Sometimes You Must Sacrifice Yourself, What Is Coming Will Shock The World – Ep. 3104


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Germany’s GND movement is falling apart, the auto manufactures are reporting that sales are dropping and it they are scaling back production. Ford is laying off 1000 people. The economy is cracking and falling apart, the airbnb business is a disaster. The Fed is not predicting a recession which means a recession is coming. The [DS] agenda is being exposed to we the people. Trump is the bait he needs to show how dirty the system really is, the more they attack the worse it gets for them. The crimes they have committed will shock the world in the end. The people need to see this play out so they have the ability to take the country back and keep it. Only at the precipice will the people have the will to make changes.



VW Curbs EV Production As EU Demand Falters Amid Gloomier Economic Picture

  • German newspaper Nordwest-Zeitung reports Volkswagen has temporarily reduced the production of electric vehicles at one of its plants.
  • Volkswagen’s Emden plant in Lower Saxony has reduced production of the electric ID.4 compact SUV and ID.7 sedan for the next two weeks because of weakening sales.
  • Wulff said 300 of the current 1,500 temporary workers employed at the plant would not have their contracts renewed in August. And he noted EV demand is 30% below planned production figures.
  • We are experiencing strong customer reluctance in the electric vehicle sector,” he told the North West.


Could we be witnessing the beginning innings of EV demand cracking?


THE BIDEN EFFECT: Ford Cutting 1,000 Jobs After Agreeing to Shift Focus to Electric Vehicles 

  • Ford is cutting 1,000 jobs in the United States and Canada after accepting a subsidy from the Biden administration to produce more electric vehicles.
  • Since Biden took office in 2021, his administration and Democrats in general have been pushing their climate change agenda at breakneck speed, whether the country is ready for it or not.
  • This story is a reminder that they place a higher value on pursuing their agenda than they do on the lives of working Americans.
  •  Ford Cuts American Jobs After Biden Admin Boosts Company With Green SubsidiesFord announced it will lay off at least 1,000 workers in the United States and Canada, despite the Biden administration’s promotion of its electric vehicles and allocation of billions of dollars in green subsidies that will benefit auto manufacturers including Ford.The automotive giant began notifying employees this week that job cuts are imminent as it looks to offset costs in developing and building electric cars, the Wall Street Journal reported. The cuts will mainly affect engineers, including those in the green vehicles sector of the company.The job cuts come despite the White House’s focus on funding green initiatives and promoting electric vehicles.


Study: Heavy Electric Vehicles Cause TWICE the Road Damage than Their Petrol Equivalents 
  • Heavy electric vehicles (EVs) cause twice as much damage to road surfaces than their combustion-powered equivalents, a report Tuesday has claimed.
  • A UK study led by the University of Leeds found the average electric car puts 2.24 times more stress on roads than a similar petrol vehicle – and 1.95 more than a diesel. Larger electric vehicles can cause up to 2.32 times more damage to roads.
  • The stress on roads causes greater movement of asphalt which can lead to small cracks and eventually expand into potholes with local government authorities left to repair the damage.
  • Impact is even bigger with larger EVs, which can lead to up to 2.32 times more damage to road infrastructure, according to the report as outlined by the Daily Telegraph.
  • The increased weight of EVs can be primarily attributed to their heavy batteries, which can weigh up to 500 kilograms.
  •  the safety risks posed by heavy electric vehicles in any collision with lighter vehicles has pushed the head of the U.S. National Transportation Safety Board to issue a general warning to all road users.


Bidenomics”: White House Launches Campaign to Gaslight Americans on Economy Just Weeks After Dementia Joe Said, “I didn’t realize I had Bidenomics going” 

  • This week the Biden administration is launching a campaign to gaslight the American people on the economy by embracing the term “Bidenomics” as a success story. Biden is set to speak at Noon CDT.
  • The New York Times previewed the Chicago speech, “But administration officials are betting that with the pandemic largely in the rear view mirror, people will soon begin to appreciate the positive effect they say the president’s policies are having on their own lives.”

Major recession imminent in West – HSBC

  • The US economy may contract as soon as this year with Western Europe to follow in 2024, the bank warned
  • The US is projected to enter recession in the fourth quarter of 2023, the British banking giant HSBC said on Tuesday, adding that Western European countries would face a downturn as soon as next year.According to the midyear outlook issued by HSBC Asset Management, recession cautions are “flashing red” for many economies as stock and bond markets are “out of sync” with fiscal and monetary policies.While some parts of the economy are still resilient, the balance of risks “points to high recession risk now,” with Europe lagging behind the US but the macro trajectory generally “aligned,” the bank’s global chief strategist Joseph Little said in the report.“Our central scenario is for recession in western economies, and a difficult, choppy outlook for markets,” 


The Fed thinks catastrophe is coming for US businesses

  • Around 37% of firms are in major trouble, which could worsen the fallout from the Fed’s rate hikes.
  • I
  • Federal Reserve economists just warned a historic surge in the percentage of distressed American companies could worsen the fallout from the US central bank’s fight against inflation.
  • “The share of nonfinancial firms in financial distress has reached a level that is higher than during most previous tightening episodes since the 1970s,” Ander Perez-Orive and Yannick Timmer said in a recent note.


  • More than 250 Hollywood actors and actresses have signed a letter demanding that social media outlets like Facebook censor objections to LGBTQIA+ and transgender issues.
  • The censorship campaign was organized by GLAAD (the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation) and copied the following social media giant executives: Mark Zuckerberg, Meta Platforms, Inc.;  Neal Mohan, YouTube/Alphabet Inc.; Shou Zi Chew, TikTok/ ByteDance Ltd.; and Linda Yaccarino and Elon Musk, Twitter, Inc./X Corp.
  • The letter, signed by entertainers such as Chelsea Handler, Dakota Fanning, Demi Lovato, Debra Messing, Elliot Page, Patrick Stewart, and Zooey Deschanel, follows in full below:


Arizona Gov. Katie Hobbs Signs Executive Order to Allow State Employee to Have Sex Change Surgeries Covered By Health Insurance

  • Arizona Governor Katie Hobbs has signed an executive order to allow state employees to get sex change surgeries covered by their health insurance coverage.
  • “The Department of Administration shall remove the Exclusion from the State’s healthcare plan as soon as practicable and in compliance with State law,” the order declares, noting that “since 2017, the Plan has excluded coverage for ‘gender reassignment surgery.’”
  • Hobbs also signed an order that bars state agencies from funding, promoting, or supporting “conversion therapy” treatment for minors.
  • AZ Central reports, “While Hobbs’ aides say the orders preempt any such prosecutions or limits on healthcare going forward, Hobbs and her administration were unable to provide an example of state resources or dollars supporting ‘conversion therapy.’”
  • Conservatives are already planning to challenge the orders.



  • According to a recently conducted poll from McLaughlin and Associates (M&A) regarding voter preference on business involvement in political and cultural activism, 73 percent of voters would prefer “to shop at a business that stays neutral on political and cultural issues.” Similarly, results from a recent survey by The Trafalgar Group confirmed that over 60 percent of voters believe businesses should remain neutral on politics and cultural issues.
  • In a separate M&A poll regarding the exposure of children to radical gender theory, 61 percent of voters said that introducing children to gender ideology hurts their “emotional and psychological development.”


  • Two pro-trans marketing executives responsible for destroying the Bud Light brand with an advertising campaign featuring transgender influencer Dylan Mulvaney have been fired by Anheuser Busch.


Donald Trump Files Defamation Lawsuit Against E. Jean Carroll Over Bogus Rape Claim 

  • Turning the tables on his accuser, former President Donald Trump has hit back at E. Jean Carroll with a defamation lawsuit, saying she falsely accused him of rape. This countersuit comes after a civil jury found him “guilty of sexual abuse and defamation,” but not rape, in May.
  • Filed in Manhattan federal court on Tuesday, Trump’s counterclaim cites Carroll’s post-verdict comments on CNN.
  • He seeks a retraction as well as compensatory and punitive damages yet to be specified, according to The Guardian.
  • According to the court filing, Trump “has been the subject of significant harm to his reputation, which, in turn, has yielded an inordinate amount of damages sustained as a result.”


IRS Whistleblower Tells CBS that DOJ Protected Hunter Biden and Obstructed Investigation on Money Trails Involving “Dad” or the “Big Guy” (VIDEO)

  • Rep. Smith said, “The investigation was in the ordinary course of work at the IRS. It was not ordered by any individual, any chairman or any political entity.”
  • The IRS recommended charges against Hunter Biden that included:
  • Attempt to evade or defeat tax – A FELONY
  • Fraud or false statements – A FELONY
  • Willful failure to file returns, supply information or pay tax
  • Rather than charging Hunter Biden with felonies for evading taxes and providing false statements to the feds, Joe Biden’s corrupt DOJ gave him a sweetheart deal.


NYT Confirms DOJ Prosecutor Was Blocked From Bringing Charges Against Hunter Biden

  • The New York Times confirmed  the accuracy of IRS whistleblower testimony claiming U.S. Attorney David Weiss was blocked from bringing charges against Hunter Biden in California.
  • In the 21st paragraph of its story about the testimony from two IRS whistleblowers, the Times independently confirmed that Weiss’ request for California prosecutors to pursue charges against Biden was rejected 


FLASHBACK: A Timeline of Hunter Biden’s Years of Drugs, Addiction, Dildos, Arrests and Multi-Million Dollar Deals Thanks to Daddy

For being a notorious drug and crack addict Hunter Biden has done quite well for himself.

  • Hunter Biden’s first arrest may have been when he was 18. Hunter was arrested on Jersey Shore related to drug charges in 1988 and had his record expunged.
  • Many years later and after several stops into drug treatment facilities Hunter joined his father the Vice President on a trip to China in 2013 where Hunter — inexperienced and out of place — was able to secure a $1.5 billion from China for private equity fund which he was forming at the time.
  • A year later in early 2014 Hunter was discharged from the Navy for testing positive for cocaine.
  • Then in April 2014, just a couple months later, Hunter Biden Hunter joined the Board of Burisma Holdings in the Ukraine. Hunter served on the Board until early 2019. Hunter was paid approximately $50,000 a month in his position.
  • The largest oil and gas company in the Ukraine hired a chronic drug addict only a few months after the addict was removed from the US Navy for doing cocaine.
  • In 2020 Hunter Biden was tied to a human trafficking ring with women who appear to be involved in the sex industry, including non-resident alien women in the US who are citizens of Russia or Ukraine.
  • In 2020 The New York Post released a photo of Hunter Biden sleeping with a crack pipe in is mouth like a pacifier.


Exclusive — Darrell Issa: Joe Biden Using White House Counsel as His Personal Lawyer to Stonewall Media on Alleged Corruption 
  • Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA), a senior member of the House Judiciary Committee, questioned  if the White House turned corruption allegations against President Joe Biden into a strictly legal matter when it referred reporters to the administration’s counsel.
  • “The White House is trying to use the president’s counsel as Biden’s personal lawyer to shield questions from the media,” Issa’s Communications Director, Jonathan Wilcox, told Breitbart News. “If Biden wants to lawyer up, that’s fine. But he’s going to have to hire his own criminal attorney.”


  • Are there any State AGs or DAs that are willing to prosecute Hunter Biden/family for the crimes they have committed in their red state? They do it to @realDonaldTrump, why are yall so afraid to act? You got 24 hours to get moving, then im naming names right here on @truthsocial … MAN UP

REPORT: Support for Impeaching Merrick Garland Growing Among House Judiciary Committee Republicans – What Are They Waiting For? 


Biden fails to fool the public about getting the border under control 

  • For awhile there, Joe Biden’s administration thought it sufficient to tell us he made the border “secure.”
  • That didn’t work.
  • So then he appointed Kamala Harris as his border czar — and that really didn’t work.
  • Next up, when the blue cities got a few thousand of the million-plus migrants rolling across the southern border, and cried ‘uncle’ to the White House, Biden claimed to have a plan in place for tough new measures to really really secure the border.
  • Border crossings were down 70 percent as a result, he claimed. The plan, he crowed, is “working as intended,” and he cited numbers showing fewer recorded encounters or arrests.
  • Guess what? The public isn’t buying it.
  • According to The Federalist:


A new poll from Pew Research found that 73 percent of Americans think the Biden administration is doing a bad job at handling the U.S.-Mexico border. For Republicans, the number rises to 87 percent. Even 62 percent of Democrats, whose party currently controls the White House and the Senate, say they disapprove of Biden’s border bungling.


Geopolitical/Police State

WATCH: Brave Armed Citizen Guns Down Would-Be Mass Shooter In Las Vegas – Legal Analyst Reveals How Local Officials and Police Are Hiding the Truth from the Public

  • As KTNV reported, an active shooter entered the Turnberry Towers and started firing off shots toward the front desk. A witness said the shooter was wearing a helmet and had an AR-15 and other weapons in his possession when he made entry.
  • It was at that moment the would-be assassin got an unexpected surprise: an armed employee. The unidentified law-abiding citizen drew on the shooter and caused him to flee by shooting out the inner glass.
  • A brave armed employee discharged his firearm to stop a mass shooting in Las Vegas on Friday, saving countless lives. But local government officials are covering up this vigilant citizen’s heroic action for unspecified reasons.



  • It seems a bit miraculous the would-be mass murderer was able to survive the onslaught though it’s quite possible he was wearing body armor underneath his shirt.
  • Instead of celebrating the employee’s heroic actions, local officials and police refused to confirm that an armed citizen stopped a mass shooting and instead embarked on a scheme to hide the truth from the public.
  • Here is a thread from Amy Swearer, a legal fellow from the Daily Signal, detailing the local officials and the Las Vegas Police Department’s inexcusable actions:




Hawks in Congress Say Prigozhin Rebellion Should Mean More Ukraine Aid

  • “I would hope what [the Wagner rebellion] does is reinforce to members of Congress, particularly some of my Republican colleagues, who were talking about not continuing funding Ukraine, that this is why it is important to make sure that we are funding Ukraine to push forward,” Gregory Meeks (D-NY), the top Democrat on the House Foreign Affairs Committee, said Monday.
  • The White House is expected to ask Congress to authorize more spending on Ukraine via supplemental funds, but it’s not clear when that will happen. The Pentagon claimed last week that an “accounting error” has freed up an additional $6.2 billion that can be spent on military aid for Ukraine, giving the administration more time before it needs to make the request. So far, Congress has authorized $113 billion to spend on the war.


  • Remember… it’s all an Operation  Military Occupancy and Continuity of Government all in front of everyone.
  • Remember… I have ALL documented

Cyber Attacks

False Flags

GOP Senators demand top intel official comply with law, turn over COVID origins info: ‘Try again’

  • Republican Senators Josh Hawley of Missouri and Mike Braun of Indiana sent a letter to the nation’s top spy, calling on her to comply with federal law by declassifying and turning over “any and all information” related to the origins of COVID-19 to Congress.
  • Hawley and Braun sent a letter to Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines on Tuesday, calling on the Office of National Intelligence (ODNI) head to follow the law they introduced that was enacted by President Biden “to help get to the truth about China and COVID-19.”
  • “That law required the Director of National Intelligence to ‘declassify any and all information’ relating to links between the Wuhan Institute of Virology and the origin of COVID-19,” the senators wrote.
  • “You failed to comply with both requirements. The deadline was June 18, 2023,” they continued. “Well past the statutory deadline, your office published a declassified report after business hours on June 23.”
  • Hawley and Braun wrote that Haines’ “failure to comply with the law is especially worrisome in light of recent events,” noting the Biden administration as well as ODNI “has exhibited a concerning level of deference towards China, including obfuscating the extent of China’s intelligence cooperation with Cuba and downplaying the seriousness of China’s intelligence collection over U.S. airspace.”


  • “President Joe Biden and every living President-except Donald Trump – are direct descendants of slaveholders: Jimmy Carter, George W. Bush, Bill Clinton, and – through his white mother’s side – Barack Obama…” Reuters. I hope that every African American in our Country is reading this right now. REMEMBER!


New York Appeals Court Dismisses Claims Against Ivanka Trump in NY AG Letitia James Case

  • Letitia James in September announced a lawsuit against former President Donald Trump and his family.
  • AG James has been investigating whether the Trump Organization inflated the values of some of its properties.
  • Letitia James said her office is seeking to:
  • Make Trump pay $250 million.
  • Ban the Trumps from running NY businesses for good.
  • Ban Trump and Trump Org from buying commercial real estate in NY for 5 yrs.
  • We’re making a criminal referral to the US Department of Justice
  • “With the help of Donald Jr., Eric, Ivanka, and other defendants, Trump variously unlawfully inflated and deflated his net worth by billions to obtain and satisfy loans, get insurance benefits, and pay lower taxes. In short, he lied to gain massive financial benefits for himself,” Letitia James said in September.
  • “We found that Trump, his family, and the Trump Org used fraudulent and misleading asset valuations over 200 times in 10 years on his annual financial statements. These statements were then used to obtain hundreds of millions of dollars in loans and insurance coverage,’ she added.
  • A five-judge panel   found that Letitia James’ claims against Ivanka should be dismissed.
  • “The allegations against defendant Ivanka Trump do not support any claims that accrued after February 6, 2016. Thus, all claims against her should have been dismissed as untimely,” the ruling said.
  • AP reported:


  • A big win against Letitia “Peekaboo” James, the Trump Hating Attorney General of New York State, today. The Appellate Division of the New York State Supreme Court of Manhattan terminated a large portion of the case. In conjunction with the DOJ and others, this HOAX is all about Election Interference pertaining to the 2024 Presidential Election. This is a case that never should have been brought. Thank you to the Appellate Division!

CBS Report, Mysterious DoD Iran Attack Memo Does Not Exist and Is Not Part of Jack Smith Case Against Trump

  •   CBS is now reporting there is no Defense Department memo about attacking Iran – the foundation of the media claims surrounding the leaked audio tapes from Special Counsel Jack Smith.
  •  despite the claims by CNN about how this audio would be used as the “central element” by the prosecution of Trump, the audio and mysterious memo are not part of the Special Counsel case.
  • “There was no document… That was a massive amount of papers and everything else talking about Iran and other things. And it may have been held up or may not, but that was not a document. I didn’t have a document per se. There was nothing to declassify. These were newspaper stories, magazine stories and articles.”

  • Please remember that the only reason I was indicted (ELECTION INTERFERENCE) is because the Democrats don’t want to run against me. They weaponized the DOJ & FBI. I am beating Crooked Joe Biden in virtually every poll, and easily beat him in the last election, but the election was RIGGED. In 2016 it was the same thing, spewed from the mouths of the same failed pundits and losers. They said I couldn’t beat Hillary – How did that work out??? Doug Schoen of FoxNews should get a new playbook!

Aug 14, 2018 5:57:30 PM EDT
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 939e10 No. 2600026 
Aug 14, 2018 5:53:36 PM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 939e10 No. 2599937 

>>2599779 Important takeaway. We’ve had the ball the entire time. Think offense. Why did POTUS move his entire operation out of TT the DAY AFTER the ADM ROGERS [SCIF] MEETING? The WORLD is WATCHING. The WORLD is HERE. EYES ON. Q
>>2599937 They are in full blown panic mode. Enjoy the show. Each FAKE NEWS article written or attack is a BADGE of honor – military grade. Q


Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: e021ac No.7557137

Anonymous ID: c6b6d6 No.7557088
Thanks for standing watch with us for a little while on this emotional night. We are with you and POTUS. Please pass that on to him.

Friend/Patriot – hold your head up high.
POTUS was not harmed in any way today other than on paper (history books).
Sometimes you must sacrifice yourself for the greater good.
“I will gladly take all those slings and arrows for you.” – POTUS
But, even that, can be undone.
The enormity of what is coming will SHOCK THE WORLD.

  • Imagine supporting the following and believing that you are on the right side of history:
  • – Mandatory face coverings.
    – Coercive & mandated vaccination.
    – Disarming your fellow citizens.
    – Suppression of free speech.
    – A total surveillance state.
    – Restriction of movement.
    – Acceptance of pedophilia.
  • Seriously though, how the hell can any of them possibly think that they are in the right here?
  • What a crazy time in history.

8 thoughts on “Sometimes You Must Sacrifice Yourself, What Is Coming Will Shock The World – Ep. 3104

  • Pingback: Sometimes You Must Sacrifice Yourself, What Is Coming Will Shock The World – Ep. 3104 - Republic Alert

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  • June 28, 2023 at 7:21 pm

    Note: “Controlling Inflation” is not an efficient measure of economic vitality and stability. Maintaining the purchasing power of earned savings, pensions and wages in compensation for labor, is a more appropriate measure of economy. A deflation of basic purchasing power, is further accelerated by taxation, large infusions of credit capital, including credit cards, and extravagant government spending.
    It is not the quantity, but the quality of currency and MONEY in circulation that matters most. Today’s so-called “DOLLAR,” is identical to an empty bottle of milk.

  • June 28, 2023 at 8:38 pm

    I thought setting street and building fires in urban areas was ‘peaceful protest.’ So why react so poorly, France?

  • June 28, 2023 at 8:44 pm

    If Obama can give away free phones, and Biden can give away all kinds of free stuff for ILLEGAL invaders, and Ukraine, Iran, and other foreign countries can get BILLION$ of taxpayers money, then I SAY EVERY AMERICAN SHOULD BE GIVEN A FREE GUN, AMMO AND TRAINING!!! So sick of the corruption and criminals in America. The problem is getting worse. There is no Law Enforcement because Laws are not being Enforced!!! The Constitution is being horribly abused and trampled by Commies in this country. It needs to END NOW! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🙏🙏🙏✝️✝️

    You comply because you want it all to end, but it’s your compliance that ensures it will never end!

    REBELLION TO TYRANTS IS OBEDIENCE TO GOD! When the state forbids what God commands, or commands what God forbids, the state is making itself supreme over God, and MUST be resisted!

    Samuel Adams Quotes: 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🙏

    “Contemplate the mangled bodies of your countrymen, and then say ‘what should be the reward of such sacrifices?’ Bid us and our posterity bow the knee, supplicate the friendship and plough, and sow, and reap, to glut the avarice of the men who have let loose on us the dogs of war to riot in our blood and hunt us from the face of the earth? If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude than the animated contest of freedom – go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen!” – Speech at the State House, Philadelphia, August 1, 1776

  • June 28, 2023 at 10:10 pm

    It is a duty of The Office of President, to secure the borders of the nation.
    FBI Disbanded! A newly constituted… Dept of National & Border Security.

    Remove/dissolve/nullify The PRIVATE CENTRAL BANK!
    A printing of currency – a minting of MONEY – must be held as a carefully guarded public trust.
    A vibrant national economy and political sovereignty depends upon this.

    Biden? Beware the buffoon/dementia factor. Consummate trickster.

    How Britain & America Inspired Nazi Eugenics
    A malformed psyche is not amenable to the reductionist
    prognostications of eugenics. This is a matter for the
    Spiritual Sciences, and man’s place in creation.

  • June 29, 2023 at 6:26 am

    You’re saying, “…there’s going to be a nuclear detonation…” as another Deep State diversion/false flag/deflection.
    Well who is in control to execute a nuclear detonation? The military. So if Trump is in control of the military like you say, that means you’re saying HE will order the detonation??? I think you’re starting to get your “facts” mixed up. Get it together.

  • June 29, 2023 at 9:03 am

    By the way, Patrick Byrne has revealed the years-long Durham investigation/report was all Deep State bullshit, so you can quit with the referring to it.

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