Ep 2453b – People Are Approaching The Precipice, Once Completed, Nothing Can Stop This
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The [DS] is losing the narrative. The people are approaching the precipice. People in the swing states are blaming [JB] for the border crisis, laws were changed in these states. Rasmussen reports that 51% of the people believe that [JB] cheated in the election, 75% want the 2nd Amendment. The people are starting to flex their muscle, once the people reach the precipice, laws changed, then you expose the fraud.
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- ← Ep 2453a – [CB]s Can’t Stop The Transition, Panic, Desperation Sets In, Stay Alert
- Occam’s razor with RedPill78 & Craig Mason Ep. 80 →
Been watching for awhile now. I have to be honest. I am really getting edgy at my age. I am ready to die for President Trump and The Patriots. This is like wanting for the jump signal to jump from a plane. Keep up your great work with Q.. Take care stay safe.
How many times do we have to hear about reaching the precipice.
Many times we have been told this. I believe this is a excuse to keep this game going. Nothing is going to happen. Joe will continue to screw this country and hand us over to China. Get ready people for a royal screwing.
Thank you Dave. I watch you every night you are on. It’s been one hell of a trip. I am with you all the way. Your insite, research and the way you explain the workings of the DS keeps me nodding yes, yes yes.
I am 84 and never thought our country could be so corrupt. Following Q and the x22 report has tied everything together for me. I pass it along to my friends. As one Patriot to another God Bless President Trump and God Bless you Dave.
Sorry Dave but I don’t agree with you. I understand you want to give people hopium but Trump is not going to ride in on a white horse and save the day. The only thing that is going to save America is for people to wake up and start fighting back. Start saying no to masks, say no to vaccines and get involved in their local politics. I don’t believe there is this army of patriots with a game plan, the only plan is for people to wake and fight for their freedom.
Trump has the opportunity to turn this vaccine hysteria around by using his voice and tell the people that the vaccine was a mistake and it’s killing people and make it right. Problem is his pride is in his way, he takes total credit for warp speed and wants the world to know. He started this vaccine and only he can turn it around. However, he needs to act fast. You can message Trump at: 45office.com
He claims he wants to hear from you, maybe if enough people email him and tell him they lost a family member to the vaccine or have been seriously damaged he will get the message, we can only hope!
I’m sorry, love your work, however everything that was said has only been used against us. Yeah we are watching it, and it always works opposite of what we think. Maybe AI was against us and we get the privilege of front row seats that piss us off and more.
At what point do all of us acknowledge we were totally wrong, maybe Q was the bad guys telling us there plan? You know satanist. Have to tell you there plan. Are we not watching the evil side fulfill everything in the Q
Thank you very much Dave for enlightenment.
Arrests have been taking place in secret for well over three years. Learn more at AMG.NEWS – Indictments, Arrests, & Military Tribunals.
You should invite Dr. Judy Mikovitz to appear on the X22 Spotlight. Dr. Mikovits exposed the
dangerous research that Dr. Anthony Fauci has been doing for many years.
Lord have mercy.
Dolt boy, check to see which end your shit is coming out of. It might as well be your ass, trump gave up, everything he said would not happen to the USA is happening…what a great fucking plan. Oh ya that precipice, right minded folk are looking into the gorge thinking how the fuck could Trump let this happen…before they dive into the precipice and end their fucking lives you dishrag.
“People will wake up after they are pushed to the precipice”. If we don’t fall off!
The liberals are trying to increase our debt so that China can buy that debt and then foreclose on that debt and take over our country . Take away our weapons so that there is not a weapon behind every blade of grass and China can just walk in . Patriots wake up . Biden (or the people behind him ) are selling this this country to China
This is a long list
here is the address if you don’t want to read it below
Suggested Boycotts
Those CORPORATIONS that are coming out against Voter ID making voting fraud harder and favor voter fraud.
Major League Baseball Assn
The Democrat Party
JP Morgan Chase
United Airlines
Delta Airlines
Viacom CBS
Levi Strauss
Will Smith
Coca Cola
The following are the retailers who have discontinued selling Mike Lindell’s My Pillow
Bed Bath & Beyond
Dollar General
Kinney Drugs
JC Penney
Finger Hut
Mattress Firm
The Shopping Channel
Colony Brands
Sam’s Club
These companies/organizations are big donors to BLM/Antifa and those supporting and defending the rioters in our cities.
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38:10, “(…) he´s tryin´to take the weapons away from the american people”
In the Austrian county I live in, you can´t just buy a weapon. Authoritys decide, if one is allowed to own a rifle or pistol. Illegal owning of shotguns or pistols is beeing punished by law by 10 years prison. The population in the county is about 20.000. More than 1.000 people are registered hunters (deer); in order to hunt deer legally, the permission of the authoritys is required. Many farmers own inherited rifles. There are “Wilderer” (poachers?). So, though it´s very difficult for dissenters to get the permission for owning and using rifles or pistols legally, in this county the number of armed citizens is rather high; local media are attempting to criminalize armed citizens. And once authority gave permission, it´s difficult for them to take away guns from the people.
However, in our county rich of woods the number of Covid cases is strangely low…
SCOTUS is already playing political games ! There is NO ONE to trust…..even Trump has made some very questionable decisions that have played right into the play book of the deep state .
Why doesn’t anyone ever talk about how bad Bill Gates is? He’s is one of the masterminds behind the virus and pushing agenda 21 and 30.
Heck of a long walk to the “precipice”. On the other hand, it’s taken decades, generations to propagandize us & lead U.S. Citizens so far from the Constitution. But I gotta say, the birds have been singing in MY neck of the wood for a good 6 weeks & more now. “Que Sera Sera”. And DJT is the rightful president.
Hooray, I agree, make the fake news pay for their lies
Wow !!, it just get crazier and crazier great show today Dave
I love this pod cast. Keep up the good work. I don’t listen to the MSM at all except for weather and sports any other information they give is all lies as far as in concerned. Keep telling it like it is Dave.
Thanks Dave for putting this all into prospective…
Now we have some high-powered vaccine guy associated with Bill Gates trying to put a hold on vaccinations, which is going to give them the perfect excuse for more covid-19 lockdowns.