done. You’ve helped me on my own journey to fully open my eyes and heart to this evil in this world. And I’ve helped open friends eyes at the same time. Mahalo for all you do and continue to do. Aloha!!
Evil shall be brought down and Good shall reign.
Above is a 50 minute video where Flynn denies POTUS invoked the Insurrection Act and says the Military is not in control. I hope this is not true.
49K jobs created and the rate drops to 6.3?? Really!! Texas alone creates that many jobs!! Biden’s been in for a month and already numbers are being manipulated!! Anyway, I’d like to believe that the plan is moving forward…..there is no plan!!
Not Q but GOD it’s always been our Lord in heaven. We wait on Gods choice not mans.
Vaccines — millions of Americans may have one of the approximately 100 autoimmune diseases in the USA alone. The CDC only follows those that are human to human contracted (a handful). The listing is found on AARDA (American Autoimmune Research Disease Association). So…correction — yes–although vaccines may be ok for many, there are several issues: (1) Overactive auto-immune diseases can react to any vaccine….immediately in a “storm”….or quietly over a long period of time….because the vaccine does not stop working….and can continue and attack healthy and organs; (2) one CAN get an autoimmune disease from a vaccine….”poliomylitis” is being investigated to learn if it has been caused by getting the polio vaccine. (3) Serious allergic reactions can occur from a vaccine–like anaphylactic shock. Those with known allergies should be very cautious and advise their physician of allergies before taking any vaccine.
Dear x22 Staff,
I pray every day and thank the lord for President Trump. He has sacrificed so much for all of us in America. Before President Trump brought to light the matrix like existence we were all living even I was not aware how deep or how wide it went. In one of my many jobs I programmed, installed software/hardware for garment manufacturers in the 80s. Therefore I never trusted or went on Facebook, Twitter knowing the feds/CIA used it to monitor Americans but my valid paranoia did not cover it all. I am shocked but not surprised how much evil there is in the world. Those of us who truly love Jesus and believe are the target because we are the light and darkness fears the light. We must all fight evil in our own way and never give way lest it envelops you, “Never retreat never surrender “. Gods angels are with us and around us always so have faith. I must thank President Trump, x22, Q, Anon, Juan o’savin, Dr. Charlie Ward and others for the wake up call. Like any good 3D puzzle Putting it all together takes time and patience. The completion of the puzzle gives one a feeling of accomplishment. Again thank you for weathering the storm just to inform us when it counts the most and God bless you all!
A true patriot
Trump has prevailed and we must connect with each other and innerstand that connection! We need to be included in order to come together! Yes?
i’m pulling for Trump, the greatest potus we have ever had!
Garrett Ziegler 02.06.21 sadly this seems more viable…
Are these adjectives familiar to you? Sealed indictments. Guantanamo receiving crimminals?
Aren’t you sick and tired of all this nonsense? Why would thousands of people even read these articles after four years of hype and tripe? Wishfull thinking maybe. If you simply examine the historical record, Sealed indictments that were never served. Hmmm!
I feel for Trump & his family… He was betrayed by the people he pick…
Very sad
Keep up the encouragement !!!!! Time is running out ??? How do we know it you ain’t the deep state holding us back (the true PATRIOTS that REALLY love our country ) We have been robbed enough already !!!! We have started to COMMUNICATE in person and THROUGH mail what must be done to save yourself from the dark enemy’s that think we are stupid !!!!!! Soon VERY SOON we will make our move ??????????????????
The world will be talking about that what is about to happen for many many years to come !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Pay back time coming !!!!!!!!!!!¡!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think Donald John Trump is our President as he received many more votes than
Joe Biden, but was swindled by the Dominion voting machines being able to change
the votes for Trump by the thousands and thousands to Joseph Biden. Illegal and
those responsible should be arrested. I also believe there are members of Congress
who are corrupt and should be dismissed…I do not have faith in 90% percent of those
in Congress, they seem to care nothing for the taxpayers of this country who pay
their salary. I am fed of with them, and the corruption . I also think Covid is being
used to control citizens of USA illegally according to the constitution, and I do not
think the masks help at all, have many friends scared to death, afraid even to see their
own family or go anywhere. That is not living in a free country! I love this country and
would like to see those who break the law punished, no one gets sent to prison anymore
the people in Congress talk alot, but do very little. Respectfully, Barbara
i had a thought about the coverage of Trump and his defense during this impeachment process. What will the MSM do to distract american viewers when they stop the coverage.
Dave, you just keep repeating yourself, repeating yourself, repeating yourself
Your presentation has NOT changed since the election. False hope is destructive. Evil and corruption won
what can the average citizen patriot do?are we to just sit and take a bullet because our leaders are cowards and inept. someone better start doing something to get our country back on a wholesome conservative and financialy stable foundation. How can the we the people help to eliminate the deep state.I had better odds in the marine corps.
One by one every one of these guys who were SWEARING by the plan and claimed they had all these sources have dropped away and said we are DOOMED. There are like 3 people left clinging to this Dave is one. God bless anyone out there who still has hope that this is still happening. I have none. That being said we deserve an answer from TRUMP WHY HE DID THIS, Why did he walk away without an explanation ?; why did he leave us with double talk and “the best is yet to come” bullshit, knowing full well this will be the end of the country and the world. WE DESERVE AND ANSWER.