Message Received, Something Big Is About To Drop, The Enemy Is Being Exposed – Episode 2239

The economy is recovering at lightning speed, the [DS]/[CB]/MSM are trying to stop it but it will not work, the patriots are in control of the economy. Supply chains are now being broken up, Samsung decided to move its company out of China. Trump just kicked it off, tax holiday coming soon? The [DS]/MSM are now being trapped, people are waking up around the world, they reaching the point that they want change. The people are now waking up about what’s been happening with the children, GM documents were released and it’s all falling apart for the elite, they are being exposed. Something big is about to drop, the enemy is now being exposed to the world.
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Please check for the latest news on the economic collapse. The Sentinel Alerts are updated throughout the day.
Current News – 08.02.2020
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- This is record breaking. The DOW is up more than 7,800 points in the last three months. The increase is record shattering as the DOW has never gone up more in a three month period.
- many Americans ARE at work again. The signs of a recovery are everywhere
- The shutdown did not work Despite their actions to destroy the American economy the Trump recovery is in full gear and moving forward!
Samsung Electronics to halt production at its last computer factory in China
- Samsung Electronics Co will halt operations of its last computer factory in China, the South Korean tech giant said on Saturday, the latest manufacturer to shift production from the world’s second-biggest economy.
- Companies are rethinking their production and supply chains amid rising Chinese labour costs, a U.S.-China trade war and the blow from the COVID-19 pandemic.

- President Donald Trump criticized America’s top billionaires for massively increasing their net worth during the coronavirus pandemic.
- “
- The president shared a Business Insider video showing the net worth of wealthy CEOs like Amazon’s Jeff Bezos, whose net worth rose by an estimated $48 billion from March to June. The video lists billionaires such as Zoom founder Eric Yuan boosting his net worth of $2.5 billion, while former Microsoft CEO Steve Balmer’s net worth increased by $15.7 billion, Casino magnate Shelden Adelson’s increased by $5 billion, and Elon Musk’s increased by $17.2 billion.
- This is the first time the president has indicated that a growing wealth disparity was a problem in the United States that needed to be fixed.
- The nine-minute video focuses on how the wealthy typically receive big financial profits during times of economic crisis and experience big tax cuts and breaks and store their money in offshore accounts.
- The video also proposes forming a Pandemic Profiteering Oversight Committee, more regulations to keep billionaires from offshoring their profits, including an emergency ten percent millionaire income surtax, a wealth tax, a progressive estate tax, and dramatic federal spending on charities.
I thought he was only helping the rich, isn’t that what the MSM continually says, What do you think he is going to do next.
Trump scores win over Stormy Daniels’ libel suit
- An appeals court the president often pillories hands him victory over a prominent foe
- President Donald Trump scored a legal victory as a federal appeals court upheld a lower court ruling tossing out a libel lawsuit filed against him by adult film star Stormy Daniels over a tweet Trump fired off about her in 2018.
- The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals accepted arguments by Trump’s lawyers that he was merely offering his opinion and not leveling any factual claims of his own when he issued the tweet casting doubt on her claims that she faced intimidation as she prepared to go public with allegations that she and Trump had a sexual encounter.
- The 9th Circuit judges said that was not enough to the sustain the suit in which Daniels — whose legal name is Stephanie Clifford — accused Trump of damaging her reputation by painting her as a liar.
The MSM is pushing everything they have, they are going back to the Russian Hoax, fake intel etc… Jake Tapper tweeted this out.
“It was never brought to my attention.”
Not true.
“I think it’s another Russia hoax.“
Not true.
Yes there is disagreement among Intel Community about GRU “bounties” but there’s IC consensus that Russia is arming and funding the Taliban.
Who are killing US servicemembers.
— Jake Tapper (@jaketapper) July 31, 2020
Grennel responds to Tapper
You haven’t seen the intel. You don’t know what you are talking about.
Your network told Americans that Kim Jung Un was incapacitated and brain dead for weeks. And you said you had intel on it.
Your intel “sources” have agendas. And so do you.
— Richard Grenell (@RichardGrenell) August 1, 2020
I do believe that Act DNI Rich Grennell was put into the position for two reasons
- Declassify the intel that was being held back by DNI Coats, temps can definitely do damage,
- Now that Grennell does not have that position he can continually hit against the MSM, because he has seen the intel,
- How do you destroy the MSM
BREAKING: Senate investigators are demanding State Dept produce all records of 2016-17 meetings + comms b/t ex-Brookings Prez Strobe Talbott, Fiona Hill & other Brookings fellows and DOS officials Nuland, Kavalec & Winer re the Steele dossier, plus DOS comms w Blumenthal, Shearer
— Paul Sperry (@paulsperry_) August 2, 2020
Since the arrest of GM and the release of the first trove of documents we are finding out alot and the people are waking up, it has begun, this is the perfect storm
BREAKING: The Second Circuit GRANTED a motion by Ghislaine Maxwell to delay the release of her deposition. The appeal will be heard on Sept. 22.
Al Gore went to Epstein Island. 🚨
Page 1932.— Pepe Lives Matter (@PepeMatter) July 31, 2020
The parts on this page with the checkmarks appear to be statements that were proven to be inaccurate . In other words, Trump didn’t flirt with the girls.
Under age girls, translation children
Sexual acts – against their will
invited young girls – presented them
- The United States government placed an unknown number of Central American migrant children into the custody of human traffickers after neglecting to run the most basic checks on these so-called “caregivers,” according to a Senate report
- As detention centers became incapable of housing the massive influx of migrants, the Department of Health and Human Services started placing children into the care of sponsors who would oversee the minors until their bids for refugee status could be reviewed. But in many cases, officials failed to confirm whether the adults volunteering for this task were actually relatives or good Samaritans —
- The Senate’s investigation built on an Associated Press report that found more than two dozen unaccompanied children were placed in homes where they were sexually abused, starved, or forced into slave labor.
- The agency placed 90,000 migrant children into sponsor care between 2013 and 2015. Exactly how many of those fell prey to traffickers is unknown, because the agency does not keep track.
Looks what happening, their are now protests to save the children.
This has made my day…they chant “Save The Children” and “WWG1WGA” (at 1:15) and “We Are Awake” #SaveTheChildren (scroll my page for the other video)
— Just M Today🇺🇸 (@MrsMogul) July 31, 2020
Pizzagate is WIDE OPEN.
There’s no turning back now.
Conspiracy no moar.
This was Salt Lake City yesterday…
— RedCap004BU (@BuCap004) July 31, 2020
Feds investigating flight logs of ALL planes that flew to Epstein Island/nearby airfields, including private jets and commercial aircraft. Lolita Express was just one of HUNDREDS of planes transporting kids and pedos…
spoiler: Oprah’s jet at least 11 flights there.— Maj. Lawrence, PhD, USAF (ret) (@NoRemorseAFVET4) August 1, 2020
Bradley Edwards, the lawyer for Epstein’s victims: Trump is the only person who picked up the phone and said – let’s just talk. He was very helpful in the information he
— Wojciech Pawelczyk (@Woj_Pawelczyk) July 31, 2020
BREAKING: The U.S.-backed Afghan government in Kabul has engaged in a “policy or practice” that allows government officials to rape & molest little boys inside “government compounds” w impunity, according to new Pentagon IG report. The practice is called bacha bazi or “boy play”
— Paul Sperry (@paulsperry_) July 31, 2020
- President Donald Trump pointed to the chaotic primary election in New York’s 12th Congressional District as a portent of what the nation might expect should Democrats succeed in their scheme to vastly expand mail-in voting for the general election in November. Though the primary was held on June 23, a clear winner is not known due to a large number of absentee ballots that were disqualified by the state’s Board of Elections.
- “They’re never going to have the result of that election — never the correct result,” Trump said. “Thousands and thousands of ballots are missing.”
- The president fears that a nationwide mail-in vote could be even worse than the fiasco in New York 12. He told reporters that results could be seriously delayed if a massive mail-in vote scheme is thrust upon an unprepared nation.
- “You won’t know the election results for weeks, months, maybe years after,” Trump said. “Maybe you’ll never know the election results, and that’s what I’m concerned with
Supreme Court Gives Trump 5-4 Win on Construction of the Border Wall with Mexico
The Statesman reported:
The Supreme Court declined by a 5-4 vote to halt the Trump administration’s construction of portions of the border wall with Mexico following a recent lower court ruling that the administration improperly diverted money to the project.
False Flags
- D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser’s quarantine dictates that anyone traveling to a “high-risk area” for “non-essential” reasons must self-quarantine for 14 days upon entering the District. Georgia is deemed “high-risk” by the mayor’s office.
- Washington, D.C. attendees to the Atlanta funeral of the late Rep. John Lewis are exempt from following the District of Columbia’s strict quarantine rules after returning home from Georgia, the D.C. mayor’s office says.
- Among the attendees at that funeral were dozens of members of Congress, including Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), Senators Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) and Cory Booker (D-N.J.), Maryland House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.), and House Majority Whip Jim Clyburn (D-S.C.).
- Under current District of Columbia rules, all of those individuals would normally be required to self-quarantine for two weeks upon returning to D.C. City Mayor Muriel Bowser’s recent quarantine order dictates that any individual traveling to a “high-risk area” for “non-essential” reasons must self-quarantine for 14 days upon entering the District.
- The entire state of Georgia is among the locations deemed “high-risk” by the mayor’s office. But a spokeswoman for Bowser confirmed that attendees of the funeral would not have to follow the mayor’s quarantine rules.
- “Government activity is essential, and the Capitol of the United States is exempt from the Mayor’s Order,” Bowser Press Secretary Susana
- CDC guidelines dictate small funerals; countless memorials denied, postponed throughout U.S.
- This virus is smart, it knows the difference between essential and non essential employees, it knows this difference between private and propaganda funerals.
Were you tested for #COVID-19 at Living Health Holistic Healthcare in New Braunfels, Texas, recently? Authorities have reason to suspect the COVID-19 tests administered at the facility should not have been used to diagnose or rule out an active COVID-19 infection. (1/2)
— FBI SanAntonio (@FBISanAntonio) August 1, 2020
People are speaking out, they are reaching the precipice
This was the scene in Berlin, where an estimated 17,000 people defied social-distancing and mask requirements to join a protest supported by neo-Nazi groups, conspiracy theorists and others who said they were fed up with the restrictions.
Read the latest.
— The New York Times (@nytimes) August 1, 2020
According to confirmation from the police of Berlin, it has been confirmed that between 500,000 and 1 million peaceful protesters (mostly without Masks) demonstrate against the Corona rules.
A GREAT EXAMPLE for the Rest of the WORLD
— 🇺🇸 𝔼𝕄 💥 𝕂𝔸 🇺🇸™ (@EMKA17 on PARLER) (@EM_KA_17) August 1, 2020
Important to understand.
- American public health experts, led by Dr. Anthony Fauci, have struggled over the past couple of months to push a specific narrative on the public: Wearing a mask doesn’t so much protect you from being infected with SARS-CoV-2, but if you are infected, wearing a mask could stop you from passing the virus to someone else.
- The mainstream media has backed up these assertions with vague references to “science” and “research”, while a coalition of celebrities and progressive activists have tried to tar anybody who doubts this narrative – or, worse, refuses to wear a mask at all times outside their home – as a “denier”.
- the Dutch government had decided the day before that it would not advise the public to wear masks to slow the spread of coronavirus because their effectiveness has not yet been proven.
- The decision was announced by the Netherlands Minister for Medical Care Tamara van Ark following a review by the country’s National Institute for Health. Following a resurgence in cases over the past week or so, the Dutch government has decided it will instead seek better adherence to social distancing rules.
- “Because from a medical perspective there is no proven effectiveness of masks, the Cabinet has decided that there will be no national obligation for wearing non-medical masks” Van Ark said.
Seriously people- STOP BUYING MASKS!
They are NOT effective in preventing general public from catching #Coronavirus, but if healthcare providers can’t get them to care for sick patients, it puts them and our communities at risk!— U.S. Surgeon General (@Surgeon_General) February 29, 2020
They always knew that masks do not protect you,
Fauci said the same thing
What changed, it wasn’t the science, the results from masks are the same they don’t work, so the question is who got to them
- United States hospitals have a “perverse” monetary “incentive” to increase their count of coronavirus fatalities, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)’s director Robert Redfield indicated under questioning from a Republican lawmaker during a House panel hearing on Friday.
- According to Congressman Luetkemeyer, Adm. Brett Giroir from the U.S. Health and Human Services (HHS) Department has conceded that there is an economic incentive for hospitals to inflate their coronavirus fatalities.
- Giroir “acknowledged that the statistics he is getting from the states are over-inflated,” the Republican lawmakers said.
- T
1/ Dr. Fauci is misleading the American people when he says that randomized controlled trials have shown hydroxychloroquine to be ineffective.
Here’s why.
— James Todaro, MD (@JamesTodaroMD) August 1, 2020
Why is the media silencing information they don’t like?
Why is @Twitter censoring the facts that don’t fit their narrative?
Don’t be afraid of more information!
Read more, like this:
— Richard Grenell (@RichardGrenell) August 1, 2020
Antifa protesters in downtown Portland have started burning American flags in the street. They are also burning Bibles.
— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) August 1, 2020
I reported last night that some people were burning Bibles at the antifa/BLM protest in Portland. Here is video:
— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) August 1, 2020
Minneapolis City Government tells residents to be ready to give up their phones and wallets and to always cooperate with criminals:
— Kyle Hooten (@KyleHooten2) August 1, 2020
“Something BIG about to drop”
Q 2 year delta vs @realDonaldTrump first thing today💣🚨🇺🇸💣🚨💣
— stormypatriotjoe⭐️⭐️⭐️ (@stormypatriot21) August 2, 2020
Bill Gates couldn’t even protect his computer programs from viruses, now he’s pushing virus protection on humans. More psyops with this ‘how best to shame, persuade the public to take the vaxx. BS! Enough is enough! We’re well past that point. Trump needs to expose them now and end this crap.
Round these evil ones up and put us out of their miserable evil plans.