The People Are Watching, They See Clearly, They Are Awake, They Now Know – Episode 2189


The People Are Watching, They See Clearly, They Are Awake, They Now Know
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More and more lockdown states are now being forced to open up. The people cannot survive with no business and now we are seeing the economy coming back. It is now being reported that stimulus money is now being stolen and not getting to the people who need it. Gold is continually move up against the dollar while the dollar is losing value, Gold will show the people why sound money works and fiat does not. The [DS]/MSM are continuing with their agenda of removing Trump at any cost. This push is now going to intensify as we head toward the elections. Trump and the patriots no the [DS]/MSM playbook, this is about exposing the them, showing the people the true [DS], understanding how the MSM pushes their agenda. More and more people are waking up, this event has failed before it was started.

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Current News – 06.02.2020

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New Jersey’s Stage 2 reopening plan coming June 15, GOP says it’s too late

  • New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy said the state will move into Stage 2 of its reopening plan but two Republican lawmakers say its two weeks too late.
  • Hair salons and barber shops can reopen on June 22. Murphy did not give a reopening date for gyms.
  • Restaurant owners respectfully asked for a June 5 opening date in line with most of the region,” DiMaso said. “Now they are going to lose another two precious summer weekends of business and they didn’t receive any real acknowledgement of their pleas last week.”


Massive Unemployment Fraud Uncovered In Washington State, Others

  •   We’re now learning that the hastily rushed through bill and the flood of people applying for benefits left the door open for scammers and identity thieves to tap into the system and falsely claim benefits to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars. The first epicenter of this massive scheme was detected in Washington State, but it quickly spread to others. (Associated Press)
  • At first glance, it may seem like a difficult scheme to pull off. How could someone file for unemployment under another person’s name if they are alive and working? As it turns out, all of those massive data breaches we’ve heard about over the years are probably coming back to haunt us. If scammers have enough of your personal data, they can file a claim in your name in the overloaded state online benefits systems. They can elect to have their payments made to prepaid debit cards associated with your account which they’ve already gained access to.


  •  The sheer brute force of pandemic public policy is tilting the balance of financial risk. History can’t exactly predict the outcome of the Federal Reserve’s unprecedented jag of money creation (never mind the humane reasons why those dollars were set afloat). But as to the perishability of paper money, the record is unarguable.
  • Yet now comes BofA Securities with a $3,000-per-ounce price target and persuasive supporting analysis under the very headline, “The Fed can’t print gold.”  
  •  . In January 1980, the gold price briefly touched $850 an ounce. Nineteen years later, the same ounce fetched but $250. The dollar that you entrusted to the ultimate store of value had dwindled to 30 cents.



AG Barr Responds to Judge Emmet Sullivan’s Actions in General Flynn Case with Massive Fire Power 

  • Not only did the Department of Justice respond to corrupt Judge Emmet Sullivan’s actions in the General Flynn case yesterday, but they did so with massive fire power. 
  • Judge Sullivan extended the case by soliciting amicus briefs to allow for public comment on Flynn’s criminal case.
  • Judge Sullivan also appointed retired Clinton appointee judge John Gleeson to argue against the government’s motion to dismiss the charge against Flynn!
    This is unheard of!
  • This came after the US Supreme Court just one week earlier ruled that rogue judges CANNOT do what Judge Sullivan is wanting to do.  The Supreme Court ruled 9-0 to prevent judges like Emmet Sullivan from becoming tyrants on the bench. 
  •  the Department of Justice responded to the rogue judge reminding Sullivan, “We’re the prosecutors here, not you!”
  • But what has gone unreported is that the brief filed by the Justice Department has massive fire power.  The response from the Department of Justice came directly from the office of the United States Solicitor General, Noel Francisco.

Sean Davis at the Federalist reported:

In a sign of how important DOJ views the underlying constitutional issues in the case, the formal brief to the appellate court wasn’t just signed by the line attorney managing the government’s case. Instead, it was signed by Noel J. Francisco, the Solicitor General of the United States who is tasked with representing the U.S. government in the most important appellate cases across the country; Brian A. Benczkowski, the Assistant Attorney General and head of DOJ’s entire criminal division; Deputy Solicitors General Jeffrey B. Wall and Eric J. Feigin; assistants to the Solicitor General Frederick Liu and Vivek Suri; Michael R. Sherwin, the acting U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia; Kenneth C. Kohl, the acting Principal Assistant United States Attorney for D.C.; and Jocelyn S. Ballantine, the line prosecutor handling the Flynn case at trial.

“The Constitution vests in the Executive Branch the power to decide when—and when not—to prosecute potential crimes,” DOJ argued in its brief. Rules of federal criminal procedure, cited by Sullivan in support of his gambit to appoint himself both judge and prosecutor in the inquisition against Flynn, “do[] not authorize a court to stand in the way of a dismissal the defendant does not oppose, and any other reading of [those rules] would violate both Article II and Article III” of the constitution, DOJ wrote.

“Nor, under the circumstances of this case, may the district court assume the role of prosecutor and initiate criminal charges of its own,” the brief continued. “Instead of inviting further proceedings the court should have granted the government’s motion to dismiss.”

  • The case is not in the hands of the Circuit Court.  Obama’s plans to indict General Flynn are over.


Remember when Trump tweeted this out, there is a reason

Trump and team know exactly where the 302 is, why wait, sometimes you must show the people, this entire plan to get rid of the [DS]/MSM is about exposing them, once exposed the patriots play there hand, I guess you can call it a Trump card.

The original 302 will be declassified and it will show they had no case from the beginning, it will also show that everything that came after was planned to remove Flynn

So why did they pick today to tell everyone to stay off Social Media to honor BLM, remember the court hearing was broadcast on the internet so everyone could hear it.

False Flags

The entire pandemic is now coming to and end, the [DS] has lost the narrative, Trump is holding onto the card hes going to play when needed. Trump tweeted this out. 

We need to remember that optics are important. 

Why does Trump mention vaccines, if he directly opposed them the MSM would attack. This is why he says vaccines and therapeutics, think HCQ or some other type of therapeutic.  

Yesterday HRC tweeted out a pic of the white house with the lights out. 

Democrats share altered ‘lights out’ photo of White House on social media

  • Many others, including New Jersey Rep. Bill Pascrell, a Democrat, shared the image while claiming that Trump turned off the lights as Secret Service transported him to a basement bunker Friday amid violent protests outside the White House.
  • David Axelrod, a former adviser to President Barack Obama, also shared the tweet on Monday. “Perfect symbolism. If ever the country needed the occupant of the White House to shed light, and not heat, now is the time. Sadly, the lights are out,” he said.
  • The specific viral picture that was shared alongside the claims was not taken during the Trump presidency, and it was edited to make the mansion look darker than it normally is, a ss.
  • The original image was uploaded to Getty Images’s iStock photo website on Dec. 21, 2015, though it is unclear when the photo was taken. In the photos shared on social media, it has been edited to make the portico hanging lantern and several other lights around the White House appear to be off.
  •  the White House taken Sunday night, the front was “illuminated by exterior lights and the portico lantern [was] turned on” while the interior was dark.

What we are witnessing right now is the [DS]/D’s trying to push Biden out there for the votes, looting, murder, chaos is his rally, he is using this to try to get the black vote, the young vote, but it is backfiring. People know what a real protest looks like, they know it is not violence against innocent people that had nothing to do with anything

Is this about the virus OR THE ELECTION?

Is this about George Floyd OR THE ELECTION?

It’s only about the election

WOW! Pelosi and Schumer Issue Statement Attacking President Trump and Defending-Ignoring Violent Leftist Mob

    Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Minority Leader Chuck Schumer released a statement 


  • As cities are burning across the country at the hands of the leftist mob Pelosi and Schumer ATTACK PRESIDENT TRUMP instead!
  • Via Speaker Nancy Pelosi:
  • Washington, D.C. – Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer issued this statement after President Trump tear-gassed peaceful protestors following a press conference in which he ordered troops to “dominate the streets”:
  • “Across our country, Americans are protesting for an end to the pattern of racial injustice and brutality we saw most recently in the murder of George Floyd.
  • “Yet, at a time when our country cries out for unification, this President is ripping it apart. Tear-gassing peaceful protestors without provocation just so that the President could pose for photos outside a church dishonors every value that faith teaches us.
  • “We call upon the President, law enforcement and all entrusted with responsibility to respect the dignity and rights of all Americans. Together, we must insist on the truth that America must do much more to live up to its promise: the promise of liberty and justice for all, which so many have sacrificed for – from Dr. King to John Lewis to peaceful protestors on the streets today.
  • “At this challenging time, our nation needs real leadership. The President’s continued fanning of the flames of discord, bigotry and violence is cowardly, weak and dangerous.”


No call to protest peacefully

No call to stop looting, killing and damaging property

No Call to protest peacefully according to the first amendment



How do you know if the police are using tear gas, they are going to put on masks so when they walk through it, it doesn’t effect them 

The MSM is making the case that White Sepramists are creating the damage. and Trump is a white sepramists, Why would he say he would use the military to stop the riots.



Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: 9044d9 No.85926
Patriots, rest assured we are in control.
Watch, confirm, and disseminate.
The country is not divided, this is fake news. ANTIFA was organized purely for optics re: division.
It’s FAKE!
Estimated 4-6% we consider ‘hopeless’ and forever brainwashed.Q

Deblasio said we don’t need the national guard, they are not trained for this, we have our police, 

Mayor de Blasio Used National Guard to Quarantine Neighborhoods During Virus – Now Refuses National Guard to Prevent Mob Violence, Looting and Arson…

Governors activate 17,000 National Guardsmen in 23 states and DC amid riots

  • Leaders in 23 states and the District of Columbia have activated 17,000 National Guard soldiers to help local and state law enforcement face mass protests in dozens of cities nationwide.
  • As of Monday morning, a historic 66,700 National Guard soldiers and airmen were activated for domestic operations across the United States in support of their governors,” the branch of the Defense Department announced Monday afternoon. “This surpassed numbers of guardsmen activated during the 2005 Hurricane Katrina response, when more than 51,000 were activated.”


The [DS] wanted a race war, they wanted division, they wanted chaos, Trump turned the tables on them again

Just by announcing that he wants every governor and mayor to protect their citizens, towns, city, and state by doing their job, the entire country is now watching. 

  1. People are watching the looting, the violence first hand. They see building burning, the see windows being broken, they are seeing their businesses being destroyed
  2. As other state stop the violence, stop the looting but allow peaceful protests, the states, cities, towns that are doing nothing stand out. 
  3. The people are now wondering why the elected officials are not doing anything to stop the violence. 
  4. Think Nov 3rd

I wonder if he is thinking about the infrastructure  of the US, could he use the latest events to push this

Trump is tweeting a series of House endorsement today, why,   he fully intends for the GOP to win back the House this November, and have governors and mayors replaced. 

SILENT MAJORITY: Poll Shows American Voters Support Use of Military, National Guard in Riots

  • new poll by Morning Consult found that large majorities of American voters, including a majority of Democrat supporters, back use of the National Guard to address the riots and protests tearing apart cities around the nation. A smaller majority of Americans supports using the military.
  • The poll backs up the President’s claim that a “silent majority” is on his side in cracking down on the unrest.
  • 71 percent of polled American voters said they support the use of the National Guard to supplement city police forces in addressing “protests and demonstrations” (the poll did not use the word “riots”) in American cities.Of these, 42 percent of voters said they “strongly support” use of the National Guard and 29 percent said they “somewhat support” it.Only 11 percent “strongly oppose” the measure and 9 percent “somewhat oppose” it.Republicans are more likely than Democrats to support the use of the National Guard, but a large majority of Democrats (63 percent) either “strongly” or “somewhat” support it as well.


Absent from every single tweet I’ve seen from media types on here making excuses for rioting and looting is the acknowledgment that George Floyd’s family has called for an end to exactly that kind of chaos



Roger ball has been called.
Good and green.

Attorney General William P. Barr’s Statement on Protests in Washington, D.C.

  • Attorney General William P. Barr released the following statement:
  • “Last night was a more peaceful night in the District of Columbia.  Working together, federal and local law enforcement made significant progress in restoring order to the nation’s capital.
  • I am grateful to Chief Peter Newsham and the Metropolitan Police Department for their outstanding work and professionalism.  The District is well served by this exceptional police force.
  • I also thank Secretary of Defense Mark Esper, Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman General Mark Milley, and the men and women of the Department of Defense for their support.  I am particularly impressed by the citizen-soldiers of the D.C. National Guard, who are committed to serving their community, and did so with great effectiveness last night.
  • Not least, I am grateful to the many federal law enforcement agencies and personnel who helped protect the District, including the FBI, Secret Service, Park Police, ATF, DEA, Bureau of Prisons, U.S. Marshals Service, Capitol Police, Department of Homeland Security’s CBP and Border Patrol units, and others.
  • There will be even greater law enforcement resources and support in the region tonight.  The most basic function of government is to provide security for people to live their lives and exercise their rights, and we will meet that responsibility here in the nation’s capital.”


The [DS] is trying to find something to use on Trump with these riots, they are looking to smear him, most likely they will create something that is completely fake and spread it around in the MSM, or if Trump does something spin the entire story.

Every single high profile Democrat has come out in favor of arson and looting.

They are already lost, trump has cornered them, the people are watching, the people are hard working, and when you see you lifes work destroyed or you see you town, city destroyed people see it, they know it is wrong, they know this shouldn’t be happening and when the people that are elected do not act and support this people see it, they might be silent, they might not scream and yell, but don’t be fooled, the people will turn out in numbers and show their anger in another way


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