Ep 2357b – Senate Was The Target, Lexington, Concord, The Shot Heard Around The World
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The [DS]/MSM have fallen right into the constitutional trap. Trump and the patriots are dripping out the classified information, people are learning the truth. The focus is now on the SC and it seems the SC is now compromised. Sometimes you must show the people. DS release a tweet with a pic of Trump in the oval office. On the flags there were a couple of words. Lexington and Abeyance. Message received, the shot heard around the world.
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Are you aware of Juan O Savin? He said in his last video with Rogue News that he guaranteed Trump would be sitting in the Oval office on April 1. He has said it twice now.
I just realized WHY the Patriot’s are dripping out the information, because the DEEP STATE is not going to use any ammunition on drib’s and drabs but they WOULD have an event to cover it up if the Patriots did a massive information dump!
Keep up the GREAT work!!
God Bless,
At 33:00 There appears that there is something above Lexington. I can’t make it out but there looks like something there in all caps.
Dear Dave, love your content. You have a quality presentation. May I suggest that you don’t stumble into your advertising. Just say how much you appreciate your sponsors who pay money to help you. Check out how and we know does theirs. Dan Bongino is my favorite. He really honors his sponsors and I’m not lost trying to remember where you cut out and reenter. You have a great channel and I always am looking forward to your show.
It’s about saving our world. All the countries.
Thanks for all the reports in the last 3 years
Dave I enjoy x22 report I really do but sometimes the repetition gets a bit much.
Dave, you’ll like this song. Abbey Cook. She made Q’s post into a song. Brilliant.
I haven’t read the executive order 13848. Could you explain next time what it will mean when President Trump puts the executive order into play, and how it will affect the people.
I think Trump is to weak, we the people have seen and heard enough, January 20th is right around the corner, he should do his EO of 2018, declare martial law and make arrests of these swamp creatures, seems to me the American people Patriots are going to loose this battle, we cannot loose our country….
If possible. Could you please try and find a video stream that you can jump to certain spots on the video. Because sometimes the site crashes and then you have to start the video right back to the start again and because you don’t want to listen to the same audio for 20mins to try and find where you were, most people will not end up listening to the rest. Thank you. Respectfully.
Love your insights on the politics
Is Roberts really afraid of riots or Trump using the insurrection act which could be used with EO 13848 anyway?
Patriots, keep pressing in. Call, write, peacefully protest in questioned cities or states to stop the steal. If you know your Governor and or Secretary of state are complicit in allowing a contested election in that state to stand and they certify the votes, the phone needs to be ringing off the hook. Protesting outside the capital, writing letters to the editors of your local papers, hounding your reps and making your minds known. take videos when confronting these people and make them go viral. find out if your Governors, reps, Secretary of States or even judges have ties with China. Expose them with Facts. Start recall petitions for the Governors etc. Continue to pray and make your voices heard. Thank you a lot.
Bless you for being faithful to the Republic and to those of us who get a lot out of your reports.
put the mic above and to the side of your mouth
never quit
Hi Dave,
I ran across some interesting information on facebook and wondered if you had seen this about coronavirus being patented and a report on it.
Also this one about Hillary taking bribes and being investigated by FBI, reported on Steel Truth.
And about John Owen’s (Biden’s brother-in-law) being part owner of Dominion?
Just a few things I came across recently that I haven’t seen reported through Newsmax, Epoch Times or OANN.
I enjoy your shows. Keep up the great work!
Do we really need a permanent supreme court with 9 buffoons sitting on their hands ?
Save tax dollars…replace those cowards with a good old “Coin Toss” on the front steps.
Edwards is responsible for what is going to turn into the implosion of AMERICA.
Thank you Dave! I want to express my utmost gratitude to you for your work. X22reports have got me through this crazy time and I thank you for being necessary part of my day! Blessing to you and your family. WWG1WGA
WWG1WGA!!! We need prominent publications of the world to speak openly of this coup attempt….or we need EO13858….the more people know, the less blood will be shed….WE THE PEOPLE’S blood are beginning to boil
Are you not on utube at all?
Just love being properly informed Dave! …. just love being an active Patriot! …. many thanks, and may guidance from God continue in our quest of restoration.
Bombard did a body language video on Mitch McConnell. She feels McConnell was not sincere in his congrats. to Biden….but ended with saying another four productive years, but not under whom. And a tiny smile on his face. Bombard says Mitch is ‘acting’ about his congratulations and is planning on four more years with POTUS. She makes a very good case for this.
Hiiiiiiii and Welcome!!
OMG the buffering!!!
It is becoming painfully obvious that all that President Trump is trying to do and has done will fail. The DNI report delayed, sounds like the secretary has been compromised. Without that report EO13848 can’t be implemented. Very sad day for our country.