Ep 2438b – Crimes Against Children Unite All Humanity, A Deep Dark World Is Being Exposed
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Trump and the patriots are exposing the deep dark world of the Ds/MSM and the [DS]. The world is not agreeing with what they are seeing. The [DS] is now allowing minors who cross the border to be cared by individuals with no background check. What we are witnessing is the plan unfolding right in front of our eyes. The patriots are now in the process of exposing their entire system.
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- ← Ep 2438a – [CB] Legal Immunity Stripped, Nobody Escapes
- Good Morning News – RP78 Morning Show 11:30-12:30pm →
Ironically, โpotatoโ is a slang term for technology that is either super slow or useless, both of which fit #CreepyJoe.
Why is Trump promoting the “vaccines” when he was cured by HCQ and other therapeutics? He has also said that his family would not be vaccinated.
I read within the past week his son-in-law actually was vaccinated. The veracity of this report needs to be checked. If true, and it’s purely voluntary right now, that raises a whole new set of questions here.
I get that Trump can reverse a lot of the damage caused by Biden and his team but what about all those children who have now been trafficked into a living hell? What about those people who have taken the vaccine and had their health permantly impaired as a result? Is it just put down to collateral damage? I realise that in a war, tactics are vital but so is human life.
I agree with your concerns all the way. I was exposed to early childhood trauma that involved hypnosis, inoculation, spiritual warfare, and narcissistic abuse. Needless to say, I have turned from victim to survivor day by day thanks be to God, but I am still undergoing therapy and deal with PTSD and the meds I take to counteract it all. I also worry about all those indoctrinated in the education system! Now we got lil marxists running around in school.
As i said many time to X22 because he avoids that issue or any other issue with his eternal “bring to the precipice”… we are also pawns in the “Plan”. They are ready and willing to sacrifice a part of humanity. The more it goes with all these truthers, the more it becomes with time, more and more like hope-ium, Here hope-ium is just replace with “the Plan” and “bring to the precipice”. X22 is not entirely honest when he refers to Keanu Reeve performance in “bring to the precipice” – He doesn’t say when the Alien say that few civilization averted the precipice. (because of the “normies”, covert-ness, lies and ignorance) DDANG it!
tomale harris cant be prez. her case is much more obvious than obama and his was covered up totally
The X22report site is simply the best news out there today.
Easy listening, informative and relaxing.
Trump and the patriots are in control.
Will all this happen before or after the “vaccined” expose us to super strains of the virus and they die from the vaccine and the non-vaccinated die from the super strains?
Thank you, Thank you. I wait every evening to get that spark of hope from your broadcasts. It is truly most appreciated. From a Patriot in Vermont!!
That’s all fine and dandy about updating state election law but what good it is as long as the Dominion and Smartmatic voting machines are still intact?
The thing that cannot be undone is lost lives, life savings, or prison. The collateral damage from this plan is massive. Maybe it would have been more the other way but current leaders / patriots are squandering the power millions of Trump supporters. Instead of pacifying them, why have they not created a platform for even a fraction of them to advocate against bureaucrats, politicians, companies, and other entities who are stealing their rights. 5-10 million people reacting through emails, phone calls, in person or on social media simultaneously would have an immediate effect. Instead you and they act like cheerleaders and keep us pacified. You encourage us not to cancel, when in fact it might make an immediate difference. We are already awake — the left may never get it. Leaders and you are wasting time and lives.
In the meantime, upmost puts out the vax passport
I live in the middle of the DFW metroplex in Texas. People everywhere are still wearing masks. Businesses and their employees are still wearing masks. They still have signs at many stores saying you have to wear a mask to enter. Unfortunately the media’s fear mongering worked.
The sadness of Children behind bars of freedom.
The sorrow of broken hearts knowing thereโs no freedom.
The child hope is gone when indentured servitude is for them.
Terror reaches other children for ageless fluids.
Timeless sexual enslavement awaits the rest of the Border Children.
Rise up America and save those innocent children.
We are the power and compassion with Love for all children.
Itโs ingrained in us for protect them, so stop this traffic.
Trump is a very smart man. I applaud his policies that actually helped the American people.
You are so interesting, Dave! And spot on. I love love love listening to you.
Question: what are the people waking up to exactly? Is it just an election fraud? A global elite that want to take over the world with the great reset?
Why did Trump declassify the JFK files? Why is that so important to understanding this complicated part of our history? What was in those envelopes at Bush Senior’s funeral? How far back does this go and what were Trump’s promises made to JFK Jr. Why the magazine, George? Bloodlines? Satanic cults….? Children being sacrificed. Dark… and maybe too dark for your show… but what the people are waking up to, and what you’re skimming off the surface, is a reality that is SOOO mind blowing that is surprising how many people I know are understanding this. It’s satanic history goes way way way back. But Bush Sr and Prescott Bush are an easy place to start. Indeed a scary shit show that is also the greatest show in history. If we get thru this (we will) we’ll witness and have testimony to surviving armageddon. This is the beast. Children sacrifice is the beast that has fed satan to this point. Biblical. And it’s just starting but going to end sometime soon
(I hope). ๐
Psalm 91. Read for your family.
Thanks for your everything!
I can appreciate President Trump wanting to do the honorable thing however my concern has to do with Trump waiting too long to act. Yes, he may be doing the right thing, but the DS certainly won’t. As the patriots wait, the DS is busy behind the scenes trying to foresee Trump’s steps. Hence, my “fear” has to do with him waiting too long. Will it be too late? I certainly pray not.
You’re stalling, Dave. Nothing is happening. BTW: where’s Q? I mean, mental masturbation is fun – but YEARS of it?? ๐
The previous post is what I wrote as a Prose in Poetrysoup.com
here’s the Video that’s appropriate
-Dexter I Greener
It would be so nice to have a X22report T shirt or ball cap!
I heard that there’s an issue with Harris becoming president if they impeach Biden. They say she might not be eligible.
I pray you are right!
I have reached My Point!!
With the size of the ds…
I am sick of waiting for everyone else..
One cannot live day to day waiting for.. More info to come out!!
The layers are never ending!!
Again???? I have emailed you and commented in here about you repeatedly saying Trump went to ‘The Alamo.’ HE DID NOT GO TO ‘THE ALAMO’!!!!!!! ‘The Alamo’ is in SAN ANTONIO, Texas. That is about 250 MILES NORTH of where Trump went and gave a speach.
Trump went to the Rio Grande Valley where the border is. The border is the Rio Grand River. The little town he went to is called Alamo, Texas.
IT IS NOT ‘THE ALAMO.’ ‘THE ALAMO’ is an old church/fort in San Antonio 250 or so miles NORTH of the area Trump spoke at.
How is it possible you STILL after so many times being told this; repeat that idiotic statement????
With all these undocumented children crossing into USA no checks on their carer’s, we should soon see younger looking Congress persons, Hollywood stars and Executive branch people, ..adrenochrome.
is it not obvious that we are now in a supernatural, spiritual war?
Hello David,
I don’t know if I’m over analyzing the stuck container ship situation but I wanted to share with you my thoughts. The ship is stuck in the Suez canal (suez=zeus), his equivalent in roman gods is jupiter, jupiter is now the brightest star just above the horizon line before sunrise, the end of night and start of day. Looks like we have our dark to light sign here.
Serious question: if or once people are woken, and those who have been forced or manipulated into taking the vaccine, does anyone know if there is something being created or delivered to counteract the (unknown or potentially poisonous ingredients from the vaccine!?) My biggest fear is my daughter who is part of the Blind youth taking this monstrosity and the Countless lives of innocent people who have and are suffering or have devastatingly LOSS their lives due to these DS evil barbarians!!!
Dave,…God damned it! You had me 100 percent for a very long time. I can’t tell you how many people I turned on to your sites for the last 5 years. Something changed around election time and it made me think of Alex Jones. Either someone got to you or your feelers are way off. You’ve never lied to me. You’ve guessed and made assumptions,..but you always left it off with “we’ll see what happens”. There have been multiple times you’ve been spot on and other times a little off, but you’ve never made a grand statement/argument which you stood behind,….and kept rolling with it,…which I believe you couldn’t be further from the truth. That’s why I threw in The Alex Jones reference. I know the Mossad got to him and he quit mentioning them when he talked about 911. He changed the perpetrators over to the Chinese and Saudi Arabia.
You are entirely off when you talk about the reason the fence was erected around the Capitol and White House and why the National Guard is there.
If you care to know more as to why I am upset with you please email me back with a quick “Hi Steve,..why do you feel this way” kind’ve response.
I don’t want to unload and waste time if I don’t think you’re reading your subscribers emails. I just want to see if we can’t communicate and maybe clear the air.
Hope to hear from you Dave,
Corrupt judges always been main problem –& could end much chaos in the usa
Dave, love your show!!
How will Trump reverse all of the illegal immigrants that are here in our country?
Thank you!!
President Trump did not issue an excutive order for bump stocks, the atf did it on their own!
Thank you sooo much for ALL that you’re doing for us The USA, and ALL of humanity! I got a video yesterday from Pastor James of James Redpills America. It was about an undercover man that videoed a woman that was having a baby to be sold for trafficking! Of ANY KIND! EVEN TO BE TORTURED AND MURDERED. But the woman didn’t know that when he talked to the trafficker that acquires these children that they don’t just get the child! Since the mother is in their facility having her child, they then drug her and she is sent to brothels as well. No money as planned! They all end up either tortured, murdered alive for organs, murdered during sex, they become addicted to the drugs they dope them with, and they commit suicide! The end is always in just a few years and always death in a horrible way! In this video the under cover person was able, over months of talking to the mother, to convince her to give the baby up for adoption! I didn’t sleep much last night! I mainly stayed up crying and praying for the children to be found! Also for those people to totally be found and exposed! Remember 17 post about Alice and wonderland? Well remember SCOTUS RBG? The men of wonderland =S.A. are the ones that usually get these children and MERCHANDISE THEM! RBG was pushing for those men to be able to marry 4 to 7 year old girls HERE like they DO in wonderland! They use them for wealthy men around the world like J. E.’s clients and Alice’s husband. Their foundation / shipping containers / EVERGREEN code name! There are 4 BIG places in Europe that are having these brothels. Which are really death markets! He said Germany, Belgium, Poland – 2 in city and out. He mentioned Ukraine – remember the ambassador during the Mueller event? When she wore the scarf and had the bandaid on her third finger. Like Podesta hurt finger and Maria Abramovich doing the painting on that wall with human blood and explaining about cutting the third finger in a sacrifice. She’s a friend of Alice, & family, Obama’s, Bidens, and most politicians like Podesta and Hollywood! I’m praying people will open their eyes, ears, and their hearts to these poor babies torture! In Jesus Name! God Bless you! Thank you again! Look and see if you can find his video. Ann from Alabama here! ๐๐๐๐บ๐ธ๐
Just more utter bullshit from you Davie boy…nothing new, Durham….precipice. Same shit just recycled. I see others above are waking up to your horseshit. good to see I am not alone…keep pumping your shit to the sheeple
Pure horseshit night adter night. Try to come up with some origianl lies daveryboy. this shit is getting very old. Surely no one beleives any of this shit anymore do they. I see you have some comments that purpot to believe you…they are likely just bots, as no one could be so stupid as to believe your worthless garbage anymore.
I laugh when you say “I think” there will be another prosecuter….oh yes we have had 2 years of sweet fuck all from durham, the white knight all you fuckin hope prn maggots have been ushing for two years. Now you say there could be another secretive prosecutor….how much more fuckin secret than /durham…2 years of nothing. go sell yer shit and stop lying to sheeple you fucking delusional maggot.
There is another reason why big cities are rethinking their “defund the police” position. They used the months-long campaign by BLM/Antifa to subject their officers to constant physical and moral attacks, with city government frequently not backing them in their defensive actions. Then the police hear about city govt defunding their department so they begin taking early retirement, retiring w/PTSD problems, or looking for employment elsewhere. What’s happening when that occurs is the cities involved, who are supposedly rethinking their defunding rhetoric, are actually using this opportunity to hire new officers to replace those who left. Hire new officers with maybe just a “little” criminal involvement in their past (this actually happened by error w/the LAPD some years ago) – or just not paying much attention to the background investigations (if they even have them) for their new officers. What they’ll get for new officers will be products of the new educational system with situational ethics, who will actually agree w/BLM’s and Antifa’s positions on many things. In addition, because so many of these new officers will have had an uncaring or even radical home life before applying, and have no reverence for individual rights and the sanctity of the Constitution, they’ll fall right under the spell of the city administration and its mayor, and will obey any order or instruction from them no matter how bizarre or illegal or unconstitutional because their employer is telling them to do so. They will have never heard of Nuremberg and how blaming your chain of command for your following an illegal order is a failed defense.
“Rethinking” defunding the police is actually another word for refilling the depleted ranks with liberal-minded anti-Constitutionalist officers who will be lackeys of the city administration rather than supporters, upholders of, and enforcers of Constitutional rights of the average citizen. Witness the many hundreds of incidents where the PD stood by and let citizens be assaulted in various cities. It’s what the cities want.
So we have people that support Abortion sending children from other countries to places unknown with people with no back ground check?What is wrong with this picture?
Ally’s voice and words here, link also on MyPatriotsNetwork, was very good. the word: Precipice.
to my knees, i pray and cry.