Ep 2457b – Confirmed, Patriots Have It All, Good People Are Acting On The Information
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The verdict is in for the trial of Derek Chauvin, will the people riot? The MSM/Ds have been pushing the people to riot if the verdict is not what they want. The patriots have it all, the election fraud was captured, they have the ips, the attacks, the flipping of the votes. They have the code. Good people are acting on the information. This is not about a 4 year election , this is about breaking their system.
- ← Ep 2456b – How Do You Legally Inject,Make Public Evidence,It Can’t Be Explained,People Must See It
- Ep 2457a – How Do You Defeat The [CB], You Give The People A Choice →
Please don’t forget to give the glory to God. Trump is a brilliant and dedicated patriot who God chose as his instrument for such a time as this. Trump is pursuing the actualization of God’s plan in this war not against men, but against dark powers and principalities. We need the full armor of God in order to be able to stand in the gap while God ushers in his plan. All the strategies and the victories are God’s strategies and victories and the glory is his glory. God will win. Trump is his Cyrus, his David.
I remember when ABC showed the election tallies to the world and it only lasted a few minutes before it was taken down and no one reported it. Well, most didn’t. The significance was it was put up on the site either a day or two days BEFORE election day and when it ended, the numbers of two days prior was miraculously the same as the actual results. Sad but there were no anons in great numbers looking for everything.
Back then fewer homes had computers.
Skip – Calendar. Have a nice day!
Excellent broadcast, Dave. This episode 2457b was super. It was a real spirit-lifter. Looks like we are getting close to something actually happening! Thanks for all you do. I listen to your broadcasts every night. I’d like to share this video with 13 other people, but can’t find how to share it. Any suggestions?
Sylvia Mahon
Brookings, Oregon
Coincidence??: “Destruction of the Collective Memory”..:
– https://watchers.news/2021/04/20/cape-town-wildfire-south-africa-april-2021/
You can tell who the shills walking us down the primrose path are because they NEVER mention what is really in play, which is UN Agenda 21. Shills don’t want people identifying the enemy. The enemy is UN Agenda 21 and the people who are at this time working to implement it.
Dear Dave,
I deeply appreciate your work – it makes a big difference. Here just my thought about the MSM blaming the Russian Military enforcing their border to the Ukraine. Would there be such an outcrie too if the US-Army showes up at the shore of California or at the border to Canada? Do you have an idea how expanding the NATO has been over the last 50 years in Eastern Europe? The peace historian Dr. Daniele Ganser has a very informative Video on YT about his lecture: Secret Wars in Amsterdam in 2019.
With kind regards from Switzerland – Esther
My question to you is, if the Military takes an oath to protect the citizens of the US, why are they letting people get vaccinated? Why aren’t they jumping in if these vaccines are crimes against humanity?
The one thing we have to remember is that all DC capital police were vaccinated against COVID-19. So if officers Sicknick died from a stroke caused by blood clot, how’s soon did he get vaccinated? Shouldn’t we blame the vaccine for his death?
Not your anniversary, but I have been watching you since Episode 460. 2000 shows later this week. A long time, and you just get better and better.
While you’re eating popcorn and watching the movie, thousands of hard working Americans are dying for lack of Med-Beds. Thousands of small businesses are hanging on by their fingernails trying to keep their employees and pay their mortgages when they have been mostly shut down for over a year. These people are NOT eating popcorn and watching the movie, they are struggling for their lives while Trump and company pretend they are the deep state and help promote the problems that are killing us – all to “wake up the living dead”. They will never wake up while they are still getting their daily drip fix of fake news. Stop pampering the zombies and release the Med-Beds for the dying! Stop humoring the comatose and open up the restricted markets that you pretend are being controlled by the deep state when now it is the Alliance that is pushing all the pain that is killing the small businesses!
These “injections” for “covid” ARE NOT “VACCINES”. Check DEFINITIONS! They are “TREATMENTS” of dubious provenance, content, safety & efficacy. Manufacturers are GUARANTEED NO LEGAL LIABILITY at all for any ill effects or HARMS caused by their hasty concoctions. Try producing ice-cream under those conditions! HA! Masks, incl. PPE2, cause more breathing harm than good, as existing studies show, and CANNOT FILTER OUT A VIRUS. Not even 3 of them, Mr. Fraudulent Fauci III. PROVE ME WRONG.
We in America are promoting “Stupidity “. The Democrats has it right! They are catering to the stupid people. It is a embarrassment to hear Maxine Waters talk. The whole world is laughing at the idiots we have in Congress. Who would believe a sitting member of congress would be Preaching Seditious and calling the public to riot. Where is the GOP folks, get some guts and shut this mess down. These Brain Dead “so called wake folks are creating there own destruction “. Time and historical facts will, show this while their future is gone. The school and University’s have been a failure to teach logical reasoning…Nothing is free in this world, remember that!
Dave, If our Team Trump is in control and they have everything why would they allow it to get to “say” a nuclear threat, which would include events that would occur leading up to nucleur threat, there will be horrible things that Will be allowed to happen, things are already happening at a tremendous rate. How far will our Trump team allow this to go on before they wait for everyone to wake up. How long will patriots have to suffer with the insane society we are forced to live in. Peaceful neighborhoods, now underfire with shootings and burning , how far will they allow the leftist , blm, and racism fume as innocent white people are being attacked in our own neighborhoods? Rocks and molitov cocktails being thrown into windows of suburban homes, theres covid and then the dangerous vacc. that is being pushed like nothing I have ever seen. How long Dave? How far will they allow patriots, 80 million patriots suffer while they wait for the “blind to see”? How long will they sacrifice the patriots to wake up the left. They will never wake up those who are not already awake at this point. All I see is the destruction of our country, our Constitution, our Rights, and our Freedom, and when I think that it had to be done this way to wake up the indoctrinated, brainwashed saps, at the expense of 80 million patriots it makes me sick, sleepless, and terribly sad. Hope is fading for many of us patriots because things have been allowed to go so far already, I think we patriots have had enough pain and suffering we were promised pain was coming but wonder who it was really coming to. For 4 1/2 years it’s been the patriots, Trump and Team who have experienced all the pain, and I think that is enough pain and suffering for we patriots, who have stood firm in trust and hope with President Trump. Enough is enough, society is already riot filled , racism filled, divided to the max, I say it’s time to show us 80 million patriots that justice will be done and everything we have been told, promised, Q’d , etc. was true and that we were not fools for believing it.