Pence Card In Play, Prepare To Surface, Rig For Red, Hold The Line – Ep. 2361

The [CB] are doing what they have always done in the past. Make people think they are getting what they want, this is what is happening in the UK, the BREXIT will be in name only. Trump is now using the economy, via the omnibus bill to shine the light on congress, he has now exposed congress to the American people. The patriots are preparing to surface. Pence will hold the line, when Jan 6th hits everything will change. The [DS] will react to the news and they will push their agenda, Trump twitter removal, communication blackout. Trump is calling everyone down to DC to block the insurgency, We The People will be the counter insurgency. When do you play your hand, at the last minute, this is what the patriots are doing, Trump is not planning on leaving he is moving ahead with the plan.
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- British Prime Minister Boris Johnson is engaged in intense “hotline” talks with his European counterparts, amid claims a Brexit deal could be struck within hours — a deal Brexit leader Nigel Farage has warned could be a betrayal of the British interest.
- Nigel Farage warned Britons earlier this month that the government would try to spin a Brexit betrayal as a “fantastic victory” in order to get the people to accept whatever Europe gives them.
- Reflecting on the late stage of talks, he said: “This is all, in my view, an act. This is a giant charade. It’s to make us think that they are really, really fighting hard to get us a good deal.”
The #COVID19 package, while imperfect, will save jobs and lives. The sooner the bill becomes law – the better.
It will allow millions of businesses to avoid bankruptcy, deliver vaccines even faster, help those unemployed and provide money for families who are struggling.
— Lindsey Graham (@LindseyGrahamSC) December 23, 2020
It’s impossible to be so tone-deaf that you would send this after @realDonaldTrump called out the package for the steaming garbage heap it is.
So, what’s the real reason you’re still pushing?
— Jeff Carlson (@themarketswork) December 23, 2020
6 Republican against voted against the relief bill:
Marsha Blackburn
Rick Scott
Ron Johnson
Mike Lee
Rand Paul
Ted Cruz— Kyle Griffin (@kylegriffin1) December 22, 2020
Trump explains money laundering, actually he tells the American people this bill is not for you, its for special interest groups and payoffs
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 23, 2020
Trump has told congress from the beginning what they should do,
If I am sent a Stand Alone Bill for Stimulus Checks ($1,200), they will go out to our great people IMMEDIATELY. I am ready to sign right now. Are you listening Nancy? @MarkMeadows @senatemajldr @kevinomccarthy @SpeakerPelosi @SenSchumer
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 6, 2020
- Trump asked lawmakers to increase the number to $2,000.
- “It is the second biggest stimulus in the history of America and for him to turn this down, obviously we have the votes to override his veto,” Klobuchar said, contending that Trump is “literally trying to burn this country down on his way out.”
- She also described Trump’s actions as “an attack on our very democracy” and an “attack on every American.”
Trump has aligned everybody against Congress by saying $600 is not enough for the American people. The people are now looking at congress and questioning what they have been doing the last couple of months
1) The President did not outright say he will veto the coronavirus/government spending bill. But he very well could prevent it from being law, via a pocket veto.
— Chad Pergram (@ChadPergram) December 23, 2020
2) Pocket vetoes are very rare. Congress has to be in the proper parliamentary posture for this possibility to be in play. But we could very well be in those circumstances now.
— Chad Pergram (@ChadPergram) December 23, 2020
3) Under Article I, Section 7 of the Constitution, the President has ten days (Sundays) excluded to either sign or veto a bill. Keep in mind that because of the massive nature of the combo bill, the bill has not even been enrolled yet and sent to the President.
— Chad Pergram (@ChadPergram) December 23, 2020
4) But here’s where the pocket veto comes into play.
— Chad Pergram (@ChadPergram) December 23, 2020
5) The latest the current Congressional session can end is 11:59:59 am on January 3. That is the drop-dead time for the 116th Congress.
— Chad Pergram (@ChadPergram) December 23, 2020
6) A President may in effect “veto” a bill by keeping it in his “pocket” and not signing it if it comes too close to the end of a Congressional adjournment.
— Chad Pergram (@ChadPergram) December 23, 2020
7) Congress must adjourn sine die (pronounced sy-nee DY, and is Latin, for leaving without a return date) no later than 11:59:59 pm et on January 3.
In other words, Congress would have to get the President the bill by December 23 to prevent a pocket veto.
— Chad Pergram (@ChadPergram) December 23, 2020
8) Otherwise, the President could run out the clock on the Congressional session, effectively blocking any potential override attempt. The President would have to send it back to Capitol Hill with a veto.
— Chad Pergram (@ChadPergram) December 23, 2020
9) If he failed to do so in the ten days/Sundays excluded window, then the bill would automatically become law.
Note that the President did not outright threaten a veto. And, it’s unclear that the President’s demands could even pass the House and Senate.
— Chad Pergram (@ChadPergram) December 23, 2020
14) Had Congress come to an agreement a few days earlier, the possibility of a veto or a pocket veto would not be in play. Congress could simply vote, in the waning moments of the 116th Congress, to override his veto on the coronavirus/omnibus bill.
— Chad Pergram (@ChadPergram) December 23, 2020
15) But that didn’t happen. Negotiations lasted through the weekend. There was a computer glitch on Capitol Hill which delayed the House and Senate from considering the bill. And here we are.
— Chad Pergram (@ChadPergram) December 23, 2020
Reminder: weeks have passed since news broke about Eric Swalwell’s intimate relationship with a Chinese communist spy who was raising money for his campaign. He still hasn’t answered any questions about his CCP girlfriend.
— Arthur Schwartz (@ArthurSchwartz) December 23, 2020
They are slow walking the signature verification in Georgia. They don’t want results to get out prior to January 6th. They know what they are trying so hard to hide. Terrible people! @BrianKempGA
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 23, 2020
“[Judge Warner] pointed out that state law already gives the Legislature the power not only to issue subpoenas but also to find people in contempt for failing to comply…the remedy in that statute allows for someone who refuses to be arrested and jailed.”
— Arizona Republican Party (@AZGOP) December 23, 2020
If you want to verify the authenticity of election results, count the paper ballots.
However, the president’s attorney in Nevada @jbinnall testified that they were denied access to review paper ballots. Why?
— Senator Ron Johnson (@SenRonJohnson) December 22, 2020
The judicial branch has failed the American people.
The state legislatures do not need a court order.
Will they step up and protect election integrity?
They are who the Constitution specifically grants plenary authority to. They HAVE to act.
— Jenna Ellis (@JennaEllisEsq) December 23, 2020
Please watch this critical video from Pres Trump on the “Immaculate Deception”…the electoral larceny the Dems want America to accept…
— Steve Cortes (@CortesSteve) December 23, 2020
EMERGENCY ALERT: Does VP Pence have courage to save the nation? He has the power to do it..the question is will he? According to the US Code, he MUST reject the electors from the contested states on the 3rd Wed in Dec, TOMORROW. VP MUST do this TOMORROW 12/23/20. #PenceCard
— Melissa Tate (@TheRightMelissa) December 23, 2020
has sole power to tell the states he will not accept their electors b/c they vioated the Constittion. At this point the legislatures will either have to select new electors or stand down This will put Dems on defense from now till Jan 6th
This is brilliant. SCOTUS will reject any case as they have around the election previously. OR if they do take it up, whoever brings the suit will have to #PROVE there was no fraud which we all know there was. It’s brilliant.
— Brad Stoneburner (@BradStoneburner) December 23, 2020
Tomorrow we go on offense! #PenceCard
— Ivan Raiklin (Former Green Beret Commander/Lawyer) (@Raiklin) December 23, 2020
There are many reps and senators that are going to object on Jan 6
Yes, I plan to object on January 6th.
MILLIONS of Americans saw what I saw:
– Voter safeguards removed
– No signature verification
– Outdated voter rolls
– Ballots accepted after Election Day
– Poll watchers denied access
#WeThePeople will keep fighting for @realDonaldTrump.— Rep. Ted Budd (@RepTedBudd) December 22, 2020
Then we have Mike Pence confirming this move, hold the line
— Mike (@FuctupMike) December 23, 2020
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 09/14/2020 21:46:54 ID: 69adbe
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Hold the line, Riders.
Justice is coming.
Twitter will clear POTUS account followers: Biden campaign
- President-elect Joe Biden‘s campaign digital director said that the accounts which the official POTUS and White House Twitter accounts follow will all be unfollowed by Twitter when Biden becomes president in January, Twitter reportedly told Biden’s team,
On January 6, @Mike_Pence is expected to count the legitimate votes and THROW OUT THE FRAUDULENT VOTES.
BIDEN: “Our darkest days in the battle against covid are ahead of us; not behind us.”
— Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) December 22, 2020
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 06/04/2020 19:49:59 ID: 866b8a
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The White House announced today that Trump signed an order on Dec. 18 giving John Durham the authority to present classified information to a grand jury investigating the Russian collusion hoax.
Previous DOJ regulations required the consent of the specific classifying agency.
— Sean Davis (@seanmdav) December 22, 2020
#SpecialCounselDurham New POTUS MEMO authorizing use classified info in criminal Durham probe, “In addition, the AG is authorized to use classified information as he deems necessary in connection with his review, including in a GRAND JURY or other PROCEEDING”@CBSNews
— Catherine Herridge (@CBS_Herridge) December 22, 2020
— Lin Wood (@LLinWood) December 23, 2020
- Today, President Donald J. Trump granted Full Pardons to 15 individuals and commuted part or all of the sentences of an additional 5 individuals.
- Alfonso Costa — President Trump granted a full pardon to Alfonso Costa, a dentist from Pittsburgh. Dr. Costa’s request for clemency was supported by Dr. Ben Carson and Jerome Bettis, as well as by numerous business associates, patients, and community leaders from Pittsburgh. Dr. Costa pled guilty to one count of health care fraud related to false billing, took full responsibility for his conduct, served two years of probation, and paid nearly $300,000 in fines and restitution. He has devoted much of his adult life to service to his community, including serving on the board of the Pittsburgh Opera, and doing significant service for children and the underprivileged.
- Alfred Lee Crum — President Trump granted Alfred Lee Crum a full pardon. Mr. Crum, who is now 89, pled guilty in 1952—when he was 19 years old—to helping his wife’s uncle illegally distill moonshine in Oklahoma. Mr. Crum served three years of probation, and paid a $250 fine. Mr. Crum has maintained a clean record and a strong marriage for nearly 70 years, attended the same church for 60 years, raised four children, and regularly participated in charity fundraising events. Former Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and the U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Oklahoma Brian Kuester supported Mr. Crum’s request for a pardon.
- Crystal Munoz — Today, President Trump commuted Crystal Munoz’s remaining term of supervised release, having previously commuted her sentence of incarceration after she had served 12 years in prison. Alice Johnson, the Texas A&M Criminal Defense Clinic, and the Clemency for All Non-Violent Drug Offenders Foundation are among the many who supported clemency for Ms. Munoz. Former Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi supports the President’s further act of clemency today. Ms. Munoz was convicted of conspiracy to distribute marijuana based on her role in a marijuana smuggling ring. During her time in prison, she mentored people working to better their lives, volunteered with a hospice program, and demonstrated an extraordinary commitment to rehabilitation.
- Tynice Nichole Hall — President Trump has commuted the remainder of Tynice Nichole Hall’s term of supervised release. He previously commuted her term of incarceration after she had served nearly 14 years of an 18-year sentence for allowing her apartment to be used to distribute drugs. Alice Johnson, The Clemency for All Non-Violent Drug Offenders Foundation, and The Ladies of Hope Ministries are among the many who supported clemency for Ms. Hall. Former Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi supports the President’s further act of clemency today. While in prison, Ms. Hall completed a number of job-training programs and apprenticeships, as well as coursework towards a college degree. In addition, Ms. Hall taught prison educational programs to other inmates. She has accepted responsibility for her past behavior and has worked hard to rehabilitate herself.
- Judith Negron — President Trump has today commuted the remainder of Judith Negron’s term of supervised release. He previously commuted her term of incarceration after she had served 8 years of her sentence. Alice Johnson, the Clemency for All Non-Violent Drug Offenders Foundation,, and the Warden at Aliceville Federal Correctional Institution have all supported clemency for Ms. Negron. Former Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi supports the President’s further act of clemency today. Ms. Negron is a wife and mother who was sentenced to 35 years for her role as a minority-owner of a healthcare company engaged in a scheme to defraud the Federal Government. During her incarceration, Ms. Negron dedicated her time to improving her life as well as the lives of her fellow inmates. She completed hundreds of hours of educational programs, served as a tutor, and mentored other inmates. Her acts of selflessness won her the praise of her prison warden.
- Steve Stockman — Today, President Trump commuted the remaining prison sentence of Steve Stockman. Former Representatives Bob McEwen and Bob Barr, along with James Dobson and L. Brent Bozell are among the many public figures who have called for Mr. Stockman’s release from incarceration on humanitarian and compassionate grounds. Mr. Stockman is 64 and has underlying pre-existing health conditions that place his health at greater risk during the COVID epidemic, and he has already contracted COVID while in prison. Mr. Stockman, who was twice a member of the U.S. House of Representatives, representing Texas’s 9th congressional district from 1995 to 1997 and Texas’s 36th congressional district from 2013 to 2015, was convicted in 2018 of misuse of charitable funds. Mr. Stockman has served more than two years of his ten-year sentence and will remain subject to a period of supervised release and an order requiring that he pay more than $1,000,000 in restitution.
- Duncan Hunter – At the request of many Members of Congress, President Trump granted a full pardon to Duncan Hunter. His pardon is also supported by former Commissioner of the Federal Election Commission Bradley Smith.
- Mr. Hunter has dedicated much of his adult life to public service. Mr. Hunter represented California’s 50th Congressional District from 2013 to 2020. Prior to his time in Congress, Mr. Hunter was an officer in the United States Marine Corps. Inspired to enlist after the September 11, 2001 attacks, Mr. Hunter saw combat in both Iraq and Afghanistan.
- In 2019, Mr. Hunter pled guilty to one count of misusing campaign funds, an offense that could have been handled as a civil case via the Federal Election Commission, according to former FEC Commissioner Bradley Smith. He was sentenced to 11 months’ imprisonment set to begin in January 2021.
- Chris Collins – Today, President Trump granted a full pardon to Chris Collins, at the request of many Members of Congress.
- Mr. Collins served in Congress for nearly seven years, representing the people of Western New York from 2013 to 2019. Mr. Collins spent his early career as a successful businessman and entrepreneur, before devoting his life to public service. In 2007, Mr. Collins was elected County Executive for Erie County, New York, a position he held for one four-year term, and in 2012 the people of New York’s 27th congressional district elected Mr. Collins to the U.S. House of Representatives. He was subsequently re-elected to this seat three times. During his tenure in Congress, Mr. Collins was known for his particular focus on the wellbeing of small businesses, agriculture, and sciences.
- In 2019, Mr. Collins pled guilty to the charges of conspiring to commit securities fraud and making false statements to the FBI. Mr. Collins is currently serving his 26-month sentence.
- Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean – Today, President Trump granted full pardons to Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean. These former Border Patrol Agents have been supported by one hundred members of Congress, including Rep. Louie Gohmert, Rep. Steve King, Rep. Ted Poe, Rep. Paul Gosar, Rep. Brian Babin, as well as the U.S. Border Control Foundation and the Conservative Legal Defense and Education Fund.
- Mr. Ramos participates in numerous community activities and charities, and Mr. Compean is active in his local church.
- Both men served as Border Patrol Agents and put themselves in harm’s way to help secure our southern border with Mexico. On one such occasion in 2005, they stopped an illegal alien trafficking 700 pounds of marijuana. When the illegal alien—who was thought to be armed—resisted arrest, Mr. Ramos shot the suspect, who fled back across the border. For this, Mr. Ramos and Mr. Compean were charged and convicted of assault, using a firearm during a crime of violence, and deprivation of civil rights. After they were sentenced to 11 and 12 years imprisonment, respectively, their case gained widespread attention.
- One hundred members of Congress, as well as the organizations above, supported Mr. Ramos’ and Mr. Compean’s release from prison. The Senate Judiciary Committee held hearings on the excessive sentence imposed on the former agents. And President George W. Bush ultimately commuted these sentences with strong bipartisan support.
- George Papadopoulos – Today, President Trump granted a full pardon to George Papadopoulos. Mr. Papadopoulos was charged with a process-related crime, one count of making false statements, in connection with Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into possible Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election. Notably, Mueller stated in his report that he found no evidence of collusion in connection with Russia’s attempts to interfere in the election. Nonetheless, the Special Counsel’s team still charged Mr. Papadopoulos with this process-related crime.
- At the time that Mr. Papadopoulos allegedly made the false statements, he was not represented by counsel, and, after he was arrested, Mr. Papadopoulos gave additional information on his prior statements to the Special Counsel. Today’s pardon helps correct the wrong that Mueller’s team inflicted on so many people.
- Alex van der Zwaan – Today, President Trump granted a full pardon to Alex van der Zwaan. His pardon is supported by former Rep. Trey Gowdy.
- Mr. van der Zwaan was charged with a process-related crime, one count of making false statements, in connection with Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation. None of his underlying conduct was alleged to have been unlawful, nor did prosecutors note any prior criminal history. Mr. van der Zwaan is a Dutch national who voluntarily returned to the United States to correct his statements and surrendered his passport upon entry.
- Nicholas Slatten, Paul Slough, Evan Liberty, and Dustin Heard – Today, President Trump granted full pardons to Nicholas Slatten, Paul Slough, Evan Liberty, and Dustin Heard. The pardon of these four veterans is broadly supported by the public, including Pete Hegseth, and elected officials such as Rep. Louie Gohmert, Rep. Paul Gosar, Rep. Ralph Norman, Rep. Bill Flores, Rep. Brian Babin, Rep. Michael Burgess, Rep. Daniel Webster, Rep. Steve King, and Rep. Ted Yoho.
- Mr. Slatten, Mr. Slough, Mr. Liberty, and Mr. Heard have a long history of service to the Nation. Mr. Slatten was inspired to serve his country after the attacks of September 11, 2001, and served two tours in Iraq with the 82nd Airborne Division. Mr. Slough served in the United States Army and deployed to Iraq with his National Guard unit. Mr. Liberty served in the United States Marine Corps and protected United States Embassies abroad. Mr. Heard served in the United States Marine Corps during Operation Iraqi Freedom.
- These veterans were working in Iraq in 2007 as security contractors responsible for securing the safety of United States personnel. When the convoy attempted to establish a blockade outside the “Green Zone,” the situation turned violent, which resulted in the unfortunate deaths and injuries of Iraqi civilians. Initial charges against the men were dismissed, but they were eventually tried and convicted on charges ranging from first degree murder to voluntary manslaughter. On appeal, the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that additional evidence should have been presented at Mr. Slatten’s trial. Further, prosecutors recently disclosed—more than 10 years after the incident—that the lead Iraqi investigator, who prosecutors relied heavily on to verify that there were no insurgent victims and to collect evidence, may have had ties to insurgent groups himself.
- Weldon Angelos – Today, President Trump granted a full pardon to Weldon Angelos. Mr. Angelos’ pardon is supported by Senator Mike Lee, Senator Rand Paul, Alice Johnson, former U.S. Attorney Brett Tolman, and others.
- Mr. Angelos is an active criminal justice reform advocate and champion of giving second chances. Because of mandatory minimums, Mr. Angelos was sentenced in 2002 to 55 years’ imprisonment for selling marijuana and carrying a handgun in the course of dealing. The presiding judge called this excessive sentence “unjust and cruel and even irrational.”
- Mr. Angelos was eventually released by judicial order after serving 13 years in prison, and committed to changing the world for the better through criminal justice reform advocacy. His story has been cited as an inspiration for sentencing reform, including the First Step Act, and he participated in a Prison Reform Summit at the White House in 2018. In his own words, Mr. Angelos wants “to become whole again and put the bad choices in the past and continue changing the world for the better.”
- Philip Lyman – Today, President Trump granted a full pardon to Philip Lyman. Mr. Lyman’s pardon is supported by Senator Mike Lee, Former Rep. Jason Chaffetz, and other notable members of the Utah community.
- Mr. Lyman is known to be a man of integrity and character who was serving as a county commissioner in Utah when he was subjected to selective prosecution for protesting the Bureau of Land Management’s closure of the Recapture Canyon to ATV riders. He had no other criminal history, but he was arrested and sentenced to 10 days in prison and nearly $96,000 in restitution.
- Otis Gordon – Today, President Trump granted a full pardon to Otis Gordon. Mr. Gordon’s pardon is supported by Senator Tim Scott.
- Mr. Gordon has become a Pastor at Life Changer’s International Ministries since his conviction for possession with intent to distribute. In 2015, in the wake of the shooting at a Bible study in Charleston, South Carolina, Mr. Gordon led a prayer session at the United States Capitol. Mr. Gordon mentors at-risk youths in his community. Senator Tim Scott describes Mr. Gordon as “a model citizen” since his release and “focused on helping young men avoid the same traps he once fell in.”
- Philip Esformes – Today, President Trump commuted the term of imprisonment of Philip Esformes, while leaving the remaining aspects of his sentence, including supervised release and restitution, intact. This commutation is supported by former Attorneys General Edwin Meese and Michael Mukasey, as well as former Deputy Attorney General Larry Thompson. In addition, former Attorneys General Edwin Meese, John Ashcroft, and Alberto Gonzalez, as well as other notable legal figures such as Ken Starr, have filed in support of his appeal challenging his conviction on the basis of prosecutorial misconduct related to violating attorney-client privilege.
- While in prison, Mr. Esformes, who is 52, has been devoted to prayer and repentance and is in declining health.
JUST IN – Israel’s parliament dissolves, triggering snap election.
False Flags
Twitter just nuked Dr. Zev Zelenko, major hydroxychloroquine proponent.
— AwareAnon (@AwareAnon) December 23, 2020
video will not play,can read
I can’t get the Trump video to play so I went on to Trump’s twitter site. I still can’t get it to play nor can I reply, or retweet. Someone is messing with His video and site. These people are trash!
Great show.
Just BTW, teh video for Ep 2361b – Pence Card In Play, Prepare To Surface, Rig For Red, Hold The Line jumped from approx 16 min mark to the end when it hit the approx 16 minut mark.
The episode audio played OK using the Megaphone graphic.
omg… what a broadcast!! This is so eye-opening even for someone with their eyes opened. Israel, Graham… geesh!
Everyone is whining about the money for the stimulus checks, I’m sure our debt will be covered by all the recovered assets from the thieves whom have been stealing from us for decades.
Trump has this, as always!
Dave, Ivan said that he has been reaching out to everyone he can to ensure VP Pence has the Pence Card information. At the end of your interview, Ivan said that after his next phone call, his confidence about the Pence Card will be even higher.
Can you give your followers an update as to whether or not VP Pence has in fact received the Ivan’s information?
Covid relief bill was more about Congress greed than American need. The 5000 + pages were purposefully bloated with pork for a lot of foreign countries and even a few things were even booby-trapped to limit presidential authority. Well over 3/4 of the relief bill is not given to alleviate the suffering of the American people. The lobbyist, corrupt political players, foreign and domestic interests had huge funding at the taxpayers’ expense for their various socialist agendas. thoughtful observer
Am I wrong or did Pence miss the Dec. 23rd deadline?
I tried to sign up for notification. It said to check in with Captcha…but I could not find it.