Bix Weir – The Great Reset Will Not Happen, Silver Is The Bank Killer
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Today’s Guest: Bix Weir
Website: Road To Roota
Bix discusses how the great reset is not going to happen. The establishment is not in control of the narrative and the people realize the great reset will not benefit them. The [CB] system is imploding and silver will be the bank killer. Everything is about to change and this is going to be a very rough transition into a new economic system. This is a chance to back control of the economy.
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- ← Ep 2357b – Senate Was The Target, Lexington, Concord, The Shot Heard Around The World
- Ep 2357a – Trump Sends Message, The [CB] Is The Target →
Brilliant interview of the galguy who thinks shehe is the Fairy Hero of the Rood to Roata Comic Book and heshe believes that this comic book is the Fount of All Knowledge? Not to mention that Bilx qWeir has not made a correct call on anything, Ever, Remember the Bitcoin 1 million dollar per coin Guarantee by 2020 BullShit?! Bilx says “just a little Vitamin D and you are good” when you can watch his videos from 7 months ago where he Guarantees that 100 million people, in the USA, will be dead by now and Every hospital overrun by the Wuhan ChinFlu Virus?! If HorseShit was Brass, this Puke would have a Brass Universe!
Like so many before him, Mr. Weir is confusing a valuable asset with a sovereign currency. The only reason a currency would need to be redeemable in a precious metal is if the country didn’t have anything of value to sell, such as manufactured goods, tourism, technology, raw materials, food and so forth.
The value of a nation could be summarized as the value of all its assets together with its ability to generate income or cash inflows. Assets include the productive people in its population.
If such a value could be put in terms of a balance sheet and a P&L, then the value of its currency would be the total value divided by the number of units of currency outstanding. Additionally a currency’s value relative to other currencies would be based on supply and demand not just for the currencies, but rather what those currencies can buy from the underlying nation.
The things we should be focusing on would be the valuation of a country, transparency and periodic accounting/valuations/measurement of money in circulation to enable the market to decide relative valuations of the currencies.
To use precious metals or any basket of like assets as a tool to determine the value of a currency on a “redeemable” basis is ridiculous if you think about it. At most it should only form a component of a nation’s balance sheet.
If we take this approach at valuation and regularly compare valuations relative to number of, say, dollars in existence we would highlight government excesses in spending. The biggest problem, as I see it, is the amount of money that is taken as a non-productive use of the wealth generation by the people. The skim factor.
I think this is a much better road for consideration that this waste of time thinking about precious metals and digital currencies. The latter is simply an alternative to the mint’s printing presses. It is a form of convenience and control and monitoring and security. All useful but should not be the basis for a currency.
Also I am most concerned about how things like bitcoin can be used for evil purposes. This should be eminently apparent to us as we look at what has been going on in the world today including control of information, restrictions on our freedoms and corruption. The two edged sword of new technologies.
Where did you get this guy. Mars? LOL I’m talking about Bix.
– Who holds receivership of failed debts to Central Banks or when countries go bankrupt?
– IMF?
– Who holds receivership of debts not paid to IMF bailouts?
– World Bank?
– If you want to buy the ownership of ‘properties’ that the last receivership office holds, what price do you pay?
– Who has a chart of value/worth of ‘properties’ in the last office of receivership?
– Is there such a chart?
– Would such a chart detail the worth/value of assets within a failed nation?
– Would each nation have a basket of assets?
– Would each nation have a population/physical-acreage scale-quotient?
– Would all nations have more or less the same worth per their respective scale-quotient?
– Would all nations be on not a 1-to-1 relationship but a workable equitable relationship?
– Would each nation’s worth be its total basket of assets?
– Could a sovereign currency be a nation’s total worth held in its asset basket?
– Should a nation print Asset-Backed Sovereign currencies?
– For convenience and familiarity, could those respective AssetBacked Sovereign currencies be enumerated in the selling price of gold or silver?
Well that’s F* up for people living on a pension who paid in for 45-50 years and didn’t have a choice in the matter.
And this is exactly WHY the CB will implode! Sound money in the USA is the best means for us. Any and all crypto currency can’t be controlled if it has no physical backing or product. It is in thin air! We need something physical to exchange the useless paper money with.
What do you do with the whole blockchain when the power fails, whether due to a magnet reversal or because of destruction by war or otherwise? I prefer gold and silver, blockchain will never work
cripto B.S. is just not going to happend……. there are just to many people that have dollars that would not allow the cripto nuts to take can not have an imaginary money backed by nothing replace real world product… I have a farm ,it is real , it makes food , people need to eat..cripto has nothing period. i get tired of hearing this crap about how real money has no future, yes I admit we are mortgaged to the limit , but to put 200 million plus people in total depression with no resources is just plan crazy talk … You can say all you want but the dollar is real ,you can buy milk, bread, and eggs.. you can not go to the store and buy any of these with cripto…
The dude is truly delusional! He really is a Silver pumper although it is real! This is the Hegelian dialectic at play here. It’s the same story every time. Blips on a screen aren’t real but remember this system was created by them so they control this system. Isaiah 13:14; They can do whatever they want in their system. They have controlled the minds of the majority of population so people will follow. This was nothing more than a Psychological Operation on the population of the vassal nations of the USDC corporation to gain compliance and conformity. A perpetrated financial coup by the Federal Reserve in collusion with the pharmaceutical industry.
Dave, love your videos! Watch them every day. You have mentioned a couple of times that AMA has ok’d the use of hydroxychloriquine. I can’t find that info. Google probably blocking it. Can you put a link on your website or email me? Thanks so much and keep up the great work.
Best wishes,
Too bad Bix tells lies just to “fill air time.” He claimed that Craig S. Wright sold all his BSV a couple of years ago, which was a total fabrication and I knew it. Problem with lying is, once caught in one, do you REALLY trust ANYTHING they have to say anymore? Especially when pushing PAID content? No thanks. Passing on this “interview” but keep up the good work in general, Dave…
There was a 5 min video that came on after the x 22 spotlight. Can I get a stand alone copy?
Dave, get in touch with Charlie Ward. He moves money for governments.
Dave, get in touch with Charlie Ward. He moves money around within different governments.
I have listened to your Bix Weir – The Great Reset Will Not Happen, Silver Is The Bank Killer and the banking system collapse. So what can I do to protect the money I have in the bank and investments. What should I switch my investments into cash,and if so , what do I do with the cash?
Any advice would be helpful.
This was a very informative video. There needs more clarity in the issues related as to what “currency” will be utilized. It would almost seem that when this crash of the fiat currency happens that we will be turning to a more world currency. The problem that I have is that by turning to crypto means turning to another fiat currency. There is nothing really backing these type of currencies. There have been reports the preferred method is to turn back to gold for it is sound. Hopefully, we all will be in a good position at the time this occurs. Dave, good information and hopefully in the future a greater explanation for clearer understanding.
Did not care for this Bix dude. He made it sound like maybe we did not need a president at all. He’s is just trying to make a sale.
Bix story, when the CB’s go asunder will the Federal Government confiscate all attached assets/holdings?