Ep 2391b – Marker [KC] 11.3, The Elite’s System Is In The Process Of Being Exposed
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[KC] had his sentencing today, no jail time for changing an email to get a FISA warrant, instead he received probation, market 11.3. Is this just the beginning. The people are waking up to system that the [DS] created, it is being exposed for all to see.
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- ← Ep 2391q – People Can See The Rigged Economic System, It’s Controlled By The Establishment
- GAMESTONK 🚀 – All Your Hedge Are Belong To Us →
ANTIFA AND BLM IN PORTLAND OREGON IS AN INSURRECTION. No One will stop it,the people are at the end of their ropes,and really ready to kill!Yet the officials say “we are fine” essentially that all is ok.WELL IT IS NOT!I cant go to the Dr,unless I submit to the mob by taking my Trump and Police stickers off of my car and i will NOT do that.I pack,everywhere i go and i am truly afraid I will shoot one or more of them and I will be the one to be punished.Andy Gno is the ONLY one who reports on it,he has almost lost his life in doing so.I thank you for these reports,This is really the only truth we get,videos go up,and before i can open some they come down.But Portland is under reported!and people are fed up!
C’mon Dave, now we’re looking after the superbowl? Then valentines day? easter? The information is out there, been out there for awhile. I’m beginging to think they’ve all got some kind of secret immunity. No one’s ever been convicted of anything…ever.
Think about it! How else could they get all of law enforcement and the Judiciary and even the Supreme Court and the MSM including FOX, to ignore evidence?
The corrupt intelligence agencies launched a “national security” operation to remove Trump from office, citing climate change and race relations to do it! All it woulda took is to classify it as top secret! The main red flag is Arizona! The legislature is negotiating right now with the county board of supervisors for Maricopa but the supervisors are saying “only national security officials can produce the audit”! This and the guy on YouTube the other day looked like he had seen a ghost! He said that there would be only so much they can even tell the public!
With all respect I am an avid listener. However, people have been exposed for years now. Nothing happens. The Republican politicians worked against President Trump. The 3 letter agencies worked against him. We are all TRUMPERS but it’s not enough. You think suddenly everything will become a flood well i hope and pray your right. It would be a wonderful time. But i have my doubts. I think sometimes America was lost before President Trump came down the escalator. I don’t watch media at all. But jobama can do a lot damage before and if Trump comes back in some form. You’ve done great work here and i will continue to be a fan. Hope your right. But i have a terrible sinking feeling about all this
Thank you for your reporting. Enjoyed the voter fraud video as well.
in 1960 an alert was given that I will share with you:
The Mission of a Techno-Space Society [see full issue – HONEST PEOPLE HAVE RIGHTS, TOO]
“The mission of a techno-space society is to subordinate the individual and control him, by economic and political duress. The only casualty in a machine age is the individual and his freedom.” – L. Ron Hubbard, philosopher 8 Feb 1960
agreed. I am not military, only an Army brat — and yet I am amazed at the number & prominence of the people who ASSume the Socialist Democrums were the ones who ordered the troops to D.C.
The military is ONLY answerable to The Commander In Chief. That they were ordered to DC before the 20th, says they were ordered there by DJT.
That hey are still there, indicates either 1) DJT is still Commander in Chief., or 2)the military has taken over the government and the Dumocraps don’t want to admit it and the general public doesn’t know it. (or both? LOL)
We know DJY is a fierce advocate of the Constitution — even following it when it is not to his advantage. I believe (could be wrong, but I don’t think so) that once martial law is declared, & the Constitution suspended, there is no recourse for setting the Constitution back into effect. So…. then this must be a temporary arrangement, yes? with military in charge, but the Constitution not suspended? since DC is not a State, and some say it is technically is not really even a part of the US at all ….that would mean the Constitution can be suspended there and it’s not a problem for the rest of the States. I could be wrong — as my son reminds me, I am not a Constitutional scholar. But logic is a good thing.
Look forward to these reports every night. Thank you.
Question…..Should we be taking our money out of the stock markets before this collapse of the Central Bank?
At 8:20 Now, now Dave, we don’t KNOW we’re in general blackout. At times you do get ahead of yourself, making certain claims that are really only your assumptions. Granted you DO have some very good assumptions, and when certain things happen you are justified in making certain claims. But do be careful. At times like these we must all be very circumspect and cautious. We’ve seen how in the recent past we “assumed” certain things were what we thought they were only to be proved woefully wrong. Enough said.
Just a thought.. The Westminster Dog Show is on Feb 10-11 this year and its televised. I don’t know if it means anything or not. The SuperBowl is on Feb 7. They usually ran on the same day in the past.. I thought.
If BS were water, this guy would drown. How much of the stuff this guy has told us has come true….actually happened? One, twice? Even a non-working clock is right two times during the day.
The only thing he has correctly said is that our system of government is broken, corrupt, and stacked against us. But what is actually going to happen? Nothing!!! The courts are corrupt, the congress is corrupt, the DOJ is corrupt, Biden is corrupt, the military brass is corrupt, voting is corrupt. So, who are we going to get to work for us and do something about all this crap? No one is left to fight for us except for the Patriots, But they are powerless to do anything. Their vote has been corrupted. The 30 days he talks about will come and go just like the time he said “The Storm is Upon Us.” That has not happened, the military isn’t going to act. It will all be the status quo for Biden and company. Perhaps the only thing that will happen is Biden will hang a sign on the front of the White House that says “Trader Joe’s Now Open for Business”.
Dave I am confused on one point please. Are the vaccines zzz President Trump pushes the same as Bill Gates that destroy our DNA? Love your show keep up the great work fellows Patriot!
I’m not Dave but I research the Vaccine a LOT. It is the same….
in my opinion Trump asked for a normal vaccine, produced quickly, but the vaccine makers decided to work with an ABnormal one they had been tinkering with for some time instead.
Yes, the current covid vaccine messes with our DNA and destroys people. 🙁
Don’t take it. You have no way to know if you will be okay or if you will be sickened or if you will die. Death may take 10 minutes or up to 15 days. Do the research; it’s heartbreaking.
p.s. — I think I see a [sad] pattern… in that Trump will promote or ask for something, and it gets twisted in the delivery.
example: he asked for 15 days to flatten the curve. Certain governors turned it into 11 months to destroy the economy.
Hi Dave,
The wall was put round the capitol area by the Army. The deep state is pretending that it was put there by themselves to protect them against dangerous Trump supporters bent on insurrection. It is more projection as we can expect from them. In fact it is a rat trap installed by the army. Who was in control of the Army, and the National guard in Washington, when they were brought in? Who is in control now? Think about it. It is all part of the plan.
Can you talk about the letters that were given to all the former presidents at the GW Bush Senior funeral? God be with you Dave. Lisa from OK.
They know , you can not stop The new world order ! They are in humanities face with it ! THEY DO NOT CARE ! They are on the winning team ! They can’t be touched ! They have , are , will continue , to railroad everything EVERYWHERE… .
Let’s play a game, could have been referring to what’s going on in the news with gamestop
Greatly appreciate this detailed analysis of the walls in DC: protecting the lawmakers from “the lawless citizenry.” If the public ever came to know the truth, these walls that are now only an incongruous presence in the nation’s capitol, would be genuinely needed.
The helpful, healthful golden spice is NOT one more “ick”, or “two-moric”. It’s “Tur’-mer-ic”.
The truth is growing exponentially – despite MSM trying to suppress it- their efforts are like trying to stop the tide from coming in with a tractor https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wGr9Yvrod3o
To whom this may concern: I have been following you for more than three years now and wonder how you can continue with this dribble. You keep stating that the American people need to wake up from their slumber. Just how many need to “wake up”?
11.3….K.C. k the 11th letter in alphabet. c the 3rd letter in the alphabet
The clock is ticking. Markers in place. Is there a Castle Rock that influences the financial/economic institutions?? A reference was made to it on another video I was listening to. We have military attachment to a Castle Rock, chess move for Castle Rock, Entertainment studio named Castle Rock, now with financial? Great as usual. Love your reports. God bless you.
I see Q here “Ep 2391q – People Can See The Rigged Economic System, It’s Controlled By The Establishment….”
Great work Dave. Very insightful. Thank You.
First it was supposed to happen at or before the inauguration but didn’t, then it was supposed to happen 30 days out from a General Flynn tweet and yet here we are …still nothing, and now the arrests are supposed to happen sometime after the super bowl ? All of this is Bullsh*t. Why the hell would any of this info be out on the internet for the deep state to see if the military is really planning on arresting them? The Deep State/New World Order can look at ALL of this and counter it. The NSA/CIA has it’s tentacles in every nook and cranny of the Internet, they’re aware of all of this. What kind of operation exposes itself on the internet on a website? Now you are saying that “public opinion” needs to build up….okay Dave, you do realize that most of America already knows how corrupt the Government/Establishment Politicians are and actually want them arrested? There’s literally no reason at all to wait on arresting them. There’s way more American citizens who are awake and aware then there are Americans who are asleep. We don’t need to wait on “public opinion” to build up when it would only be a small fraction of brainwashed sheep we’d have to wait on and f*ck waiting on them. What else needs to happen before the Globalists are all thrown in cells? None of this makes any sense. Another reason I think you’re full of Sh*t, is because you never approve my comments on this website. If you approve this one, I’ll be surprised. If you’re right and you know all these things, and something good DOES happen, then I will apologize without hesitation. But for now I call bullsh*t on all of this, I think we’re all doomed and trapped in a spiritual sewer with no exit and you’re just another false ray of light glaring through one of the the manholes. For now, I’ll just cast aside both my hope and my fear and just sink back into the calm abyss of emotionless apathy because it’s better to be numb and no longer care than to care and be filled with both fear and hope but see nothing happen.
PEOPLE??? OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST!!! BROKE DOWN<<>>sataniac???>>> “””fence””” WITH HIS OWN BODY!!! 2000 YRS AGO!!! NOW<<>>2021!!! THERE ARE <<>> CHANCES??? FOR <<>> TO SIMPLY ??? “””change??? their EVIL MINDS!!! WE, THE RE-DEEMED!!! CHOOSE???? KILL EVIL<<>> “””ALLOW”””??? EVIL TO KILL US???? THINK??? DAMN IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! KING DAVID<<>>PRESIDENT DAVID MAAS<<>>DIFFERENCE
What I find strange is that they actually do have a Super Bowl puppy show!!!!
brad Garrett selling lies about Q anon followers on ABC interview interesting who his wife is any thought to share
Thanks for all you do patriot !!!!
If we can listen to this, how about the deep state?
I’m am hopeful that these broadcasts from you are the real deal. We need a hero.
This will be the most astounding historical Docudrama ever. I hope this is real.
It would be a blessing to me if during your endless search for a platform within to carry our right to speak freely and expos corruption you would take a look into a presentation link as a means. Thank you for all you do. https://gofounders.net/my_presentation/presentation1?id=zeYsCczoQcQLpdGWy3gmQw==
Can you tell me how you get the information? Is it reliable? Is trump still president?
Is 11.3 the number for adrenochrome?
Yes, 113 is the chemical number for adrenochrome. The blood of tortured children.
Watch Prof Thomas Borody on The Kenny Report. skynews.com.au/details/_6179108952001 Australia dated 7/08/2020, USA dated 8/07/2020, Ivermectin treatment is a real killer of corona virus. Runs for 8min. about $2.00 a tablet approved for USA NIH
So damn sick of seeing sooooo many people get away with such corruption and CRIMES with NO accountability. Stop acting like something is going on with military, etc that is going to correct all this!!! It is NOT!! Only God can help us now.
Is Clinesmith related to Adam Schiff? They both have the same bobble head and pencil neck.
Could you please explain how they plan to wake up the D’s since every major news source is controlled by the DS? It’s a joke how D’s could care less about the spying, the coup, the cheating….they don’t care. I know I work with the knuckleheads.
Zhongnanhai, the headquarters of the Chinese Communist Party in Beijing, is also surrounded by a high wall.
I have seen and heard about the exposing of corruption all my life. However, without accountability and action the exposition is a waste of time and resources.
Justice is supposed to be blind, swift, prudent and fair. So you can expose anything you want. Bill Clinton is a perfect example. He was allowed to get away with anything he wanted.
You give excellent news. Thanks for posting this Article.
Hey Dave, I use a podcast app called Castbox. You were on there but gone now. Cant you get back on? I try to listen but I cant download for listening later, like when I’m driving.
Love your show
Have you considered developing a report that disseminates to the public, on an ongoing basis, the daily violations of the American Constitution by the DS/Biden regime? In addition, how about doing the same kind of work on the subject of the daily dismantling of Capitalism via China’s puppet-masters pressure on the illegal regime in power in our White House?
Have you dug into what DS threat against the Trump family pressured Donald Trump to abandon the powerful military assets that were still at his disposal prior to January 20, 2020? It’s seems to me, the only person capable of being elected in light of the removal of our GREATEST Right, one vote for one citizen, would now rest squarely on the shoulder’s of the personality the Western World refers to as “the Anti-Christ”? The Book describes him as a brilliant strategist with uncanny tactical prowess who speaks with a golden tongue, as it were. Americans know the DS will have so dismantled our government’s checks and balances over the next two years that it will never be possible to return to Constitutional Law again. That is, short of a very bloody war that we couldn’t win without help from above. However, that Help has already told us that if we stand against Israel, continue with sanctioned abortion as well as sanctioned homosexuality, our only hope for victory has already abandoned us. I would be happy to lay out the details if there’s an interest. Keep up the good fight.
Is RED3 the impeachment?
is there a way to get closed captions on your x22 report?
Thank you for all your consistent hard work! Always have a GREAT show! You’re my #1 go-to news platform! God bless you! And God bless President Donald John Trump! And God bless America!
Love your show lots of information we appreciate what you do I share with friends
Corrupt judges have turned into traitors to the oath they swore, no different than the FBI trash.
Just a great deal of corruption in Govt. So happy to see that you are always so positive. Had trouble sending you a comment.