Ep 2344b – It Begins And Ends With The Keystone, [DS] Battle Plan Known, Military Control
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Trump and the patriots know the playbook of the [DS], they are using their plan against them. The [e] fraud is off the charts and now the evidence is being produced. We are now seeing video evidence and other evidence. This is just the beginning. The [DS] plan lets us know they will be trying to create delays in the electoral counting, they are trying to make it so nobody becomes President, then call on the military. Trump and the patriots know the playbook, it begun in with the keystone state and will end there, military control, constitution is the only way forward.
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- ← Ep 2344ba – Trump Gets Waller On Fed Board, Shelton Standing By, Restructure On Deck
- Ep 2345a – [CB] Pushes The Great Reset, Now Panic Sets In →
I have operated my small business here in NY for 18 years. I have been trying to get people involved with what has been done to business. I have been telling everyone that would listen and I had mostly found deer in the headlights. They did not believe. Ironically they now are interested. I explain to them business did not leave NY they were chased out. The more you dig the worse it gets. They have been systematically destroying this country, especially small business for decades. There is no regard for the Rights of Ownership which places the property owner first in control of their property not the state. There is no monetary input or assistance with making sure their mandated documentation. The scariest information I have come across is that NY City is buying up property in the Southern Tear of NY at extraordinary rates. The numbers I have heard is $3500.00 an acre. Well above the actual value of the property. It is time to also put pressure on theses people for everything not just election.
Yes very good video. To bad YouTube is allowing your stuff to be copied and used on there site.
We couldn’t hear a thing the President said in his clip. Sound must have been turned off.
I tried to share your video using the buttons provided and was unable. I then copied the URL and tried to paste it. It would not!! Just letting you know.
Thanks Dave, another great job. You give me hope. Each day I can not wait for the next X22 report. To hear something to hold unto. I do not know how you do it, it is a lot of work, so thank you.
Philip Clark,
The Michigan Senate is finding out that the people are not stupid. They’re panicking because Americans are now wide awake and we aren’t taking this overthrow of our country lying down.
Thank you Dave for doing this, I have been listening and watching for over year now. I would support you financially, but I am on disability, and on a very tight budget! But just wanted to say a Big Thank You,!!! Keep up the good work, and may God bless you!
I keep hearing that Obama was arrested November 28 at Canadian publication a Spanish publication in a navy seal are saying this happened yet it’s not being reported anywhere here the you know anything about this?
Beginning to panic
Beginning to panic
Beginning to panic
Beginning to panic
Beginning to panic
Beginning to panic
Dave maybe premise we all know DS is panicking just saying…..
Dave, I’ve been a fan since I found you on YT back in 2018. I listened every night. I thought once you were taken off YT & we came to this site, we coukd at least listen to x22 Report. However, unless I listen at 3 or 4 am, the video feed breaks up. The video runs 10 secs, then 20 seconds of silence, through the entire report. So frustrating. YT started that before your suspension last summer,& it continued on when you returned. The intervals change each night, but there is definitely a pattern. I don’t know who to direct my anger at. It is simply maddening. As I said before, the x22 Report is smooth & uninterrupted at 3 or 4 am, however during “normal” hours, irs the same old thing. I always enjoy your reports, they actually calm me down, after the BS on Twatter, & other social media. What’s going on?
Not sure it’s being done on purpose, but the evidence keeps pouring out!
I have tried to message friends to watch x22report. FB outlined my post in red and gave a message “unable to post. Shocking, the most censorship I have been a victim of. The fight is real. You are the best news source I have found. You keep me calm. Thank you very much.
At what point in this investigation of voter fraud do we ask for a list of the poll workers and on national TV explain that you need to come forward and admit what you seen or when the video comes out, and it will , You will be arrested. We already have affidavits sworn testimony and we’re too busy defending our position when the Democrats question it or deny anything’s happened. We have spent four years defending our political party with BS allegations zero proof. now we have videos affidavits and the Democrats are still denying it it is time to change it up and play offensive.
I don’t about anyone else, but I’m starting to loose faith in this – it just feels like we’re being strung along and being fed a bunch of BS.
saw a report that Lin Wood is encouraging GOP VOTERS not to vote in Senate runoffs. Also HE is not only a DEMOCRAT DONOR but a DEMOCRAT. As you, Dave, have said before on certain information”INTERESTING”. Needs to be confirmed.
if true what in the world is he doing on TRUMPS LEGAL TEAM?????????????????????????????????????????
Been watching you everyday since 2016
A lot of people in the UK see President Trump as the only hope for the free world and if he doesn’t beat this election fraud, I really feel we are doomed. There are NO patriots in our government and irrespective of political party they are all just puppets of the globalist.
We are now being told that the vaccine is being rolled out next week starting with the elderly, and anyone that doesn’t take the vaccine will ultimately have constraints put on them, travel, free movement, work will all be restricted. We are worried sick for the future of our children and grandchildren.
We are praying that you patriots win this battle and overturn the deep state and big Pharma this then overspills into Europe, and awakes the majority of Europeans to overthrow the globalist cabal.
Good bless you American patriots and god bless Donald Trump
Episode 2344B you mention early Q drops, chaos, the military, and Trump (and the patriots!) knowing their playbook.
Well, I hearken back to a drop that said “FISA works both ways”.
Is it possible that we listened in on their communications during election night and know exactly who coordinated and ordered critical counting tampering to occur?
Is it possible that after “everyone” (the usual players :Obama, Biden, Clinton, Brennan and the rest) denies any tomfoolery, whether on air or under oath, that there is a bombshell FISA warrant under wraps that’s going to blow this wide open???
I wonder….
Thanks to the dear true God for all +++
The True must win and nobody and nothing else.
Emonsmust be destroyed for all time.