The Alarm Has Been Set, Accountability, Justice Is The Only Way Forward – Episode 2275


The Alarm Has Been Set, Accountability, Justice Is The Only Way Forward
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Trump and the patriots are helping the people, the unemployment program is going to pay up to 1800 in lost benefits. Trump is now deregulating, reworking tariffs, giving tax holidays for those who make under a hundred thousand and now reducing drug prices. The [DS]/MSM has been caught in the narrative, the truth is coming out and more is being exposed everyday. Riots are no longer a myth or a conspiracy, now the wild fires are being set, this soon will be shown to be a fact and not a myth or conspiracy. The [DS]/MSM is doing everything in the power to destroy the country, as they push to do this the people are rejecting this. Justice is coming, the alarm has been set. The only way forward is accountability and justice.

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Current News – 09.13.2020

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Trump Admin’s Unemployment Program to Pay up to $1,800 in Lost Benefits: Official

  • Many unemployed workers will get up to $1,800 in extra jobless aid through the Lost Wages Assistance program that created last month by President Donald Trump’s administration.
  • So far, 48 states, Guam, and the District of Columbia have received approval to distribute the payments from FEMA, according to the spokesperson.
  • “Regardless of where the states and territories are in their process to receive and distribute the FEMA funding, FEMA will fund six weeks in $300 supplemental unemployment benefits to every state and territory that has applied for this assistance by Sept. 10,” said the agency spokeswoman.
  • Trump took executive action as negotiations in Congress broke down on a broader stimulus package, which could entail $1,200 stimulus payments and checks, liability protections, funding for state and local governments, funding for testing, school funding, and more.






BREAKING: Israel and Morocco to Establish Direct Flights as Part of President Trump’s Middle East Normalization Efforts

And now this…
Morocco and Israel announced they will establish direct flights as part of President Donald J. Trump’s Middle East normalization efforts.


False Flags

Dr. Fauci says he takes vitamin D and C supplements and that they can lessen ‘your susceptibility to infection 

  • Dr. Anthony Fauci, a leading US expert in infectious disease, said in a recent interview that he takes vitamin D and C supplements to keep a healthy immune system.
  • There’s good science behind his recommendation, with plenty of evidence that being deficient in either nutrient can make you more susceptible to infection.
  • Fauci said most other immune-boosting claims, however, are useless. There’s little evidence other supplements make much difference in preventing illness.


Clinical Trials. Of V D and C

How do you weaken the pharma industry?

How do you present cost effective cures?

‘F**cking Die’: BLM Activists Lay Siege to LA Hospital Treating Officers Hit in ‘Ambush’ Shooting
  • The two deputies suffered multiple gunshot wounds in what appears to have been an unprovoked, close-range attack through the passenger window of their patrol car in Compton
  • Black Lives Matter (BLM) protesters allegedly blocked the entrance to an emergency room at a Los Angeles hospital early Sunday morning where two police officers were being treated for gunshot wounds after an “ambush”, the sheriff’s office has claimed.



Radical left has moved from ‘Defund the Police to Death to Police’

Those who are now watching BLM, NFL and NBA, make heroes out of criminals what happens next, they create individuals who believe they are acting has heroes. Coordinated on purpose?



Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: c35348 No.10605362 📁


See something.
Say something.


Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 8000be No.10605850 📁



The State of Oregon initiated RAPTOR in 2010 to share information on a common operating picture (COP) as part of the US Department of Homeland Security’s Virtual USA Northwest Pilot Project program. RAPTOR enables users access to live data in combination with traditional map layers to create a comprehensive picture anywhere, anytime.


Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 8000be No.10606401 📁
Anonymous ID: a9c735 No.10605891 📁


Woman accused of intentionally starting fires on Highway 101 arrested


Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: f04ba3 No.10608819📁
We got another one! Great job Trooper Morefield. A pedestrian decided to match light the grass at SR-512 and SR-7. Citizen observed and alerted 911. After a short foot chase, one is in custody and on his way to jail.

Court Rules Defendant Must Disclose Phone Password to Police and Prosecution in First Ruling of its Kind in State.

he Oregon Court of Appeals made a first-of-its-kind ruling in the state on Wednesday when it affirmed a lower court’s decision that the forced disclosure of a defendant’s phone passcode was not a violation of her Fifth Amendment rights.

Catrice Pittman crashed her car into a tree in June 2016, leaving an adult friend and five children, ages 2 to 10, with wounds that included internal injuries and broken bones. According to the prosecution, she admitted to using meth that night, The Oregonian reported.

Pittman pleaded guilty to driving under the influence of intoxicants and five counts of second- and third-degree assault. Another charge that the prosecution had been pursuing and hoping to reinforce with evidence from Pittman’s iPhone was that she was allegedly dealing methamphetamine. That charge was later dismissed.

A Marion County judge sided with police and prosecutors by ordering Pittman to enter her passcode, and on Wednesday, the Oregon Court of Appeals agreed with that ruling.



Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 157404 No.10608879📁
Signal allows people to communicate using encryption, this app is being used by groups that don’t want law enforcement monitoring them. But when the phone is unlocked by order of judge the crime is no longer hidden 


Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 157404 No.10609270📁
Anonymous ID: cc8e9a No.10608839📁




Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 157404 No.10609489📁
Anonymous ID: 8e6f3c No.10609371📁



Signal since Day 1. Did they know?

“Signal became one of the top 10 most downloaded social apps on iOS yesterday for the first time, according to data from App Annie. The app often sees spikes in downloads during tumultuous political times, but the last time Signal downloads ranked nearly as high was on the day of President Trump’s inauguration”

Analyze downloads:
pre protests [riots]
start – 60 protests [riots]
Signal was downloaded 121,000 times in the United States between 25 May and 4 June in 2020.[156] 
Now think fire(s).

 Is there are a correlation   


Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 157404 No.10609592📁 redirect to Biden’s donation page.
Similar to BLM > DNC?


Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 39e85e No.10609643📁
Anonymous ID: df1c5f No.10609637📁
James Comey Treason
James Comey Treason
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James Comey Treason


Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 39e85e No.10609739📁
Anonymous ID: a1caad No.10609726📁
John Brennan Treason
John Brennan Treason
John Brennan Treason
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John Brennan TreasonJohn Brennan Treason
John Brennan Treason
John Brennan Treason
John Brennan Treason

When looking at the posts it looks like the twin towers of treason  


Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 0dec87 No.10613269📁


Not organized?


Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 20fbcc No.10613807📁
Anonymous ID: dfa17e No.10613424📁
>>10613269 (Q last bread)
Q, I’m in Oregon City. Clackamas County. Level 2 Evacuation. Terrified. Fires raging everywhere. I’ve been posting to you here for about 2 weeks about these fires. It is real. The rednecks around me are on alert. The others are completely brainwashed. There is no hope for them. Their eyeballs are no longer connected to their brains. Like 90% of ppl are hopelessly brainwashed by the media.


Stay safe!
Be vigilant.


Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 33b3f4 No.10618839📁


Exclusive: Data shows that half of 2019 donations to ActBlue came from untraceable ‘unemployed’ donors

A Take Back Action Fund analysis of $400M in donations to liberal causes raises red flags of possible foreign involvement


A  preliminary computer analysis by the Take Back Action Fund,  has found that nearly half of all 2019 donations to ActBlue were made by people claiming to be unemployed.

Action Fund President John Pudner questioned the veracity of those donations and called it a loophole that must be closed for the sake of election integrity.


“It is hard to believe that at a time when the U.S. unemployment rate was less than 4 percent, that unemployed people had $346 million dollars to send to ActBlue for liberal causes,” Pudner said, adding that “4.7 million donations from people without a job … raised serious concerns.”

Welcome to the [D] party con.



Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 33b3f4 No.10618844📁
Anonymous ID: 4e97c0 No.10618838📁


near zero results?
gotta be blind or a shill


Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 33b3f4 No.10618901📁


Attempts to ‘normalize’ will fail.
Who will be next?


Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 82dfa2 No.10619168📁
Anonymous ID: 0fa48f No.10618970📁



Social Engineering must be suppressed as should the Media Complex





ICE, Brazil Federal Police arrest alleged leader of major human smuggling organization
ICE, Brazil Federal Police arrest alleged leader of major human smuggling organization
  • The alleged leader of a major human smuggling organization that had smuggled individuals from the Middle East (primarily Iran) into South America, the United States, Canada and Europe was arrested Saturday. U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) provided significant assistance to the Brazil Federal Police to arrest Reza Sahami, a dual citizen of Canada and Iran, on human smuggling charges.



Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 82dfa2 No.10619406📁
Anonymous ID: 227a84 No.10619368📁




Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 6599d9 No.10619905📁


MSDNC CON: the Country is divided and dementia Joe [currently taking early-stage dementia medication?] is leading across-the-board.
MSDNC controls what you see [digital echo].
Twitter – FB – GOOG control what you see and what trends [digital echo].
Hollywood [‘stars’] swarm to enforce [‘trend’ echo].
Blue checkmarks swarm to enforce [digital echo].
ANTIFA swarm to enforce [non_digital echo].
Rage and emotion follow by those indoctrinated [echo controlled].
Define ‘indoctrinate’.
to often repeat an idea or belief to someone in order to persuade them to accept it
Next: grab ‘rage & emotion’ [organized platform(s)] by indoctrinated and project as ‘majority’ [zoom and enhance _narrow focus as mainstream].
System of control.
Many choose the path of least resistance.
For many you cannot tell them the truth.
You must show them.
Only at the precipice will people find the will [strength] to change and break the system of control [be free].
Q explains the strategies and tactics used by the press, Hollywood, politicians, Antifa, and social media platforms to keep people in the dark. Only at the precipice will people find the will [strength] to change and break the system of control [be free].


Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: a4f814 No.10630891 📁


SEPT 14-18, 21-25 [track & follow events]
Did Kevin set his alarm?

Barr Requesting a Report From Durham Is Consistent With DOJ Policy — Those Suggesting Otherwise Are Partisan Opponents 

  • The DOJ regulations governing the appointment of a “Special Counsel” like Robert Mueller, provide the following:

§ 600.8 Notification and reports by the Special Counsel.

(2) (c) Closing documentation. At the conclusion of the Special Counsel’s work, he or she shall provide the Attorney General with a confidential report explaining the prosecution or declination decisions reached by the Special Counsel.

  • Does “a confidential report” look anything like this?


2 thoughts on “The Alarm Has Been Set, Accountability, Justice Is The Only Way Forward – Episode 2275

  • September 13, 2020 at 7:18 pm

    Love your podcast! Just an FYI; Oregon is pronounced Ore-eh-gun not Ore-eh-gone.

  • September 14, 2020 at 5:30 pm

    Masks DO NOT Protect Anyone – Even In Operating Rooms!
    Dear Benjamin,
    “As a person who went to medical school, I was shocked when I read Neil Orr’s study, published in 1981 in the Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons of England.
    Dr. Orr was a surgeon in the Severalls Surgical Unit in Colchester. And for six months, from March through August 1980, the surgeons and staff in that unit decided to see what would happen if they did not wear masks during surgeries.
    They wore no masks for six months and compared the rate of surgical wound infections from March through August 1980 with the rate of wound infections from March through August of the previous four years.
    And they discovered, to their amazement, that when nobody wore masks during surgeries, the rate of wound infections was less than half what it was when everyone wore masks.
    Their conclusion: ‘It would appear that minimum contamination can best be achieved by not wearing a mask at all’ and that wearing a mask during surgery ‘is a standard procedure that could be abandoned.’
    I was so amazed that I scoured the medical literature, sure that this was a fluke, and that newer studies must show the utility of masks in preventing the spread of disease.
    But to my surprise the medical literature for the past forty-five years has been consistent: masks are useless in preventing the spread of disease and, if anything, are unsanitary objects that themselves spread bacteria and viruses.
    • Ritter et al., in 1975, found that ‘the wearing of a surgical face mask had no effect upon the overall operating room environmental contamination.’
    • Ha’eri and Wiley, in 1980, applied human albumin microspheres to the interior of surgical masks in 20 operations. At the end of each operation, wound washings were examined under the microscope. ‘Particle contamination of the wound was demonstrated in all experiments.’
    • Laslett and Sabin, in 1989, found that caps and masks were not necessary during cardiac catheterization. ‘No infections were found in any patient, regardless of whether a cap or mask was used,’ they wrote. Sjøl and Kelbaek came to the same conclusion in 2002.
    • In Tunevall’s 1991 study, a general surgical team wore no masks in half of their surgeries for two years. After 1,537 operations performed with masks, the wound infection rate was 4.7%, while after 1,551 operations performed without masks, the wound infection rate was only 3.5%.
    • A review by Skinner and Sutton in 2001 concluded that ‘The evidence for discontinuing the use of surgical face masks would appear to be stronger than the evidence available to support their continued use.’
    • Lahme et al., in 2001, wrote that ‘surgical face masks worn by patients during regional anesthesia, did not reduce the concentration of airborne bacteria over the operation field in our study. Thus they are dispensable.’
    • Figueiredo et al., in 2001, reported that in five years of doing peritoneal dialysis without masks, rates of peritonitis in their unit were no different than rates in hospitals where masks were worn.
    • Bahli did a systematic literature review in 2009 and found that ‘no significant difference in the incidence of postoperative wound infection was observed between masks groups and groups operated with no masks.’
    • Surgeons at the Karolinska Institute in Sweden, recognizing the lack of evidence supporting the use of masks, ceased requiring them in 2010 for anesthesiologists and other non-scrubbed personnel in the operating room. ‘Our decision to no longer require routine surgical masks for personnel not scrubbed for surgery is a departure from common practice. But the evidence to support this practice does not exist,’ wrote Dr. Eva Sellden.
    • Webster et al., in 2010, reported on obstetric, gynecological, general, orthopedic, breast, and urological surgeries performed on 827 patients. All non-scrubbed staff wore masks in half the surgeries, and none of the non-scrubbed staff wore masks in half the surgeries.
    • Lipp and Edwards reviewed the surgical literature in 2014 and found ‘no statistically significant difference in infection rates between the masked and unmasked group in any of the trials.’ Vincent and Edwards updated this review in 2016 and the conclusion was the same.
    • Carøe, in a 2014 review based on four studies and 6,006 patients, wrote that ‘none of the four studies found a difference in the number of post-operative infections whether you used a surgical mask or not.’
    • Salassa and Swiontkowski, in 2014, investigated the necessity of scrubs, masks, and head coverings in the operating room and concluded that ‘there is no evidence that these measures reduce the prevalence of surgical site infection.’
    • Da Zhou et al., reviewing the literature in 2015, concluded that ‘there is a lack of substantial evidence to support claims that face masks protect either patient or surgeon from infectious contamination.
    ‘Schools in China are now prohibiting students from wearing masks while exercising. Why? Because it was killing them. It was depriving them of oxygen and it was killing them.
    At least three children died during Physical Education classes — two of them while running on their school’s track while wearing a mask.
    And a 26-year-old man suffered a collapsed lung after running two and a half miles while wearing a mask. Mandating masks has not kept death rates down anywhere.
    The 20 U.S. states that have never ordered people to wear face masks indoors and out have dramatically lower COVID-19 death rates than the 30 states that have mandated masks. Most of the no-mask states have COVID-19 death rates below 20 per 100,000 population, and none have a death rate higher than 55.
    All 13 states that have death rates higher than 55 are states that have required the wearing of masks in all public places. It has not protected them. ‘We are living in an atmosphere of permanent illness, of meaningless separation,’ writes Benjamin Cherry in the Summer 2020 issue of New View magazine. A separation that is destroying lives, souls, and nature.”

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