Ep 2384b – Sometimes You Must Sacrifice Yourself For The Greater Good
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This is my FAV trusted source ^^^^💪💪
The patriots have set a plan in motion to take back this country, but before that happens the [DS] system need to be brought down, the entire system. Trump need to sacrifice himself for optic reason. He needs to be completely out of the picture, which means he is not President. Trump and the patriots planned this from the begging, the [DS] players believe they won, they used their ammunition, they believe they can’t be stopped. With all the distractions there is one man who was left behind. Think mirror
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- ← Ep 2384a – The [CB] Invisible Enemy Believe They Won, Their Guard Is Down
Drain the swamp.
What if the military doesn’t follow through?
Psy ops BASICS:
1-Never let your right hand know what your left hand is doing.
2-Never let the other side know what is going to happen.
3-Loose lips sink ships.
4-Compartmentalize all assets.
5-keep inventory on liabilities
6-allow rumor to muddy waters
7-Always keep the element of surprise.
8-All plans of mice and men go to hell upon implementation.
9-stay the course and have faith
10-trust fully no one.
Remember this is for control of our country
This is a game of chess
Not checkers.
X22 drunk on hopium, your predictions have not come true. the next thing you will be saying is Biden has to serve 4 years as the fake president because he has to completely act out as president for 4 years to fully commit the crime. come on man how much more crap are you going to spout. trump is finished. no arrests are happening or coming. Trump lost the chess game. Trump wont have any influence now. the swamp has won. yes they cheated and committed crimes and fraud but the deepstate has won. So cut the BS, and cut backtracking on your hopium and wrong predictions. This is not the 15th round. The fight is over and Trump has lost and he is not Rocky. He is a washed out tyson/ Ali once it was possible he could have been the contender. Trump is the loser. The deep state have won.
we’ve waited 4 years and not a single arrest i can think of. sounds like we’ve been fooled on all sides. i can only believe now when i see it. the only faith i have is in the evil that is guaranteed to be there.
Yep, looks like NO ARRESTS after all this investigating. Starting to sound like excuses to me at this point and cover-ups to keep these reports going. I’m out of here….
This is the only site that is doing this. Even YouTube is tracking my comments but most of the are left in and my YouTube comments are much STRONGER!!
Oh. Their has been thousands of arrests..it will be exposed soon. In gods timing. Keep your faith. The best is yet to come.
I am tired of listening to you and how the goal posts keep moving. TRUMP gave up and surrendered so quit feeding us lies.
Yes, Dave, the goal posts keep moving, and, Dave, optics-wise, you appear to be full of it.
I’m in there with you Doug and I don’t think WE’RE THE ONLY ONES…Way too much at this point that looks very SUSPICIOUS in order to keep us hanging on to me and POSITIVE MANY OTHERS ALSO! YOU ARE WRONG DAVE THESE SLIM WILL ESCAPE COMPLETELY!! All of YOU COULD HAVE TOLD US ALL THIS SOONER instead of keeping us hanging on for MONTHS…YEARS. They are correct, our country is in big trouble. The corruption is EVERYWHERE and will stay that way….
Do your research… look at the oval office pics for starters. Trump cant be involved when the Military is in control. A true Patriot doesnt give up
The thing that’s pissing me off most about the MAGA crowd today, is the negative obsession some have with the “Q” association.
“Q” doesn’t have to be everyone’s cup of tea, but they lash out at us with a slightly less manic shriek than corporate media. If you’re not into “Q”, why mention it at all??
I ended a subscription to an excellent news site cos the guy running it just could not stop trashing us. I don’t care if others think “Q” is a hoax, they have no right to crap all over us for following the posts & analysis. No one is forcing them to believe.
The trend that worries me in social media is the rash of cop hate porn channels on yt radicalizing EVERYONE.
Trump didn’t have the stomach to fight the evil in America. It’s time to tell the truth.
He tucked tail and ran without arresting anyone.
The swamp has erupted in laughter.
Thomas Jefferson was prophetic.
Do your research… look at the oval office pics for starters. Trump cant be involved when the Military is in control. A true Patriot doesnt give up
Thank you for all your work Patriot! God Bless You!
Agree…I have patience & will wait it out.
Well, you have been wrong on every date when Trump was going to prevail. The date has moved to the right over the past few months to 1/20/2021. Now it is sometime after that date, but no clarity on when. Since the 20th Q has disappeared from your monologues. My take of that is that Q and your understanding of Q messaging was wrong. Now you are saying we have a clearer picture of what is forming. What a load of crap. At some point you have to actually get something right to have credibility. Now you are saying Trump is out of the picture for optics. Well, you are also out of the picture.
And I paid an annual fee to be on your pretty much useless server. You have to keep going for the money. There are not only corrupt politicians, there are corrupt commentators.
Thanks for nothing.
Trump did tell people at a rally “You aren’t going to see me for a while.” He did say that.
C’mon, you know this is bullshit. SPIN! SPIN! SPIN!
Hi X22, Good show, again! What creeps me out is the world now seems one? And its the chin^goog govt? What govt doesn’t want to have total control of its peoples minds, money, work, travel, digital image, finger prints…? Only govt speech – no guns! We have detention centers in LA and NY? I see 100s of drones and jets every week and I live in no whereville? If this goes sideways and it looks that way…rut roh!
God Bless
Why the misspellings? Highly suspect.
I love your videos/podcasts.
Regarding the last Trump card and the military, can we trust the military not to turn on trump as well? Will the military go through with this? That’s my fear. They won’t go through with it.
You are a traitor, Dave.
You and everyone involved in this operation to beguile the People and usher them directly into the hands of the Enemy.
This is why I never paid into your shilling, and after Feb1, and nothing happens, I will completely cease watching your content.
~ A true, angry Patriot
Dave/X22, just stop, please stop with this bs.
You are so full of crap. The military is not in charge and if they were, they will be persuaded by the new regime to stand down. Durham isn’t going to do squat. He will say there is no evidence of wrong doing just like BArr did. Durham was Barr’s optics. I do agree Trump stepped down for the greater good. I think he and his whole family were threatened with death if he didn’t. If you think Pelosi and the deep state don’t have this under their control, you are a dreamer. Our only hope to save this country is to clean out our state and local governments where we can try to change and control the voting system. You need to get off the “white knight”, whatever you choose to make it on any given day, is going to save the day. You just keep changing your narrative as the hours pass by to give a false reality. So sorry I was ever sucked into this. I will do all I can to change my local and state election laws. If that doesn’t work all across this nation, then we are SCREWED! It may come to a civil war, which is fine by me. Maybe if the Jews fought back they would be alive today. Instead, they just believed the words being spewed at them. WE cannot do that in America.
Your decodes are outstanding, thank you Dave.
How so ?
Hi Dave. You mentioned that optics are very important. They are important to honest people but mean nothing to the crooked politicians and the DS.
I believe Dave is a liberal feeding bullshit to the public in order to make money. Dave how much money have you made off donations? You are a con artist and a fraud!
Now your backtracking so I now believe nothing will happen This Q is just stringing people along… The swamp wins
Hi Dave
I saw a really short video clip from the inauguration and it looked like a senator/congressman was being escorted out of the Capitol by a female Secret Service or U.S. Marshall. I did see a lapel pin though, in this clip McConnell and his wife exited through that same doorway seconds after. This clip was on Clouthub. Your thoughts.
Someone called you a phony this week on a video…says you are spewing lies! Oh today, you are now changing your narrative….so confused! I think you have no idea and you are just speculating….so over your videos. The crime is sealed and as usual nothing is ever ever done.
I was wondering how you were going to explain how wrong you and the Q people were full of it. I will grant you are very entertaining. I’ll continue to listen for the fun of it.
Dave, you are making excuses. Optics are very important so that’s the reason your made up plan wasn’t exercised. What excuses will you make up now?
What is this word salad BS, everything you say is fake. Just generic BS. If something happens I’ll come back and apologize, but every one here sees you for the fraud you are. Was stupid to be strung along this long by you.
Your comment reminded me of Dave/X22 saying that ‘you dont need to listen to every episode of x22 ‘. So true. If you do listen to 2 weeks worth of back-to-back x22, you can see more clearly the x22 formula. Nothing comes to fruition, dates come and go, the deep state is in panic, the trump card will be played, do nothing, sit on the sidelines, get your popcorn ready, the trap is set.
Lets go back to some random post 3 years ago and join some random dots. Fuck off Dave.
Could President Trump be the Judas Goat that set the stage.
The Military is not taking orders from Biden. The Military has not given Biden the Nuclear Codes. Biden is not allowed in the White House. The media created stages of the Oval Office and briefing room to fool the people. Unbelievable.
Has this ben confirmed? If so, great news!
You said Trump would continue to remain in the white house, and Biden would not be President. The election was rigged, the voter fraud was massive, the lies and deception was obvious and in our faces. What happened to all that?
Now you are singing a different song, which could be titled, “The Dems are still in control, and we are screwed.” The military isn’t going to do anything as we were led to believe. The deep state is going to continue and what are we going to be able to do about it, nothing, because the constitution needs someone to to enforce it, and who is going to do that, Biden?
I was thinking the same thing. I heard many times that Trump would be POTUS for 4 more years. What changed?
Man. I’m out.
Consider this ….
Who asked Trump to run?
They knew what the deep state had been doing for years … decades
How could they make a difference? Who could ultimately give them the power?
Who could help them filter out the chaff from the wheat?
What happens when the Manager puts the team on the field? Who follows the plays and scores?
“Time for a much needed rest and to recharge, Boss. we got this.”
Delay, Delay, Delay! When is this country going to take action against these evil beings??? Pedophilia, pedovores, grand theft, Treason, Murder. Just to name a few crimes and yet these animals walk free?! I will never recognize Biden as anything but a theif, traitor, murderer and pedophile! Dave this is not the matrix or the day the earth stood still and it’s certainly not the revolutionary war. This is 2020 the population is 5x more than them days. We Patriots are suppose to fight and yet we get labeled the instigators? I for one am sick of this hands being tied bullshit. How many more years will this go on? Biden needs to be removed asap! I’m sick in my soul that bastard got in the whitehouse by cheating. I will never give up hope but I’m sick of the dems dictactimg to this country. There i vented. I will never breath freely until Trump returns.
At this point, many loyal ones say we’ll believe it when we see it I’m afraid. Pray so. But tbh there are other opinions that are very troublesome. Sad truth is there are many traitors in the military. There are those who fool you and that’s a possibility here.
It’s possible Trump trusted some that he shouldn’t have.
Maybe they figured a great way to get rid of him was to sell the idea of letting Biden win in order to show election fraud etc. Others argue that it was a very unwise decision bc Trump IS needed for that second term. Or was deliberate to make him leave. I don’t think we needed to go that dangerous route bc we already had evidence for treason & other crimes that would present at their Tribunal. Voter fraud fix later.
They still have ammunition – their power/resources etc. now that Trump is gone. They’ll rebuild, make sure they only have loyal people for everything. Tons of damage already starting with the EOs, reversals to destroy us asap. DS threatens anyone who doesn’t obey – and that includes the military leaders of course. They probably have better idea now who to target to get rid of. So they will obey their puppet officers/President Biden. Their crimes won’t be allowed to get out bc DS will be in total control as it has been. And this time they’ll be more ready for whatever patriotic military might try.
So Trump may have mistrusted some and expected this to turn out differently where he’d have a second term.
I pray not but be prepared.
1384 days (Pompeo’s post) on Jan 21, 2021 (2+1+2+2+1=8) 13848 it is….
I love ya but stop making excuses. The evidence and legal framework has been in place for some time. The logical/rational explanation is that the military WOULD NOT cooperate. Your reasoning is flawed and your excuses are lame.. Please realise that the good guys don’t always win. I’m not giving up or being a fatalist, i am just being a realist. IMO, there is no logical explanation for the lack of action… the good guys got beat in this battle. The war is not over!
Love your talk show. Thank you
Come on. Spell check. So sad.
Trump and the patriots planned this from the (begging), the [DS] players believe they won, they used their ammunition, they believe th…….
The word is Beginning.
Such a dumb mistake.
One hopes and prays you are right
You say the black out is coming. Social media will block this …. True …. a link to this cannot be shared on facebook instant messanger …. I tried …
Thanks Dave…now things are becoming very clear.
Here is some very interesting information that lays it all open. Castle Rock.
I’m thinking that you’ve seen this but I post it for the nay-sayers.
I am still concerned with the events in the UK where they are reporting the worse fatalities so far during this scamdemic.
I hope Durham has great protection because don’t they usually get rid of anyone that gets in their way.
Thank you Dave for being a voice of calm in the middle of chaos. I believe in you and your mission to inform the people of what is actually going on. I have also been attacked for trying to spread the truth. It is a lonely road. Keep the faith. God Bless America.
I think you lost a lot of pages out of the so called play book and the rest of the so called play book is in the trash. So a lot of bull shit. DEMS WIN FROM CHEATING.
Forgot to mention an interesting event….Knowing how much you like numbers and mirrors.
Each day from the 20th-29th is a Palindrome…10 straight days!
1-20-21 1-22-21 1-23-21 1-24-21 1-25-21 `-26-21 1-27-21 1-28-21 1-29-21
It started on Wednesday which was also a 7 number Palindrome 1-20-2021
What about the newly, yet to be approved, Biden’s choice for Secretary of Defense. How does this impact the military’s plan that you speak of .
You ARE THE Stupidest, Liar I’ve Ever Seen. Give It Up Dumb Ass…Q, Ha. I Love How Someone Duped You, You IDIOT…
I was able to listen to 2384A from 1/21/21 on the private server, then when i went to watch b it is not loaded. Now neither is loaded.
Also if you ever saw the Thor Movies, and you left when the “credits” were rolling you missed the end of the movie because, there was more movie after the credits.
Hang out till the end.
Jeffrey Prather reported if you google antifa.com whitehouse.gov comes up. I tried and he’s Right!
I’ve watched you now for over 3 years and just had to say how much i appreciate you doing these videos, without them I’d be lost. Thanks again for being a true Patriot!
Like Bannon and Pence did. Both did what was right for the Country, sacrificing themselves. Yes, I absolutely believe Pence was a rock and a Patriot through the entire 4 years.
Castle Rock is also military base i Colorado
really? hahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!
basically you dont know what the HELL you’re talkin about. You sponsors will stop buying ads from you very soon. Then you can stop this nonsense.
Those still on public forums need to be talking about forming the new parties, as that’s the way we bring all of the People together, and that’s the way we force those corrupt parties to think twice about impeaching Trump. They want votes in the next election. United against the two corrupt parties, we the People, 150 million strong, will finally force their crimes into the light, and vote them out of our government. We’ll start local, then state, and take the voting decisions away from the corrupt, and get rid of Dominion to stop the cheating. Then the government will be back in the hands of the People, where it belongs.
The OPTICS say, you’re trying to keep viewership to keep sponsors.
I made several comments above in a similar vein. Dave/x22 has now moderated /disappeared my comments. Fair enough Dave. Like “Colon” Colin Powell , that would be Colin in the Uk, Dave, you are full of shit.How is that for optics,and part of the plan. Kindly fuck off you clown. (although I hope you are right . . . ).
I’m with Bitcoin B., you have an amazing voice, with story like quality. Your voice reminds me of the days when we had story time in the library in elementary. Thanks dave for every uplifting moment that you gave me through these perilous and tumultuous times. May the God of Heaven and earth keep you safe and continue to lead you into his light, for it is he that guided me to your reports. Thanks again Dave and may we come in contact someday on future endeavors, so that you may lend that voice of yours towards even more greatness and goodness.
Kayleigh tweeted 2 “farewell” pics on 1/19. 1. A selfie with child 2. Her wood secretariat that she wrote on, signed, & dated. Including 3:11
1/20 she tweeted another pic of the wood secretariat but this time most of her previous handwriting was covered up by white envelopes addressed with names. But she made sure down at the right portion of her secretariat 3:11 is visible. My take as your previous video mentioned, 3:11 = 11:3 or 11.3 in the military war guide, as you explained as the option for the military to use now as we have an illegitimate government. I believe she is letting us know, just as she did with the clock set at 10:12 CHEERS! I have been with you since 2017. Much love and many thanks!
Trump has retired from the scene as you described (he has not quit). Meanwhile, we now have two governments – one military, one illegitimate civilian. The military is NOT cooperating with Biden – at all.
Wouldn’t they be listening to your show and know what’s coming?
Hi Dave,
Thank you for all you do; teaching and providing important information.
I have never been interested in politics until now and that is because the lie is getting out of hand about President Trump. And it is because of President Trump I am getting involved, fighting for my country USA.
I am working backwards from your first posts to have a better understanding of the events, thank you again.
Can Biden undue or cancel exec order 13848?
It truly pains me to say this, but Trump could’ve avoided all of this including the threats of civil war! He could’ve reversed HR4310, He could’ve been honest with the American people regarding vaccines and Agenda’s 21 and 2030, instead he introduced operation warp speed, which will lead to the deaths of millions of American’s who will be injected with more heavy metals and altering human dna from aborted fetal tissue(he could have dismantled planned parenthood and labeled them as what they truly are, which is murderers! It’s time for everyone to finally realize that the Military is just another arm of the Establishment (collecting a paycheck) just like the court’s and “free press”! Its time to be honest and tell the listeners to put all of their Faith in God and quit listening to false hope! I pray that you are right, but I’ve also been praying for long awaited Justice for all of the victims murdered by these Evil Globalists 20 years ago. Honestly, how much more proof does the Military need in order to arrest those scumbags?
Dear Dave,
I want to thank you for all you do to keep our sanity during this very difficult time…. I left a negative comment after the election to the effect that I am done… I am NOT DONE! I do see the light at the end of the tunnel and i do see a victory for this country. I guess I was expecting something fantastic to happen before my eyes and then seeing corrupt Biden and Kamala Communist Harris being sworn in got me nauseous and i did not realize it was optics and that there is a BIGGER plan. I want to apologize for being negative yesterday and I look forward to your podcasts every day! Thanks again, Robin (NYC)
So I usually just watch, you, RedPill, McAlisterTV, Salty Crackers, Woken…
and sometime the group guys that go on for hours and want to thank you all for your tireless service you have dedicated for humanity. Especially you Dave. Love your style, your calmness…you have been a joy for the 4+ years. Love and Kisses from Bali Q. Down to the message…..
Hope you can answer this in the coming days……?????? or email me.
So there were 2 constitution ? so it’s about going back to the first constitution? A Patriot party, new elections?? and the rebirth of the real USA? Thats going to take a while, but with the new Post office System in place could be faster then we think???
So from my estimation, the deal for releasing the District Of Colombia and all the shenanigans and pilfering there, could have been at that signing in Buckingham Palace? The freedom parade afterwards would make sense then.
If so then after that, actually all they did in congress and what not , this past years…is nol and void? Your justice system is no longer valid?? Is it now that it’s happened or did Sidney just find out??? Wow, don’t even want to go into that rabbit hole…yet!!
Then the plan is brilliant, and now it all makes sense what has happened!!! Why everyone really needed to be exposed for the new government to be clean. No use being the 46th, if you can be the 19th and have a sparkly new government !!!
If this is true….I am utterly speechless!!! ( I was for 2 days)
What I don’t understand is how the old constitution was reapplied ? or is now valid??? I can understand Trump signing his executive orders based on the old constitution…but how was it excepted? and the pesty things like the UN excepting the old or new flag, Post Office General, Patent Office, …etc that I can’t think of now ( hey I’m not American, ok but I did take “the oath” and kept up on your governing system!! )… had already been switched?
When? yes only 40% of the plan.blah blah…but this would need clarification.
Thus I come to the 10 days of darkness…which accordingly would be entertained with 3x a day everyone ( around the world??) will be able to view the explanation and this ending of the greatest movie in mankind history!!! New satellites …space force..etc makes sense …..
Now we get to bet on who was acting, who is demonic…and who are the doubles or just clones??? hahah.
The last one ……I lost “much face” on betting that Americans would got on massive protest against the fake media, the reporters, memes posters….never happened? Why….?? WHY???? We see you fight for toilet papers…but not against the enemy, the fake media?? Everyone’s got flags out, being patriotic ect…..no one cared he was mocked, on how stupid he was made to be, how incompetent he was, hitler , dictator….and the world watched it everyday. There was no proclamation that media shouldn’t be touched….yet there was no spontaneity at all from the great nation or people, that POTUS D. Trump was gushing around the world….while the media spurted out nasty nasty things at the same time.
Did you ever think about that? none of the anons did either???
and Just maybe the media is also acting????
Sorry Dave it turned out long…..love you, if ever in Bali…you are always welcome to stay at my place. Joyce Haryono.
So I usually just watch, you, RedPill, McAlisterTV, Salty Crackers, Woken…
and sometime the group guys that go on for hours and want to thank you all for your tireless service you have dedicated for humanity. Especially you Dave. Love your style, your calmness…you have been a joy for the 4+ years. Love and Kisses from Bali Q. Down to the message…..
Hope you can answer this in the coming days……?????? or email me.
So there were 2 constitution ? so it’s about going back to the first constitution? A Patriot party, new elections?? and the rebirth of the real USA? Thats going to take a while, but with the new Post office System in place could be faster then we think???
So from my estimation, the deal for releasing the District Of Colombia and all the shenanigans and pilfering there, could have been at that signing in Buckingham Palace? The freedom parade afterwards would make sense then.
If so then after that, actually all they did in congress and what not , this past years…is nol and void? Your justice system is no longer valid?? Is it now that it’s happened or did Sidney just find out??? Wow, don’t even want to go into that rabbit hole…yet!!
Then the plan is brilliant, and now it all makes sense what has happened!!! Why everyone really needed to be exposed for the new government to be clean. No use being the 46th, if you can be the 19th and have a sparkly new government !!!
If this is true….I am utterly speechless!!! ( I was for 2 days)
What I don’t understand is how the old constitution was reapplied ? or is now valid??? I can understand Trump signing his executive orders based on the old constitution…but how was it excepted? and the pesty things like the UN excepting the old or new flag, Post Office General, Patent Office, …etc that I can’t think of now ( hey I’m not American, ok but I did take “the oath” and kept up on your governing system!! )… had already been switched?
When? yes only 40% of the plan.blah blah…but this would need clarification.
Thus I come to the 10 days of darkness…which accordingly would be entertained with 3x a day everyone ( around the world??) will be able to view the explanation and this ending of the greatest movie in mankind history!!! New satellites …space force..etc makes sense …..
Now we get to bet on who was acting, who is demonic…and who are the doubles or just clones??? hahah.
The last one ……I lost “much face” on betting that Americans would got on massive protest against the fake media, the reporters, memes posters….never happened? Why….?? WHY???? We see you fight for toilet papers…but not against the enemy, the fake media?? Everyone’s got flags out, being patriotic ect…..no one cared he was mocked, on how stupid he was made to be, how incompetent he was, hitler , dictator….and the world watched it everyday. There was no proclamation that media shouldn’t be touched….yet there was no spontaneity at all from the great nation or people, that POTUS D. Trump was gushing around the world….while the media spurted out nasty nasty things at the same time.
Did you ever think about that? none of the anons did either???
and Just maybe the media is also acting????
Sorry Dave it turned out long…..love you, if ever in Bali…you are always welcome to stay at my place. Joyce Haryono.
You’re a loser.
The Oranges fox still has some sharp teeth and can give a nasty bite when provoked! You can’t stump the Trump.
Even his worst enemies never called him “stupid”!
never say never….we shall prevail
Great information God Bless you and I can’t wait for all of this to happen.
Very good
“This is not about a four year election” .. That’s great except for the fact that maintaining power would be step 1.
Whatever momentum the so called patriots had going for them died on 1/20/21. If this is “all part of the plan” maybe the plan fails to account for basic human psychology.
Sorry, at this point civil war would be a more viable option than this “plan” that continually amounts to nothing.
“Civil War is what they want” … no it’s not, they want you to think that fighting back is a bad move, that way they can just take over without resistance.
All out of patience.
Listened to 2384b. I had remembered this morning that President Trump had his plane retro fitted to comply with Airforce one communications before the new AF1 came in. Obama’s AF1 had too many bugs & the military didn’t want him using it. My understanding is any plane the President is in is referred to as AF1.
Castlerock is the fake oval office made by Castlerock pictures and used in movies. Biden is filmed in fake oval office. Will not let me post side by side picture here.
I wanted to share something I found on an interview with Charlie Ward and Simon Parkes that I heard on the 20th of January. They were interviewing two other people and one of them asked Parkes directly, what CASTLE_ROCK means.
Parkes answered simply, that it was in reference to a chess move called castling. The move is, you swap the king with the rook, if your king is in danger of being captured. I think he said that he knows it as “castle rock” (maybe that’s a British thing) but it’s more widely known as “castling”.
(didn’t the podium on Biden’s speech on the 19th say “castle” on it? Is someone giving us a hint?)
Now, I have no idea if Parkes or Ward are in the know, but the statement seems to make sense in the context of the chess metaphor that is evident in the “Q” posts. It seems that Trump has “castled” or swapped himself with Biden and now everything will invert.
What Trump gracefully deflected from the peanut gallery these last 4+ years will be dumped on Biden’s lap. From what I understand, it could be similar to the situation that Trump went through, except there is rock solid evidence, not made up stories. (thanks to all the declassified documents)
Almost a perfect reversal and I would expect Biden to throw in the towel instead of take it on the chin. Maybe that’s what Trump was getting at when he mentioned impeachment at his recently Alamo talk. (shrug)
I am guessing that, what happened with the Georgia runoff, where people knew what to look for with the fraud (and expected it), will be the same affect now, times 1,000,000 as people will be “red pilled” as all of the deep state narrative and monkeyshine will easily fall apart and anyone half watching will see it’s all a story.
I mean, not even an hour after the inauguration, there was a change in procedure with the tests from the WHO and about a week ago, governors changed their tune on these silly lockdowns. We might see many things evaporate that were once impassable. (‘rona?)
It would be a very elegant and quick way for people to realize they have been lied to, and start recovering from the years of gas lighting.
Perhaps we saw CASTLE_ROCK yesterday, and reached the final milepost per the Q post.
I don’t know if you watch Drunk History, but the episodes about this time in history will be amazing! Who would play Trump, Powell, Flynn, Wood etc?
Keep up the great work, it helps keep a rational frame on things and things normalized.
Trump will go down in history as an American Hero and who save America. God bless our President Trump 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸God bless America 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
Ok, so let me see if I have this right. Trump did his part and is gone, period. This in spite of the fact that there is data showing that he in fact won the election and should be back as the legitimate President once the fraudulent bastard is removed. And IF the military makes its move, it could be a some time in February, seeing as they are there for a month. All the while the illegitimate scum will be unraveling Trump’s accomplishments as they prepare to convert us to a communist state. I am truly frigging confused. Please tell me I heard this wrong.
No Craig you are just about where i am. Something isn’t right here.
When you read the “Law of War” manual that contains 11.3 etc. You will see that:
1. The USA military is NOT required to notify anyone that they are occupying a territory, however they normally do so out of courtesy. This is why Gen Walker told the public via Stephanieopolus show that they were “transitioning to military power,” aka MILITARY OCCUPATION.
2. The manual requires the USA military to allow the people of the occupied territory to live as normal as possible. This is why we are seeing the show carry on and the media carry on in DC. It is all bogus, fraudulent, and invalid, thus it holds no weight in Law.
I believe POTUS Trump gave ALL the evidence of the crimes to the military sometime prior to signing the emergency powers that requested the military to fulfill their duty of removing the failed govt.
The body language of all attendees at the inauguration said it all. It did not look like a funeral, it looked like a funeral. I am looking for the EMS. All of this makes sense to me. Trump had to go in this direction, just like 17 said, and just like you said in this episode.
He showed us the depth of the corruption, and he exhausted every Legal avenue of Remedy via the traditional system, which demonstrated that the corruption is so vast, that even an extremely popular sitting POTUS with an army of attorneys and blatant evidence beyond reasonable doubt, can be snuffed out by the system.
I still believe POTUS is holding his hand, and it is a Royal swamp Flush, and it will be glorious when he plays it.
Done in 30; the count may have started on 1/6, when the MILITARY OCCUPATION (11.3) aka marker 1 began via Sec Miller. That would bring us to approx 2/5. We still have not seen the:
1. EMS/storm upon us
2. Arrests/shot heard around the world/send shockwaves across the world
3. Grid/Cyber zero day attacks (11.4 transition of military occupation)
4. Large scale planned riots
5. Swift military response
6. Ten days
1/22-2/5=14 days, which tells me things are about to get squirrelly. As 17 said, “batten down the hatches.”
I believe the 10 days of darkness started with the inauguration. That puts the end on January 30th (or 31st, if we’re talking 10 full, 24-hour days of presidency). Either way, it lines up with the one month Flynn mentioned.
I live for the X22 report every day , keep up the Xlnt reports , I believe your right on the money
The only hole in your theory is that if we have the evidence, then why cant we show it to the people? I agree that you cant steal the presidency. I think we need to see the evidence and make these people pay. There is no reason to hold back. It just doesn’t make sense. I believe there is a whole bunch of things going on, but we have never seen any of these people pay for any crime. I am praying, and remain hopeful, but we need to see movement or the country will tear itself apart.
A note as well that any plane that the president rides on becomes Air Force One. If Biden isn’t the legitimate president and lets just say through the military operations and Trump rides on his personal plane as the acting President, then it would become Air Force One.
Regarding report 2384b,
January 21, 2021 :
Daily viewer for three years. For the first time, I am worried after listening to a report.
You’d better be right.
Read the declaration of independence. Read the bill of rights. Demand knowledge of the preamble. Know bbn the 10 commandment
Dave, What you believe and what I see doesn’t add up. Thousands of jobs were lost today because Biden signed an executive order destroying people’s lives. I am sorry, but I trusted the plan, and truly don’t believe anything will be done about the travesty sitting in the oval office.
hi dave i’m a big fan of your work . i was curious if you have heard of a writ of warranto ?
“Optics are very important” for example, everyone who believed in “the plan” watching “the plan” fall short over and over. Those are some great optics for those who believed.
If the patriots are real and there is hope than the patriots might want to think about giving the people some evidence of that hope.
The more they fail to do this the more faith I lose in anything being said here. You’re not going to make much of an impact when the majority of those who “held the line” have now lost faith.
Remove expectations? Sorry but no, there are expectations and I will not accept a “plan” with no expectations. if “the patriots” can’t do the job they need to get out of the way and stop keeping the people complacent with false hope.
The original “plan” was for the people to utilize 2A in order to fight a tyrannical power and preserve liberty, not depend on some phantom organization to do the fighting for us as they fail over and over and we lose it all little by little while morons pretend our greatest option of defense (fighting back) is a socially unacceptable path.
Long story short… in the end we lose everything and pretend it’s okay because we observed some irrelevant set of principles, rules and traditions.
According to the founders we should be in full revolt at this point, not spewing wishful thinking to one another on the internet.
Hi Dave. I’ve been listening for a while now and really appreciate your perspective on our current situation. Thank you.
Re: Ep 2384b. Don’t know if you were aware, but Genn Hyten also posted on Telegram today: “1384 days”, with a picture of himself obviously taking an oath, one hand on the Bible and the other raised.
Pretty interesting!
Keep up the great work.
Your videos give me hope that the Patriots will get their justice, in a time when there is no hope left. Thank you.
I believe that this is unreal. We want the truth not a continuous changing goal post, one minute the timeline is one month, if that is not fulfilled it changes to something else.
Dave you are killing me. I really thought you were a source of important knowledge but it seems like you are using a few catch phrases and cue posts to put a positive spin on this political atrocity we are witnessing. I’m past the point of hoping something will happen, nothing positive has happened, and watching this report seems like a huge waist of time. I wish there was a shred of evidence to prove me wrong.
Castle Rock is Castle Rock Productions! The west wing, east wing and circular drive way of the WH was built for the American President with Michael Douglas. Dave and Independence Day movies have also used the Castle Rock Productions WH and Oval office.
Q has been shown for what it is at this stage, a pys opp on you and all, will joe have to stay until 2024 just to be sure of treason? you are just repeating yourself lad, from what I can see, no one gets into the white house as pres unless the powers that be want it that way!!! move on with your life…
Thanks for everything Dave but for the genuine love of God, introduce a function in your video player where you can move backwards and forwards in the content. If I accidentally refresh, I have to start all over. THANKS!
Idk, man he couldve did that shit. It wouldn’t matter anyway. Same with covid and all the bullshit that the deep state did. The riots the economy all of it he could did whatever he wanted because the media would hated all of it anyway. So what the F is the difference, who cares nobody believes the media anyway. Worrying about what the media thinks is by far his biggest mistake
I have listened to you for years now beginning to realise your full of B.S. and you are just making guesses and suppositions. You have disappointed me as has Trump.
It’s all BS.
Idk, none of this bullshit had to wait. The mainstream media doent have power. All of this should’ve been done in 2019. Absolutely none of this had to wait. All of it couldve been doen and they’re is nobody that would actually start a civil war. Who are they going to shoot at. The Patriots are taking way too long, their plan doesnt have to wait. There is nothing stopping them from doing anything since back in 2018. They need to take their thumb out their asd and do that shit now. Yesterday, last week. Last month two years ago. Nobody give AF about what the mainstream media saids. Do that shit already, there is nothing holding you back. F optics and how shit looks, there are way more regular people who would understand than there are people willing to fight for Democrats. Do that shit, pull the god damn trigger, there is absolutely no reason to wait a second longer.
Trump just Balanced the Budget & reclaimed USA’s Sovereignty from Rome & London
Patriots within the military affirm that Trump’s farewell speech was delivered before flags with golden
fringe reflecting a Nation under maritime law. The gold fringe also symbolizes a fictitious US Corporation that came to being at the end of the Civil War as a means to pay off the Nations debt generated by the War. According to insiders within the US Military the US Corporation formally ended on January 19, 2021. If this actually happened the subcorporation including States, Counties and Cities are now without leadership and the Republic remains intact. Therefore Trump resigned from the defunct US Corporation and will become the 17th [sic: 19th] President of the United States under a new Republic. The “Color of Law” Leaders Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are President and Vice President in name only with no true executive powers. Biden’s executive orders therefore have no binding authority. The legal termination of a US Corporation was filed in London 18 months ago with a termination date of January 19, 2021. This allowed time for Chapter 13 bankruptcy proceedings to be completed before the shutdown. The American Republic was sole beneficiary of assets of the bankrupted corporation. Reflecting Biden’s “Color of Law” status he was escorted to Washington DC for his inauguration on a private jet rather than a Government Plane. This is the first time in History that this has ever happened. Also please note that the Military turned their backs to him. The military has proof of the fraud and has a duty under military code to remove a false Government and to restore the new legal Civilian Government under military law.
Thank You for all you do and have done for America.
Yes, yes. I’ve heard all this. So when exactly does the Plan start to operate? So far The Plan is a nothingburger and meanwhile the Democrats are destroying us.
There are no secrets with OUR LORD
My prayer this morning reveal it all
expose the corruption, fraud, deception and who have been and
are behind this movement. I call on POWERS of HEAVEN to send the ANGELS to protect us. In the precious name of Jesus
Oh he needed to sacrifice himself did he? What happened to, “he’s gonna be on air force one in an undisclosed location” 😂😂 what a joke man. You just tell us what we want to hear
Ooops, Dave has started a new bullshit narrative. I mean, bullshit is good for roses, but x22 bullshit random point generators connected to fuckall squared, is just bullshit. Fuck off Dave.
If the military is going to take over or are in charge Who has the nuclear football. Doesn’t that reside with the commander in chief. If the military does not recognize Biden as the commander in chief why would they give him the nuclear football.
If Trump is put back in the white house and is found guilty of the current impeachment won’t he be removed anyway?
good questions
Good Lord… Let It Go!!! Trump lost the election… It was stolen, and NOTHING is going to happen…. TRUTH!!!
that it!
Yeah sounds like a plan makes sense to allow all the deep hidden rats to expose themselves and their part in orchestrating this fraud i just hope president Trump and his family are safe throughout the coming weeks until he resumes his rightful place as the legitimate president
Thanks for your message, this all part of the movie. Right ,,,, I had good contacts with high people that work with trump and the movie,on Twitter they shut us down , You are the only one I can get any info. I know March 4 it’s going to be a big day . Thank you for everything Dave I got my whole family is hooked on listening to you every morning keep up the good work where we go one we go all ,
This country currently looks like a zombie apocalypse. They better take down every treasonous player and give them the death sentence, like the law says!!! Especially under military Tribunal law.
So now the media dictates Trump’s moves? What happened to EBS? Sorry, not buying it. Only thing left is the military. Will they have the courage to save the country? Time will tell…
Being a Former service member and student of history. I admit, disappointment.
But a military operation is covert. no body can know all, or how, not Flynn, not family. All participants are Actors, they have their role.
Murphy’s Law, it make be false hope.
evidence seems to differ though.
Keep up the good work.
I know it is all speculation. (need to know)
Best of Luck.
Did anyone else notice the “17” American flags posted at Trump’s farewell address just before he boarded Airforce One for the last time???
I hope for our countries sake your right, your reputation is on the line here, I hope once again your right because you have a lot people hanging on here, so for all of our sakes I hope your right, there’s a lot riding on this for all of us, I’ve followed you for a long time and if this doesn’t come to pass I’m afraid your reputation is done along with our country
People are supposed to think for themselves, not depend on Dave…moves / countermoves, contingencies—what did you expect? This report is an educated assessment, not a prophecy. Win or lose, we are all accountable to God for hiw we choose to handle life’s circumstances! No blame falls on Dave’s back for your disappointment.
Donald Trump , the citizen , is on holiday — now .
Mar.04/2021 … he knows what to do , he selected his real friends ,
he continue his assignment from God , he will succeed ….
Bravo …. the Great American Patriots .
I will never turn my back on TRUMP! You need to listen to Simon Parkes. He said on January 21 update the plan had to change because of a Durty bomb was going to be used to stop the White Hats. this is why no one was arrested on the 20 th..
Well Dave, thanks for the show.
We learned a lot.
And now it’s time to move on.
To all the people hell-bent on lynching Dave:
Why do you keep watching his show?
Remember it is one man’s opinion.
You chose to believe in one man’s opinion.
Ask yourselves why.
What a great lesson.
To we the people.
To lay it all out in the open.
The corruption, the collusion.
The global [DS] conspiracy.
The takedown of the US.
The suspense.
The cliffhanger.
The jawdrop.
The outrage.
The anger.
The world is watching.
The world is learning.
To never put trust in others.
To never hope others will help us.
To bring about the change we want –
We have to do it ourselves.
Sober up.
Smarten up.
Trust yourselves.
Rely on yourselves.
Find good people.
Work together.
For common good.
It’s in your hands.
It’s in your hearts.
It’s in your souls.
It’s in your power.
It’s up to you now.
To make a difference.
To show the world what is possible.
Shining City On The Hill.
We all have to do it.
All around the globe.
We are the first wave.
Let’s get rolling.
Remember this lesson.
What will happen to V P Pence? Does he have a Roll in this after people are arrested?
If the military is all we need, then why did Trump even become president? We didn’t need him, right?
You are so delusional it’s heartbreaking. Still going on about trumps plan, if he couldn’t do it in office by golly he sure won’t be able to do it out of office, these people still in office that are for Trump won’t be in office for very much longer, the only thing that can stop what’s coming is God because nobody can stop God‘s plans of revelations and the vaccination ID is right around the corner, maybe you start talking about that instead i’ve going on and on about the site Q, which none of it came out to be true, but I guess for ratings you must keep it going on and on as long as possible, maybe everybody is just waiting to hear, I was wrong sorry. But no keep it going as long as possible, the people that buy into your bullshit especially after January 21 are the people that are going to the reeducation camps
What will happen when the Pentagon Chief Austin is put into place? How will the Military have any power then? The Democrats are pushing this fast…
My iphone has reloaded twice during this video. I say reloaded- screen went grey/black (nothing was blurred like it does with tabs, could not see anything else on my screen) with a spinning symbol and this page reloaded and video starts at the beginning. 1st time was after you listed everything that is rigged, second was on the WHO age 2020 05 CT and weak positives. Not complaining about your videos each time I have looked at the Emergency Broadcast setting, for curiosity. Have wondered if the update that automatically installed made the On for Emergency Broadcast actually be Off but showing On. Maybe I’m being paranoid- Oh speaking of which Two days ago I unfollowed Biden’s White House on Instagram. The next day my feed had a post, so I went to the account and it said I was following. Unfollow a 2nd time. An hour or so later, another post. Unfollow 3rd time. By the end of the day, it said I was following, unfollowed 4th time and Blocked. Have not checked it today but find that ridiculous. Carry on!
Trump is waiting to play the TRUMP CARD?! With what? Super citizen power?!
Thank you so much for all your work and the information you provide us with. I’m so sorry to see at least 4 other people are putting your work up on YouTube with numerous adds, and you are blocked. The hypocricy is staggering and so blatent.
Is this the 10days darkness (quite)?
I don’t know who you are, but THANK YOU for your reports and bringing clarity, calm and comfort during these stressful, unprecedented times! Please add me to your mailing list for updates.
Dave, I can tell by the trolls that your on the mark! Keep on track, hold the line!!! Remember we were told that 6 to 8 percent are lost forever! Don’t pay attention to them, fight, fight, fight!!! Never give up, what are you going to do, or where are you going hide if you do give up??? Just Saying
President Harry S. Truman called the CIA America’s GESTAPO.
I am a believer in God and Country. I pray every day for the evil to be exposed. I also pray for President Trump and his family safety. I do stress about the current administration and the hate that is growing. We must come together for our country.
Thanks for your work. History shows it was always a remnant that held the line, kept fighting, took on impossible odds – and accomplished incredible victories.
God is the captain and always uses a remnant for unusual victories. Just a few prophets are still saying Trump will be president again. The others are now apologizing for “missing it”. Can’t apologize that God missed it?? God is never wrong. God is using this to test the faithful which means rewards and blessings.
Dave, keep reporting to the remnant. Justice WILL prevail.
Fabulous news!!
You do a great job. Thank you.
So, if I can listen to this, so can the Lefties. I believed you, Q, Simon what’s his name, all the others like you, and nothing has happened. Yes, we were told how it was going to happen by people like you. So, shouldn’t you stop talking about this?
So, now, Trump is sacrificing himself for something else to happen. I’ll believe it when/if it happens. I’m not listening to you anymore.
I cannot believe that I have wasted my time for nearly four years …listening to you and the Hopium of Q BS that you spouted out. I listened to virtually EVERY “B” broadcast that you put out…..WASTED TIME! BYE, DAVE
Thank you Dave for your in put.
Dr. Larry Pelesky quoted.
3 things:
1) Intuition 2) Listening 3) Critical thinking
He says we do the listening but lost 1 & 3.
Thank you for your podcast makes us well alert and wakes people
up to there intuition and critical thinking.
Castle Rock is a Production Company. One of the shows CR produced is ” west wing”.
Biden Admin now using West Eing oval office set.
Americans must please remember that it is the GLOBAL DS — it is not only limited to the US — this is the cabal that practically owns and controls most countries globally — they have been at it for multiples of decades (which is actually the understatement of the century!) — buck up, this is going to take time but you will succeed — also, know that you have much greater support than you can imagine from all over the world– but much must remain undisclosed.
For heaven’s sake — Dave is the messenger, faithfully updating you without fail … don’t shoot him down! Just remain calm and peaceful — remain positive and patient and know so many are praying for you all over the world. God bless! Love from millions from across the globe all standing with you …. Never give up!– you know in your hearts what is real, what is right, what is true and what is just.
Let me begin by saying you are a true patriot in every sense of the word.I am a Vietnam era veteran And I took an oath at age 18 to Defend my country from foreign and domestic enemies,ANTIFA,BLM,etc,etc!!!I dont know how to explain this but I have this strong feeling that you are right about all this and I know that many ex military like myself are ready for the coming dark days.Keep your faith in God,son.Jesus will save us from the enemy,(Deep State).God is testing our Faith in Him.We must NOT fail or all will be lost.God Bless America,its Patriots who stand at the ready, and the Faithful in God Almighty!!!…God Bless President Trump who has also sacrificed for all on His behalf!
General George Washington once said what sets a true American patriots from the rest of the world is that we would rather die on our feet than live on our knees. And that’s the bottom line because America said so!!!!!
Nancy Pelosi and Mitch Mcconnell are pursuing their impeachment efforts of a former President who is no longer in office. How can they legally impeach a man who isn’t the President anymore? This should show the American people what American treasonous, traitors the democrats and Rhino Republicans really are. The Republican senators and congress who turned against President Trump need to be voted out of office.
… from the ‘begging’, …
Hi Dave. I’m posting this on this video as it is the last one I’ve watched (and the last one period as of 1-22-21 at 1:50 p.m. PST), and I wanted my post to be a current as possible. As it is, I’ve had to scroll thru a couple of hundred messages just like this one. Except that mine will be the longest of the bunch, and will have complete sentences, correct punctuation and spelling (I hope – I proof-read my own comments).
Okay. Now down to business. When Lin Wood communicates I listen, very carefully. I revere that man, more so than I do Donald Trump. Lin was interviewed recently and he pointed out this: we have a tendency to get caught up in our heads, with our many thoughts, and do not listen to our hearts. The brain might lead us astray as we get mired in our reasoning process, but our heart never will. The heart clearly knows the truth when it is presented. “So listen to your heart”, he said.
I’ve tried to do that. And, over the past 2-3 days I’ve been observing what is going on since Biden was sworn in as President. I have noted some of the news coming forth from his office on the things he’s been doing, signing, etc. As well as his plans. I’ve also noted what has been going on in Congress. And I’ve even glimpsed a few news items having to do with the current state of affairs with Donald Trump. And, rather than get too caught up in all of the many thoughts that all of these things have elicited in my brain, I’ve been tuning into my heart.
And here is what my heart has been saying to me, “Something does not add up here. Many things do not make any sense”. Even after I have considered the many reasons you have put forth as to what you believe is happening, I am still left with an invisible, vague, ineffable quandary. Something does not add up. Which is to say that I have yet to hear or read some answer to my questions which truly does strike a chord of truth. In other words, I have yet to hear or see the truth.
You have often spoken about “civil war”. And you have emphasized that that is the one thing that Trump wanted to avoid. And, I’ve seen in several places the theory that civil war is precisely what the Deep State has wanted. I don’t know whether it is true that Trump wanted to avoid civil war, based upon what I’ve seen; but I do know this because it is as obvious as the nose on my face: Civil War is indeed precisely what the Deep State wants. They’ve been doing everything they can to cause it. 24/7.
Ironically, rather than we Americans seeing a flood of information showing the Deep State for what it is – a criminal entity; we have been treated to a flood of information from that Deep State showing just how powerful it is. And the response from the Patriots has been totally absent. The various moves that were given us by “Q” which would be in response to the Deep States moves have been conspicuous in their non-existence. I can understand why many of these posts above mine were directed to this fact.
I am beginning to believe that Sidney Powell, General McInerney and others on the Trump Team were right when they urged the President to enact the Insurrection Act, what back when… Yes I understand why you think he did not do that, and why you believe he made the right decision; i.e. to avoid appearing as a “sore loser” and to avoid a possible civil war.
Let me present you with this idea: what we have now as one result of his decision is (A) a view of the President as worse than just a “sore loser”; he is now being portrayed by the media/D.S. as an insurrectionist and criminal; and (B) the likelihood, in the absence of any action by the Military, of a civil war anyway; or rather, a revolt against a mighty Central Government under the control of the Enemy.
D’ya see now why my heart ain’t buying this narrative? It doesn’t make any sense. This whole Q Plan was based on one thing, and this was always explained by one oft-repeated phrase, “We always knew in the end it would take the military to save the Republic”. Well…? Where’s the military? Other than sitting on their behinds in a garage in D.C.
So thankful you take the time to explain things to folks. I hope others are realizing the intricacy, brilliance and great care that has and continues to become visible as the plan unfolds. TRUST THE PLAN should be our mantra!
The problem I have is if they indeed remove Biden, then who are we left with as President. It will be Heels up Harris, then next in line would be Piss Pants Pelosi. Each being worse than the other. I think this was their plan in the fist place. so then they could bring in Big Mike as vice president and his husband Obummer will have his non direct 3rd term where he can call all the shots from his own basement.
If in fact we have been played and the military doesn’t fulfill the plan, then all the whiners here will have their chance to man up and fix the situation. How much do you want to bet that more than half of you complaining about Dave’s videos won’t step up to the plate if/when that time comes. your all brave behind your keyboards, will you be so brave when needed to hold the line for real ? we may have to find out soon. Until that happens, quit fucking with Dave. For the last three years he has only been trying to help and is only giving his opinion from the research he does. Yes he gets things wrong, but he also get a lot right. Its up to each of us to take the info he shares and do our own research. instead of posting what Dave has gotten wrong why don’t you tell us what we should be doing then. get out and get something started and make a difference or shut the fuck up. Your not helping the situation at all.
Dave, I appreciate all you share, and I do get frustrated at everything but I don’t hold you responsible for me not taking action myself. I wanted to give the movement a chance and I still do trust what Q has shared. if not for them and people like you getting the info out there, then most of those awake today would most likely still believe the MSN’s lies.
I personally am ready do go what ever route is necessary and i am not afraid to be out front. I would proudly take a bullet for President Trump, Flynn, Powell, or any other patriot who has been on the front lines getting it all set up for the final scene. I will be out there when/if its time to go to battle, how about you whinners, will you be out there with me? We might just find out soon enough.
Stay strong Patriots and don’t let the worms get you down with what they write, that is their plan.
Well Dave, looks like you were wrong again. Military is not in charge. States are sending there troops home. Let me guess, it’s all optics? Trump needs to send the troops home before making a move? 😂 Give me a break.
Samo samo
I feel no one was held accountable- Did Trump betray us?
I do not believe you….SORRY, DAVE!
illegal and fraudulent election = illegal and fraudulent president and administration. Pure and simple.
The question is, will the military have the guts to do what needs to be done? Use the 25th Amendment and take control? It’s never been done and it would take tremendous courage and it depends on how corrupt the military brass is. Many at the Pentagon are more bureaucrat than soldier. I heard that the military and FEMA are actually in charge. Why the troops still? Pelosi kicked them out of the Capital into garages to sleep, so why keep them? Who is really in control. Also noticed Biden walk past several servicemen and not ONE saluted the alleged commander-in-chief. Some military literally turned their backs on Biden when he drove by. Also, he wasn’t given a government plane there, or government car to the innaguration. Hmmmm….
Your still quoting Q-tard stuff. Come on man.
The troll level on here is laughable. Dave, I love your reports and look forward to them daily. God bless you and your family. God bless Donald J. Trump, and God bless the USA!
Hey all you haters and ship jumpers fuck off and dont listen anymore and go get yourself a soy shake… Been with DAVE WAY BEFORE HE STARTED COVERING Q AND OUR GREAT PRESIDENT BIG DJT! Dave is not a lib shill and you all will c very soon that you were WRONG!!! AMERICA WILL BE BACK BIGGER BADDER AN STRONGER THAN EVER WITH OUR GREAT PRESIDENT AT THE HELM……WWG1WGA GOD BLESS DONALD JOHN TRUMP AND OUR GREAT COUNTRY!
Can you send me the current x22 reports ?
Thank you for your commentary I appreciate all your research and thoughts. I will never give up believing in President Trump and the patriot’s WWG1WGA Patience is a virtue David will slay Goliath!!
Dear Dave, I just wanted to tell you that you should not worry about the attacks against you. These are immature people who are demanding that you be right in everything you say. Everybody can be wrong sometimes, and nobody should depend on one journalist for finding out the truth. You are one of the brightest political analysts out there, and I greatly appreciate your work!
The power now resides in the military. The Republic is being restored. Probably new elections will be called or the gigantic theft of the votes by Biden will be demonstrated and Trump will be declared the winner.
We look forward to having you back in Power Mr. Trump(and your lovely wife Melania as 1st Lady. Please help remove our PM (trudeau) as soon as possible…from Canada
You are our Last Best Hope
We know you were chosen by God.
Thank you for all you have done and continue to do.
No, you think logically. We got duped into believing there was a plan and the military was going to take care of everything. The military is leaving DC. Demented Joe Biden is their Commander in Chief (or whoever is pulling his strings). The FBI psyop was so powerful, people are still under its influence, thanks to people like you, and are actually waiting for DJT to miraculously return to office when it is clearly OVER.
Yes, there was a plan, but not the one we thought. Magical thinking and praying didn’t cut it for us. The Chinese and the Dems didn’t just pray to Satan to give them the White House and fantasize he was going to get that done for them. They used their wits and free will to get what they wanted. They funded, coordinated and executed THEIR detailed plan as a tight-knit team and ruthlessly pulled it off. Evil as they are, they dreamed big, ACTED and won. Remember that next time. Oh, and spare me the religious sermons in response. Look where that’s gotten us. I’m not an atheist. I think God helps those who help themselves and expects us to use our own free will to improve life on this planet — or not.
It’s over, Dave. We were fooled. They won. Sorry, you’re now going to have to think of some other way to click-bait people into watching your videos so they see your ads.
There are many of us out here praying and keeping the faith. I am not a Q follower. However, I appreciate your analysis. I recall Trump saying before he took office that he does not warn the enemy ahead of time. Therefore, we are all going to be surprised anyway. Also, following the rule of law takes time and patience. Trump has demonstrated through his actions that he will always follow the law. Novel for most Americans to see from a leader. In the meantime, greatfull for your steady voice.
I’ve really enjoyed your comments and information. I don’t know what I would have done without you.
Com’on, man…….. You can do better than this…..Good night, Dave. You HAD a lot of people fooled.
I have a question. You said that now the military will defend the constitution but what can the dems do or the Supreme court do about trying to stop the military?
Dave, i’m still hoping good triumps( Trumps) over evil. Ty for having a web site for us!
trolls everywhere in the comment’s….ha ha
Love the explanations and insight.
When you make the statements you make, are these based on what you “think” is happening, or what you do “know” is happening? I ask because I am in distress seeing my nation destroyed by the left and when you talk you give me hope, and my Faith is with God (the two of you do a great team!) Let me know please? Thank you!