Ep 2388b – The Decision On Timing Was Left To Trump, Decision Was Made, Message Sent
Invest In Your Health, Purify & Ionize Your Indoor Air:
The [DS]/MSM are now pushing forward with the impeachment. They did not get the votes for the conviction. Trump sent some messages and Flynn is confirming that their is a plan in place. Trump was given the decision on timing and he made the decision during the rally. Buckle up because we are about to see fireworks.
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Let’s go already can’t take it much longer
NOTHING is coming! If anything was gonna be done about this treason it would have already been done before it was too late.
The left may be hasty and arogant evil and underhanded, but they are not stupid They are not going to allow truth to come out at those trials. They will use the media and their senators to prevent that
Not with the military in control. They can use EBS.
great job turn down compression on mic sound like in pressurized dome to much of itt on bud
The virus is not like the cold… we had it and it’s like the flu with a fever.
The former President’s able to arrange scifs comment was calling them out? Why are you leaving out the whole rest of the post ? Thats selective and deceitful
Follow the money. Does Fauci have a financial interest in selling masks?
I Noticed the Star of David if you connect the dots above the eagle on the New Seal
God bless you
Just wanted to correct something…Trump went to Alamo Texas. Not the Alamo itself. The Alamo is in San Antonio Texas. Alamo Texas is on the boarder of Texas.
Hello. What you say has opened my mind to how our President will play his cards.
Chuckie wants to be in control of the proceedings and I pray that if so, then when a different question is asked, they open the floodgates of info for the world to see.
What happens when they blackout so no one sees?
What happens if they drop the impeachment?
So glad I found you X22!

Miss listening to your informative and Common sense videos! God Bless you!
Was thinking tonight about our predicament and who to plea to or trust. Our voices are being suppressed at every level. Should we all be sending correspondence to the DOJ or military to influence them to uphold the election irregularities and our disdain of this belligerent government?
A wall will not stop the virus, but a mask will. We sure have some brilliant morons calling the shots.
how is Q able to be so precise about events two and three years into the future?
Phoenix Bird of the Washitaw Muurs! Let the Republic Stand!
I’m waiting an watching
Biden Is An https://youtu.be/OXRBELZpKak
Sen Ted Cruise is a JOKE. He did this so he can tell voters that he TRIED – he too thinks we are stupid! Why did he not do it when they had the majority?? He KNOWS this will never pass now – and he is up for re-election! They cannot be trusted, that INCLUDES TED CRUISE! He is a career politician and just as pathetic as the rest of them!
I love your explanations! I feel better about our situation every day after listening to your reports. Thanks!
2 masks are twice as unhealthy. Fauchi is a political doctor, not a medical doctor.
You are relentlously grasping at Q straws to keep your narrative alive while every indication is that we are F*C*ED! If you are controlled opposition then it will be revealed and you will eventually be proven to be on the side of the enemy. When that happens you will be classified as the enemy and your penchant for anonimity will not protect you. If this is all an exercise in screwing with the mind of MAGA you will be exposed and classified as public enemy. March is drop dead time!
What makes you think that Trump will get a fair hearing at his citizen impeachment? Do you remember how much evidence was allowed from the right on Nadlers court? The right was not allowed to present evidence and what they did present, was ignored. They will run another kangaroo court. Not hold my breath for anything that comes out of this government.
I love to listen to you every day, but a correction, you say Trump went to the Alamo and he did not. He went to Alamo, EX on the border which is a few hundred miles from the Alamo in San Antonio, TX. Thanks for your good work.
I wish when you do your presentation you’d quit saying we’ll be discussing that a bit later after you hinted to something. Either cover and discuss what you intend on quit baiting listeners with we’d be discussing that later in the broadcast. This practice is enormously irritating.
Might not the “belligerent occupiers” that you mention actually be the Biden administration?
Hi Dave
What is your opinion of the folks like Charlie Kirk Dan Bongino Candace Owens
Surely most of these people have heard of Q . Investigated Q and have even been exposed to x22 or sgt. yet
They don’t express an opinion or give a negative One.
Is it money or maybe the feeling q has to stay among the people and not elevated?
OMG, Dave, we’re almost there. I KNEW intuitively that Justice & truth would prevail & that President Trump would reclaim the election he won in a huge win. But it’s been so stressful, esp to see that devil posing as 46th. When he has the audacity to criticize Trump it infuriates me since he’s a traitor, a liar & a disgusting human being. I don’t watch or listen to him, he’s too satanic.
But Victory is at hand, the Patriots have won. THANK GOD, I’ve been praying since Nov 5th. THANK YOU for these daily reports, they are a Godsend.
Dave, please, pronounce Mar-a-Lago correctly. There is NO “r” in Lago.
Btw the name means “sea to lake”. Mahr ah Lah-go. Got it?
I am trying to resist the temptation to feel like a sucker.
Where can I get the whole clip of the cartoon/drawing video at the end of the Ep 2388b video? I’d love to share it, thanks! Oh I can’t share on Facebook, they say your videos are offensive, they’re so evil!
Hi, you need to know that there is an autobot in the White House that is issuing lots of EO’s automatically. The Autobots also issued a number of weird Eo’s Just before trump left office.,… he didn’t know anything about them!
Q* is Jared kushner. Kushner is one of the bad Israel’s ( part of the cabal). Do your research.
Guys, the city Trump went to was Alamo, TX which is a border city approx 7 miles east of McAllen. The Alamo Mission aka “the Alamo” is in San Antonio, TX which is approx 240 miles nw of Alamo, TX. The name is symbolic though.
Thank you for your daily encouragement.
Dave, thank you from the bottom of my patriotic heart this vet need to find your show. They pulled you off if castbox so im on the website now. This vet can not thank you for the mounds of info im able to communicate to my friends. God bless.
Trump DIDN’T go to the Alamo. The Alamo is in San Antonio, TX. He went to a boarder town called Alamo, TX. It’s near McAllen.
The slime runs deep.
30 more days…Few of my friends believed that Trump would regain the presidency. I lost the last few on January 20. I don’t want to think it’s hopeless, so I hope what you and others say becomes the truth.
It’s Mar-a-LAGO. Not LEGGO. Not “Largo” (a musical term) but “LAGO”.
According to Google Translate, “Mar a Lago” is Spanish for “Sea to Lake”. “Lago” is a lake.
For what it’s worth.
Trump the Tweeting Lying Coward CHUMP
is a FRAUD just like X22
Trump Deserves to be persecuted by then DNC DEATH CULT
I do believe it’s not over at all! I must I worry so for my grandchildren. We must keep the faith. Teach them history at home. Make sure they know how very lucky and proud they should be to live in America! Freedom isn’t free we must respect it treasure it and most of all appreciate it. God bless you all. I continue to pray for our country. Gods speed!
Nice ending sketches!
Another good one Dave.
In my heart President Trump has it all under control.
He WILL make America Great with God’s help.
Thank you for the updates and the information!! These are very informative and I look forward to them daily.
Keep up the good work!! What new would you suggest listening too.
Seems to me everyday that goes by we lose more people not gain they give up get weary.truth is truth they will accept it or not but it’s the right thing to expose fraud.
Dave, could that seal have been used by Washington, they put wax on mail to seal their them, and he used this seal ??
I prayforTrumpsnf his position every day for safety and reconstruct this nation as God meant it tone. PLEASE JUSTICE GOR CLINTONS OBAMAS BIDDENS
I would like to keep up-to-date on the POTUS.
SARS-CoV-2,(covid-19) has NEVER been isolated.If it has not been isolated,how can they make a vaccine for it?What is in this COVID-19 vaccine,if the virus hasn’t been isolated?
They have now achieved their real purpose which was to get people pushing to get the vaccine. Now they can reopen etc.
I really enjoy your information, thank you for that. I do have a couple questions for you. . .
You had mentioned in a previous post that the 1st marker had already occurred mid Jan. and that the 2nd marker would possibly happen today 1/27, now you are saying the 1st marker will happen when the forces leave DC. Can you please clarify that?
One other request, during your reports when you touch on something and then say “I’ll talk about that in a second”, but the you never talk about it. It definitely leaves the listener hanging and a little frustrated the thought isn’t completed.
Again, I and my fellow Patriots absolutely love and respect what you are doing, immensely.
Please keep it up!!! I look forward to your response. Josh
Hi,Love your podcast. One thing, you always say “Trump went to the Alamo” and that is not accurate. Trump went to Alamo, Texas which is on the border. The actual Alamo is in San Antonio.
All of this sounds nice, neatly bundled and perfect. Don`t get me wrong . I PRAY your spot on but ,why are most of the Q messages dated 2018 or earlier ? Just curious
Its Mar a lago I believe watch your pronunciation
Love Trump
I cannot stand that the impeachments are considered valid when they are both held up by lies! How can they be accepted and let stand? It pisses me off! It’s not any different than the election.
The 30 days is very easy to answer. Mike Lindell has a special my pillow commercial that is a txt file. After the commercial completes there is an extra discount code to use called Q17 and that a very special offer will be avail at the end of a count down clock that strikes midnight on the 30th Eastern. This matches Gen Flynn “give me 30 days”.
I love President Trump. Hurry up and come back. We miss you.
What if “George ” refers to George Hubert Walker Bush? When you look up Godspeed you are shown a photo of GHW Bush.
You need to listen to this entire video. We have all been had regarding the Covid-19.
We need to start understanding the truth.
This speaker needs to talk faster and get to the point. This is going on way too long. I’m out.
The problem with TERM LIMITS for the Congress, is that the bureaucracy stays around for endless amounts of time. THEY have too much power NOW.
one of the results of impeachment is the loss of secret service protection. trump has had several attempts on his life including just a few weeks ago, and the melania poison incident too, so if trump is impeached and loses secret service protection then they will succeed in their next assassination attempt. it’s not an impeachment to get him out of office, it’s a sneaky assassination attempt
Where can I find the full Gen. Flynn interview in this vid (2388B)? Where can I find an archive of Q’s messages?
Climate change hoax to cripple America.
Covid hoax to cripple America. The numbers are not a pandemic level, our Hospitals and medical staff are complicit in falsified numbers and theft of billions.
Vaccines we bought are a hoax to kill off the population and control the rest. What exactly is in it? Operating system splicing our DNA, next vaccines will be apps for tracking and control. Why do we listen to this constant BS on news and no one is exposing the globalist who are attacking us.
What will happen to savings accounts in banks? What should I do before the current system fails?