Bob Kudla – There Is No Soft Landing, It Will Be Hard Landing, Trump Warned The [CB]
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Today’s Guest: Bob Kudla
YouTube: Trade Genius
Bob is the created and owner of Trade Genius Academy. Bob also does a podcast on YouTube which is called Trade Genius. Bob begins the conversation talking about how how the [WEF] is now losing control over Europe. The people have had enough. The US is in a recession and the soft landing that Yellen continually talks about is going to turn into a hard landing. Trump warned the [CB] not to move forward with their plan
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The “Great Tribulation.” When answering the question of his disciples concerning the sign of his presence and the conclusion of the system of things, Jesus mentioned a “great tribulation such as has not occurred since the world’s beginning until now, no, nor will occur again.” (Mt 24:3, 21) As a comparison of Matthew 24:15-22 with Luke 21:20-24 reveals, this had initial reference to a tribulation to come upon Jerusalem. The fulfillment came in 70 C.E., when the city was besieged by the Roman armies under General Titus. This resulted in severe famine conditions and much loss of life. The Jewish historian Josephus relates that 1,100,000 Jews died or were killed, whereas 97,000 survived and were taken into captivity. The temple was completely destroyed. Contrary to the wish of the Roman commander Titus, Roman soldiers set the temple itself on fire. According to Josephus, this took place in the same month and on the same day that the Babylonians had burned the former temple on this site. (The Jewish War, VI, 249-270 [iv, 5-8], 420 [ix, 3]; 2Ki 25:8, 9) The temple destroyed by the Romans has never been rebuilt. Such a “great tribulation” has not occurred again or been repeated upon Jerusalem. Nevertheless, Biblical evidence indicates that the tribulation upon Jerusalem in 70 C.E. pointed forward to a far greater tribulation, one affecting all nations.
Jesus continued his prophecy by describing events that would occur during the centuries after Jerusalem’s destruction. (Mt 24:23-28; Mark 13:21-23) Then, at Matthew 24:29, he added that “immediately after the tribulation of those days,” there would be fear-inspiring celestial phenomena. Mark 13:24, 25 says that these phenomena would take place “in those days, after that tribulation.” (See also Lu 21:25, 26.) To what “tribulation” did Jesus there refer? – If you would like to read all of the information about the Great Tribulation, please email me and request it.
There are 1804 prophecies in the Bible and most have been fulfilled perfectly; noting that no prophecy has ever failed to be fulfilled. The prophecy that will be fulfilled soon is the beginning of the Great Tribulation which starts with Almighty Jehovah God’s FIRST TIME direct control of events on the earth. If you have questions, please ask, or, email me; [email protected] OR [email protected]. I can also direct you to a FREE online Bible study course that you can use when it is convenient for you to do so.
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IN A little over a billion years, we expect Earth to become a baked, barren, powder-dry desert. It’s hard to imagine how multicellular life could survive,” says a recent issue of the magazine Sky & Telescope. Why? “A brightening Sun will boil the seas and bake the continents,” says Astronomy magazine, adding: “This apocalyptic scenario is more than an inconvenient truth—it’s our inevitable destiny.”
The Bible, however, states: “[God] has founded the earth upon its established places; it will not be made to totter to time indefinite, or forever.” (Psalm 104:5) Surely, the Creator of the earth can also maintain its existence. In fact, he “formed it . . . to be inhabited.” (Isaiah 45:18) But not by a wicked, dying race of humans. God set a time for the restoration of his rulership by means of the Kingdom spoken of at Daniel 2:44.
Jesus preached about the Kingdom of God. He spoke of a time for judging the nations and peoples. He warned of a tribulation that would be greater than any that had yet occurred. And he gave a composite sign to indicate when the end of the world as we know it would be at hand.—Matthew 9:35; Mark 13:19; Luke 21:7-11; John 12:31.
That such an important person as Jesus would tell of those things has stirred the imagination of many people. When would those events occur? By studying Bible prophecy and chronology, some have sought to determine just when the end might be. One who researched the subject was the 17th-century mathematician Sir Isaac Newton, the discoverer of the law of universal gravitation and the inventor of the calculus. (The full Last Days report is 4 pages. If you would like to receive it, or if you have questions, please email me [email protected] OR [email protected] and I will send what you request free of cost. I can also direct you to an online Bible study course which is also free. I can answer any question about the Bible and will do so freely.)