David Garofalo – Fiat Day Of Reckoning Coming, New Currency System Built By The People, Watch Gold
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Today’s Guest: David Garofalo
Website: Gold Royalty
Website Aris Gold
David Garofalo has 30 years in mining. As CEO of Gold Royalty, David discusses how gold is the barometer of fiat currency. The stimulus that is being pushed into the world will create a currency crisis. This crisis will push the people of the world into a new system, this new system will be a grass roots movement. Watch gold it will begin to break out.
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When fiat fully implodes, how will cryptos be valued ?
Why promote all this fear. The Quantum Financial System (QFS) backed by gold is replacing the central banking system. The DS is GOING DOWN!
Thank you I look forward to your emails daily And I watch your show daily.
Gold is the most manipulated commodity on earth… The banks and financial institutions have a very firm hold on the gold market and will not be letting it go… Gold should be great, but it is not… At the end of the day, only the governments and central banks will hold the gold… Do any of you recall when America seized all the citizens’ gold???
Just more of the same, rite? I will believe it, when I feel the cash in my hand. Pull the string and keep the suckes dancing, right?
Why is China not bitching over the fa ct the Exchanges are not completed?
What is the hold up now? Funding, Bonds, Banks? Exchange centers?
Where is the snag and why has it not been addresed?
It’s been we will go now this week for months yet nothing.
If gold is the reason. I BELIEVEA FALSE CLAIM RATHER oIL the more apparent reason as it provides the currency feeding Iraq thus their ability to pay their debts.
Electronic transfer much easier than shipping gold all over the world.
Your thoughts as to why the hold up.