PANIC, What Makes A Good Movie, Great Actors, Countermoves – Ep. 2376

The economy was built up by Trump he built the structure to move our system forward beyond the [CB]. That is what his first term was used for. Tariffs brought money into the country. Now small businesses are seeing what their future economy will look like, they are panicking. The patriots are now moving all pieces into position to move in on the [DS]. Election fraud, treason, sedition and crimes against humanity have now been completed.Why is Trump waiting to the last moment, he is going to play the Trump card. The [DS] is now panicking, Trump gave them multiple chances to tell the truth and to do the right thing and they didn’t. Now it will all be exposed to the public.
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Small Businesses Freaking Out About Surging Taxes Under Biden
- In December, the first month after Donald Trump’s loss, the NFIB Small Business Optimism Index slumped 5.5 points to 95.9, falling below the average Index value since 1973 of 98, and missing expectations of a triple digit print. Nine of the 10 Index components declined and only one improved. Of note, owners expecting better business conditions over the next six months tumbled by a whopping 24 points to a net negative 16%, realizing that a Democrat admin is hardly conducive to small business growth.
- What we found most interesting, however, is what small business owners overwhelmingly listed as the single “most important problem.” Here, after monthly of complaining about the quality of labor and poor sales, in December there was a new biggest concern: “taxes”…
… with 21% of respondents lamenting the imminent tax hikes under the Biden admin.
BREAKING: @PBS Principal Counsel Michael Beller Incites Political Violence In Radical Left-Wing Agenda
“Go to the White House & throw Molotov cocktails…”
“Even if Biden wins, we go for all the Republican voters, Homeland Security will take their children away…”#ExposePBS
— James O’Keefe (@JamesOKeefeIII) January 12, 2021
#BREAKING: PBS has fired Michael Beller, a mid-level staff attorney who was filmed by Project Veritas calling for the children of Trump supporters to be “put…into re-education camps.”
— Matthew Keys (@MatthewKeysLive) January 12, 2021
“There is no place for hateful rhetoric at PBS, and this individual’s views in no way reflect our values or opinions,” a PBS spokesperson said in a statement.
— Matthew Keys (@MatthewKeysLive) January 12, 2021
BREAKING: CNN nat’l security analyst Juliette Kayyem (Obama DHS) called Trump “the leader of a terrorist organization” & demanded his “total isolation” thru removal from office, deplatforming & no access to campaign funds. She also called for mass arrests &scrubbing of rallygoers
— Paul Sperry (@paulsperry_) January 12, 2021
- Homeland Security Committee Chair Rep. Bennie Thompson (D-MS) wants to place Republican Senators Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley on the federal “No Fly” list due to the “actions they participated in”
- “Trump should be impeached. But that alone won’t remove white supremacy from America,”
- .
#CapitolBuilding TIMELINE: Critical window Wednesday is coming into focus 1230-1315. While POTUS addressed the rally + before he concluded, a group was already pushing onto the grounds of the Capitol building + first pipe bomb discovered (1245p) at RNC + second pipe bomb at DNC
— Catherine Herridge (@CBS_Herridge) January 12, 2021
(1315p) ANALYSIS: Pipe bombs may have been effort to pull first responders from Capitol, further weakening security or to maim lawmakers evacuating. PHOTO: 11 suspected IDDs (Improvised Incendiary Devices) also found near Capitol//not known if connected or separate pipe bombs.
— Catherine Herridge (@CBS_Herridge) January 12, 2021
#CapitolBuilding A law enforcement official tells @cbsnews there is growing evidence of likely coordination, pre-meditation between some protestors before the breach as @fbi warns more violence is possible in the days ahead.
— Catherine Herridge (@CBS_Herridge) January 12, 2021
Trump blasts big tech. Tells reporter “If you read my speech…people thought that what I said was totally appropriate.”
— Breaking911 (@Breaking911) January 12, 2021
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 02/17/2020 21:27:37 ID: 73bdd5
Archive Bread/Post Links: 8168472 / 8168706
Direct Link: 8168706
Geopolitical/Police State
Twitter bans tweet questioning fraud in the election.
Facebook follows
- A handful of Big Tech companies moved to take down social media platform Parler over the weekend, but it appears to have found a new company to help try to keep its website running.
- On Monday, Parler registered its domain and server to be hosted by Epik, an internet webhosting company known for working with right-leaning websites. Gab, another social media platform popular with conservatives, also uses Epik. A web domain search shows that Parler is now registered with Epik.
- Epik put out a statement on Monday claiming it had no discussion of providing future services to Parler. Epik did acknowledge, however, that Parler was “working on satisfying the requested terms placed upon them.”
False Flags
Who Is Behind the Planned “Armed March on Capitol Hill” and Is It a Deep State Plot?
- WARNING! There are several armed protests at state capitols across the country before inaugural ceremonies next week.
- For the record, these “armed protests” in the coming days ARE NOT sanctioned by the Trump Campaign.
- Notice there is no organizing group listed on the flyer.
As @UN‘s largest contributor, I put U.S. taxpayers and America’s interests first. The UN without American Leadership = rampant anti-Semitism, CCP propaganda, waste/fraud/abuse. We can’t afford to return to #MultilateralismAsUsual.
— Secretary Pompeo (@SecPompeo) January 11, 2021
- How do you bring down Big Tech, MSM and SM in one shot. FCC warnning, Trump always gives them a chance to do the right thing, the MSM, Big Tech is obligated to follow federal law.
- Will the MSM and Big Tech follow the law, most likely no,
- DC Protest, MSM, corrupt politicians have been going on and on using the word insurrection and sedition
- Flyer calling for people to attend rallies across the country, and bring your weapons, a false flag, who will be in these cities, antifa
- How do you bring in the NG to certain locations
Anonymous 10/30/2017 00:26:53 ID: Eka5Om1K
4chan Thread/Post: 147146601 / 147181191
Direct Link: 147181191
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ASC stands at the forefront of government mass notification and emergency alerting systems. We’re on the front line of defense against the worst of the worst, protecting staff and providing military personnel with the information and tools for complete peace of mind. Our hardware and software solutions are responsible for real-time, actionable communications, imperative to base operations.
By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (50 U.S.C. 1701 et seq.) (IEEPA), the National Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1601 et seq.), and section 301 of title 3, United States Code,
I, DONALD J. TRUMP, President of the United States of America, find that the People’s Republic of China (PRC) is increasingly exploiting United States capital to resource and to enable the development and modernization of its military, intelligence, and other security apparatuses, which continues to allow the PRC to directly threaten the United States homeland and United States forces overseas, including by developing and deploying weapons of mass destruction, advanced conventional weapons, and malicious cyber-enabled actions against the United States and its people.
Key to the development of the PRC’s military, intelligence, and other security apparatuses is the country’s large, ostensibly private economy. Through the national strategy of Military-Civil Fusion, the PRC increases the size of the country’s military-industrial complex by compelling civilian Chinese companies to support its military and intelligence activities. Those companies, though remaining ostensibly private and civilian, directly support the PRC’s military, intelligence, and security apparatuses and aid in their development and modernization.
At the same time, those companies raise capital by selling securities to United States investors that trade on public exchanges both here and abroad, lobbying United States index providers and funds to include these securities in market offerings, and engaging in other acts to ensure access to United States capital. In that way, the PRC exploits United States investors to finance the development and modernization of its military.
I therefore further find that the PRC’s military-industrial complex, by directly supporting the efforts of the PRC’s military, intelligence, and other security apparatuses, constitutes an unusual and extraordinary threat, which has its source in substantial part outside the United States, to the national security, foreign policy, and economy of the United States. To protect the United States homeland and the American people, I hereby declare a national emergency with respect to this threat.
Accordingly, I hereby order:
Section 1. (a) The following actions are prohibited:
(i) beginning 9:30 a.m. eastern standard time on January 11, 2021, any transaction in publicly traded securities, or any securities that are derivative of, or are designed to provide investment exposure to such securities, of any Communist Chinese military company as defined in section 4(a)(i) of this order, by any United States person; and
President Trump: “Free speech is under assault like never before.”
“The 25th Amendment is of zero risk to me but will come back to haunt Joe Biden and the Biden administration. As the expression goes, be careful what you wish for.”
— Kyle Morris (@RealKyleMorris) January 12, 2021
What in the world are you talking about? Did you listen to him at the borderwall He looks defeated he sounds defeated He refered to the Biden administration at least 3 times. For the first time since this has started I feel completely duped. For they last month Potus sudddenly went from being strong to appearing weak like he just gave up. PLEASE STOP SAYING THE PEOPLE HAVE TO BE SHOWN. We are being handed over to the new world order. At what point will we have seen enough? After they shut down the country? after they force vaccines? Maybe after they complete their plan to get the population down to 1 billion? Will we have seen enough to be saved. Im beginng to think you are part of it all
Art of War: Appear weak when you are strong. Appear strong when you are weak. Know your enemy. Know yourself.
I feel exactly the same. All the hype all the build up about what is coming out. All the talk about being in control. I feel like we are the ones being strung along and Q is a joke on us
I am with you- But, at least keep the faith and hold the line until Jan. 20.
We have all been consumed by this despicable election, but it is larger than that- Much larger.
The sting operation is bigger than we all suspected. Be patient, it is possible that our President is going to school the world on how you play this game. Personally, besides be very concerned, I am FASCINATED! : )
Dave – I can’t believe you keep saying they (the dems and DS) are panicking. They brazenly stole the election, took control of both houses and now can manipulate all elections. They are the opposite of panicking. They are strutting like bullies that can’t be touched.
After January 20th and Biden is President, do you keep telling us this is all part of the plan? That Trump and the patriots are still in control?……..
I agree with much of what you observed. However, the enemy will be utterly destroyed and put to shame by the power of God. Q is right, not because of Q itself, but because God has willed it to be so. Let’s pray and expect a miraculous turnaround. All the earth shall witness the finger of God in action. Hold the line in prayers. Keep the faith. Don’t be passive. Don’t lose hope.
Now we can see? They have been showing us for 4 years 4 years while WE WERE TOLD the pain is comming its comming in the spring its comming in fall by winter 2018 the 15th the 19th next weekk next month and on and on AND NOTHING We stayed loyal we held the line For what? to get thrown under the bus now we’re all screwed These assholes who should have been arrested 3 years ago are going to torture us As the man we loved and trusted walks away, They let this election get stolen WE KNOW THEY HAD THE ABILTIY TO STOP THE STEAL THEY DID IT IN 2016. it was supposed to be “part of the plan” When Potus let the whole pandemic bull go on I thought all part of the plan He let people in Democrat run states suffer lose their jobs and their homes Part of plan I have hung on every single word Q put out IT WAS ALL BULLSHIT I watched him at the border wall He mentioned the Biden Adminstration 4 separate times. Are you saying now a few days before our country disintegrates he is going to bring out the military? Oh brother he said countermoves THATS IT Qs comming in to save the world EVERYONE WHO DID THIS TO US FOR 4 YEARS SHOULD BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE.Nothing was every done to combat these people or hold them accountable. Was everything they said about expanding Gitmo even true? I am besides myself I can’t believe how badly i fell for this. For Potus to walk away this easy there is No way he was not part of the whole thing
My humble opinion and advice at this point is that we put our faith and hope. Trump did intend to drain the swamp, but the enemies are many and very strong. However, with God all things are possible. I still believe we will see a dramatic turnaround with the finger of God Almighty.
My humble opinion and advice at this point is that we put our faith and hope in God. Trump did intend to drain the swamp, but the enemies are many and very strong. However, with God all things are possible. I still believe we will see a dramatic turnaround with the finger of God Almighty.
As much as it pains me to say it, I do not see any light at the end of this tunnel. I pray President Trump has something that he can still do to make this right. Because if it is not made right somehow, someway, our country is literally doomed. Congress will enshrine mail in cheating, no signature checks and algorithms tailored for their favorite candidates. Conservative peace-loving patriot Americans will never be able to elect anyone outside the corrupt system again. Only radical Dems or less radical but compliant RINO Republicans will forever be the figureheads representing those in control. We know our vote will only will count if we vote for the approved candidate. We will never be able to speak freely again. These trial lock downs have only proven that we are easily controlled.
I’m a glutton for optimism though, that’s why I listen to your reports.
Donald J. Trump does not lose. He would never quit and let his supporters down. Ye of little faith.
Dave I have been admirer of your work since the beginning . I do not buy for a second that Trump has duped the Mayor into bringing in the National guard and then he is going to take them over as part of his plan. Come on buddy At some point in time something had to go wrong with “The plan” Everytime something went wrong you have claimed it was “All part of the plan”. The Mayor of DC has put up fencing brought in the national guard and we are supposed to believe they are going to change course and defend Trump and take the DC Crooks down? Just yesterday you said ” Do i think that Trump going to come in and arreste everyone? No. He is going to arrest a select few”. Now hes getting everyone at once again What the heck is going on here.
my problem is why do people that see whats going on have to deal with the people that dont? That i just dont get. So people that get it get punished for something they said???? What????? im still trying to understand that. I dont get it?
Don’t you realize that the “show” may be just a show, that all we say for the last 4 years was a drama to lead people to believe reform was just around the corner? There may be no opposition at all, just controlled opposition.
The U.S. Supreme Court has set a loud and clear precedent ruling that “fraud vitiates everything”. The President’s attorneys and all involved law firms need to be acutely aware of this SCOTUS decision that was handed down in the landmark case UNITED STATES v. THROCKMORTON (98 US 61 – Supreme Court 1878); and which emphatically stated that “fraud vitiates everything”.[1]
Exactly how is information going to be released? They have every corner sealed up We can’t get info anywhere If something is going to come out they will seal the rest of the holes and no one will get anything
That’s the whole point of the coming communications blackout. When the coms drop, we know it is good news. This will be because the intel has already been released through the appropriate official channels and they don’t want us to know about it.
Antifa will riot under false flag of Trump supporters and Military and National Guard Units will quell the riots. The coms drop will be blamed on the rioters or on some other fabricated distraction, such as Sun Spots, a repeat of the Christmas bombing of an AT&T hub, an EMP, UFOs or the like.
After Roberts fraudulently inaugurates Biden and Harris, most likely with nearly no audience at all, the crime will be complete. I expect the Supreme Court will be split on its attendance at the inauguration.
The real race right now is for Biden to get his Cabinet Nominees confirmed before the current Trump officeholders can act against Biden and Harris after they have completed their Treason.
As long as Homeland Security, State, Treasury and Defense Secretaries, Acting Secretaries and those in their lines of succession, remain loyal to the Constitution and not to a Fraudulent President Biden, when the truth comes out, they will act to remove Biden from office before he, not our legitimate President Trump, can do irrecoverable damage.
We will then see how long it takes to impeach And Convict a sitting President. When a desperate and deranged Fraudulent President Biden attempts to deploy nuclear weapons, as Pelosi, per the playbook of accusing others of what oneself is doing, has stated President Trump might do, Military divisions will clearly demonstrate their allegiance to either the Constitution or to an impeached, but not yet convicted, Fraudulent President Biden. I previously stated that Elon Musk must declare his allegiance and the next day, he came out against the censorship of President Trump. (Thanks, Elon.)
This is just my personal assessment, of course. We will see what comes when it comes. No one can escape what is coming. Que sera sera.
When Joe really does go crazy, it will be demonstrated exactly what the Twenty-fifth Amendment is all about.
today is the 1.12.21 and i know there is a lot of misguided info as well as misinformation. I just want to know did President Trump sign the Inserrection Act or not? there are so many ppl who believe he has and there are ppl saying he has not signed the Act at all.
so confused right now!!!! clear this up for my aching head.
There are NG troops in DC right now. That means the Insurrection Act is in effect. Trust the Plan. It will not unfold like you think.
The Unclassified Memorandum signed by all of those men makes me a bit uneasy. Are you sure they are on our team?
Did you just say that the military leaders just swore they are going to uphold the Constitution by having Biden sworn in as their commander in chief – UNTIL they hear the evidence?
But then this is also “Military planning at it’s finest” and the greatest military operation ever?
So which is it? The military planned all this out, or they are waiting to swear in Biden until they finally hear the plan and the evidence on the last day possible?
Dave thank you for report insight. It all make sense now. Looking forward for your next report.
Now I lay me down to sleep.
The MSM too lame to keep.
If they go down before I wake.
I will rejoice for they are fake.
I couldn’t find your usual post on Rumble yesterday nor was there any alert on my email even though i did sign up for it i know you’re probably swamped with similar messages so i won’t bother you with dumb crap questions scary times ahead i guess stay safe and God bless
Of all the things Donald J. Trump promised, as he ran for president, was to “drain the swamp.” When he was sworn in as President, he promised to uphold and protect the constitution from all enemies, foreign and domestic. The VP has failed him and us. If our president walks away now, he will have failed us as well. Before VP Biden has been made president, we are already seeing what will happen. The democrats and many republicans are out to destroy America. Thank God for men like Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley. We’re waiting for our President to do what he has promised!
This is nuts. He is done as POTUS. There’s no sign whatever that anything is being done to keep him in office, and it’s becoming obvious that this is, regrettably, a giant psyop to keep those who support President Trump from taking action. He may still be POTUS until 1/20, but he’s lost control of any agency that could stop the steal. And it’s cruel to keep telling us that he hasn’t, and that we won’t be saddled with a Biden presidency.
I’m watching this on my old iPad because my phone is wiped out I have your email I click to watch your videos and there blank. All your writing is there but the videos are blank
Praying that all the heads of our Military branches of services will remember as I do the promise that I as well as every service swore when we served to” TO PROTECT AND DEFEND OUR WRITTEN CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AGAINST ALL ENEMIES BOTH FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC SO HELP US ALMIGHTY GOD “.
My previous remarks had what I wanted to say. I had an error that I tried to correct. This is address is correct. Thanks
Friends, what do we know? We KNOW:
1. ~7000 NG troops in DC. Can we CONFIRM troops at state capitals in all 50 states before 1/17?
2. VP Pence DID NOT invoke 25th amendment (rejected by GOP).
3. Pelosi and Dems ARE trying to impeach for 2nd time (RED3). Why, if he only has another week in office and this is all a PYSOP against Trump supporters?? The only answer that makes sense is that they are AFRAID of him using his power as Commander in Chief of the military to make arrests, stifle riots, and PUSH the truth (EAS, Giant Voice, New platform for supporters, etc.). They must remove this power NOW, not wait. Q Posts seem to line up with this week very well as he demonstrated.
4. Demonization of all his supporters, threatening concentration camps for them, and silencing them on SM. Indicates they are TERRIFIED of us, not gloating.
5. The warning from the FCC to all EAS participants. Why? Because it’s going to be used soon is the only answer that makes sense.
6. Big Tech/CCP will try to silence. Space Force has the jammer, etc.
7. Q said this WILL NOT BE CLEAN. Things won’t go perfectly as planned.
8. God Wins. Ultimately, this is meant to shine a light to the world of Satan’s influence thus far, as the Antichrist’s world comes into view. GET SAVED!
For a long time we’ve held onto the assumption that we were going to cripple the deep state by a plan set out by Q, POTUS etc. We were told to hold onto, believe in, and follow the plan thereof. We have been well aware that the deep state individuals are involved in “crimes against humanity”. Raping, killing, torturing children being among the most disturbing. The deep state was allowed to continue while we were told to await a “gotcha” moment. Joe Biden will be inaugurated in one week. The stage is set to remove the second amendment from the American people. China is set to “help” with civil unrest. Antifa is playing “lets dress-up like a Trump supporter” and being allowed into Capitol Hill to terrorize and vandalize. The media is allowed to say “yep, see it’s all Trump supporters.” PBS executivces are saying “we’re going to take their kids away.” Then what? Rape them? Probabably. Thats what they like to do. But it was “a part of the plan.” Our firearms will be taken as “part of the plan”. We will have nothing left and Trump will long be deceased and we’ll still be here as “a part of the plan”. Learn to speak Chinese. Any action at this point is too late. We’ve listened to long. The “plan” was THEIR plan. And it worked. You let them do this when you could’ve stopped it months ago. Antifa acting as Trumpers? Antifa acting as police? We know this. Crisis actors? We know this. What else do they do? I don’t know maybe impersonate someone who is totally anonymous and utilize the character for manipulation of those who realize something isn’t right. Maybe create a dozen or so sources to reiterate what “Mr. Anonymous” says. Or, um… types on a keyboard. They wake up out of one dream to be put to sleep in another. When will we stop believing this? Nothing is coming down. Nothing will be stopped. Trump was sent as a probe. All he had to do was gain the support of the right to open the door for the left. “Oops. I lost.” He “lost” on purpose. He let them cheat. It was part of the plan remember? When we’re dead, murdered and our nation is in ruins can we finally quit playing this game? It’s gotten old. Notice the “plan” is always to do nothing? OK so… who eventually does something? Who knows. You’re still waiting. And now its too late.
I can’t understand Dave, why you are calling it The Great Reset when that’s the term for the Evil Side of removing property ownership and putting us under communism! I think you need to change your terminology!
I’ve had this feeling for a while. Talk about trust the plan, this has been the plan all along. Dupe the patriots into believing somebody was fighting for freedom and justice. Something big, coming in a week, or days, the bad actors being arrested, Durham had it all. It was all bullshit and while patriots rested, waiting for justice in next week or something, DS and globalists laid their final works for the creation of a fascist dictatorship. God knows who was involved or not. It’s been controlled opposition all along.
I fear everything has been just theather and distractions.
Yep, I do indeed think this was the plan all along. Keep people complacent, take over the nation, install a permanent kleptocracy and the republic entirely.
Remember “enjoy the show”? Seems like it was indeed just another show. We’ll know in 5 days. If we end up with a puppet in the presidency, Dave was part of it.
Hi Dave..
Your broadcast lifts my spirits and those of everyone I know, thank you. Both times yesterday when President Trump referred to a bidin’ admitastrainin’, once by name, did he really say what we heard? He knows the wall would come down in a heartbeat for their black market, so what did ‘I don’t think so’ really mean? And his second mention was a stretch but not a lie – ‘Biden Administration’ is certainly an expression these days. Sun Tzump!
Sec. Pompeo was unambiguous in ending his speech to the National Press Club yesterday:
“And just as we have done with other horrible regimes, like the one in China, the Trump administrations will look to this as it is, not as we wish it to be. We see the true nature of the Iranian regime and we refuse to indulge it.” Sounds like a continuation, not an ending; and what does he mean by ‘Trump administrationS’? Just a slip of the tongue?
And this article came out on Election Day! …
Whoever Wins the Election, There Will Be a Transition
Power to the People, Right On! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
Linda G.
How can Trump wait so long…Talk about a climax
Great Dave, I look forward to your programs.
Reading thru the comments I am surprised at the number of nay-sayers, who say they have given up on Trump and encourage others to give up hope. They sounds like the Dems on YT.
I remain behind POTUS 100%.
“You’ll like how this movie ends.”
Trump met with Pence night before Nancy, asked Pence to evoke the 25th Amendment im almost certain he told Pence 2 things, I will declassify your Pedo excursions in the Past or Something Corrupt his wife has did to receive that letter at GB senior Funeral…
In the words of Clyde Shelton (from Law Abiding Citizen)…
“I’m gonna pull the whole thing down. I’m gonna bring the whole f***in’ diseased, corrupt temple down on your head. It’s gonna be biblical”.
If this information pertains to you, then receive it and understand it.
Time is a man made phenomenon in order that events have a forward stroke.
Therefore, and taking all aspects of this truth into consideration, it may indeed be an unfortunate thing for those of you that have persisted to push your bad intentions on the rest of humanity.
You will meet your destiny, each to thine own. For, it is waiting for you in it’s perfect place in the time stroke of mortal man.
God is in charge of EVERYTHING. Do not ever forget this all important fact.
For, in the end it will not be God that places judgement upon you. It will be you, of course. And you can none but reveal the truth of what you have lived. And for some of you( you know without a doubt who you are) this will be a grave event.
There is only good and evil. There are no shades of grey in between. God let’s us choose… on purpose.
Will you choose to come into your consciousness at the end of your journey here? Or will you choose to dissipate into nothingness.
I fear nothing in existence excepting NOTHINGNESS.
Godspeed .
Great what Trump did for the economy. But what does it matter now that President Trump is no longer President? Biden and Congress will wipe all those gains out. Back come the taxes and regulations. Off go the tariffs and trade deals. My vote no longer counts. All the Dems have to do from now on is manufacture my vote. So all what your saying means nothing now.
No comment right now
Excellent reporting! Thank you and may God bless and protect you 🙏
Did anyone notice that the memorandum by the Joint Chiefs of Staff wasn’t dated anywhere, and signed by all in the same blue ink. Don’t documents need to be signed in black ink, and dated? Could it be bogus? Also, these men are not in charge of any military, they only advise the President.