Bix Weir – The Good Guys Are Using The Bad Guys To Destroy Their Economic System
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Today’s Guest: Bix Weir
Website: Road To Roota
Bix begins the conversation with gold, silver and crypto. The bad guys are pushing their agenda by trying to move the old system into their new system. The old system needs to crash to destroy the [CB]. The good guys already won this is just the clean up. They bad guys are being exposed so the people understand who and what they are.
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Food processing plants around the country are being destroyed by fire, by airplanes crashing into them, and so forth:
You asked Bix Weir what he thought the crash would look like. What happens to our mortgages? Will banks sweep in and kick people out of their houses? Also, with a system backed by Gold, how will that not devolve into something corrupt at government system again? Can you ask your guests what this will look like? Will the bank come knocking 1-2 mo on door for debt owed? Sorry I am naive on this, but your guests are not speaking about how there will not be mass homelessness? Need water and shelter first, then food, then other items? Is there going to be a rug pull on our shelter/mortgages:rent? Could you ask someone to walk us through how this might look? Also on the gold backed dollar and how that can’t corrupt again since Bix is so for it?
Thanks for your great work
thank you…. we the true American will share with our neighbors as we always have, cause it’s the right thing to do….we kinda lost that “the right thing to do” the bar was lowered and the $$$$ took over ..sadly we had to see the evil…. the absurdity of their needs which has compelled them to commit heinous crimes against humanity …they went for the world…wow pure evil…straight up…overthrowing a government again, but, this time it was America…wow da tat tat dah just sayin’ yep we fell asleep we are all awake now for sure and praying hard Amen…it’s very basic, people are good, we all want to be good …we all know right from wrong….we know that taking an oath, making a vow and giving a pledge means everything…America first…thank you again Dave …you, our Patriots, POTUS sure make me proud…we keep sharing the truth, we are the true frontline media millions of us always sharing the truth…
Bill just cemented my Theory as to what is happening. I’ve been connecting a lot of dots on my own and also Thanx to You Dave. I think he is 100% Bang On! Q has been saying for a long time the Check Mate has been made…the Check Mate has been Made. It’s going to take a while for the people who are awake to become Really AWAKE! There’s Plenty that have No Idea and Never Will. But they will reap the same rewards as everybody else and that’s a Good Thing. I said right from the beginning when Trump started to take action….That man is a Soldier of God!…
“I Mean a Soldier of God”. He told the People straight off on Inauguration Day that “WE”… (the Military “Patriots”) who were standing behind him momentarily are going to Give the Government Back to YOU the PEOPLE! I’d Bet Money on Musk being a part of the “WE”. Trump has Said on Many Many Occasions that he is Willing to Take All the Slings and Arrows. Guess what? He has also told the People on occasion that their Future will never Look Brighter. That they would Experience things they never thought possible. America Will be Great Again! on and on. There’s a Bit of a Rough road ahead like Bill said (it’s part of the Plan) but All Will be Well when the dust settles. The Storm is Upon Them and the Plug has been Pulled on the Swamp. They’ve got nowhere to go and nowhere to hide. They’re all Toast!
How do I reply to x-22 post on telegram? I see where others are able to but when I hit the button it says it’s locked.
martin armstrong says the inflation is due to supply problems and scarcity, for now, until demand destruction kicks in. raining rates will increase cost of capital and investments and will thus increase inflation further. THE FED IS RAISING RATES ONLY TO TAKE BLAME AWAY FROM THEMSELVES. BUT IN THE END IT WILL NOT WORK.
we will have food and fuel and other inflation, and a stagnant economy.
Already in a digital money system been in one from the first day of credit cards. Credit cards made money exchange hands without physical actions. It became electronic money transfer or digital. But if you owe credit card debt you know very well how you pay in high interest rates. 100 dollar credit payment. Maybe 45 dollars went to actual debt the rest went to interest. I am fortunate to be able to pay cards off month by month paying bo interest fees. System is designed to keep you enslaved to debt. Like buying a car cost 20 thousand pay off in 3 to 4 years. Go finance a 20 thousand dollar home and can you pay off in 3 to 4 years? No. 30 years house note WHY? Enslaved to debt b
This guy is acting like the bankers are just dumb.
They don’t give a fuck at all.
Moving all of manufacturing
out of the U.S. and into
or to a deadly ADVERSARY like China,
This sounds like emotional, not logical thinking. They’re not dumb – they were outstrategized. Migration of mfg. to Mexico & Asia started three decades ago (anyone remember Perot warning about NAFTA?). What was not anticipated or planned for was a Patriot POTUS posturing on a white horse, but secretly setting up strategies (traps and ambushes on the path to the Great Reset) that would operate without him. The Fed printed too much, too fast, too soon, and it’s catching the whole bankster system in a riptide.
I love it when you have Bix on…! Excellent interview. The Red Pill guy…Not so much…not only can his voice peel paint, but his last snake venom video put me off him for good. More Bix please…!