Ep. 2333a – The [CB] Accelerated Their Plan Out Of Panic, Patriots Were Counting On This
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The [DS]/[CB] were rushed into their reset, they were not planning on moving up their agenda, but they had no choice, they were running out time. Trump and the patriots trapped them in the reset. Once it has begun the [CB] cannot stop it. This is exactly what the patriots wanted.
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- ← Ep. 2333b – Dominion Execs Running, Message Sent In The Past, Received In The Present
- Ep. 2334a – Trump Begins The Great Reset Countermeasures →
Questions to be answered in future shows:
So how does the USA pay off the 27 trillion national debt? With new currency? Default? What happens with our old currency? What will be the exchange rate? Will there be an exchange rate? Should we all quickly buy gold and silver?
Thank you for doing all the research for your program, we can trust what you bring to us. It helps us to stay calm and where our prayer points need to be. We are prepared for the worst but not afraid. thanks Dave and staff. fay
I agree, Fay ….. keep the faith, prayer works … your Son😃
Missed you X22, LvYa
Cancelled my Twitter that was a soul sucker
The Democratic Socialists Party Leadership and their Deep State Masters are playing right into Donald Trump’s hands. They have consistently under estimated him & it has cost t them their
“New World Order” & will see many of them serving long prison terms. For all their efforts and th ed billions of dollars spent trying to overthrow his Administration they have failed to eff even find him guilty of a parking violation !! Donald Trump and his TEAM of Patriots have outmaneuvered them at every turn & brought America back from the brink of depression. Now we & th he world are being shown just how vile, corrupt & evil they actually are. They along with their propaganda arm the Mainstream Fake News Media Networks are a lot to be exposed indicted Prosecuted and Incarcerated for crimes against America, Americans and Humanity, they will cease to exist as a relevant force & will never plague our Country again.
That treasonous skum, including the MSM need to all be publicly hung on the DC Mall for ALL the world to see!!
I hope the distribution of that serum they want us to test out doesn’t start unless it’s voluntary ? I live in Oregon & a homegrown resident that has always been proud of our state until now & I’m just one resident but I haven’t come across anybody who has said one positive comment toward her since she slipped in office since last governor got railroaded out actually the comments I have been hearing are pretty vulgar consistently so. I’m afraid if she try’s to arrest someone that I think will be the straw that etc. I want to convey that many live by the saying “ I would rather live my life standing then to die on my knees “ we will defend our home they better get ready because this kind of power that she thinks she has will spark more problems for her than that aunt teef a of hers was barely a problem compared to us patriots that’s our family. We’ve got his back you know that uncle of ours.
Hello Dave,
Thank you for all that you do in keeping us informed, without you and others like you, we all would be losing our minds as well as our faith in our country. I’m not sure if this could help Rudy & Sydney but, i have always , after filling out my ballot , i have taken a picture of it with the ballot number showing at the top with who i voted for… i may be just a drop in the bucket out there that has done this. i have told my 3 sons to always take a picture of their ballots after filling them out showing the ballot number and the persons they voted for also, so there’s 4 drops in the bucket…I’m not sure if you have direct contact with Rudy & Sydney but you have me email and if this can help in any way, please help me to get the pictures to them .
Thank you so much and let’s stay free! Ellie.
I truly love these little PeP Talks but I haven’t seen anything yet. No arrests and no relief from censorship.
Can’t wait Praying President Trump and the Alliance are safe and they bring down the evil soon. Biden can’t be President, he’s a fraud and crook.
Dave, Great show, but I would like to note that Russia’s Vladimir Putin is not onboard with the Rothschild Bank of London and its surrogates. Didn’t you know he kicked them out of Moscow close to 20 years ago? That is why the MSM and the Democrats hate him so much. Please address that on your show. That is a BIG deal, because with the U.S. and Russia standing firmly together vs the Rothschilds we have an even better chance of crushing these Satan worshipping treasonous cabal!!