Think Football, The Super Bowl Will Look Like A Puppy Show, No Escape For Players – Ep. 2389

The [CB] is doing exactly what the patriots want, they are keeping the rates low and pumping QE, the economy is about to burn itself out, the debt level is going to go through the roof. The stock market has some strange occurrences with certain stocks, Game Stop, AMC and others. The [DS]/MSM are now trapped, they are red pilling America, people can now see very clearly and they don’t like what they see. Trump did not attend JB inauguration and he didn’t hand over the football, why? It seems that everything is heating up, DHS puts out a warning and the impeachment is a go, the Senate was actually the target. The Super Bowl is going to look like a puppy show, there is no escape.
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Home Prices Soar At 4.5 Times The Fed’s Inflation Target In All US Cities
- the average home prices across all of the US is now rising at 4.5 times the Fed’s own inflation target, and even the cheapest US MSA is rising at more than 3 times the Fed’s inflation goal.
- If actual house prices were used in place of rents core CPI would have registered a 3% gain in the past year, nearly twice the reported gain of 1.6%.
Poll: 11% Of Americans Satisfied With Direction Of The Country
- As President Joe Biden concludes his first week in office Wednesday, recent polling data indicates the number of Americans who are satisfied with the direction of the country is among the lowest it has been in more than a decade.
- A Gallup poll released Tuesday found that just 11% of Americans are “very” or “somewhat satisfied” with the way things are going, while 66% of Americans are “very dissatisfied.”
- The rate of satisfaction is the lowest recorded since 2011 and only marginally higher than the all-time low of 7% recorded in 2008.
- Americans regardless of political affiliation expressed low levels of satisfaction. Source:
- President Joe Biden’s nominee to head the Department of Energy, Jennifer Granholm, divvied out millions in taxpayer funds during her two terms as Michigan governor to alternative energy companies that eventually went bankrupt.
- In one instance, Granholm’s administration provided a $9.1 million refundable tax credit to a renewable energy company registered to the address of a single-wide trailer and run by a convicted embezzler named Richard Short. Short was found to be in violation of his parole and sent back to prison after appearing on stage with Granholm in 2010 to accept assistance from the Michigan Economic Growth Authority, according to Michigan Capitol Confidential.
- Granholm also granted $10 million to an electric car battery manufacturer, A123 Systems, in 2009 and lauded the company in a press conference, saying it would help “make Michigan the alternative energy capital of North America and the advanced battery capital of the world.”
- A123 Systems, which also received a $249.12 million federal grant by the Obama administration, filed for bankruptcy in 2012. The company is still in operation today as a subsidiary of a Chinese firm, Wanxiang America.
- Another manufacturer of electric vehicle components that received Michigan taxpayer-funded assistance under Granholm’s watch, Azure Dynamics, filed for bankruptcy in 2012 and laid off 12o employees.
- Granholm served as governor of Michigan from 2003 to 2011.
- Only 2.3 percent of the 434 projects funded by the Michigan Economic Growth Authority under Granholm’s watch were successful in meeting their projected job creation goals, according to the American Energy Alliance.
- Newly declassified FBI memos provide startling new details that undercut the frenzied 2017 effort to investigate Donald Trump for obstruction, revealing the FBI knew Director James Comey’s firing had been conceived by Justice Department leadership long before the president pulled the trigger during a key moment in the Russia probe.
- The memos written in May 2017 by Acting Director Andrew McCabe and a lieutenant also provide contemporaneous proof for some of the more jaw-dropping lore of the now-discredited Russia collusion scandal.
- The documents — declassified by Trump during his final 24 hours in office — also provide a tantalizing list of names the Trump administration considered for FBI director, including former Democratic Senator Joe Lieberman, ex-director and eventual Russia Special Counsel Robert Mueller, and retired Gen. John Kelly.
- Newly released documents prove the FBI knowingly and willfully lied to the FISA Court to spy on the Trump Campaign.
- John Solomon went on with Eric Greitens to discuss this breaking news on Tuesday
- The corrupt FBI knowingly and willfully used false reports to spy on President Trump’s campaign. The FBI and DOJ then later continued this lie to ruin lives and continue a fraudulent special counsel of President Trump knowing there was nothing there.
- No one has suffered any consequences for this historic political scandal. And the fake news media refused to report on the greatest political scandal in US history next to the 2020 election.
- Here is more from Just the News.
Page’s unwitting statements of innocence to informer Stefan Halper were never shared with the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court before it approved four warrants authorizing a full year of surveillance of Page’s communications.
Page’s exculpatory statements were kept from the American people for four years until President Trump declassified them on his final day in office last week. They were obtained by Just the News.
Virginia Rule Allowing Late Ballots Missing Postmark Was Illegal, Court Rules
- The Virginia Board of Elections rule allowing officials to count ballots that arrived without a postmark up to three days after the election was illegal, a state judge ruled.
- Virginia Circuit Court Judge William Eldridge ruled the state’s late mail-in ballot law violated state statute and permanently banned the law in future Virginia elections, the Public Interest Legal Foundation announced Monday.
If this is illegal, doesn’t it mean the elections were tainted, shouldn’t we inspect every mailin ballot. The law was not created by the legislatures,
The Senate just voted on my constitutional point of order.
45 Senators agreed that this sham of a “trial” is unconstitutional.
That is more than will be needed to acquit and to eventually end this partisan impeachment process.
This “trial” is dead on arrival in the Senate.
— Senator Rand Paul (@RandPaul) January 26, 2021
Impeach a former president
A bunch of federal judges have announced they’re taking senior status or retiring in the week since Biden took office, more names added to the AO’s list online (highlighted names in both images + Hollander)
— Zoe Tillman (@ZoeTillman) January 26, 2021
- President Biden took office with a promise to begin looking at how to reopen U.S. border crossings between Canada and Mexico — a move that travel and transportation officials welcomed but warned should not be rushed.
- Among the more than 30 executive orders signed in the president’s first six days in office, Biden ordered the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention along with the departments of Health and Human Services, Homeland Security, State, and Transportation to begin talks with their Canadian and Mexican counterparts on how to end travel restrictions that have blocked all nonessential vehicles and pedestrians from entering or leaving the country since last March. The order mandated that U.S. leaders create new public health measures for the border and submit them to the White House by Feb. 4. Existing travel restrictions are set to expire Feb. 21.
- “
Geopolitical/Police State
YouTube extends Trump suspension, slaps new restrictions on Giuliani
- YouTube has extended its suspension of former President Donald Trump’s channel indefinitely.
- The action against Giuliani temporarily cuts off a prominent revenue stream for the former president’s personal lawyer.
- The U.S. Treasury Department’s latest update on its efforts to combat terrorist financing included a warning that al-Qaeda is “gaining strength in Afghanistan while continuing to operate with the Taliban under the Taliban’s protection,” Afghan media reported Tuesday.
- The bulk of the report discussed financing for the Islamic State and its various subdivisions, particularly the ISIS financial networks in Iraq, Syria, and West Africa. ISIS is reportedly continuing to raise significant funds through “oil smuggling networks in eastern Syria, kidnapping for ransom targeting civilian businesses and populations, looting, and possibly the operation of front companies.” The Treasury Department believes ISIS currently has up to $100 million in cash reserves dispersed across the Middle East.
- ISIS is active in Afghanistan,
Cyber Attacks
False Flags
ICU beds available when California locked down on December 3rd—1,673 ICU beds available when California re-opened on January 25th, five days after Inauguration—1,166 It was never about ICU capacity, hospitalizations, or even the virus. It was always about politics & power.
INSANE: Joe Biden Signs Executive Order Banning the Term “China Virus”
- Joe Biden signed an executive order today that banned the term “China virus.”
- JOE Biden is considering expanding mandatory Covid testing to domestic travel, despite fears for the struggling airline industry.
- The CDC has also said it was considering implementing a domestic testing requirement.
- Some airline officials worried such requirements might diminish already weak demand for air travel.
- Republican House members sent a letter to Acting Secretary of the Army John E. Whitley requesting an explanation on why the National Guard will maintain at least 5,000 troops in Washington, D.C., until mid-march as per request from the U.S. Capitol Police.
- Rep. Michael Waltz (R-Fla.) submitted the letter, along with 11 other House Republicans including Mark Green (R-Tenn.).
- “We would like to request a briefing on the threat assessments and all relevant intelligence regarding the U.S. Capitol Complex,” reads the letter.
- “Our intention is for the briefing to cover the ongoing threats to the Capitol, justification of the decision for a significant troop presence through mid-March, and plans for troop utilization during the time period.”
- “
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Anonymous ID: 2d32eb No.228302
I have posted this so many times.Tomorrow is Freedom Day. Q posted a flag named Freedom and timing is everything.Tomorrow.
[D]ay [Of] [D]ays
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POTUS SPEC AUTH REQ [think ‘the football’].
NSA monitoring for any attempts to disrupt and/or term access.
CENTRAL Command. we will come back to
- American presidents are accompanied by a military aide carrying a briefcase with the tools necessary for nuclear war.
- During presidential inaugurations, nuclear command authority and the “nuclear football,” as the briefcase is called, are transferred to the new president.
- But President Donald Trump says he will not participate in President-elect Joe Biden’s inauguration, which could complicate the transfer.
- So what happens to the “nuclear football” that accompanies the president if Trump doesn’t show? How does it get to Biden?
- “That’s a good question,” Hans Kristensen, a nuclear weapons expert at the Federation of American Scientists, told Insider. “It is an unprecedented situation.” In the nuclear age, no president has skipped their elected successor’s inauguration.
- If Trump is not at the inauguration, then the transfer process will be different.
- House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said she spoke to Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley about precautions that could block President Trump from “ordering a nuclear strike” or accessing launch codes and starting military hostilities.
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- The Department of Homeland Security on Wednesday issued a national terrorism advisory to last several weeks.
- “There is currently a heightened threat environment across the United States that is likely to persist over the coming weeks,” the DHS bulletin said before admitting they “do not have any information to indicate a specific, credible plot.”
- The DHS took a veiled shot at Trump supporters and conservative media outlets even though the only violence since Biden’s inauguration has been by far-left Antifa and BLM in Seattle, Tacoma and Portland.
Timing is everything.
The [DS]/MSM/DS are doing all of Trump’s work for him.
They’re destroying and at the same time they are red pilling many others themselves.
Trump’s return will end the war, the timing was left to him
Pingback: Think Football, The Super Bowl Will Look Like A Puppy Show, No Escape For Players – Ep. 2389 – COUNTER.NEWS
Biden is the President and if he couldn’t prove fraud then how in the hell will he do it now this is bullshit he should have made the move now its the Patriots turn we don’t have months to wait around for this nonsense
AGREED ! I`ll give him one thing, he`s a hell of a story teller!!
Thanks Dave, I look forward to your reports every evening. Your reports give me hope and calms me down! I think and hope you are right. God bless you. God bless America and the patriots.
PS So ashamed at being Canadian right now!
Pingback: Think Football, The Super Bowl Will Look Like A Puppy Show, No Escape For Players – Ep. 2389 |
I have been watching this show since Kennedy assassinations. Have seen all the subsequent administrations and players, knowing what they were doing and what their intentions and end goals are. We are at the edge of the pit where someone must be declared the winner and the losers . At this stage I don’t know who wins, but I know that the “true patriots “, the ones with four hundred million guns, are not going to be the losers. We know when they come directly at us for our guns, no turning back, no stopping. And we will have all reaped the whirlwind.
NSA’s use of zero-day exploits (2017)
poopoo pee pee
Pingback: X22 Report 2389 – Inspiration
waaaaaiiiiiit for it, boooooooommmmmm…
Ameritrade only stopped the buy trade on GameStop and amc!! If you owned them you could sell them!
I did!!
Re: nuclear football
I wonder if the military is holding it since China Joe is illegitimate. “No prez has skipped their elected successors inauguration” – he was not elected, he is not the successor, and there was no inauguration.
Do we know if it is even constitutional to have a supposed VP take the oath of office first?
I am impatient for the arrests, but I realize the more they publicly destroy this country the better for Trump’s return.
Your faithful listener,
Is ChinaJoe still in office? Has the military taken over yet? Have the babies been saved and has Natalie Holloway spoken yet?
have tried 3 times to get email sign success
Keep getting Check CAPTCHA
go to success
somebody has broken the link for us to get email updates
Chuck, I had the same problem. I reopened this web-page using another web-browser and succeeded in completing the email sign-up process.
CCleaner Browser failed to complete the enrollment. FireFox worked.
I have utilized five browsers lately to work around varying issues of unreliability or performance.
“Puppy show” makes me think of the Puppy Bowl, which has been televised for at least a few years on the same day as the Super Bowl. Could this be what Q is referencing?
Also, the senate impeachment trial is scheduled for the week of Feb. 8, as soon as one day after the Super Bowl on Feb. 7. Hmm…
Thank you so much Dave, and I hope and pray you are right about what is really going on. Life seems so strange now and I can’t see us having any type of decent future unless [former]president Trump returns to take the office he truly did win, and in which he totally deserves to sit.
Pingback: Pensate al Football e il Super Bowl vi sembrerà un “puppy show”. Nessuna via di fuga per i giocatori - Ep. 2389 - MITTDOLCINO.COM
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