Bitcoin Ben – We Are Witnessing The Birth Of A New America, [DS] Is Powerless
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Today’s Guest: Bitcoin Ben
Website: Bitcoin Ben
Ben discusses how everything is about to change. We are now entering into a new currency system and the [CB] needs to stop it at all costs. The new social media platform is coming on online and this will change everything. Once the social media platforms come one line the legacy systems will start to implode under the weight of the illegal crimes. A new America is being born, the [DS] is powerless.
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Bitcoin is a store of value = savings account. Dogecoin is the crypto currency for daily spending = checking account Other cryptos are for specific types of transactions With block chain the transactions are recorded in doing so.
When the FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM COLLAPSES,…the new Congress ( 2022 ) will implement Article One Section Eight and Ten of the UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION, to reestablish confidence in the UNITED STATES DOLLAR. The Congress will direct the UNITED STATES TREASURY, to set the VALUE of the UNITED STATES DOLLAR, at the spot market values, of gold and silver, and allow the CURRENCY TO FLOAT WITH THE MARKET. There maybe be a digital attachment to the TREASURY NOTES, to make transactions easier and more convenient.
Bitcoin and crypto’s are NOT CURRENCY,…THEY ARE FIAT,…JUST LIKE THE FEDERAL RESERVE NOTES,…created out of nothing,…and backed by nothing.
Anyone, including this BITCOIN BEN, that believes that bitcoin will replace the CONSTITUTIONAL MANDATES OF ARTICLE ONE,…IS NOT IN ANY WAY SHAPE OR FORM AN AMERICAN PATRIOT,…AND JUST PROMOTING A PONZIE SCHEME, FOR THEIR OWN PERSONAL GAIN AND AGENDA. These promoters of crypto’s, must have fresh new investments to keep the ponzie scheme going. Just wait to see how bitcoin ben, tries to trade his bitcoin,…the fiat,…backed by nothing,…bitcoin,… for sound money,…TREASURY NOTES,…that are backed by gold and silver,…
This bitcoin ben is slinging BULLSHIT ALL OVER THE PLACE.
So what is Bit Coin? Is it a physical coin made out of actual metal? No one talks about what it actually is.
Not funny, Dave. Not funny.
Facebook won’t let me share your postings.
Does anyone else see a problem here? Bitcoin like all the rest of the digital currency concept ‘exists’ only as an electronic ‘blip’ somewhere in space. It is not something one can have and hold. Sure, one can ‘buy’ it, and ‘place’ it in a cyber-bank account. But that, plus access, is contingent on possessing some sort of electronic device, with connection (enter unseen third parties) to this cyber bank account. As if that isn’t shaky enough, then there is the problem of running across someone with something to sell who also possesses some sort of electronic device with connection to a different cyber bank account (’cause ya sure enough can’t physically hand some one a bag of bitcoins) who is willing to accept this as a medium of exchange.
Of course, It is theoretically possible, and no doubt has been done on a limited basis. After all rocks, seashells, sticks, etc. have all been used in the past. I realize for all you computer jock out there this is ‘exciting and new’ and ya might be able to make some money off it. But not every one possesses a device – mobile device – and not every one has connection to the web (which is subject to outside control, because it is outside of the individual’s control); therefore far from a universal means-of-exchange.
There is one other element – never in the history of the world has a currency existed without a government stamp on it. Just pointing out a fact. We humans like to believe we can ‘adapt,’ that we are ‘smart,’ etc. The reality is somewhat different; as demonstrated by the record of civilizations. Just an observation.
What does CB stand for