Ep 2437b – Good Things Sometimes Take Time, It Had To Be Done According To The Rule Of Law
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Trump and the patriots are doing everything according to the rule of law. Optics are very important, if Trump went after the MSM/SM and the [DS] it would look like a political hit. Trump is waiting for the states to do their job, they are now inspecting the election, passing laws and [NP] is doing exactly what Trump wants. Trump is planning to take it all, he is going after the house and the senate. Good things sometimes take time.
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- ← Ep 2437a – A Major Move Was Just Made Against The [CB] Fiat Currency
kek… dont understand…
biden/others did fraud/treason/coup/other things, military/Trump has it all… dont need triggers…
this “part” should be done by (i debate with “friends”) July3…?? im hoping soon…
border is a “crisis”/trigger, military will act??… snowball gets bigger.
The more I listen to the X22 report, the more I believe that Trump and the American people will succeed. He is right, that we must show the people as they will not figure it out on their own.
Fantastic love your post Dave. Thank you once again God Bless
Dave, I’ve followed you since occupy Wall Street. You have officially jumped the shark. What is happening is not part of anyone’s plan other than the deep state. You really need to re-evaluate what you are espousing as truth when all facts point to the opposite direction.
Your web page is absolutely fabulous! Not that I am surprised.
I would like to convey, that the “little guys,” (vets, retirees, etc… have yet to get a stimulus check. Beans, rice, PB&J, and bologna are the norm here. After helping my neighbors through the long month of March, which has another week to go, I have $0.06 in my bank account. The point is that emphasizing folks should go out and buy silver or whatever… it is hard to be cheerful about that. Seriously. We can’t afford a Dairy Queen. It rubs us kinda the wrong way, and we feel more “forgotten “ than ever. Most don’t have a vehicle. Food for thought. Freedom of speech?
optics are not important. TRUTH is. If the Patriots are “in control” and they have everything, there is no reason to take action. Now we’re being stymied by the MSM. please. What happened to the EO on election interference. All this stuff about space force and waiting for the DS to fire the first shot and Durham? seems like a good psy-op gone bad. The election proved there is no rule of law saw why do we have to act like we are following something that does not exist. If you go back to your shows in the past you were saying if Trump doesn’t get back in we will never have another shot. Now he’s putting pieces in place in the congress? 3 movies playing all at once, huh. D5, Patriots in control. You have moved the goal post so many times. It would be more honest of you if you just said, “i dont know what the fuck is going on either guys.” You are breaking the Universal Law of Confusion my friend. I know you won’t address any of these points and maybe you are right in what you say but the only optic I see is the DS destroying our planet
Has anyone else noticed the new shoes that all of these ‘migrants’ are wearing?
Hey Dave:
Evergreen is the name of the shipping company that owns the ship,,not the name of the ship,,,Check out the company,,you will find out some interesting things I`m sure.
This evergreen incident is going to blossom into something of Gargantuan…….
Take time? Maybe like 4 years? By about 2024? Like it would even matter by then. I think it is TIME for you just to give it up.
I know plenty of people who don’t see it. Long time liberals. Some are even antivaxers. Yet they believe all of the bad things that were said about Trump and none about Biden because all that has been censored. When anons or people who say they are anons lie or make things up, we lose credibility. Like a bad game of gossip.
I would sure like to get your reports, why can’t you send them to me ? Even on this mail, where is 37 b ? I’ve been searching the Internet is the only way to hear them ? Thanks anyway ? Alan L.
I used to follow your news after the presidential inauguration . I was hoping it was true when you said the truth will be broadcast to public and US military was behind all this investigation that some corrupt people from the left will be prosecuted and the election fraud will be proven. After all that news and made us believed , nothing happened and we’re all waiting for the truth. But I’ve lost in believing in your news coz they never happened what you said would happen that Trump will come back and take over after the truth is revealed !! Look what’s happening .. we’re suffering with all the changes the new admin is implementing .
You are full of shut…stop spewing it out. Q said “THE ELECTIONS ARE SAFE!!!!!!!” He never said the elections are safe in 2022 and 2024. You are a fucking bold faced liar. I notice you said it with even more conviction tonight than in the past. Are you starting to believe your lies? Put the post up of Q….the PSYOP saying what you said. You will see you are WRONG and I am right. Fuck me the more you talk the more I realize we have all been played, but hey keep selling your shit…..oh ya as for fake, as you mentioned it enough, your show is…totally fake and you are full of shit.
You lying cocksucker, burn in hell you and your piece of shit Q you fucking garbage.
This is preparation for the Reset. They are sufficiently weakening us for the kill. Nothing has changed. They still own the media and the bureaucracy. It doesn’t matter what we know. Millions who lives under communism knew the truth just like we do. They couldn’t do anything g about it. The Chinese owned Evergreen container ship owned by Mitch Mconnells father in law that’s blocking the Suez Canal, is Chinese corporate warfare. Like the two hundred Chines fishing vessels that have taken control of Filipino fishing waters the Evergreen container has been run aground as part of the destruction of the worlds fossil fuel supplies. They are in control, not us. It doesn’t matter what we know or think. They are in control.
“WAKE THE PEOPLE UP”,…” THE PEOPLE NEED TO BE RED PILLED “,…they are,…they were,…that’s why trump won by a landslide,…”HE NEEDED THE PEOPLE BEHIND HIM”,…they are,…they were,…that’s why trump won by a landslide,…he had the belief, and support,…by a landslide,…but trump PISSED ON THE PEOPLE,…HIS SUPPORTERS,…and walked away from the ELECTION STEAL WITHOUT A FIGHT,…and on to the golf course.
The new walk “away campaign”,…is not away from the dem o rats,…but from trump,…people looking for and needing a new leader,… that won’t lie to the people,…about indictments coming soon, arrests coming soon, military tribunals coming soon, jailing in Gitmo coming soon,…and all the allegations of treasonous seditious criminal traitors,…without ever producing any evidence,…optics are important,…the optics are,…trump abandon his supporters,…and GAVE US BIDEN AND HARRIS.
This video won’t run … but running on Bitchute. FYI
FACTS: The SHIPPING LINE (Company) is called EVERGREEN. All their container ships have that painted LARGE on the hull. And Same word was/is HRC’s Secret Service codename. HOWEVER, the Ship That is Stuck in Suez has a different name: “Ever Given”.
SPECULATION: We can speculate why the Secret Service code-name HRC as “Evergreen”. Did they know something, even WAY back when? Hm.
“I am a Canadian, a free Canadian, free to speak without fear, free to worship God in my own way, free to stand for what I think right, free to oppose what I believe wrong, free to choose those who shall govern my country. This heritage of freedom I pledge to uphold for myself and all mankind.”
The Right Honourable John G. Diefenbaker, Prime Minister of Canada,
House of Commons Debates, July 1, 1960.
[New immigrants used to receive a copy of this, “on becoming a Citizen of Canada”. I wonder how many elected officials would stand in public & read this aloud, today.]
Biden was put in place to be tossed under the bus, to be 25th’ed, while allowing the fraudulent Dems/Rinos to stay in place. It’s not going to work but that isn’t going to stop them from doing it. The sacrifice is useless. Too late.
Great shows Dave keep up the good work fellow patriot
May God bless you all for bringing out the TRUTH👍✝️Keep going🥷🥷
SO ELECTION LAWS ARE BEING CHANGED? BFD! What difference does that make? They already broke damn near every state election “laws” that is in place already! AND WHAT HAPPENED? The “courts” more or less IGNORED IT! THE COURTS MORE OR LESS MADE THERE VOTING FRAUD LEGAL! The DEEP STATE and the DEMOCRATS DO NOT follow Laws OR the Constitution anyway! Haven’t You NOTICED? I’m “absolutly certain ” that taking millions of votes from Trump and “switching them to Biden WITH THE COLLUSION OF foreign governments is IS NOT LEGAL! IF FACT IT IS TREASON! YET NOTHINGS HAPENS TO THESE PEOPLE! Biden is a USURPER! HE HAS NO LEGAL RIGHT TO BE occupying the office of president!! Yet it woukd apear that he will be there FOREVER if that’s the Deep State wants! THE DEEP STATE COUNTS THE VOTES! THEY HAVE COMPLETE CONTROL OF THE ELECTION PROCESS! WE WILL NEVER VOTE these people out! WHY IN THE HELL should the Democrat’s follow ANY laws? They got “away” with it this time!~. They DON”T give a damn what laws we pass?. WHY should they? We let them brag them with impunity, and NO ONE IS EVER PROSECUTED!
Oh sure the people will “wake up”. SO WHAT! What good is simply “knowing” when you HAVE NO POWER to change anything? THE DEEP STATE COUNTS THE VOTES!” THESES PEOPLE HAVE ALL THE POWER! BIDEN CONTROLS THE MILITARY AND CHINA CONTROLS BIDEN! What the hell diffrence does it make if we “protest” or take them to court, or VOTE? It Is all irelevant NOW. YOUR VOTE No LONGER MATTERS! THE Courts are BEING CONTROLED by the deep state. What if we Protest? Biden can always send the military out and kill us all! THE ONLY SOLUTION IS A MILITARY SOUTION! BUT “THis” MILTARY NEEDS TO BE A “military” on THE PaTRIOTS SIDE! IT WILL require armies and bloodshed, FACE IT! The so-called”patriots” better be ready to fight and KILL, becauce you can sure as hell bet the deep state will do the same to them! The deep state has us right where they want us! TALKING TALKING TALKING, AND NO ACTION! THE KNOW we won’t won’t do annything BECAUCE WE NEVER HAVE BEFORE! UNTILL THIS CHANGES , there is NO HOPE! We can’t “talk “our way out of this!
The border crisis is a continuation of the Obama/Biden Policies from before, and it’s all Human trafficking and child paedophilia that’s been a major problem in this country and worldwide. It goes back as far a 1974 Capta “law” put into place by the DOJ and the Nixon administration and continued on through the 80’s and Hilary was involved in this from that far back. The system was set up trafficking in persons for a very long time and it’s now coming forward, the msm and hollywood have been involved, and yes the people are pissed off, CPS/Family courts have been involved in this for a long time as well. These are private corporations not “government” acting in any capacity for the people, they’re lying to the people, corporations aren’t supposed to run the “government ” like they assume they can, there rules are for there employees, not the public. Same as the private “courts” that are not courts of common law, they’re using admiralty law of commerce, to unjustly enrich themselves at the people’s expense,makes it all Fraud, and fraud vitiates everything. Miranda v Arizona, no law can be passed to abrogated the rights of the people, meaning the legislature doesn’t have the authority to pass “law”,they pass statute for employees of the corporation not government. The fraud is everywhere, in everything, the dems want to keep the system in play for more crimes against humanity, and the border crisis makes this more so, because these people haven’t a clue as to what they’re stepping into, they think that it’s going to get easier, but they’re walking into a trap and don’t know it, they assume that the free stuff and asylum are going to get them more prosperity. This was being resolved under Trump and the Dems created the “he’s a Racist” because of the Wall he requested and had built and Biden just killed that for the specific reason of trafficking in persons. Yeah, that’s sounds about right about that ship stuck in the suaez canal, let’s wait and see, I wouldn’t doubt. The dems are using the Jim Crow era as a backdrop to claim it’s the Republican’s when it’s the Democrats doing this.Why else would they want to pass HR1? That ain’t gonna happen.
Congress were the ones creating the insurrection on the inside by certifying a stolen election and the proof is there, it’ll come out. He never conceded the election to Biden,he just left. They inaugurated Biden and Harris 12 minutes before the actual time by law and they did Harris first not Biden. And where were the 80 million who “voted” for Biden?
Shepherds Chapel with the late Pastor Arnold Murray. Chapter by chapter verse by verse teaching of God’s Word from the King James Bible. Find out what you haven’t been taught. There is a foundation that you need to know. What was, what is, and what is to come. Bible prophesy is like reading tomorrows news. If you want to know why we are living a reality you never would have dreamed of just 3 years ago, and you feel a gnawing inside filled with anxiety, then perhaps what you need is to spend a little time with God in His Word. The time is short. With reality seeming stranger than fiction why wouldn’t you at least want to know what is coming that nothing can stop. It’s your soul. Don’t be decieved or distracted.
ABSOLUTELY,.. when leaders lie the people are not going to get behind someone who has lied to them, OR TRUST THEM ANY MORE.
Biden lies about the border,.. YUP,.and so much more.
trump, and Q, have lied to the people,.. with all the propaganda that the people were led to believe the arresting of the treasonous seditious criminal TRADERS,…was coming SOON,…BUT,…ITS THE PEOPLE’S,…THE SUPPORTERS, FAULT THAT THEY ARE DISAPPOINTED,…BECAUSE THEY GOT THEIR EXCEPTIONS UP TO HIGH,….( translation it’s the people’s fault for being disappointed because they are so GULLIBLE ).
Excellent commentary Dave!!
Listen to every episode!!
I highly recommend the video with Dr. Vernon Coleman called, “The Most Important Video I Will Ever Make,” which can be found on Brighteon. Also go to http://www.vernoncoleman.com, or http://www.vernoncoleman.org. Dr. Coleman issues a dire warning about the COVID vaccines.
Another excellent short documentary that exposes the dangerous side effects of the COVID vaccines is called “Humanity Must Decide,” and was produced by Sarah Westall – sarahwestall.com. This video also
discusses all the effective cures that already exist for COVID, which proves that there is no need for a
Thank you!
I want to see the dems, totally exposed!!!
It ain’t over!