Ep 2670b – Dog Comms, Fire & Fury, Ready To Go Live, Truth Belongs To The People
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The [DS] is using everything they have, they are trying to build the insurrection angle but it is failing big time, the truth belongs to the people. The [DS] has lost the people and the narrative. They are now ready to switch it all up, change of batter is coming. [HRC] sends message about a funeral, is this there next move? This matches Scavino’s tweet a couple of days ago when he tweeted about dogs. Trump the fake news will now publish hit pieces to discredit Truth Social. Fire and Fury is about to hit.
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- Ep 2671a – The Final Nail In The [CB] Economic System Is In Place →
I c ur girl maxwell is going to get off on a technicality imagine that
Your pretty good at this. Been following you report and it has put me ahead of whats coming. Thank you very much. Always ahead of people around me.
They lied to the American people! Do you hate to be lied to? It means someone else thinks you are a fool! Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.
Dr. Malone’s GREAT INFO about Omnicron is the best news I’ve had all day! I’m not v-ed, but a lot of friends and loved ones are. I hope it helps them
Looking forward to Dr. Z!!!
Thanks for all your info, Dave.
Can I clarify one thing Dave? The Q post from January 8. Are you thinking TRUTH social might start THIS Saturday January 8th?
Dear Sir,
I am nobody, other than a 57 yr old American citizen, who deeply loves the U.S.A.
Your videos are a daily ritual for me. You are spot on with your analysis, except for one thing, in my opinion. And that is red line 2. I feel that they have already crossed that line. The normies don’t even realize the truth. And by the normies, I mean people who get most of their information from the television. Examples would be members of my family, and a lot of my coworkers. Only those that truly seek and know, are aware of the corruption that rules the country. They crossed red line 2 months ago, and Truth Social is the response.
Just My Opinion.
With regards to dog comms. Hillary wants to be the first female president. Her ambition is undeniable.
What is the best way for her to get there from here? The answer is simple, Biden dies, Kamala is sworn in. Hillary is selected as the new V.P., then the 25th amendment is used against Kamala. Hillary now president. Then Pelosi is selected as V.P.
This is the sickness that we are dealing with.
I’ve been listening to you for well over a year now and I gotta’ tell ya’, this shit is getting old. It’s all same. We KNOW that they stole the election. We KNOW it was an insurrection. We KNOW it’s a depopulation plan. I also understand that people are still not awake but my God, I am so sick and tired of this. I’m watching people dying all over the place, people having difficulty paying bills, getting food, homeless people everywhere and I’m just sick that this is going on. I also understand that there’s people that have been taken done in the background but this play is getting really old. The media has GOT to be taken over. These injections have GOT to be stopped. There’s nothing that’s solid that I can prove to people. Enough! This show has got to start reaching it’s climax. I ran out of popcorn a long time ago.
THANK YOU for all of the hours you spend. I have retired these past three after spending 47 years in practice.
Mind is not as sharp and the fingers somehow keep hitting the incorrect keys.
One of the good things I had (not so sure if this qualifies as a “good” thing) was the uncanny ability of picking out mis-spellings. I have a good friend who lectures. Each event he spoke at a meeting that I was attending, he asked me to pick up the errors in spelling for him.
In today’s Ep. 2670b, There is a incorrect usage of a word: “…sends message about a funeral, is this there next move? There should be the word THEIR. “is this, THEIR next move?”
R. Brown
Seems to Me the reason the Grammys are being postpone is All the A-list stars are MIA or HAG,
Hanged At Gitmo.
Dear Sir,
I appreciate your videos, and clear common sense analysis. But there is something I wish you would emphasize, and that is China’s role in the Covid attack, the NWO’s complicity, and the fact that Trump said we must never forget that China is responsible, and most of all, that China created the virus, and the vaccine is destructive of people, and that is why nobody in China has taken an mRNA vaccine, they all took conventional vaccines, manufactured in China, only 15% effective, but their vaccines don’t kill the patients. This is the biggest clue to why they are pushing the vaccine. Depopulation of non-Chinese countries. In the end, the Chinese will take over the world. I wouldn’t have a problem with this, except that China is a communist country, and as such, we will all then be slaves.
Thank you for all you do! God bless you and your family.
Hello Dave, I saw a clip of a zoom stream between Fauci & Zuckerburg where Fauci says that Cov 19 didn’t exist until they started injecting it into peoples arms………..
I love your channel. You tell it like it is, the truth! Happy New Year! Sending Love,Light and Peace, AMEN❣️🙏🏼👍💥
You are right, the covid cases were starting to stay between 1:00 and 4:00 admissions everyday. We are now having 15 and 16 just one week later as they start saying again that we must rush to get our injections. I check the admissions daily to look and see if there is anything that needs to be brought to supervisors attention for the hospital where I work. Not only do we have more admissions, we have more ICU admissions and I haven’t seen any ICU admissions for a couple of months. I work from home and was supposed to go in for one day and work at the hospital to supervise a new person just starting in my department of the US. My boss email me and told me that they had 176 new cases that day. Since I am starting to count the daily number of covid cases, I can actually see what you were talking about. We had two cases one day and the next day we had four. The news reported the cases in our area had doubled. They were right, but they didn’t say it was such a low number. Thank you so much for all the information you are getting out. I really appreciate your keeping me up to date with what is going on in my country and the world. I wish everybody I knew knew about this, but they say they just aren’t interested!
Dave, the new pcr test is being made by a company owned by Bill gates and George soros. Please research this. We can’t trust this either!!
I listen to X22 every night, when I go to bed,…hearing the same old BULL SHIT,…every night,…puts me to sleep. Nothing new here. People have found the truth,…BOTH SIDES PUMPING PROPAGANDA,…ALL FAKE NEWS,…and calling it,… an information war.
trump DOES NOT,…have the people,…we the people has realized,…that trump is no different than the opposition,…all BIG TALK,…all air,…no action.