Green Light, It’s Time To Start Looking At The Other Sides Real Crimes – Ep. 2411

First the [CB]/Ds destroyed businesses across the country, now after destroying the businesses they are going to tax those individuals to build those same businesses back up. The pandemic plan was to hurt the little guy and prepare them for the great reset, but something happened along the way, crypto. The [DS]/MSM are fell right into the trap the patriots set. Everything they wanted them to do has almost been accomplished. It is now time to look at the real crimes, it’s time to unleash the Durham on these individuals. Most likely when they try to get rid of Durham, Durham will unleash it all.
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- Democrat-run states and cities were terrorized and destroyed over the past year with China coronavirus responses which were borderline insane. Now the same people who terrorized their constituents with anti-American rights violations and economy-killing directives want billions to give to the people they abused.
The Senate majority leader said he’s working to keep thousands of local restaurants afloat by pushing for a $25 billion relief fund baked into the proposed $1.9 trillion COVID-19 stimulus package working its way through Congress. Struggling restaurateurs could apply for relief grants through the Small Business Administration.
Restaurant owners were able to apply for forgivable Paycheck Protection Program loans through previous stimulus packages that Congress passed in March and December. But Schumer is aiming for a dedicated program exclusively for bars and eateries.
Notice the massive class gap in the effect of lockdown politics.
— Robert Barnes (@barnes_law) February 20, 2021
- Last year, in the midst of the Chinese coronavirus crisis, former President Donald Trump signed an executive order halting the admission of H-1B, H-4, H-2B, L, and J-1 foreign visa workers to protect the U.S. labor market. The order sought to free up at least 600,000 jobs for millions of Americans facing joblessness and underemployment.
- A coalition of business groups led by the United States Chamber of Commerce are lobbying President Joe Biden’s administration to allow them to import foreign workers even as more than 17 million Americans remain jobless.
- In a letter to Secretary of State Antony Blinken, the Chamber of Commerce and other business groups — who admittedly rely on cheaper foreign workers to boost their profit margins — lobby Biden administration officials to end the order so they can import workers more easily.
- Researchers have found that a flooded labor market can easily diminish job opportunities and wages for Americans.
- One particular study by the Center for Immigration Studies’ Steven Camarota revealed that for every one percent increase in the immigrant portion of an American workers’ occupation, their weekly wages are cut by perhaps 0.5 percent. This means the average native-born American worker today has his weekly wages reduced by potentially 8.75 percent, since more than 17 percent of the workforce is foreign-born.
Why is Joe Biden pledging $4 Billion to a “global” pandemic relief effort while millions of Americans are suffering from his party’s lockdowns?
- This morning the Supreme Court threw out a series of remaining challenges to election processes and election results in several states left over from the recent presidential election cycle.
- One of the lawsuits was brought by Rep. Mike Kelly (R-Pa.) who challenged President Joe Biden’s victory over former President Donald Trump. Kelly had asked the Supreme Court to consider his lawsuit which challenged mail-in voting policies in his home state of Pennsylvania.
- The Supreme Court also denied a petition seeking review in Republican Party of Pennsylvania v. Degraffenreid.
- Another case dismissed was brought by lawyer L. Lin Wood against Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, challenging results and policies in Georgia.
- A case from Arizona, Ward v. Jackson, was also dismissed. That lawsuit challenged Biden’s victory at the polls in the state.
- An appeal lodged by Trump against Wisconsin results was denied. The case was Trump v. Biden. Another Wisconsin-related appeal, King v. Whitmer, was dismissed.
- Justices Alito, Gorsuch, and Thomas dissented from the denial.
Attorney Sidney Powell reported this on her Telegram page.
Denials with Dissents
1. Republican Party of Pennsylvania v. Degraffenreid (formerly Boockvar), began with Application for stay filed September 28, 2020. No. 20-542. (CU/CUF/TPC amicus brief in this case on November 25, 2020.)2. Corman (formerly Scarnati) v. Pennsylvania Democratic Party. Petitioners are Pennsylvania state legislators, began with Petition filed October 27, 2020. No. 20-574.
In these two cases, Thomas dissented and Alito/Gorsuch also dissented.
Roberts and Kavanaugh and Barrett joined the Dems Dissents appear at the end of the Order list.
As Thomas said: “These cases provide us with an ideal opportunity to address just what authority nonlegislative officials have to set election rules, and to do so well before the next election cycle. The refusal to do so is inexplicable.”Denials without any dissent.
3. Congressman Mike Kelly v. Pennsylvania, began with Application for injunctive relief filed December 3, 2020. No. 20-810.
4. Trump v. Degraffenreid (PA), No. 20-845, began with Petition for Cert filed December 21, 2020.
This was John Eastman’s case.
- In his dissent Justice Thomas argued mass mail-in voting, which was conducted in Pennsylvania for the first time ahead of the 2020 presidential election in November, combined with election rules being rewritten last minute, makes the process prone to fraud and mistrust.
- “One wonders what this Court waits for. We failed to settle this dispute before the election, and thus provide clear rules. Now we again fail to provide clear rules for future elections. The decision to leave election law hidden beneath a shroud of doubt is baffling. By doing nothing, we invite further confusion and erosion of voter confidence. Our fellow citizens deserve better and expect more of us,” he continued.
- A recent hand recount in the Rockingham District 7 NH House Race in Windham, New Hampshire, found that the Dominion-owned voting machines shorted EVERY REPUBLICAN by roughly 300 votes.
Via Facebook
- Last week the New Hampshire state senate voted 24-0 to force the state to perform an audit of the Windham, New Hampshire state representative races on November 3, 2020.
- Ken Eyring at Granite Grok reported:
The din behind the largest discrepancy regarding an election recount is growing… And We, the People are being heard. The “Windham Incident” has brought people together from all political ideologies… and it is amazing.
Last week, the Senate passed an amendment to Senate Bill SB43 that was championed by Senator Bob Giuda. The amendment replaced the entire text of SB43 with language that would FORCE the state to perform an audit on the Windham State Rep race on November 3, 2020.
It passed 24-0. Let that sink in! 24-0! That is quite a statement that reflects our desire to have accurate elections. The House will pick up the baton this week – and I’m hopeful that it flies through. Source:
READ: Dominion Sues Mike Lindell For $1.4BN, Uses Nazi “Big Lie” Phrase 31 Times In Court Filing.
- The text of Dominion Voting Systems’ $1,400,000,000 lawsuit against My Pillow CEO Mike Lindell has been released.
- The suit, which alleges Lindell “exploited” the 2020 election to sell pillows, relies on the Democrats’ “Big Lie” talking point, a term coined by Adolf Hitler ahead of the Holocaust.
- The 115-page document uses the term roughly 30 times and insists Lindell “sells the lie to this day because the lie sells pillows.”
Mike Lindell says it’s “a great day” now that Dominion Voting Systems has sued him and his company MyPillow. He can finally present evidence in a court of law as well as demand Discovery.
- The Supreme Court will allow a subpoena Trump’s tax returns to continue, clearing the way for prosecutors in New York to receive eight years of the ex-president’s tax returns and financial records.
- New York City prosecutors now have permission to obtain Trump’s “records as part of an ongoing investigation into possible tax, insurance and bank fraud in Trump’s business
- So it’s now legal to dig into anyone’s taxes
President Trump slammed the Supreme Court’s decision to give the green light to endless investigations into his tax returns.

Imagine what would happen, if, by law, every US Congressman/woman, US Senator, President etc. was by US law audited every 1-2 years by an independent agency.
Imagine what would happen if those audits extended to all family members of such ‘elected’ official?
Would D’s continue to push for Foreign Aid to other C’s vs. the Homeland?
What happens when the kickbacks dry up?
M. Waters $4mm House?
N. Pelosi net worth $150mm+?
J. Biden son/brother net worth tens of millions?
Clinton family $200mm+ (pre election of BC less than $1mm)?
Obama family $40mm+ (pre election less than $1mm)?
Disguised under book deals?
Those who take are offered more powerful positions within the party (controlled).
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Geopolitical/Police State
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
False Flags
- Remember a couple of weeks ago when all the Buccaneers fans were causing another Covid outbreak because of their maskless Super Bowl celebrating?
- Yeah, apparently that did not happen.
- Two weeks after the media departed their D.C. and New York enclaves to poison America’s biggest sporting event with their doomsaying alarmism, it now appears as though absolutely none of their foul prophecies came to pass.
- Here is data from Hillsborough County, Florida, which is where the Super Bowl was held. Two weeks is the established timeframe for determining whether a coronavirus outbreak occurred. Two weeks after the Super Bowl, there is no evidence of an outbreak.
- Additional tracking data from Hillsborough County shows that the number of cases over the last week is trending down. Other data shows a 9.49% decrease in the number of cases from February 8 to February 15, one week after the Super Bowl. A larger timeframe, from January 25 to February 20, which encompasses the two weeks before the Super Bowl and the two-week incubation period after the game, shows a 20.3% decline in the number of cases.
- Democratic New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s decision to undercount the number of coronavirus nursing home deaths could open him up to criminal charges, according to a former Justice Department official.
- The State of New York provided data to the federal government in Sept. 2020 in which it under-counted coronavirus nursing home deaths by as much as one-third. These actions could be considered “a conspiracy to defraud the United States and… obstruct justice,”
- New York state Rep. Colin Schmitt (R) believes the state “very well could” end up with a Republican governor following Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s (D) nursing home coverup, which he referred to as a “criminal conspiracy to the highest order.”
- Garland, who is President Joe Biden’s nominee for U.S. Attorney General, was questioned at his confirmation hearing by Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO):
- Sen. Hawley: Let me ask you about assaults on federal property in places other than Washington, DC — Portland, for instance, Seattle. Do you regard assaults on federal courthouses or other federal property as acts of domestic extremism, domestic terrorism?Judge Garland: Well, Senator, my own definition, which is about the same as the statutory definition, is the use of violence or threats of violence in attempt to disrupt the democratic processes. So an attack on a courthouse, while in operation, trying to prevent judges from actually deciding cases, that plainly is domestic extremism, domestic terrorism. An attack simply on a government property at night, or any other kind of circumstances, is a clear crime and a serious one, and should be punished. I don’t know enough about the facts of the example you’re talking about. But that’s where I draw the line. One is — both are criminal, but one is a core attack on our democratic institutions.
Garland cited the domestic terrorism statute, which defines “domestic terrorism” as follows (18 USC § 2331):
(5) the term “domestic terrorism” means activities that— (A) involve acts dangerous to human life that are a violation of the criminal laws of the United States or of any State; (B) appear to be intended— (i) to intimidate or coerce a civilian population; (ii) to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or (iii) to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination, or kidnapping; and (C) occur primarily within the territorial jurisdiction of the United States
Notably, the statute does not confine acts of domestic terrorism to working hours
- Judge Merrick Garland, President Joe Biden’s nominee for U.S. Attorney General, declined to say on Monday whether he would retain Special Counsel John Durham in his role investigating the origins of the “Russia collusion” investigation.
If Merrick Garland won’t commit to letting John Durham finish the ‘Russia probe’ investigation, he should not be Attorney General.
Far, FAR more evidence backs the Durham investigation than did Bob Mueller’s ‘collusion’ farce.
Let Durham investigate. And release his report.
— Mark Meadows (@MarkMeadows) February 22, 2021
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How is Trump going to do anything? What’s he going to do, run around DC making citizens arrests? Absurd. The goal post keeps moving further away from justice. Now we’re stuck with his horrible SCOTUS for decades to come. They’ve shown their treason. It didn’t take long, did it? You said the military wouldn’t act until the courts do something. Dream on. Now it’s about Durhum. What will it be next? Yes, it’s better than WWIII, but the toll on good Americans with some sense has been disgusting. The collateral damage is grotesque. Meanwhile Congress has a minute of silence for the 500,000 Americans that died from COVID, duh. Trump’s 74,000,000 Chumps.
The House will open investigations into Barr-Durham {lack of confidence}.
Look at that again! You missed it! [DELCAS] !!!!
Did you misspell? hehehe…
Cryptocurrency is a ultimate fiat, what gives It value? Nothing it is digital nothing, no value it is pretend it has no physical form. It is not digital gold, your flaw is assigned value, Gold is a rare metal that does not tarnish or corrode, is a thing of beauty and desired. Quit being aCentral bank patsey pushing Cryptocurrency it is their reset currency it is not backed by anything except empty promises. How much did you get bought for or were you always part of their Psyop???
When will President Trump be back we need him now our country is going to help fast
Merrick Garland is going to fire John Durham. No court will convict anyone he might indict, anyway. There is no court who will convict anyone on the left for any reason shy of Cuomo. Somebody who wants to take Cuomo’s place is getting rid of him. . It has become dangerous for the lawyers and their families to defend anyone on the right. Unless we secede in some way, we are looking at 50 years before the woke crime of white privilege becomes a terrible memory. The lists of Trump supporters to target are being completed. They are coming for us. There is no branch that is with us. This is the tyranny of the minority. But is it really a minority? I use to think so. Now I’m not so sure. The illegals soon to be legal will make voter fraud unnecessary. They will simply vote for the right to wipe Judeo Christian America off the map. We are being colonized. No one willing to stop this has the power to stop it. Millions of new voters will make whatever we do irrelevant. I’m sorry to say, I don’t think we will ever have our country back.
Only problem with all your ramblings is Trump did nothing, nothing has happened. Guys like me have had enough we are done waiting a powder keg is lit. If it is going to happen soon or it will all be lost in what is actually going to occurs.
I listen to you every night. I need to ask you Dave. You dont reply to my questions and I get very confused.
Was this all staged?. How did Trump know all of what Biden was going to do to a tee?.
Why did he push for the vaccine when this was all bullshit?.
Why did he wear a mask at RBG funeral if he was calling g B.S on it.
It seems like every night I hear you read these things are coming they get pushed back more and more?.
Is he a trickster?. Was this all a play?.
Just a question, why when bills, laws, etc, are created/written, why are they not put out for the people to vote on for whether we want those items put into action. Why does congress get to make those decisions for us, evidently, they suck at this. They also definately need term limits, same as presidential, two terms, 8 years. ???If they don’t rule by constitution, it becomes an automatic out for them, no excuses’ no delays, they are outed, same for supreme court justices and all offices all the way down to state, city, etc.
Sick, tired of Q.
enough of the charade of this Q.
Psy ops.
Trump is in total control. Biden destroying the working poor is part of the plan. All his court cases being tossed out is part of the plan. The Supreme Court letting them rummage through his taxes is part of the plan. The military failing to uphold their oath to protect us is part of the plan. Biden being in office for months is part of the plan. Remember, when they kill you at your locally designated FEMA camp, Trump is in control, and it is part of the plan.
Great reporting Dave – keep on keeping on!
I don’t Trust Crypto if China has it already they will use it to track you on everything you do. Bitcoin can be easily manipulated if China is using Crypto. anything networked can be hacked.
The Fed probably already controls BitCoin crypto using Artificial Intelligence. or they will want you to use their great reset Fed Crypto. But we don’t see any hint of a Fed Crypto. I think its Bitcoin.
In reference to 2411b and the recent Supreme Ct decision to allow the NY AG to investigate Trump’s taxes, I agree with you, we must audit everyone in Congress. But I also think this would be the time to audit each of the Supreme Ct justices. Also, Trump should update an existing E.O. or write a new one that includes permanent deportation of convicted individuals (after they have served their sentences) who were involved in crimes adverse to the American public, such as election fraud.
Durham is wishy washy at best. And a Barr appointee. My opinion, as soon as we knew Barr was on the take from Dominion, that He was hired to create a false belief that there was on to something while he was actually burying as much evidence as he could. He needs to go.
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The border patrol is overwhelmed by an “avalanche’ of illegal foreign invaders. People are losing their jobs, businesses are closing. What is the “acceptable” level of suffering the nation, 80% of which voted FOR Trump, we must endure before the military decides to uphold it’s oath? Show me the “woke enough” clause that lets the military and Trump do nothing about a global int’l criminal cabal stealing our election, something they have MOUNTAINS of evidence of. Why are optics more important than restoring law and order? Know what the optics are right now to the MAGA faithful? All of a sudden media member opinions are more important than the country? You are delusional. I have faith in Trump to eventually reclaim what was stolen, but allowing his faithful to NEEDLESSLY suffer is unacceptable.
Dave, as time goes on, it seems you’re struggling to explain why current events fit the narrative that Trump is going to take some sort of action in the near future. You keep saying he has everything. But even though he has everything and could do something, nothing ever happens. Your reports are becoming boring and repetitive. You’ve either got to come up with different explanations about why nothing is happening or give up on trying to make it seem like something will. You stated that you no longer think the military will take action yet you also believe Trump is somehow in control. How is Trump going to take action without the military’s involvement. Remember, they’re supposedly in control. Durham MAY start arresting people in the future but even that will not be enough to allow Trump to proceed unless the military is backing him. Are you trying to place a round peg into a square hole? I do believe so!
Mn Gov. Waltz also killed hundreds of nursing home residents and is just. as. bad as Michigan Gov. He never gets mentioned in the news. Please look at this, he is killing our small businesses and will not let go of Emergency powers
Where will we put our funds ? WHAT FUNDS???????
I will admit that I listen a lot. You have the gift of gab for sure ! You sure can tell a story. I think you need to find a new narrative my friend. What happen to the RESET ? All the things that were going to happen? You know…..The EBS was going to take over the airwaves? Trump was gonna run all the election fraud constantly…… The Military was going to go in and take over, arresting all involved ? The confirmation , the inauguration is over and long gone. Way past the ” GIVE ME 30 DAYS ” . This once great country is going to the 3rd. world status like a bat out of hell ! Now all we here is about the CB and Bitcoin and what`s coming. Getting tired of hearing about TRUMP AND THE PATRIOTS KNEW THIS ! We knew nothing of the sort and you know it ! Everyone is just tired of hearing all this BS and seeing nothing done. If Trump had or has all this EVIDENCE and It is as easy as you make it make sound….HE WOULD HAVE DONE IT !
Yeah all that was a crock. I’ve never gotten one reply from this guy. I guess it’s just a one way street.
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There is no Q.
No 4/5/6 D chess
No declass (or it went nowhere)
Military is not going to do anything.
It was all a big story.
Trump is not going to do anything other than work towards the next goal, nothing to do with the last election. It’s over. It’s done. They got away with it. Nobody will pay ever. Supreme court didn’t do anything.