Ep 2445b – Boomerang, [DS] Was Tricked & Trapped, Next Phase Coming, Control Returns To The People
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The [DS] has fell right in into the trap that the patriots set. Everything is now boomeranging on them and they cannot stop it. The people are taking back control and the patriots plan to take back the country is moving forward. The [DS] players never saw this coming, they looked left while the patriots went right, the prepared for an event that never happened. Trump has always said that we are a nation of laws, the constitution is the way forward.
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- ← Ep 2445a – Now You Can See It All, Yellen Makes Her Move, Cover Story Initiated
- Ep 2446a – The People Will Finally See Through The [CB] Narrative, Planned A Long Time Ago →
Soon ,…
We already know there was election fraud. The ballots were messed with. We don’t have to wait to find out.
Stupid Democrats. They are claiming we are in for a Solar Flare when the entire world knows we are headed for a Solar Minimus. Nice try idiots.
Hi!!! Dave,
Thank you for all your hard work. I cannot complete my everyday without listening to your podcasts.
I listen to every word you say. You are very well at keeping listeners attention. Just want to say Thank you from my Patriot ❤️ heart.
Best President EVER!! Thank you Dave. God Bless and stay safe
If Trump got 80% of the vote, or, 80% of the vote on Election Day as some circles say, that sure sounds like the populace flexing it’s muscle to me. I’m still looking for the payoff on my vote.
Get rid of Biden and Co. then we can get into playing the long game of boycotts.
Hello Dave. My husband and I reside with our 2 children in Mahwah, NJ. We look forward to settling down to your show every evening and on Sundays. I was very disheartened today that I had to close my PayPal account (and Mastercard), along with my very profitable Etsy shop that I’ve used as a creative outlet for the past 3 years. We have reached the precipice long ago with all of the events unfolding, but the hitting back at the implementation of Voter ID laws after an unbelievably fraudulent election was a resounding slap in the face for all Americans. I refuse to patronize any business who does not have the best interest of We the People at heart. I pray that more and more of us will stand together to fight against this egregious behavior of politicians and major corporations who seem to have the attitude that we “need” them. No, I do believe that they need us, and it’s time for us to show the entire world. Thank you for your hard work and dedication, Dave, in getting this information out to the people. It’s a much needed shot in the arm.
Why is Wolf never mentioned by name anymore regarding the nursing home crime??? He and Levine…
Thanks Dave…I’m wondering if you follow any of the scientific podcasts on YouTube. Suspicious Observers is a favorite of mine. While the DS could blame a solar storm to justify for their corruption, a CME, is a very real thing, that many of us keep track of. It would be REAL, and I would think, DS couldn’t fake.
The prison system have been using the ‘divide and conquer’ tactics for years. If they keep the blacks, whites, or whomever fighting each other, they can successfully control 3 or 4 thousand inmates with a couple hundred guards. If all the inmates united it would be very difficult to control them.
THE ONLY way to wake up the people…even many Patriots who consider themselves awake…IS to show them the actual proof of what the monsters are doing. Show them the arrests and convictions. If people don’t see the horrible proof and those responsible actually being convicted …it’s over.
Dave, love your show.
An unexpected disclosure?
The solar storm you’re referring to is called a micro-nova that repeat every ~12k years, would cause global flooding and a ‘pole reversal’. Sounds woo woo but it’s backed up by a lot of science. It’s expected around 30 or so years apparently.
Amy Coney Barrett is a deepstate operative. She was planted by the DS. She will be indicted for treason and crimes against humanity by the military. Some say she might be Biden’s daughter the one that died in the car accident. Trump was very distraught and he could not believe that he was played e thought he could count on her and so did We the People. Check into this. She played us all!
Hey wolf of pennsylvania nursing home name that peodaphile. You never name wolf.
Actionable on 4/11
Re Daily Mail solar storm story, they posted similar story Jan26/17 and March13/18. Prayers for unity… every day it gets closer! Blessings to all.
X22 , the point you make about hitting them in the pocket books and depriving them of making money sounds right in a normal world but , I know for a fact that the AFA ” American Family Association ” has has an on going boy cot of Target for the last 5 years over men using women’s restrooms and Target lost 2 million patrons and a lot more business but they still won’t respond to the boycott . Coca Cola is already losing money over asking their white employees to act more black but they keep right on with it . I think it is going to take war to make these bastards see that they are not going to put us in concentration camps like they are wanting . If the military does not make a move to help and God doesn’t send a miracle then war is the only solution .
Thank you for the information!
The Damage Biden regime has done will take a decade to repair! Biden has turned the country into a borderless country! inviting criminals and diseased aliens.
Biden will go down in History as the worst President ever to serve Even Worse then Obama! He stole the election right from his basement head quarters USING CORONA WITH CHINESE TO PREVENT AND STOP TRUMP FROM WINNING AND-not campaigning ! Knowing all along that sacks of votes Ballots will be dropped off in the late midnight hours by his communist associates /Antifa/ BLM and all his radical groups!! The Military will be the life SAVIOR of 🇺🇸 USA! AND ALL THE DEEP STATE PLAYERS WILL BE ARRESTED
Never in my life time would I ever think this would occur . As a retired Federal Officer 👮♀️ and 100% disabled combat veteran I PRAY THAT THESE EVIL GROUPS WILL HAVE THEIR DAY IN COURT!AND LET THE CHIPS FALL WHERE THEY MAT AND JUSTICE CARRIED OUT!
Please use this and let the world know how this VETERAN SEE IT!!!!!