Ep 2421b -We Are Approaching The Precipice,Power Transferred From DC To We The People
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The people must reach the precipice to demand change and we are at the precipice. The power has been transferred from DC to We The People. The stage has been set and the patriots are readying the next move. Everything has been setup in the background, the best is yet to come. This is not a 4 year election, this is about exposing the system, it’s about showing the people the truth, until you saw America becoming great people didn’t realize that it could be different.
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C’Mon Dave we have known for years that Murkowski is a RINO – why didn’t Trump do this before? Trump is doing too little too late !!
Been listening & absorbing the valuable information found in all reports that I’ve been able to hear.
I appreciate the hard work Dave & those who help the production follow such a difficult schedule. It’s like reading a story about what’s really happening then, watching the same actions of the government unfold on the news stations/internet. I feel privileged because so many people aren’t following any news around them other than “is the drive thru open at Burger Barn” .
So much also found in history is repeating itself . Antifa / black Lifes Matter =Hitler’s Sturmabteilung ( Brownshirts / Storm Detachment). FBI,CIA & DOS =Schutzstaffel (protective echelon) Hitler’s SS.
My Uncle didn’t give up at the Battle of the Bulge so I’m not giving in either. Thankyou & NUTS !
Fouci himself published a study himself about the fact that masks DON”T WORK!
I, for one, don’t want the faux Biden or the fake Biden administration, where ever they are, to be in office one more minute! I can’t stand this mess! I don’t have anything left to lose and yet… I’m losing more, and I’m not alone!! PLEASE, BRING THE MILITARY FORWARD; too many are on their last leg.
Do you think Susan Rice is the one calling the shots? I feel she will be named the VP once Kamala takes over. She was Obama’s right hand person.
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Dave, as you know, “It’s not who votes; it’s who counts the votes”. How will Trump “fix” the elections by endorsing patriots when the DS is in control of ALL THREE BRANCHES of the government and will NEVER allow another free election. Another fixed “election” will not do it. As you’ve said many times, “It was always going to be the MILITARY”. The rest is just noise. There has been a coup of the entire US of A… PERIOD. It’s time to put up or shut up.
I’m already on your mailing list so PLEASE do not add me again.
Where can we read comments? I LOVE YOUR SITE
♥️ Thank you for sharing.
That’s “cawsle” (causal) Dave…not “kashual” (casual)!!
Biden stole the election, he is in the WH, all of his inane EO’s are being implemented, the MSM is as complicit as ever, the three branches of Government are corrupt to the bone, President Trump had all the tools necessary to defeat them yet he chose to do nothing.
I have looked into Trump’s history: Great friends with the Clintons, great friend with Epstein, he nominated corrupt SCOTUS candidates, he installed corrupt DoJ Barr, all the vile criminals are running around free and running the government and it’s agencies, Trump is also a MASON, and serves Israel before the US. I feel totally betrayed. However, he did say on several occasions ” You knew I was a snake, but you let me in”. I trust in Jesus not a corrupt individual.
Is Kamala a natural born citizen?
So many people are still confused even staunch patriots are questioning whether President Trump and his team are doing anything to reverse the situation i was listening to a podcast over the weekend where they were questioning the validity of the fightback, i won’t name the folk, but i was shocked, keep up the great post Dave and don’t lose faith.
I am embarrassed and ashamed that our military has allowed a corrupt Biden to become president and allowed an obviously rigged election to stand. It is the duty of our military to protect our country against foreign and domestic threats…..which Biden represents, and it is their duty to uphold the constitution, and Biden has not. As long as Biden continues, he represents the military’s failure. The military should also be protecting our borders from invasion, which is going on now. This game of trying to bring people to the “precipice of destruction” has gone on long enough. It looks silly. It is not changing the minds of Biden supporters. They are still watching the fake news and haven’t a clue. It is only putting doubt in the minds of Trump supporters. The greatest country in the world has a bumbling, brain dead, illegal idiot as it’s president? Gimme a break!
Another amazing report.. I find that this.. all these reports are the best to show people who are not awake. Just getting them to listen to one is a challenge, but I believe that if you could get them to listen to one, that they would want to know more. I also believe that if these reports were made into a book, it would be read many years from now as part of our amazing history. Thank you for your daily updates.. thank you for keeping me strong through these horrible times. Kerry from Australia.
No matter how many million times the Subject phrase, “We, the people” is IN-correctly stuffed into “sentences”, the proper grammar protocols remain. There are perfectly good ways to express the SAME ideas accurately. We can use “…transferred to US, the People” (to reference the famous founding document) OR we can say SIMPLY, “Power is being transferred to the people.” BETTER STILL would be to say, “Power is being transferred to THE CITIZENS” – who are, in fact, both the SOURCE of U.S. government power AND the “people” intended by the phrase, “We the People of the United States”.
If I had the name “Crapo”, I’d change it. Especially if I planned to enter politics. There are enough problems without that one.
I used to believe the “pandemic” was not real. The DAILY CURRENT NEWS in Czech Republic, other EU countries & Canada seems to tell a different story, with many hospitals – reportedly – near capacity, and a very high incidence of illness, especially serious illness shown on the “News” in graphs & charts & videos of ambulance teams dispatched & hospital treatment in COVID wards by people suited up in white, disposable outfits & plastic face shields. (I’m STILL not taking the “jab”, aka “vaccine” or injection.)
The states must refuse the orders of this illegitimate administration. Even if it was a legitimate administration a state does not have to submit it’s constitution and the welfare of its citizens and legal residents to the orders of the President. I think the red line is for enough states to push back hard against this president and administration in any and every area it deems it is being harmed by that order. States have national guard, attorneys, expertise, etc., and must use them. I am petitioning strongly my state officials, that’s governor, senators and representatives, et al, in Texas where I live to refuse to abdicate their responsibility to Texas and Texans, and say NO. Don’t wait for the courts. Take action now and let the court action catch up at it’s own turtle pace. Please do the same in other states too.
Can I get link the CDC report mentioned in latest x22 report on the effectiveness of masks?
I cant find it anywhere and when I do my own research there is an overwhelming number of reports that indicate they do work. Very confused . . . . I would like to read the report you showed on yesterday’s report.
Thank you
Trump isnt showing people crap and the majority of folks arent learning crap because most folks dont watch Fox and this stuff is not on the MSM.
Trump should have used the Military like Que, Gen Flynn and Lin Wood and Gen Mcinerney said.
So, anarchists would have acted up and people would have died. People ate dying now. Out Nation is dying now.
Trump could declass after the revolt. Que said the only way forward is the Military.
Jefferson said the tree of liberty needs refreshed from time to time with blood of patriots and tyrants.
Harris can’t be Pres. because she doesn’t qualify as her parents weren’t American Citizens when she was born so she is not a natural born Citizen. Even if you were to wear 10 mask and they worked, what is it that is protecting your eyes? You can’t fix stupid. Eat more fish as it is good for the brain. It won’t stop you from being stupid but might move you up to just being dumb.
Masks also have been causing “mask mouth.” Mouth and gum disease.
I don’t see any comments including mine. Something is going on and it isn’t right.
Can anyone share a link to that Mar. 5 CDC study? I tried to find it with a Google search, and all I could find was MSM “news” stories asserting the OPPOSITE of the study’s conclusion — to wit, that rather than only showing a statistically-insignificant wobble in the incidence of cases and deaths due to the masks, and instead hailing it as “proof” of the positive impact of masks! Amazing that supposedly-literate individuals can extract the exact opposite meaning from a research report!
I only worry that when these Socialist Commi’s like Pelosi, Schumer and Harris see the end for them is near that they will try something drastic and hurt good American’s in the process. I was in the Marines when a report was read to us 10 months before 9 11 and we had changed training to Preparedness Training only to find out that it happened exactly the way we were told and since that time I had separated from the Core after seeing 1st hand the corruption in our government. I pray for the day justice will be served and it gives me a sense of relief that justice is coming to give me back my trust in our country again. Now if our militaries were to help take back our country from these globalists and send these treasonous monsters to gitmo that would be the sweetest justice of all…
Good one, Dave. Excellent news. Blessings
I saw a post from “Patriot 1776” And the name under was John F Kennedy.
1. The post read “The storm is upon us”
Does this mean that it has started.
2. Does this confirm that JFK is coming out to the public.
Why is it that most of the political people in office have NOT gotten the Covid virus?
I miss Pres. Trump…..MAGA…
Marianne Roenna
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