Ep 2351b – Marker Revealed, Trump New EO, Durham, GW, Surprise Attack
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The [DS]/MSM have played their hand, they cheated and manipulated the election to get [JB] into office. Now we see stories about China, [NP][ES][HB] and [JB] leaked out. We see Gov and mayors with the Chinese, it is all being exposed to the American people. Time has just placed [JB] & [KH] on the cover, marker revealed. Trump just signed an EO for Dec 24, it has begun.
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What are your thoughts on the Supreme Court throwing out the Texas case? Where do we go from here? Is there still a reliable path to victory?
Thank you
Insurrection. What does the constitution say of the president’s power regarding attack of the government and collusion with a foreign government against the USA?
Great information. I don’t know where you dig up all this information, but keep it up. I have just run across your channel lately and it has been a great help and comfort during these crazy times. I am sure that you heard that the SCOTUS has just thrown out Texas’ case. I can’t believe that not one of Trumps scotus picks actually wanted to hear an actual U.S. Constitutional case. WHAT IS WRONG WITH THEM? Did Trump expect this? Does he have other contingency plans if the SCOTUS court is a dud? This seems like a Constitutional nightmare! I would love to hear your thoughts on the issue. I am sure that you will be discussing this on your next podcast. I hope you have some good news.
Hi Dave,
The Supreme court just denied Texas bill against the states! Now what!?
But The Supreme Court Rejected Texas Law Suit. So WhT Now ?
Well, what now, Dave. SCOTUS just shoved up Trumps rear end by not listening to the Texas Lawsuit even one bit. Only Justices Alito and Thomas offered to listen. Not even Trumps three prized SC picks would go along. Were they paid off or scared off? I’ve followed all this for the last 3 yrs, and now it looks like it’s nearly over and we are all screwed. Wonder what FEMA Camps are gonna look like.
You are behind the curve on this presentation, in light of the fact that SCOTUS basically threw out the Texas lawsuit. Most of us who follow X22 Report are well aware of all the fraud. But knowing about fraud and being able to prove it within a corrupt system is a completely different story. The fact that the opinion on two matters had 7-2 and 9-0 majority opposing the lawsuit indicates that something is wrong somewhere, particularly since President Trump was counting so heavily on SCOTUS doing the right thing. The opinion for us non-lawyers makes no sense and on the surface appears to indicate that SCOTUS is compromised, which is difficult to believe given that Barrett, Gorsuch and Kavanaugh, appointed by Trump, all were part of the majority denying the Texas lawsuit.
Sure would like to see the first episode of X22 Report. My wife and I have been listening since August of 2018. Seeing the historic significance of the Report, hearing the original would be very interesting to say the least. Until your reports I did not care to listen to financial news or information. However when it has to do with taking down the Global Financial/Power system we have become very interested and informed thanks to you. After listening to your reports we believe that we have heard most of the significant events and how the “dots” are connected for that day.
Thank you
Individuals and States can bring a case directly to the Supreme Court in several ways under the SCOTUS Plenary Jurisdiction. One is called Certiorari “before” Judgment and another at the discretion of the SUPREMES under SCOTUS Rule 11.
States who sue other States reach the Court directly under Original Jurisdiction – Article III aka 28 USC, Section 1251
I am sorry to hear your video today. SCOTUS has thrown out Texas case for lack of standing. I hoped you would rush to amend your post. Maybe on Sunday. We are getting tired of winning though.
Unfortunately Dave, your report was written BEFORE everyone heard SCOTUS voted to not hear the TX case. I haven’t seen who the traitors were as yet, but it’s safe to assume that one of the supposed 5 conservative judges voted to screw our Republic. It wasn’t Alito or Thomas who wrote their opinion going against the other 5. Along with the 2018 EO, couldn’t POTUS also apply the Insurrection Act since we’re obviously under attack from domestic enemies? Keep your powder dry Patriots & “don’t fire til’ you see the whites of their eyes.” God Bless America.
We have been repeatedly promised that The Supreme Court will straighten all this out. Still insisting that was The Plan? SCOTUS just refused to hear from the Texas lawsuit. Now what should we hope for??
Keto link does not work
I would like to ask that alphabet combinations be used (DS) be used in an article only after it has been defined. I have someone who is fed up with the main stream media (msm) and wants to know who I’m listening to. When she goes to your web page the 2 and 3 letter combinations mean nothing to her and this leaves her confused.
turn out the lights, the party’s over……Trump lost in the USSC
Texas was denied! Corruption everywhere and hope is disappearing! God help this nation as the rule of law is evaporating before our eyes.
Is there a easy to share chart available for us to share with the death rates for years to date
It’s all crap. Dave, you are full of crap. Qanon is a fucking fraud. The SCOTUS is a total joke. We are ruled by dirty cops, corrupt judges, and bought politicians. I QUIT! The United States has become a super banana republic. We are beyond being saved. Get used to it.
P.S. Barr and Durham are both pathetic frauds.
Beginning to loose hope have yet to see anything go the way of positivity failsafes are failing am beginning to see no one will be held accountable for crimes committed against we the people or our constitution have been very patient and positive I have known the system from judicial to government is corrupt and against we the people you keep saying it’s coming tide has turned yet I see no change and we the people continue to suffer all while showing complete n total support only to be let down I know we the people are beyond the point of invisible action am done following the false hope of empty solutions we the people want action if you got everything you need and you can see the entire board all the players put the EO to work and the are losing hope n faith innocent people n families are being destroyed not just financially but mentally we waiting on TRUMP but im tried of losing my rights and I will not lose anymore I’m debt free n own my home land everything I got n refuse to lose it without a fight n am very angry that only the innocent are held accountable for criminals n there activities after today I’m turning off every electronic device I have throwing them in trash washing my hands of any give a damn about good prevailing over evil am going to prepare my family and home to fight against the radical left from taking my freedoms am prepared to dir protecting my family liberties for I have only this to care about now thanks for destroying my mental positivity I’d rather die than bend a knee I must go and prepare for the battle n fight to maybe really going to happen now with we the people against the world it’s very depressing to to know are votes are fake and now we are screwed unless you use the insurrection act now or we the people will have to take up arms one or the other must happen asap or many will die from great reset slaughter they have planned to do to us
Do you think Marker (9) could be the refusal of the case by the suprem court because there are 9 of them?
Coffee County Georgia Elections Supervisor, Misty Martin, shows county board members how easy it is to manipulate Dominion Voting Systems software and machines to allow ballots to be scanned multiple times, including altering ballots and clearing out or changing the candidates on the ballots to a different candidate and even processing blank ballots to count as votes.
And who are the FOOLS that, after watching the video, will still cling to and fight for their opportunity to remain the pathetic conditioned monkee slaves that they are?
Military path using his 2018 EO…
Well this is looking like the path that will be taken. SCOTUS unfortunately rejected the Texas law suit today but we’ve also seen major developments in the news recently about overwhelming evidence of election fraud through China’s influence in the 2020 election and their close ties to many of our local and Federal politicians/officials. The American people are being informed and the stage is clearly being set for a big take-down of all of the bad actors involved in the conspiracy to destroy the United States but it MUST happen in order to save the Republic.
Thank God that way back in 2018 the good guys knew what was being planned by the DS and Trump signed the EO that would counter those plans.
Unfortunately Trumps Supreme Court justice choices are not strict constitutionalists and it has come back to bite him.
Ted Cruz would have been a much better choice
Its to late Dave the highest court in the land is compromised and corrupt as well they’re not going to hear the case it’s all bullshit they’re all corrupt there’s nothing else you can do the highest court threw it out so tell us the truth! This is going nowhere we are screwed blued and tattooed. It’s over they won the bastard corrupt compromised bastard rats w o n!
It’s over Dave please tell us the truth now the Democratic bastard rats got away with it! They stole the event they did it. Now you need to tell us the truth. WE ARE FUCKED!!!!!
Thank you Dave for always putting things into perspective. We trust the plan and that the Lord has this in His control, but some days it’s so frustrating. We appreciate all you do! Stay strong, God Bless Patriot!
Johnson is lowlife Deeetroit street THUG and when she said soldiers she was talking about blm/antifa/gang punks who only attack when they have a 10 to 1 numerical advantage! Those are her people and the fools who elect idiots like her and Talib!
Hi Dave,
Where is the usual transcript of your broadcast. I’ve found those very helpful.
“Nothing can stop what is coming” – that’s because nothing is coming
So now we know the Supreme court is dirty too. So now what? Was this part of the plan too? This was allowed to go way too far. This was a huge gamble with our country and in Turn the whole world. They should have NEVER BEEN ALLOWED TO STEAL THIS ELECTION This was a stupid move
Your reports help me keep the faith that We the People will win against the evil left (Dems).
Finding all this very hard to believe when nothing is showing or proving out to be true except that time is running out as well as options. Every time I listen, every day, it is the same thing over and over while we watch in real life and only see things getting worse. If Trump and the so called white hats are in control and everything said is really going to happen, what are they waiting on> For Biden and Harris to be sworn in? Electoral votes are being cast, and not in our favor. Courts are throwing everything out daily. Declare Martial Law, sure. I’m for it, but everyone is already saying with the law suits etc we are the ones conducting a coup and with Martial Law that is exactly what will be said. It is frustrating to hear the same thing over and over of all these promises and nothing ever seems to actually show any of it is true. People need to see something happen. Not just told to keep waiting. Some of us don’t have the resources to keep holding on waiting and waiting. We need to something positive happen that makes it obvious Trump and all the promises are really going to happen now.
Don’t forget about governor Walz of Minnesota. He has relations with China
Can someone explain the weird [ ] usage?
Why aren’t we just using names, and who is HB?
WOW, great report. Thank you is not enough words to express how much I need and enjoy your reports. I share with my family from CT, Massachusetts to California who are Trumpers. I am not worried Trump will get in but some family are doubting often because of election. Your videos help so much and answer many questions. I love all your reports, I take notes and when I have to rebut or try to ease frustrated people I use my notes. God Bless You and Thank you for all you do. People like you is all we have!
have you heard of looking up COURAGE AND WISDOM on duckduckgo? Referencing Q.
December 25th would be the perfect day to release the Durham report or make some arrests.
I know that supposedly Trump allowed the steal to take place so that they would be caught with their hands in the cookie jar. I get it. But how far are you willing to let the rope go before it gets away from you? When will we get a win? When the electors get seated or after Biden is inaugurated? I mean time is running out and SCOTUS just handed us a betrayal. I don’t want to be “Baghdad Bob”. I want to see a win like right about now. And why did Barr allow the Biden investigation to go unreported BEFORE the election? To help Biden? It looks that way. Traitors everywhere.
Kentucky DID joint the Texas lawsuit… the very first day within hours. Andy Beshear is blue, but state legislature is 75% RED. Just so you know. Also the war is upon us. China has troops in Canada and Mexico; troops and planes are scrambling in Nevada; an F-16 was shot down Tuesday night in Michigan by the Canada border and possible 50,000 Chinese troops buried in an underground tunnel when our military dropped a bunker bomb. Still unconfirmed but it caused an unnatural earthquake in Maine.
Hi, Dave.. Possible that we can share to Brighteon Social and Gab? Thanks, Mike Horan, @mhoran1158
Has anyone compiled a list of the political names including Wall street deep state players in our own nation who are hiding backroom deals, that present a security issue? Who is owned by China? It’s obviously apparent that our greatest threat to Democracy is well ensconced at the state level and in Washington DC domestic sellouts Even at the highest supreme court currently hunting for excuses to ignore the oath they took to protect the Constitutional law. Are they pro court-packing which will most assuredly occur if Democrats get their way? Thoughtful observer.
Please comment on your report why K. Harris { V.P. elect} has not given up her seat in the Senate.?????
What does she know? Why has lame stream not reported on this including Fox. INTERESTING???????
The Democratic party is the Republican Party. The Democrat Party is not Democratic.
It’s time to stop the left God has Mr Trump on it!!! Amen!
I’m going crazy, is there only me that can see this or is everyone else in it?
The GOP did nothing to protect Trump from the fraud, they were in on it with the Dems to remove Trump.
They didn’t mind at all that fraudulent ballots were used, and that’s because it was arranged that only the top ticket would be affected.
That is such an important thing to note, but nobody has connected that yet.
It’s also the reason Republicans have no problem with the elections in Georgia right now. There will be little in the way of fraud, because that was the deal that Republicans and Dems had.
Their plan was only to remove Trump. Open your eyes! The GOP were complicit, which is why they haven’t been fighting it.
😃😃😃😃😃😃😃 Awesome clips. Thank you for your hard work, fellow patriot.
💛 ♥ 💙 Sincerely Douglas Hartbarger