Ep 2437a – A Major Move Was Just Made Against The [CB] Fiat Currency
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The [CB]/Ds economic system is now being exposed to the world. Guaranteed income is now being introduced for wealth distribution. [JB] economy policies are now hitting the economy, fuel prices are up, lumber is skyrocketting, jobs are lost. Russia just made an announcement about gold, gold will destroy the [CB].
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- Ep 2437b – Good Things Sometimes Take Time, It Had To Be Done According To The Rule Of Law →
Dave, just for your information, your feed is breaking up. Maybe tech issue, maybe not. Just a heads up.
What will happen if you have one bitcoin valued for 50,000.00 and then the dollar is devalued and the central bank goes kaput? And what tactics will the CB use to put a stop to bitcoin?
Dave re Bitcoin…ask the audience do you want a system where the Banks control the world via FIAT and the Reset, Or do you want to be your own bank, ? with you in control, ? Bitcoin is your bank and your freedom from Fiat.
The ships name is Ever Given, not Evergreen…
Oakland is nothing but crackheads and prostitutes. It is a very, very low and run down city. This mayor is white and she is obviously liberal and has white regret. This is ridiculous and all they are doing is dumbing people down, making them look stupid and forever dependent on this government. We need to burn down the satanic Washington D.C. and the demonic monument.