Derek Johnson – Continuity Of Government Is In Place, Military In Control, Scare Event Necessary
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Today’s Guest: Derek Johnson
Website: The1776Nation
Truth Social:
Derek Johnson is a United States Army Veteran, Retired, DV. 1776 nation which is, where breaks down the covert operation that is going on right now. Derek is also a 2 time Billboard Hit Artist and Songwriter, Derek is best known for his two Billboard Hits “Real Cool Kinda Hot” and “Right Beer Right. Derek begins the conversation on how the government is under a different set of laws. The military is control under COG. Everything we are witnessing is part of the plan to bring down the [DS]. The last act will be cleaning up the low level foot soldiers, scare event will be necessary.
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Wow so this is why they had a call for people to tell Congress not to remove the AM radio function they are going to pass a bill to shut down AM radio access?
Wow Dave, your spotlight with Derek Johnson was incredible. So informative. I talk to people all the time who are stressed out, depressed, battling with anxieties because of what is going on in our country. I have had some tell me that they cannot live through what’s been going on for another year. One of my neighbors has talked to me about suicide. People are at the precipice, they can’t take it anymore. More and more people are going to commit suicide if this movie isn’t over soon. If millions of people could hear this spotlight, I believe it would help people to be relieved of stress, anxieties, depression and suicidal thoughts. Dave this has got to be your best spotlight guest ever. God Bless and protect Derek Johnson. Thank you for this spotlight Dave. I feel a since of peace and calm inside after hearing Derek.
Wow Dave! “Ask and ye shall receive.” I few days ago I asked you to feature Derek Johnson on you X22 Spotlight program and there he is today. I am not taking credit, you may have intended to have him on anyway. I am grateful to you and I will continue to listen to your broadcasts.
Your show is one that I have watched since probably early 2020. Thank you for all that you do!
Oh my word. This is the best, most important interview you have ever done. Thank you and may God Himself reward you both!
Central casting refers to great patriots that are on the trump train 👏👏👏👏👏 Homan already said he would come back if Trump did.
Derek is an interesting guy. Best I can tell he is not controlled op. Most of what he says is correct, but what is wrong is who is in control of the military. Trump is only in control of the Department of Energy and some other command sections. A very small amount (the nuke control). For all intensive purposes the biden mask controls the entire military. As matter of fact just about our entire military is now in europe. Rumors are drifting that they have an entire army of black people separate for some reason. Tried to explain this to you before. The scare event is important because at that point all the DS control of the military will be removed and centralized to the people with Trump. That’s why the DS needs a false flag so bad. And now that all the uranium is missing in Libya, who knows. And they just did another practice thing for radiation. Combine that with the chinese that are dumping over the southern border. Not looking good for the home team. CBDC is just chugging along as well. I may be wrong, but I thought they already passed the bill for CBDC months ago.
Allow me to black pill you:
This is my theory and I could be wrong. Until this point everything that has happened has been the exact same things used on Germany to turn them into Nazy Germany. Just a modernized version. If it follows that timeline American Hitler should be arriving anytime to kick out the evil rothschilds and their wicked banking system just like original Hitler. Original Hitler had over 90% approval for a while remember. We will get 3 1/2 years of good times with American Hitler and somehow it will turn tragically bad. My opinion is we will not see rothschilds, rockefellars, and others at the end of ropes, but instead they will disappear. And at the end of that 3 1/2 years they are going to get power back. Trump is not a good guy, he is playing a role the same as the rest of them. It’s all part of their psychological bull shit. You know when you torture someone you have to give them hope and then rip it away from them to break them. That kind of thing. Trump throws the tip of the spear gang sign. An inverted triangle. Tip of the spear is an old nazi thing. Back in the day you could see all Trumps crew would always wear inverted triangle pins on their suits. Trump has the inverted triangle filled with trees on the side of Trump tower. That is an old religion. Not catholic. Inside of Trumps house on the ceiling you can find that Trump is also quite the fan of appolyon the destroyer. The figure that kicks off the end times in the bible. You may not believe the bible, but these people do and they are trying to kick it off on their own terms so to cheat GOD. There are no good actors in this movie. If you are smart you will place your faith in GOD only.
On my next visit I have a good one for you. Aliens. Fake ones of course. Think it’s a joke. It’s coming. Fake news is already slow walking it. Give you the details then. Take it easy.
I am listening to a replay of your interview on April 29. The audio is choppy. I thought it was just FB but I see our right to listen to other takes on what’s happening are being disrupted.
Sounds good, but until I see arrests, this is just more hot air. They can’t even secure the border, the military is paid by the DS (federal reserve) and will not bite the hand that feeds them.
Check with John Herold about Derek Johnson.
This guy is an awesome find, Dave. Basically confirms what we already knew but from a whole fresh perspective. Good job. (He’s a real talker too, eh?)
Do you believe what Deriek Johnson said and have you done any digging into what he has said? I really want to believe him. Thanks and hope for your reply back.
Good job on these old posts, as a researcher and an author of conservative strategy; I approve on your head of the game analysis keep it up!
God Bless u….I listen every day …except Sat. Of course.
Santa Monica, CA
Valuable information. Thank you! I’ve listened to this several times now, and shared it. Could you have Derek on more frequently? Thank you for all you do in keeping us informed.
The Gitmo calendar is on the Military Commissions web site. The only scheduled trials are the 911 terrorist tribunals. They have CCTV, but the feeds are only shown at a few military bases. The transcripts of the trials are public and are posted on the site as well.
Check it out…
When he answers the question about why we didn’t just wipe these systems out with “We’re not built on that… America’s better than that” ??????WITAF????? If ANYONE w ANY sort of power knows ANYTHING about the origins & cabals that manage the human trafficking, Anti-American factions rigging elections, weaponized biological viruses, the ‘AMERICAN WAY’ would be to ONE HUNDRED PERCENT IMMEDIATELY ANNIHILATE THEM where EVER they are. I was pretty much with him up until that answer… SO MANY people have died, especially in the last 7 years during this so-called coordinated military effort, that didn’t have to – they’re 100% casualties of these white hats ALLOWING this heinous BS to continue… and our economy ….how many families have lot their homes & gone hungry bc of radical leftist policies sending our tax monies to the vipers nest known as UKRAINE FFS and opening our borders to MILLIONS of illegals WE’RE paying for instead of addressing our own homeless, addiction, veteran, infrastructure & education issues. And what about allowing the vile evilness of TRANSING OUR CHILDREN continue?? Getting a few generations to VOLUNTARILY sterilize themselves so they won’t reproduce?????? Those young lives are lost and changed in vastly unknown ways FOREVER. There can be NOTHING good or White Hat about ANYTHING we’ve experienced since 2016. NOTHING.