Ep 2400b – The [DS] Is Opening The Front Door, The Flood Gates Will Open
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The impeachment hearing have started, the [DS]/Corrupt Politicians are opening the front door. This impeachment trial is not going to be fair, they are now creating the precedence to try other Presidents, Senators etc… The flood gates are now open. The patriots have it all, how do you inject evidence legally? How do you make it look like it wasn’t your idea. Will this evidence help Trump or the [DS]. Drip, Drip, Flood.
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thank you sir we so look forward to your positive hope for our beloved president trump. we are praying that he is our president in march or before. we love heavenly father and know that God Wins. In God we trust. thank you so much dave we surely appreciate your righteous reporting.
Fundamental MAJOR problem… Congress does NOT have jurisdiction to decide if an issue is Constitutional or not. That’s the ENTIRE PURPOSE of the Supreme Court… To decide ON the Constutionality OF the laws the legeslatures create…
Thanks for your hard work, Dave.
Aldo, can’t see the proverbial forest because the trees are in the way. Trump is NOT being impeached because of any election fraud issues. He’s being impeached for “, inciting insurrection”. The fraud evidence is immaterial and not admissable in defense of the insurrection fraud charges. It STILL won’t get out.
I pray you are right. What I like about your podcast is that you don’t come up with crazy theories. Everything you say sounds plausible. Some of the others say things that I just can’t believe. Wild things. Like Chinas president is a good guy, working kind of undercover to help bring down the cabal. And many other outlandish claims. I just found out about Q in November after the election, so I’m still really new to this. I don’t even know what 4chan is. I’m not computer literate. I just really and truly pray you are right about our military being in control, and that all the information about these corrupt people will come out in the trial. Keep up the good work. I try to listen to your show everyday. Thank you
Dave,I just do not understand why the wait? If he coming back sometime this year? If so how? When? Also is being told AG Barr stopped several executive orders from Trump,if this true? You need to be more concrete.
You are the stupid one. Dick Morris talked to Trump yesterday and all Trump wants is for this to be over. THERE IS NOTHING IN THE SHADOWS THAT IS GOING TO HAPPEN!!!! Q POSTS ARE NOT PREDICTING ANYTHING. You are a master at manipulating information to fit your desired narrative to keep people hooked on listening to you. YOU ARE A PHONY!!!
Re presenting the evidence of voter fraud…Trump’s attorneys have said they refuse to present that issue at this time.
The cases on Feb. 19 is only for the purpose of being reviewed to see if they want to accept for the hearing. If they do, then it will be scheduled but will probably not be until October.
Hi Dave,
2 days in a row now about 10 minutes from the end of episode b the report jumps right to the end on the x 22 site. It works fine on rumble but not here.
I really want to believe in what you say but, honestly I need to see some action soon.
Mike Lindell’s proof is all you need it’s in real time all of it!!!
Heck, you can find that Biden is not in whitehouse he’s in a studio. Castle rock. You can see parking lot behind him.hes not even using air force one.
I want to comment on Trump’s lawyers because they are not the Dream Team! Does anybody know why he picked them??? I think he might need new lawyers, or does anyone have a guess why they were picked???
I think the census can be used to show massive fraud as well.
Thanks Dave…How do you trap a liar? You allow them to speak and trap themselves.
Each lie makes the hole deeper until eventually they have no way out of the hole.
You can hide behind a lie only until the truth seeks you out.
I am looking forward to Fauci being revealed as the one who acted against the orders to stop the research on virus GOF and paid for it with US funding. Also I believe Bill Gates holds the patent on the virus.
My friend Dave, thanks for the good and creative reporting, just one big thing. Trump has already BEEN impeached. He was impeached in the House of representatives just prior to Jan 20, while he was still in office. The senate has the sole power to TRY all impeachments, and it is going to the senate for the very reason that he has ALREADY BEEN impeached in the House. You keep insinuating that he has not been impeached yet. I don’t think the Senate has to if they don’t want to, but they do want to keep the political hammer down on Trump. Of course they are far short of the 2/3 vote needed to convict.
The guy in the video was stating that according to the constitution the Senate has the power to try all impeachments. But it doesn’t say it has the duty to, just the power to. Very important to honest people.
Excellent breakdown of the 2 things Trump’s team will testify to, the exposure of outside element deceptions on Jan 6, and all the election fraud evidence!
Good stuff!
Thanks! You’re teaching me how to think. While watching the senate hearing, I thought of Q when the lawyer said the flood gates would be opened. Great job! Can you do a report covering human trafficking? I think more people need to hear what they’ve been doing to kids.
Hard to be patience, looking forward to the plan being activated. Ready for action- May I help- please
Love x22report.com. thanks for your daily posts.
One data point…The Constitution says that the Chief Justice must be present at the impeachment. Chief Justice Roberts is not participating in this charade in the Senate. Therefore, this is ALL THEATER!
Really after all that has happened you think the Supreme Court can be trusted?! Really!!!
Thanks Dave. I was just looking at your image of the Senate and thinking these people are either doubles or they have been exposed, told what information they have on them and they are acting out a play. Everything they are doing is under the Trump Team direction. The only reason to have DC surrounded is to keep these people in there until the Pantomime Season is over. Are any of these Senate actors seen outside of the fence? It would be interesting to know
Can it be that he wanted this to go to impeachment to give him a chance to TAKE them down,
I think we should not file/pay taxes this year. What a statement that would make, if millions of people refuse to file taxes.
Wow!!! Based on this Senate action now Obama can be impeached! Clinton, Bush, Bush can be impeached!!! What about U.S. reps and senators? Can they be impeached too? They have made themselves vulnerable. No longer will a resignation, retirement, etc., make them unreachable. Glory to God! Amen.
The thing that really struck me yesterday was Raskin’s complete lack of emotion when talking about his son’s death. If I had lost my child six weeks ago, I wouldn’t be able to choke the words out, but he only began to fake cry when he talked about the storming of the capital. He didn’t even shed a tear when talking about burying his son.
AT PRESENT, I DO NOT TRUST the Supreme Court to protect the Constitution or ANY Individual or Citizen from ANY contrary Law, Order, Person, Organization or Country. Members are Corrupt, & Worse.
All Pres. and their wives have been executed already except Pres. Jimmy Carter.
I seem to remember that Woohan was flooded recently, it was openly reported. An ideal time to clean up any damaging evidence without drawing undue attention. Have they got brains of children? They are so transparent.
Q………these people are stupid………..Q is correct there
When we look at Myanmar, we see HOW and WHEN the Military is in control. People who say the Military is in control of the USA, are either very gullible or really do not know their elbow from their rear end! If the US Military was in control in the US, we would have had Marshall Law and they would have taken FULL CONTROL of the country, NOT allowing a braindead pervert to act as “President” and destroy the economy and the lives of millions of Americans. Sadly I personally believe the US Military does not have the “balls” to take control, as did the Myanmar Military – who clearly does HAVE the “balls” to do so! This Government and Military is too INVESTED with DS operatives and corrupt members, thus they are NOT able to take control. You guys keep on saying to “trust the plan” – OK – WHAT PLAN?? It is stupid to say “trust the plan” and NOT reveal even a FRACTION of the plan! I have in the past been involved in “covert operations” and we DID KNOW what the PLAN was! You cannot tell those who are NOT part of the PLAN to TRUST THE PLAN! That is dumb! I hope and pray the Lord will save this country, as you cannot and should not put your trust in any man! God ONLY can be trusted! All we can do is to pray and trust that the Lord will vindicate and that HE will have the last laugh – not Biden and his corrupt gang, as well as 90% of the corrupt politicians and judiciary!
So appreciate your work Dave
Thank You
Not sure if you have seen this video.
Keep up the excellent reports!
2400 was deleted from me by I know who. I was in the middle of it suddenly I heard nothing and gone.