Ep 2452b – Strength In Numbers, The Power Of The People, Trump Sends Message, Plus, Plus, Plus
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The [DS] is now losing it’s power. The people are now flexing their muscles, there is strength in numbers, the power of the people are returning. Step back and look at what is going on, look at the entire plan from a 40,000 foot view, you can see what’s really happening. Trump sends a message, we are not going to take it anymore.
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- ← Ep 2452a – [CB] Panics, System Imploding, Millions Of People Begin The Transition
- Charlene & Ty – The Establishment Has Been Holding Back Cures For Cancer →
Can’t watch video. Keep getting meager Encoding Video and nothing happens. Help..
Keep getting head that says Encoding Video and nothing happens. Help
Very few died of the flu either. They died of PNEUMONIA!
What is “privawesson central bank”. Is it private western central bank?
Dave, I am very curious as to why Q decided to go dark at such a critical time. Was a reason ever given that makes any sense? We are at a crossroad in time and space! The world we live in hangs in the balance! It would be a plus, plus, plus to know he is still with us! Thanks and appreciate you very much!
With Luciferian Loon Globalist Gates having investments in Big Pharma (AstraZeneca for one) it’s probable his untested experimental substance being called a vaccine, I have little to no doubt, his jabs contain mercury, aluminum, luciferase, mRNA, a sterilizing agent, a nanochip that works with 5G, and a nasty disease of a variety. Agenda 21- depopulation. Big Pharma rakes in the cash with diseases, not cures that fit perfectly with the elite Globalists.
Daunte Wright and all of the others are crisis actors. Watch the video very carefully and you will see that the Sgt. is laughing, Wright is not read his rights, he is never handcuffed, there were no sounds of gunshots and he drove off. Re Nazi Germany: These are the same people, the same families. Hitler didn’t die but went to Argentina along with Mengele and many others. The Clowns brought Werner Von Braun and others into the U.S. knowing they were Nazis. Scott McKay had 2-part interview with Miki Klann and she showed everything that has been going on astrologically. Incredibly accurate! I’m sure you heard that they found both live and dead persons aboard the Ever Given.
Love it, Dave! Thank you. I read an article in Real Raw News that Hilary Clinton had been arrested a few days ago and is at a military tribunal at Gitmo. Any chance that this might be true IF THERE IS A GOD IN HEAVEN??? I have trouble discerning what’s true and what’s wishful thinking these days. Others have been arrested too according to RRN. Whaaaat will happen next in this movie we’re watching?
Crazy, the flu shot every year (most people get), and look at those numbers. And the flu this year was non existent! Hmmm…and let’s see, they used to say mask, wash your hands and don’t touch your face. Now they just say mask up. Give me a break!
You just said Trump’s plan is working…here is a refresher for you you fucking idiot….40,000 foot view we can see what Trump’s trying to do…oh boy can we ever…..he is part of the pan cock breath, sadly not for our fucking side you fucking Neanderthal queer. Things are not right????? People waking up. fuckoff homo. 100 million awoke Americans voted for trump what the fuck good did that do. Nothing, just like the shit you spew day after day.
I am so fucking sick of your crypto currency bullshit…along with your precipice garbage. the USA is imfuckingploding, crime everywhere the nigger that killed Ashley Babbit not even named and they closed the investigation. Meanwhile the attractive white lady cop that greased that fucking NIGGER thug is charged with second degree murder….TRUMP’s fucking plan…..ya if he hated the USA it is a wonderful fucking plan you ignorant fucking cock sucking mutant idiot .
Some body needs to do something soon! People are not hearing enough of the truth. Either that, or they are becoming complacent, which is worse! I run into folks every day who have no idea what has happened in the last few months. They must be put into a position to where they have to listen. Shut down the media and get the EBS up. Get the truth out there!
Hello, Dave. One thing that bugs me about your presentations is, sometimes, when you talk about Q post # whatever, but you do not show the Q post. Please show every Q post while you are talking about it.
I am so fucking sick of your crypto currency bullshit…along with your precipice garbage. the USA is imfuckingploding, crime everywhere the nigger that killed Ashley Babbit not even named and they closed the investigation. Meanwhile the attractive white lady cop that greased that fucking NIGGER thug is charged with second degree murder….TRUMP’s fucking plan…..ya if he hated the USA it is a wonderful fucking plan you ignorant fucking cock sucking mutant idiot .
I really like your take on the political realm we are in. Keep up the great work! I listen to you every day and I’m amazed at how you see things and explain them. You’re doing a awesome job!!!
In January 2014 Austrian police declared one third of Viennas Inner City to an exclusion zone. Busloads and trainloads of psychopaths from the “Schwarzer Block” came from Hamburg and other german citys to vienna in order to DEMONstrate violently against the “Wiener Akademikerball” at the “Wiener Hofburg”. According to the newspaper “ÖSTERREICH” from Jan. 25th 2014 the exclusion zone was larger than the exclusion zone while George W. Bushs Visit to vienna in 2006. The “Schwarzer Block” were and are the most radical Antifas of Europe. After destroying many shopping windows in Viennas Inner City at the “demonstration” in 2014, art students and professors rendered the building of the Viennese Academy of Fine Arts for Shelter. The Antifa-criminals did hide there from the police.
“Artists”, the global scum! Callboys and callgirls of the Media and Politicians
dave. good day. can you do a show on simon parkes and charlie ward? not just errors remember even bitcoin ben said trump would be reelected potus in 2021. but some are saying they are assainated or they are being promoted to chief of staff. basivally expose their lies. thank you.
I’m going to be completely honest, I love our businesses but if our Corporations are going to play a quasi- government enforcer roll, I will never buy their products again. I won’t work for them, I won’t go to their events. Corporatism has no place in this country, or any country. We will not allow Corporations to hold us, or the people who work for them, for ransome.
Qanon.pub Q drops 1007, 122, 144 and 4620. Particularly 4620! Copy & post wherever possible. It reads like a checklist. Target! Target! TARGET all on list. Continue Boycotts! Start your own baseball teams! Do not go to restaurants or businesses that require masks or vaccine verifications!! Take off the mask… others will follow!
Let me guess ASS face…..it is all part of Trump’s plan to help America….you fucking shill idiot piece of human waste….Nice fucking plan letting communists run UNFUCKINGTETHERED over the good people of America…..just fuckin dandy…..
“House and Senate Planning to Introduce Legislation Thursday to Pack The Supreme Court
April 14, 2021 | Sundance | 240 Comments
Jerry ‘the penguin’ Nadler and Senator Ed Markey are planning to introduce legislation tomorrow to add four Supreme Court justices to the current bench. The objective is to bring a liberal bias to the high court by adding four leftist judges.”
Let me guess ASS face…..it is all part of Trump’s plan to help America….you fucking shill idiot piece of human waste….Nice fucking plan letting communists run UNFUCKINGTETHERED over the good people of America…..just fuckin dandy…..
“House and Senate Planning to Introduce Legislation Thursday to Pack The Supreme Court
April 14, 2021 | Sundance | 240 Comments
Jerry ‘the penguin’ Nadler and Senator Ed Markey are planning to introduce legislation tomorrow to add four Supreme Court justices to the current bench. The objective is to bring a liberal bias to the high court by adding four leftist judges.”
Let me guess …..it is all part of Trump’s plan to help America….you fucking shill idiot piece of human waste….Nice fucking plan letting communists run UNFUCKINGTETHERED over the good people of America…..just fuckin dandy…..
“House and Senate Planning to Introduce Legislation Thursday to Pack The Supreme Court
April 14, 2021 | Sundance | 240 Comments
Jerry ‘the penguin’ Nadler and Senator Ed Markey are planning to introduce legislation tomorrow to add four Supreme Court justices to the current bench. The objective is to bring a liberal bias to the high court by adding four leftist judges.”
I was so disappointed that x22 was no longer available on Spotify. What’s an alternative?
Thank you so much for your daily updates. When I listen to you it makes more sense and you explain it all so well. Thank you again for your hard work. God bless you and God bless America! 🇺🇸
Hi, with all the damage that the dems have caused and are causing , will you be able to reverse everything?
Dave, please show the text from which you’re reading. Keep up the good work!
Twisted Sister and Trump was from 6 years ago from a St. Judes fund raiser.
X22 is an endless vast array of knowledge. Thank you for putting it all together. Things are making more and more sense and becoming clearer and clearer. I’m one awakened American daughter… WWG1WGA
I appreciate you so much . thanks for everything.