Iran Threatens To Assassinate Trump, Connect The Dots, All Roads Lead To [BO] – Ep. 3210
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The people of Spain are fighting back against socialism, this is going to spread world wide. The net-zero push is not going to work, it is already failing, just like the people are seeing the economy fail. The [CB] is panicking, they know that their system is going to be destroyed. The patriots are now trapping the [DS] in all of their crimes. Iran is now being brought into focus. Iran put out a video calling for the assassination of Trump. All roads lead to Obama. Obama is now being brought into the spotlight and Trump is going to show the country and the world how treasonous he really is. Soon it will be game over for the [DS]. Transparency is the only way forward.
People in Spain are rallying against socialism 👏👏
— Clown World ™ 🤡 (@ClownWorld_) November 12, 2023
Net Zero was never viable. It is impossible to completely remove CO2 from our energy needs and overall economy. Politicians are just now beginning to realize that.
Just about every modern technology requires oil, natural gas and/or coal in order to function. Many of the metals…
— Wall Street Silver (@WallStreetSilv) November 13, 2023
- required need to be mined and new deposits are often remote with no access to the electric grid.
- The nation will be pushed toward “social and economic turmoil,” if a reelected President Donald Trump tries to enforce Congress’s border laws, the New York Times claimed on November 11.
- “Sweeping Raids, Giant Camps and Mass Deportations: Inside Trump’s 2025 Immigration Plans,” declared the headline for an article about President Donald Trump’s campaign promises to enforce border policies if he is elected.
Ordinary Americans — especially black Americans — enjoyed a long and steady rise in prosperity after Congress curbed migration in 1925. But lobbyists persuaded Congress to reopen migration in 1965, double it in 1990, and largely open the border in 2021. The result has been a colossal transfer of wealth from ordinary Americans over to CEOs, investors, and Wall Street.
Former President Donald J. Trump is planning an extreme expansion of his first-term crackdown on immigration if he returns to power in 2025 — including preparing to round up undocumented people already in the United States on a vast scale and detain them in sprawling camps while they wait to be expelled.
Only 14% of US voters say Joe Biden has made them better off
— Team Trump (Text TRUMP to 88022) (@TeamTrump) November 13, 2023
‘Bidenomics’ Still Not Working, Most Voters Say
A majority of voters believe the economy has gotten worse under President Joe Biden, but most Democrats want to blame Republicans in Congress.
More At Rasmussen Reports:
— Rasmussen Reports (@Rasmussen_Poll) November 13, 2023
- tax revenues are falling, we’re being repeatedly told that the American economy is in great shape and there’s no recession in sight.
- Yet, if we take a historical view, we can see how declining federal revenues have clearly coincided with recessions going back at least 40 years:
- There have been some periods where revenues went slightly negative without an accompanying recession. But not in many decades do we see a situation where year-over-year revenue has fallen to the extent that it has fallen in recent months, without a recession following soon after. (For example, federal revenue dropped 26 percent, year over year, in April of this year, followed by a 21-percent drop in May.)
- The fact federal revenues are falling suggests household incomes aren’t exactly soaring.
- The fact tax revenues are weak and falling should not shock us if we’re actually paying attention, however. Real wages are lower now than they were in January 2020, before the beginning of the covid recession.
President Trump’s Older Sister Judge Maryanne Trump Barry Has Passed Away
- President Trump’s older sister Judge Maryanne Trump Barry passed away. She was 86.
- “Barry was a senior judge on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit until she retired in 2019. She was appointed to the U.S. District Court for the District of New Jersey by then-President Ronald Reagan in 1983 and was then appointed to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit in 1999 by then-President Bill Clinton.” ABC News reported.
ABC News reported:
Maryanne Trump Barry, the older sister of former President Donald Trump
Trump’s Veterans Day Message Was Quite Different From Biden’s
- President Trump marked Veterans Day with a message on his Truth Social social media platform:
“To our heroic veterans, I am grateful for your service to our country and honored to wish you a Happy Veterans Day.”
He added that there is “no greater act of selfless service than defending America’s God-given freedoms and liberty.”
- Hours later, he wrote a message on the platform noting that in “honor of our great veterans on Veteran’s Day, we pledge to you that we will root out the communists, Marxists, fascists, and radical left thugs that live like vermin within the confines of our country.”
- They will “do anything possible, whether legally or illegally, to destroy America, and the American dream,” added President Trump, who was later seen at a UFC fight in New York on Saturday.
“The threat from outside forces is far less sinister, dangerous, and grave, than the threat from within,” the former president also wrote.
“Despite the hatred and anger of the radical left lunatics who want to destroy our country, we will make America great again!”
- Source:
First Photos of Cocaine Found at Biden White House Released
- First photos of the 2 grams of cocaine found at the Biden White House over the summer were released in response to a FOIA request filed by The Daily Mail.
- The Secret Service concluded its investigation into the cocaine scandal that rocked the White House in July.
- Surprise, surprise! No suspect was identified.
- According to CNN, the cocaine was “found in a blind spot for surveillance cameras.”
- No fingerprints, DNA samples, or leads!
- A baggy of cocaine was discovered in the West Wing after Hunter Biden visited the White House in early July.
- At first, it was reported that the cocaine was found in the Library.
- Then it was reported the cocaine was stashed in a “cubby” in a storage facility in the West Wing.
- The Biden White House fiercely worked to cover up the scandal.
- According to Susan Katz Keating, an award-winning writer and investigative journalist who has covered military, defense, and security issues, the cocaine found at the White House belonged to someone within the Biden family orbit.
- The cocaine was found in locker number 50, according to the first photos released to The Daily Mail.
"I know folks say, 'Oh, they're just cleaning up this place because all these fancy leaders are coming into town.' That's true because it's true."
— Clown World ™ 🤡 (@ClownWorld_) November 13, 2023
He wants the investigations by Comer and Jordan to continue playing out and producing more evidence
It’s not a question of “if”
Only a question of “when”
— DC_Draino (@DC_Draino) November 12, 2023
Former Canadian fashion mogul and pedophile Peter Nygard has been found guilty on four counts of sexual assault after five women testified he used a private bedroom suite in his company headquarters to assault them.
— LIZ CROKIN (@LizCrokin) November 13, 2023
- The verdict by a Toronto jury came midday on Sunday after five days of deliberation. In one instance, a woman testified that she was only 16-years-old when an older man she was dating brought her to Nygard’s headquarters, according to The Guardian.
- She said Nygard sexually assaulted her and when she was leaving the building, a woman handed her an emergency contraceptive pill.
- This child sex predator was so evil and deranged that he told women he wanted to impregnate them and then abort the baby so he could use the aborted fetus for anti-aging.
- He was a friend of George H. W. Bush and Oprah propped this psychopath up on her show just like she did with the pedophile-murderer John of God who ran a baby breeding farm. The wheels of justice certainly move slow but all those chickens they sacrificed to Moloch are coming home to roost!
I talk a lot about my little brother David.
We met over thirty years ago when we were paired together through Big Brothers of Greater Los Angeles – a mentorship program that empowers youth by pairing them with a “Big Brother” to help guide them.
We were paired up for a day as…
— Adam Schiff (@AdamSchiff) November 11, 2023
“trial run.” We went to the beach in Venice where I was living at the time. After an afternoon battling the crashing waves and having a blast, we dubbed ourselves “The Survivors.” That was the start of one of the most important relationships of my life. David was a groomsman at my wedding. I had the privilege of watching him graduate from Yale, USC film school, and go on to a career as an award-winningTV writer and producer. I even walked the picket line with him and his WGA family, fighting for better wages. We have learned so much from each other, and we’re family. I wouldn’t be here — and running for U.S. Senate — without David.
Anonymous ID: c284d3 No.5926223
Let your enemy dig their own grave. Every time Shiff talks he turns Americans away. Although charges against Schiff would be pretty bad ass.
Watch Hannity tonight.
POTUS may have a few words on the subject.
Do you understand what is happening?
Think optics.
Geopolitical/Police State
- In November 2021, Congress adopted, and President Joe Biden signed, the so-called $1.2 trillion Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act. The legislation, which did not do much to improve infrastructure, contained a provision requiring the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to adopt rules by November 15, 2025, to “prevent” and identify necessary steps to “eliminate” digital discrimination.
- As part of the rulemaking process, FCC Chair Jessica Rosenworcel created the Task Force to Prevent Digital Discrimination.
- Carr, one of the Republican-nominated commissioners at the FCC, said he has grave concerns for the digital discrimination rule, contending it would give the agency wide regulatory authority over the internet:
- For the first time ever, those rules would give the federal government a roving mandate to micromanage nearly every aspect of how the Internet functions — from how ISPs allocate capital and where they build, to the services that consumers can purchase; from the profits that ISPs can realize and how they market and advertise services, to the discounts and promotions that consumers can receive. Talk about central planning.
- The FCC Commissioner said the rule would also give the FCC the right to regulate prices:
- President Biden’s plan includes price controls. Last month, at the eleventh hour, the FCC slightly softened its proposal to use its Title II proceeding to regulate broadband rates. Now we know why. The Section 60506 order that the FCC will vote on next week expressly states that the FCC can use it to regulate broadband pricing and even an ISP’s profitability. Title II is no longer necessary to achieve that end. But the Section 60506 rules do more than that. The FCC arrogates to itself the power to review and determine the lawfulness of promotional pricing and discounts. It even puts the use of credit checks squarely in the cross hairs. Of course, Congress did not give the FCC the power to do any of this — the agency just creates it out of whole cloth.
- “In fact, the FCC cites a few such actions in its draft order that were raised in the record — including eliminating government-imposed barriers and regulatory red tape that have been slowing down broadband builds,” Carr concluded in his statement. “But instead of going that route, the FCC opts for this ideological approach instead.”
- As it was widely expected, Britain’s Prime Minister Rishi Sunak started the week with a bang, did a reshuffle in his cabinet, sacking embattled Home Secretary Suella Braverman, and surprisingly brought back former PM David Cameron for the position of Foreign Secretary.
- The reorganization was caused by the enornous pressure Sunak was under to fire Braverman, after her criticism of the police’ woke bias was said to ‘threatened his authority’.
- This is yet another restart for a PM badly losing in the polls to the opposition Labour Party.
- Sunak is moving towards a more centrist territory, risking alienating the right of his party that supports Braverman.
Reuters reported:
- Braverman’s fate was sealed after she wrote a non-authorized article for the Times of London in which she said out loud the forbidden fact: police ‘play favorites when it comes to protesters’, are lenient toward pro-Palestinian demonstrators and Black Lives Matter supporters, while cracking down harder on right-wing protesters or soccer hooligans.
- “The bold changes are an attempt by Sunak to reset his faltering government. The Conservatives have been in power for 13 years, but opinion polls for months have put them 15 to 20 points behind Labour amid a stagnating economy, persistently high inflation, an overstretched health care system and a wave of public sector strikes.”
- The office of the Israeli President has claimed that Issac Herzog received a phone call from Emmanuel Macron in which the French President backtracked on his comments on Friday suggesting the Jewish state was intentionally killing “women and babies” in Gaza.
- In an interview with the BBC on Friday, French President Emmanuel Macron called upon Jerusalem to enact a “ceasefire” as it attempts to root out the Islamist Hamas terrorists behind the October 7th attacks that left over 1,400 people dead and over 240 people taken hostage from Israel.
- While stopping short of outright accusing Israel of war crimes, the French president told the British broadcaster: “De facto – today, civilians are bombed – de facto. These babies, these ladies, these old people are bombed and killed. So there is no reason for that and no legitimacy. So we do urge Israel to stop.”
- According to Israeli President Issac Herzog, Macron called him over the weekend to “clarify” his comments, saying that he did not mean to suggest that Israel was intentionally targeting civilians or that it does not have a right to defend itself against terrorism.
- President Biden on Monday called for Israel to take “less intrusive” action in Gaza in its war against Hamas, warning in particular against strikes that hit hospitals.
- “Well, as we know, I have not been reluctant expressing my concerns with what’s going on,” Biden told reporters in the Oval Office.
- “My hope and expectation is that there will be less intrusive action relative to hospitals and we remain in contact with the Israelis,” he continued. “Also there is an effort to get this pause to deal with the release of prisoners and that’s being negotiated… So I remain somewhat hopeful, but hospitals must be protected.”
Hamas-Controlled Hospitals in Gaza Outed as ‘Human Shields’ Amid Israeli Ground Operations
- The Hamas terrorist organization’s use of civilian hospitals as centers for storing military equipment and planning attacks has been revealed as a serious human rights violation as the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) close in on Al Shifa, a major hospital in the Gaza Strip.
- Israel has long said the hospital was home to the Palestinian terror group’s main base of operations, as well as cover for the coastal enclave’s complex tunnel system and a hideout for fuel, water, food, and other supplies that were being withheld from Gaza’s civilian population.
- Hamas, which rules Gaza, has denied this charge — an increasingly untenable position after this weekend, when Israel’s army took control of the areas immediately surrounding the hospital, holding territory just a block away. At the same time, gunfire emerged from the sprawling hospital complex — where battle has been ensuing — exposing it as a center for Hamas fighters.
- The European Union on Sunday lambasted Hamas for using hospitals as “human shields,” calling for civilians to be allowed to leave the area of fighting.
- “The EU condemns the use of hospitals and civilians as human shields by Hamas,” the EU said in a statement. “Civilians must be allowed to leave the combat zone. These hostilities are severely impacting hospitals and taking a horrific toll on civilians and medical staff.”
- Israel has presented an abundance of evidence in recent weeks detailing how Hamas has converted hospitals into operation centers and launchpads for missiles, while shielding the terror group behind the civilians using them.
There is no difference between the BLM marches of 2020 and riots and the “pro-Palestinian” demonstrations today. It’s the same street theater, just with different slogans. They’re organized by the same people, with the same funding streams, for the same purpose.
— Sean Davis (@seanmdav) November 13, 2023
Cyber Attacks
False Flags
- Former New York Governor Andrew Cuomo’s policies killed at least 11,000 seniors during the COIVD pandemic. New York COVID deaths from nursing homes were 49% greater than previously reported.
- In July 2021, the Biden Department of Justice dropped their investigation into Cuomo and several Democrat governors who sent infected COVID patients into nursing homes.
- Now, the families of the more than 100 vulnerable hero veterans who died at the New York State Veterans’ Home in Queens are suing the state-run facility for negligence.
- The New York Post reports that the suit was filed on Nov. 4 in federal court and alleges the State Veterans’ Home did not follow COVID protocols and violated residents’ Fourteenth Amendment right “to conditions of reasonable care and safety” by failing to “implement basic infection control protocols and provide adequate medical care to the State Veterans’ Home’s residents.”
- The lawsuit claims ‘at least 350’ veterans and staff who lived at the facility were infected and critically-ill veterans were not given proper treatment or taken to hospital despite their condition.
- Further, the lawsuit claims families of the veterans were not even made aware that their relatives contracted the virus until after they died.
- The class action suit names two veteran residents of the home who died because of ‘complications from COVID’, Robert A. Loria and James Hutcherson.
The DOJ is Preparing for ‘Surge’ Covid Vaccine Lawsuits from People Claiming Injury from the Jab
- The Justice department is quietly preparing for a surge of lawsuits from those who are claiming injury from the Covid-19 vaccines.
- The New York Post, in a column authored by Miranda Devine, shared a fascinating nugget that is highly suggestive that the Biden DOJ knows a wave of such lawsuits are coming.
- Devine points to a new jobs ad that indicates the Biden administration is searching for “eight new attorneys to defend the federal government in vaccine injury cases.”
- “The office is currently expanding to address workload created by an increase in cases filed under the Vaccine Act,” says the ad posted by the Torts Branch of the DOJ on the USAJobs website.
- The jobs listing was also posted on LinkedIn.
- “Trial attorneys in Office of Constitutional and Specialized Tort Litigation – Vaccine Litigation Staff – represent the interests of the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services in all cases filed in the U.S. Court of Federal Claims under the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (“Vaccine Act”). The cases involve claims of injury as a result of the receipt of vaccines covered by the Act. The office is currently expanding to address workload created by an increase in cases filed under the Vaccine Act,” the listing says.
- Devine adds, “Presumably, the hiring spree is in anticipation of a surge of COVID vaccine lawsuits, as people who were forced by government mandates to take the jab, and suffered serious side effects as a result, try to extract compensation from a system that is stacked against them.”
- Researchers say they’ve located a “kill switch” that can trigger the death of cancer cells.
- Scientists at the UC Davis Comprehensive Cancer Center in Sacramento, California, have identified a protein on the CD95 receptor that can “program” cancer cells to die, as detailed in a study published in the journal Cell Death & Differentiation last month.
- A receptor is a protein within a cell that receives and transmits signals.
- CD95 receptors — also referred to as Fas — have gained the nickname “death receptors” because they send a signal that causes cancer cells to “self-destruct,” according to a press release from UC Davis.
“ Source:
Jonathan Lewis was white. His attackers were black. Other than local media, the national media is avoiding this story.
Jonathan Lewis was trying to protect another smaller student initially, then 10+ others teamed up to attack Lewis, getting him on the ground and causing…
— Wall Street Silver (@WallStreetSilv) November 13, 2023
- multiple injuries that resulted in his dying later. According to the boy’s father, the brutal beating happened after 17 year old Jonathan Lewis stood up for one of his “smaller friends.” “A couple (of kids) attacked him, and they weren’t able to hurt him enough, and they all attacked him at once,” the father, Jonathan Lewis said.
as it takes him, and his reputation, to new levels of low. They fully understand the Obama appointed, Radical Left D.C. Federal Judge, who refused to recuse, fully “gagged” me, and set a trial date THE DAY BEFORE “Super Tuesday,” the biggest & most powerful day in the Primaries. They get the fact that A.G. Garland and his boss, Lisa Monaco, sent their TOP DOJ lawyer to Manhattan to run the District Attorney’s “case” on me…And Much More. BUT WE WILL WIN!!!
Jack Smith just unleashed a temper tantrum in another motion opposing cameras in the courtroom for Trump's DC trial.
And every American–especially the relatives of the victims–should be outraged that this DOJ continues to compare Trump to murderous terrorists.
— Julie Kelly 🇺🇸 (@julie_kelly2) November 13, 2023
Will the people force the cameras in the courtroom
- Senator Tim Scott (R-SC) announced Sunday that he would be suspending his presidential campaign in a surprising statement.
- The South Carolina Republican made the announcement during an interview with Fox News’ Trey Gowdy, who previously represented Scott’s home state in Congress.
👀 Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson Reveals Multiple Parties Asked Him to Run for President
"At the end of the year in 2022, I got a visit from the parties asking me if I was going to run and if I could run…If that's ultimately what the people would want, then of course I would…
— Chief Nerd (@TheChiefNerd) November 13, 2023
would consider it.”
- Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-Md.) on Sunday compared a hypothetical second Trump White House term to that of President Vladimir Putin’s Russia and other authoritarian leaders in response to Trump’s veiled threats that he would go after his political opponents if reelected.
- “
Trump wants to turn the government into a weapon for personal revenge
- Washington Post ran a chilling piece about Trump’s plans for a second term. It starts: “Trump and his allies have begun mapping out specific plans for using the federal government to punish critics and opponents should he win a second term, with the former president naming individuals he wants to investigate or prosecute and his associates drafting plans to potentially invoke the Insurrection Act on his first day in office to allow him to deploy the military against civil demonstrations.”
Oh look Trump is a Nazi fascist dictator again 🥱
Can the 4am talking point guy EVER come up with something new? 😆
— Patri0tsareinContr0l (@Patri0tContr0l) November 13, 2023
- Secret Service agents safeguarding President Joe Biden’s granddaughter opened fire when three individuals attempted to breach into an unmarked Secret Service vehicle in the nation’s capital.
- The agents, who were tasked with protecting Naomi Biden, were with her late Sunday night in the Georgetown neighborhood when they observed three individuals smashing a window of the unattended, parked SUV, according to an official.
- A Secret Service spokesperson did not identify the protectee, but he stated that agents encountered possibly three individuals shattering a window of a parked and unoccupied government vehicle in the Georgetown neighborhood of Washington, D.C., just before midnight on Sunday.
- “
Grandchildren are protected by Secret Service?!
— Richard Grenell (@RichardGrenell) November 13, 2023
NEW – Iran has vowed to kill former U.S. government officials, "including President Trump."
— (@disclosetv) November 13, 2023
- Setting the narrative
- So what you’re saying is deep state is going to target Trump and blame Iran
What if the texts suggest foreign allies were involved?
Forget the Russia set up [1 of 22].
This is only the beginning.
Be careful what you wish for.
Could messages such as those be publicly disclosed?
What happens to the FBI?
What happens to the DOJ?
What happens to special counsel?
What happens in general?
Every FBI/DOJ prev case could be challenged.Q
Threats of assassination?
They are preparing for this by activating progressive activists.
Once the documents are supplied and viewed by Senate and Congressional leaders (& the public), they LOSE.
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I get the feeling sometimes at this website is another side hop in order to keep everybody hoping and waiting for the inevitable that never happens. We’ve been listening for almost 4 years now somebody please tell me what has changed.? Unfortunately I believe this is a narration of our demise, every week every day step-by-step inch by inch, Dave explains our freedoms are being taken away but wait, it’s part of the plan. Sorry I just don’t buy it.