The Plan Was Told To The People,Conspiracy No More, Checkmate – Ep. 2450

During the pandemic the corporate CEOs received record payouts, even with sales being down. Buttigieg did not tell the truth about the number of jobs the infrastructure bill was going to create, it is not 19 million it is 2.7 million. Biden is planning to spend $775 a day to house illegals. Mike Pompeo sends a message about the [CB]. Our Founding Fathers were clear on the economy. The patriots told us the plan from the beginning. This is about exposing the [DS] system, showing it to the world. The Biden Administration will lose control, the invisible enemy will push their agenda and people will see that [JB] cannot control the situation, this is the perfect storm. The elite are now moving into their master plan of having everyone chipped. Conspiracy no more. Mike Pompeo tweets out a chess board and says checkmate.
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- Corporate CEOs received record compensation in 2020 even as the coronavirus pandemic rocked the economy and millions lost their jobs,
- CEOs of the 322 largest U.S. corporations saw their median pay increase from $12.8 million in 2019 to $13.7 million last year, according to a Wall Street Journal analysis of compensation packages. CEO compensation skyrocketed while nearly 20 million Americans were laid off and the unemployment rate surged to 14.8% last year, the highest recorded rate since the 1930s.
- Pay increased even for executives that saw massive sales declines, For example, Norwegian Cruise CEO Frank Del Rio was paid $36.4 million last year, double his 2019 pay, as the company reported billions in losses and a 80% revenue decline.
- Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg admitted he lied about the number of jobs Joe Biden’s “infrastructure” bill would create.
- Buttigieg falsely claimed Biden’s gargantuan “infrastructure” bill that has nothing to do with infrastructure, would create 19 million jobs.
- Fox News host Chris Wallace
- “The economy will add 16.3 million jobs without the infrastructure bill and 2.7 million more with it – so it doesn’t – as you said last Sunday,
- E
- This is the second time in recent weeks Buttigieg got caught misleading the American people.
- The media went gaga after news broke that Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg was riding his bike to work.
The Biden Administration is planning to spend $775 per child PER DAY to house unaccompanied, illegal minors That includes in-person education programs Imagine if we made that kind of additional investment on American kids. Why do Democrats always put Americans last?
Latest @IMF report on the Middle East and Central Asia estimates #Iran’s accessible foreign exchange reserves plunged to $4 billion in 2020 from $123 billion in 2018. That’s a stunning collapse in the country’s wealth. #IranDeal
— Jay Solomon (@jaysolomon) April 12, 2021
Over 96% of Iran’s foreign exchange reserves have been wiped out since we left the disastrous JCPOA. This is a direct result of our maximum pressure campaign. America is safer when the Ayatollah can’t fund its nuclear program and proxy terror.
— Mike Pompeo (@mikepompeo) April 12, 2021
Central African Republic: Bank of Central African States
Chad: Bank of Central African States
Chile: Central Bank of Chile
China: The People’s Bank of China
Colombia: Bank of the Republic
Comoros: Central Bank of Comoros
Congo: Bank of Central African States
Costa Rica: Central Bank of Costa Rica
Côte d’Ivoire: Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO)
Croatia: Croatian National Bank
Cuba: Central Bank of Cuba
Cyprus: Central Bank of Cyprus
Czech Republic: Czech National Bank
Denmark: National Bank of Denmark
Dominican Republic: Central Bank of the Dominican Republic
East Caribbean area: Eastern Caribbean Central Bank
Ecuador: Central Bank of Ecuador
Egypt: Central Bank of Egypt
El Salvador: Central Reserve Bank of El Salvador
Equatorial Guinea: Bank of Central African States
Estonia: Bank of Estonia
Ethiopia: National Bank of Ethiopia
European Union: European Central Bank
Fiji: Reserve Bank of Fiji
Finland: Bank of Finland
France: Bank of France
Gabon: Bank of Central African States
The Gambia: Central Bank of The Gambia
Georgia: National Bank of Georgia
Germany: Deutsche Bundesbank
Ghana: Bank of Ghana
Greece: Bank of Greece
Guatemala: Bank of Guatemala
Guinea Bissau: Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO)
Guyana: Bank of Guyana
Haiti: Central Bank of Haiti
Honduras: Central Bank of Honduras
Hong Kong: Hong Kong Monetary Authority
Hungary: Magyar Nemzeti Bank
Iceland: Central Bank of Iceland
India: Reserve Bank of India
Indonesia: Bank Indonesia
Iran: The Central Bank of the Islamic Republic of Iran
Thomas Jefferson’s 5 birthday wishes for Americans
- Exclusive: Chuck Norris says No. 1 on the list would be ‘abolish the Internal Revenue Service’
- On April 13, Thomas Jefferson would have celebrated his 278th birthday.
- The founders did not penalize productivity through taxes . They had no Internal Revenue Service. They believed in minimal taxation.
- Americans did not pay income taxes, which were prohibited by the Constitution;
- They did not pay export taxes, which were also prohibited by the Constitution;
- But imports were taxed. The founders believed in free trade within our own borders and a system of tariffs on imported goods.
- As Thomas Jefferson shared with Gouverneur Morris in 1793, “It must be observed that our revenues are raised almost wholly on imported goods.”
- Jefferson’s second birthday wish would be that the federal government reduce its insane amount of spending and gargantuan national debt.
- For the record, Jefferson’s administration witnessed the reduction of the national debt during his eight-year tenure in office, from roughly $83 million to $57 million, despite America’s war with the Barbary States during the same period. That’s amazing.
- Jefferson and the other founders must roll in their graves to look at Washington’s $28 trillion in national debt today, a
- Jefferson’s third birthday wish would be to shrink the monstrous size of government.
- The Biden Administration is offering paid leave to federal employees who wish to assist illegal aliens entering the country.
“What the Biden administration does not want you to know is simply that they have handed over the borders of our country to the cartels and smugglers.”
— Rudy W. Giuliani (@RudyGiuliani) April 12, 2021
- After taking apart the Trump agreement with central American nations (Honduras, Guatemala, El Salvador) to secure their own northern border the mass migration toward the United States began…. a crisis created. However, once the crisis turns public opinion against them, the JoeBama administration then proposes to return to the exact same policy President Trump initiated and Biden destroyed.
- The White House and the media then herald the return of the Trump agreement as a groundbreaking new policy initiative instituted by JoeBama. It would be funny, if it were not so ridiculous to watch it in real time.
- (CNN) – The Biden administration has secured agreements for Mexico, Honduras, and Guatemala to tighten their borders and stem the flow of migration, Special Assistant to the President for Immigration for the Domestic Policy Council Tyler Moran told MSNBC Monday.
- Governor Henry McMaster today issued Executive Order 2021-19, which directs the S.C. Department of Social Services (DSS) to prevent the federal government from placing undocumented, unaccompanied migrant children from the southern border in South Carolina foster care and group homes.
- The governor’s order comes following correspondence with DSS on the state child welfare system’s capacity to accommodate an influx of minors.
- The governor also requested that the agency determine any potential risks posed to our state’s child welfare system and to provide him with potential avenues to mitigate them.
- Our Founding fathers want a secure border. Jefferson tightened up U.S. borders and ports, and reestablish and reaffirm legal immigrant protocol and American exceptionalism for entrance into the U.S.
- while welcoming the poor, downtrodden, and persecuted from every country, the founders also had to protect the sacred soil they called home from unwanted intruders.
- “America’s founders’ advice to Biden on the border crisis,”
- According to the Declaration of Independence, “obstructing the Laws for the Naturalization of Foreigners” was one of the objections leveled against Britain that warranted the American colonists’ seceding. Yet, even the founders themselves believed that a total open-door policy for immigrants would lead to community and cultural chaos.
- Thomas Jefferson worried that some immigrants would leave more restrictive governments and not be able to handle American freedoms, leading to cultural corruption and “an unbounded licentiousness, passing, as is usual, from one extreme to another.
- James Madison desired only immigrants that contributed to the building up and advancement of their grand experiment called America.
- Our founders enforced four basic requirements for “enrollment and acceptance” into American citizenry that we still utilize (at least in policy) to this day but desperately need to enforce. “Key criteria for citizenship of the Naturalization Act of 1795 remain part of American law. These include (1) five years of (lawful) residence within the United States; (2) a good moral character, attached to the principles of the Constitution of the United States, and well disposed to the good order and happiness of the United States; (3) the taking of a formal oath to support the Constitution and to renounce any foreign allegiance; and (4) the renunciation of any hereditary titles.”
Geopolitical/Police State
In the mean time while all this is happening the country is being ruined with the border crisis.
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Great job David as always. In addition to the founding fathers never intending for the central banks, they never intended on the parties. I worked during the civil war pitting brother against brother and it works today. The parties are listed as a corporation to do business.
Also at the same time, the federal government was not intended to be a corporation and extend its boundaries beyond D.C. In other words, Yellowstone really belongs to its perspective county. In fact their was a bit of a war where the government took charge. Would love to hear your thoughts on these facts. Many thanks.
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You are so off with the shooting thing. They were getting ZERO traction with the George Floyd Trials. They are running it live on every news stations NO ONE IS WATCHING. They needed this trial to send out their paid rioters. Magically another shooting occurs Just when they needed it. Do you really think a trained police officer thought she had her Tazors while holding a gun? ALL STAGED and now they have sent their paid rioters by bus into all cities. Come on you can’t figure out this much by now?
Love what you are doing soooo much. Real American Patriots THANK GOD
please send this to my E mail Peace, Light and Love
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no comment. just want to see others
Surprise surprise the Left is evil and continues to do dishonest, corrupt and evil things against the people… act like this is news….it isn’t……we were already woke and came out in record numbers for President Trump, and still the left was able to steal the election that was won by Trump…..
Meanwhile deep state Dave (who is NOT a patriot) reruns Q droppings night after night…….always on the brink, something big coming…get ready…checkmate…..EXCEPT….it NEVER happens
FACT 1 > Dave is Never right……….Fact 2 > Q is a Deep State Psyop against the patriots………..
Fact 3> Dave will be selling you the same similar headlines next week, next month and next year.
Something is about to happen. Something big is coming…Tick tock…first arrest…..11/3…..EXCEPT of Course Nothing Ever happens and the build up begins all over……..
TRUMP card anyone?
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