Ep 2459b – Message Sent & Received,This Will Never Happen Again,The People Are Taking Back The Power
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The patriots are now leading the [DS] down the path. The people are waking up in droves. People are not getting the vaccine like the elite thought they would. The people are starting to push back, the companies are realizing that they are going against the people. The race card is not longer working. Now the Arizona elections are being audited. Tick tock, the patriots are on the offensive and the people are seeing the [DS] plan very clearly and they are pushing back.
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- ← Ep 2459a – Never Interfere With An Enemy While He’s In The Process Of Destroying Himself
- Ep 2460a – It Has Begun, The Economic Awakening Is Happening, [CB] Panic →
The “people” are fed up. This needs to end. If the military will not honor their oaths, what is left for the nation?
a lib whispered in my ear the other day “Your not strong enough to withstand the storm”. Today I whispered in the libs ear ” Bend over because I AM THE STORM”
kek… antifa is staying at “hotels” and we know were their at??
OMG – The audit – Nat’l guard removed and Antifa making reservations.
Folks – what happens if they set a fire where the ballots are?
Riots are not controllable, especially if the powers within the state don’t want it controlled.
They need US Military, NOT a National Guard that was moved away from the audit!
Will it happen.
I would bet on it; after having seen the same group take down the police already in recent times.
Take out the Guard, pare back police presence, and it’s a building that can be taken down.
If the twin towers could be taken down, don’t doubt that the audit site cannot be.
I have been paying my subscrptions since you came off youtube!! You know that I have not broken my agreements with you!!!!! So why all the fuss about me receiving 2458b . If you do not stop this interference with my receive x22report I shall stop my monthly subscription too
The x22report!!!!! Please yourselfs ok.
I’d like to believe people are waking up, but I haven’t seen that much of it.
yeah sure, we are reeally “pushing back”? I sure as hell CAN”T SEE IT. EVERYWHERE across the country I see “flocks of sheep” walking around with the fucking mask! Hell it seems to me like the “mask” social distancing and “lockdowns’ WILL BE PERMENENT! Where the hell are the “protests”? The only “protests” are from BLM and ANTFA! They routinely burn our citiees down, assualt us, and “openly” say thst thay will “exterminate us! DAILY we have that tyrant dictator Biden “sighn away” our liberties with his executive orders! AND WHAT THE HELL DO WE DO, NOTHING! We keep trusting a plan! All I see is the so-called “patriots” in retreat, running like whopped digs!
Dave, we need to analyze the violence on the street. Where do we start to take control back, because we have lost the streets.
No one is saying this but are there peaceful ways to stop this before it is too late for our economy, our society, and our country.
Biden is not in the White House. The White House is empty. Biden is in a “replica” of the White House
in Atlanta. Biden is not allowed in the Pentagon, as you probably know. The military shares no intel
with Biden. The military and Pentagon are loyal to Trump. As you know, Trump is our real president.
In God we trust.
Please do not credit Trump with this poison vaccine! Trump wanted a vaccine that was safe and effective, but the evil Big Pharma who works for the Deep State, produced a genocidal/depopulation
bioweapon. The vaccines will kill more people than the virus and the fake pandemic! The vaccine is
the “kill shot!” Dr. Sherri Tenpenny who has exposed the danger of these poison vaccines said,
the COVID vaccine is the “Perfectly Designed Kill Machine!” Dr. Judy Mikovits who exposed the evil work of Dr. Fauci, said that 50 million people could die from the vaccines! Dr. Tenpenny said that the
deaths would be on the rise 6 to 7 months after vaccination, and also a year or more after vaccination,
as the vaccine slowly destroys the immune system. But as you know, many deaths have already occurred, and there have also been thousands of serious injuries from these vaccine bioweapons.
So you must stop giving Trump ANY credit for the poison vaccines, or it could ruin his presidency. Trump did not want this vaccine bioweapon. He wanted a safe vaccine, but he was betrayed by the
Deep State/Gates Foundation controlled Big Pharma who created a genocidal depopulation weapon.
All the vaccines must be removed from the market now! The vaccination programs must stop NOW!
May God have mercy on us all!!
States have to have a means of income to support their state. What industry does DC have ? What would be their means of income? A commuter tax for all those who commute into DC ? Don’t the States have to ratify DC in order for it to become a State?
Great report tonight, Dave.
We are not fighting back enough . We will not win our constitution back sitting on our sofas . We need to take a lesson from blm get out there and protest . In Arizona capital or DC. But texting will win us the laughing stock award .
The people aren’t taking back squat . Well blm is . We have a new song . Wawawawawawawawa
Why didn’t you tell us this from the start?
Why were you saying that President Trump was going to stop the inauguration?
The military was going to be interim government.
I see some of what you say, but why didn’t Q know from the beginning of Biden’s takeover?
White people are the literal, genetic children of Yahweh God. Jews are not the chosen people. The White Europeans are the Children of Israel, the only ones who have mercy from Yahweh God. The bible is based on race from Genesis to Revelation and the bible (in John 17) said the white race would be hated and it is. Jesus Christ who is Yahweh in the flesh is called the Son of Man in the bible. Son of Man means Son of ADAM. The word man in that verse is ADAM. So when the smoke clears, the only ones who have any mercy ARE the White race.
Video has stopped at 37.12
More hopium. This is getting ridiculous. (no, we’re past ridiculous). What happens when we are all in FEMA camps in 6-12 months? More “Q told us”, “the plan is in place”, “we’re at the precipice”? nonsense?
How bout after we have all been exterminated? Still “trust the plan” or nuh?
I think America will wake up in 2047 lets just set back and watch it’s very enjoyable watching America being destroyed no one looks at facts all’s the msm has to do is say something and America believes Trump ain’t going to do shit one person in the state of Georgia wants the masks off awesomeness
Cuomo Whitney pelosi Biden Harris Schumer newsome all still in power Trump gone optics r important the people ain’t doing shit recall how long do they take 100yrs or more don’t c or hear anything bout the border unlike Covid the border crisis jus magically disappeared ya it’s just the beginning wait til they r thru with America
Love the lady in Georgia crying asking for permission to take the mask of her daughter free people don’t ask for permission asswipe
Thank you Dave for all your hard work and commitment. I live and breath America and what it stands for and I cannot thank you enough for helping us to take our country back and preserve The Constitution, which is the greatest “piece of work” ever created by Man. Your information is worth more than diamonds or gold. I pray for you and your absolutely invaluable work. Sincerely, “Crazy Rob”
So a few weak voter ID laws in a “couple” of state has “safeguarded our elections? Our elections are “secure” beyind 2020! WHAT A FUCKING DREAM! The DOMINION machines are STILL IN PLACE!! The CCP can still change ANY AND ALL VOTES in EVERY county in the country! What’s worse, ALL THE SAME PEOPLE who perpetuated the fraud, are STILL IN POWER. The SAME AG’s, THE SAME GOVERNORS, THE SAME ELECTIONS official, all still wotking in the same places! NOT ONE has been found gulity of fraud BY A COURT! The courts STILL HAVE NOT heard ANY case involving election fruad, AND THEY NEVER WILL THEY WILL NOT EVEN LOOK AT THE EVIDENCE! So in realty, the court has said that THEY WE WILL NOT prosecute voter fraud in this country! THE COURT HAS TOLD US that they WILL NOT UPHOLD ANY VOTER LAWS! So tell me, HOW is “passing” a few more “laws” going to change anything, when the powers that be WON”T enforce the laws WE ALREADY HAVE and WE CANNOT VOTE OUT THOSE in power, BECAUCE THOSE IN POWER COUNT THE VOTES? There will NEVER be another free and fair election! THE ONLY ANSWER is the 2nd American revolution. it has to be 1776 all over again! TALK IS CHEAP!
Frame 26:20: Dave Addresses ‘Graph’ When “Racism” Starts
To Spike Up Across Mediators.
Occupy Wall Street
Epiphany? Phew !
Industrial Complex
Millions, Refocusing
2008’s HOUSING