Ep 2366b – “Move Slowly, Carefully — And Then Strike Like The Fastest Animal On The Planet!”
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The [DS]/MSM has just been exposed. The idea that there is no such thing as election fraud and that the election systems are secure has just been debunked. GA held a hearing and now the GA lawmakers are looking into the ballots. The entire election scam is falling apart and those who [knowingly] participated are feeling the heat. Tick tock time is running out.
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- ← Ep 2366a – Trump Traps Congress, The People Are Watching
- Ep 2367a – The People Now Know Who Destroyed Their Lives Economically →
By my count of political sign s biden came in 3d behind trump and firewood for sale
Walmart is willing to make their stores into detention camps. Now is the time for America to crush them. Walmart who?
Facebook won’t let me share any of your links even on messenger, awful censorship.
Hi Dave,
This may be of interest. Specifically after the 11 minute mark in the first video.
Awesome as usual Dave….been following for years and thank you for your hard work…..you are a true patriot…..I live in Canada and can’t wait for people here start to wake…….
You have mentioned over the years about investing in precious metals and maybe bitcoin as well….have followed your advice about gold and silver but no nothing about bitcoin…..can you send me any info as to where I should go to research…..
Thank you again for your hard work….you are a special kind of person…..Cheers my friend….Mike West
Hi Dave,
This may be of interest. After the 11 minute mark in the first video.
Why isn’t Q posting. This is pretty sus.
Health care workers are being forced to take the vaccine and still have to be tested in NY
Maybe you should mention who the French president is… a former banker of the Rothschilds 😉😉
I saw a YouTube video a few days ago where a young woman was recording a video where there was a document shredding company was shredding ballots at the facility where the Georgia Ballots were being counted. She called 911 twice and requested police intervention and no police were ever sent. So an audit of ballots may no longer be possible. I hope I’m wrong and a audit can still be done.
So these fraudulent ballots in Georgia, could it be that this election coming up in Jan might not be necessary? Maybe the Republican senate candidates could have already won. Could the same be true for other Senators and House Reps?
Hi Dave,
First: I want to thank you. Your report has helped me stay calm and I’ve learned so much.
Secondly; re: Pence’s planned tour…Israel was one of his destinations, however the Iranian, “War practices” going on in the Mediterranean, off the Gaza strip, is considered a crisis to Israel at this time because of the types of missiles they are using. (Pence might be safer at home in the U.S.)
Thirdly; My family’s and my Trump votes, all six of us, checked online at the website for Nevada’s voting results and there is no record to be found, while my daughter-in-laws’s Biden vote was recorded that same evening, Nov.3!
(My family and I do feel cheated, for sure.
I do believe that there has been a plan all along. I hope he shocks the world January 6th, and has videos on those big screens projecting those truths with proof to embarrass and condemn the corrupt deep state actors.
Thanks so much!
Diana Goodson-Fortner
Reno, NV
Am a nurse…how DARE you say that hospitals are fraudulently coding patients as covid! You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about and should stop discussing it. You are embarrasing yourself…..
Takes a lot of money to care for a Covid patient….stop trying to make yourself an expert in something you have no clue about. Let us on the frontlines take care of that….
And if all this that you say, DOESNT come true, will definitely get in touch…
Thanks Dave for the daily report. It keeps me dane and calm in this crazy mess of our country.
I share the email with more people every day and some have subscribed to your podcast.
I am very concerned that something is going to happen to the big crowds on January 6. I do hope he plans to have the military/national guards there for protection. After we seen the missile in TN, I believe they are capable of anything to harm our country and the people. I pray all goes well and we see a victory for our country.
Thank you again for all you do. Your so smart.
Have a save and happy new year!
Are you on YouTube as
REDAudioX ?
If not I will report them, and get the shut down.
Not on YT, Official accounts ->https://x22report.com/official-accounts/
You make my day! I have always known that Trump will be our next president! I am prepared for the chaos.
Can I get on the email list
The sad part is this volunteers workers are being charged for voter fraud. They can’t say “I was just following orders”
A mother and a daughter who volunteered are going to prison. Do you think the Democrats are helping this people. No of course not! They don’t care!
The cheetah the fastest animal on the planet? Get educated. It is the fastest mammal, NOT the fastest animal. The fastest animal can reach at least 4x the speed of the cheetah 😉