Ep 2460b – [DS] Panic, A Deep Dark World Is Being Exposed, The Truth Won’t Be For Everyone
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It has begun, the AZ audit is underway. The [DS] is now making moves to stop the audit, they are panicking. What are they so afraid of, the TRUTH. Once the audit is complete this will be a D5 avalanche. Buckle up its going to get bumpy. The people will see the deep dark world. the Truth won’t be for everyone.
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- ← Ep 2460a – It Has Begun, The Economic Awakening Is Happening, [CB] Panic
- David Garofalo – Fiat Day Of Reckoning Coming, New Currency System Built By The People, Watch Gold →
I do not think Joe is talking I think he is sitting their with someone else talking . However they do it. This happens often.
Just went to AZaudit.org, 8:30pm eastern time, Friday, 4/23/2021 and Camera 4 has tons of people in blue vest things doing something. Thought they stopped it til Monday, what is going on?
in fact, all the cameras are active with people counting and standing around, not sure if this is Bad news or not, since they were ‘halted til Monday’, is this going on in ‘secret’ ???
How did you get so smart? Thank you for making sense of everything. Thank you so much! God Bless you and God Bless The United States of America.
Still ashamed of being Canadian right now.
Enjoyed your report today. I am from Arizona and I am praying the TRUTH comes out there in Maricopa County. Thanks for keeping us informed.
The audit goes on. The judge told the DNC to post a $1M bond, and they refused. So…no stop to the audit for the weekend!
The mask covers up the fake Biden. The real Biden was arrested a long time ago.
Hunter Biden was also arrested, as well as many other Deep State traitors, pedophiles,
and sex traffickers. Lord have mercy. AMG.NEWS – Indictments, Arrests, Military Tribunals
In God we trust.
Dave why was the aduit stop and doesn’t this leave room for them do something evil over the weekend
I do hope the building where the ballets and voting equipment are house is well gaurded over the weekend
Pfizer’s immunity from prosecution is for VACCINES. The CV19 JAB is not a vaccine according to the CDC, it is experimental Gene Therapy.
I really don’t understand how it is a judge can stop this
Arizona Audit: 1. Blue & black pens are not permitted, by law. GOOD! USE Red pens. Or colored magic markers, so we can see the Auditors’ marks & remarks, clearly. 2. Lawsuit claims the Auditors are “unqualified”. GOOD! Submit their qualifications in writing, and bring a libel suit for 1 million dollars against the plaintiffs. 3. Lawsuit claims there are no rules, or protocols, no organization or training materials for this audit. GOOD! This will FORCE the Auditors to PRODUCE such materials, describing their methods, so we, the PEOPLE, will have clear, written guidelines on HOW EXACTLY this Audit was / is being performed.
I’m not a Democratic or
…or Republican. I’m AntiPasta and ProValone
How can we guarantee that the previous “audit” did not wipe all the information on those machines? After all the “auditors” were previous employees of Dominion. How do we know hundreds of small fingers have not been folding and marking ballots for the last 5 months? What if this audit finds all is clean (was cleaned)? What is necessary is for some of the true republican states to do an audit. Why do you think they did not call the states of FL, TX and OH until VERY late on Nov 3? They expected to win those states also! These states should perform their own audits of the machines in their largest cities to check this out. And it could not be stopped there. They do not expect it. If we do not, they will use the same techniques used next time to accomplish what they missed this time. Why did Trump win Texas by such a SMALL margin?
Administrator Biden was wearing a mask because China told him to…. the dubbing theory is really good too!
Dave – thanks again for your tireless efforts. Admire your energy!
Tried to post this on Rumble but received messaged that it was too long.
Whist people still buy and read MSM newspapers, go to shopping malls, watch TV, use smartphones they are feeding the beasts. Only way to withdraw your consent is to abstain from these activities.
This agenda has been a very long time in the making, It started back in 70’s , when large Supermarkets (for your convenience) appeared in local areas, closing down small independent groceries via subsidised price competition…. to give us no alternative but to buy from these parasites. Ask yourself ‘who owns the shopping malls?’ Who do you think?…. the cabal, of course.
Do you really think some ordinary person saved enough in their piggy bank to but a shopping mall? of course not. These are owned by the fascists who wish to enslave mankind via the implementation of technological control, and have been planning it for a very, very long time.
It is admirable for people to breach the security defences of these establishments whilst not wearing a mask….admirable, but foolish. The only rebellious act that will have an effect on them is to not give them your service.
We made the mistake in the 70’s of not taking the opportunity when it arose to unite against this leviathan’s putting the corner shop out of business, persuaded to do so, just as now, by MSN exploiting our self-interest….now, as a result of that mistake; they have grown bigger and bolder.
What we are witnessing now across the World is nothing less than the attempted implementation of global fascism – the union of government and business, for and on behalf of their own interests, not ours.
Government serves the interest of big business, not the people. They are all in it together….(.as Cameron once famously spoke).
They exploit division amongst us and stimulate our self-interest in order to isolate us – whilst they on the other hand, remain tightly bonded, via secret oaths.. They operate a strict compartmentalized hierarchy in order to enable control from a very small number at the top.
For those holding positions at the lower ends of the hierarchy, please be aware that when you have fulfilled your purpose, you will join the rest of us ‘unwanted useless eaters’ in as much time as it takes you to open an envelope in the morning.
Protest is not the solution – the need for one has been carefully and purposely by stimulated by the media for over a year now. Do not fool yourselves that the fascists are afraid…they are not…it is part of their plan.
In Rome, many, many years ago, before Caesar, similar events occurred and the ‘elite’ of the day gradually began to withdraw rights and reduce freedoms for the middle class.
The middle class, knowing that the army was bought and paid for (as it always is) knew that rebellion would be fruitless and only ultimately lead to more draconian control, at great cost to them.
The solution they came up with was to withdraw en mass from the city. They set up their own society beyond the city walls, in doing so, withdrawing their services, their taxes, their business from the ‘elite’, who then had no one to buy from, no one to serve them, no bars, no ‘ladies of the night’, no cafes, no dancers, no accountants, no iron mongers, no clothe makers… nothing….and nothing to spend their wealth on.
What happened? After some time this broke the so-called ‘elite’ and they begged the people to return to the city, whilst offering many concessions to do so .
The only solution to tyranny from the top is mass non-compliance. Anything else simply feeds ‘the beast’.
Exciting stuff! Remember the FDA lost the case to provide safety data on vax’s. No evidence for 30 years. All of them have very toxic ingredients, follow the money. The Truth about Vaccines is a wonderful docu-series. Also the Dark side of vaccines. Trust your body with all of it. Blessings to all.
Drip drip drip election fraud will never b exposed its over the deep state has the power just like Durham just like hunter just Luke the border just like Kennedy it will all b buried just lik e they r burying America but hey just sit there and watch don’t pick up ur arms and go fight trumps plan of no civil war but his plan cost us more lives than all wars combined we were attacke with a biological weapon and nothing was done and nothing will b done America is lost ya at Home Depot in park city Utah yesterday me and one other guy only two people I’d say out of 200 people that weren’t wearing masks ur great awakening is a lie took the ds less than one year to train the public to wear masks for life
God bless you, Dave. You may want to look at what doctors, nurses and individuals are saying about people that have gotten the shots shedding spike proteins. The women and others around them are having profuse and extended bleeding with large clots. Nose bleeds, headaches, miscarriages, still births, low sperm counts, bruising or hemorrhaging under the skin, strokes and even sudden death of pets that are in contact with jabbed people are occurring all over. The agenda of the elites with these vaccines is starting to be seen more and more. It was being said that this is affecting everyone around a person that has been given the jab regardless if they themselves have gotten it or not. Some doctors are screening patients and not allowing vaccinated to come in because of the harm to other patients especially pregnant women. See Lauralynn.tv and mypatriotsnetwork.com for more info.
Just look at the weaponized FBI and then apply it to Federalized policing x 10, pass for them punishment for the others!
WHy in the hell would the deep state “panic”? They know full well that it is “IRRELEVANT” what the audit finds! THE SUPREME COURT has already “said” that THEY WILL IGNORE VOTER FRAUD! SCOTUS has more or less “said” voter fraud is LEGAL, at least for the democrats! More then likley they WILL stop the audit, AS THE COURTS WORK FOR THE COMMUNIST PARTY! IF all the government is controled by china, WHY IN THE HELL should we expect them to do ANYTHING about this election? THE ONLY WAY to get our liberty back is to TAKE IT BACK! But americans are weak cowardly sheep! WE WILL JUST TALK TALK TALK TALK! Hell we will still be “talking” when they are marching us to the gas chambers!
You keep saying “the people have the power”! BUT Wasn’t it chairman Mao that said something like “power comes from the barrel of a “gun”.. TAKE A LOOK AROUND YOU! WHO hold the POWER NOW!! It sure as hell IS NOT the patriots! The left ACTS while we TALK! BLM AND ANTFA. more or less RUN are cities! Hell they can even dictate the verdict in a trial! OH sure, the so-called “patriots” HAVE guns, but they are too cowardly to use them EVEN TO DEFEND THEMSELVES! We sit idly by and WATCH then burn our nieghborhods, scared that they might “call us racist” IF we defend ourselves! WE ALLOW then to DO VIOLENCE upon us, BECAUCE WE ARE SCARED that thay may CALL US VIOLENT! WHAT A JOKE! NOW ANTIFA/BLM is “poised” to STOP the Arizaona audit! They will Riot and burn down the city IF we do not stop the audit! AND LIKE FUCKING COWARDS we will cave in to their DEMANDS! THEY have the power AND THEY KNOW IT! DAMMIT AMERICA, GET OFF YOUR KNEES AND FIGHT LIKE FREE MEN AND WOMEN! Don’t you have ANY pride?
Dave I want to share with you something I read years ago and for the life of me I can not remember the title of the book but I remember the message well. It was written by a Lt Col. Who was the liason to the united nations after WW2 when it was being designed, he was their during the korean war also.
Being a devout christian and Patriot and what he witnessed while he was the liason shock him to his core and the book details his personal feelings about it’s Purpose and intent. He states from the start that the UN is the center piece or capital of a one world order it would control the laws, food, energy, millitary, and everything else. He also stated that the first UN secretary General was a Czechoslovakian born communist who hated the USA. It was his belief that during the Korean war our battle plans were being past over to the Commies before the execution of those said plans that’s how they were able to counter everything we did. He describes how the In charter mandates that all millitary strategy or plans had to first be approved by the UN before being executed. This gives credence to the fact that General Macarthur whom was the allied commander of the korean war till Truman under the order of his master’s relieved him of duty because he decided to scrap the approved plan and improvised a new strategy without approval..
That’s how much influence these banksters have, you already know this….
I am getting to the important stuff. Now the LT Col stated that at during this time the UN Had Three plans on the table that were directed towards taking America’s guns.
All three seemed out of touch with any sort of reality but one of them was plausible it had two absolute requirements.
The first was the US Millitary had to be engaged in fighting two wars simultaneously. Two battle fronts like we did during world war two.
Think Afghanistan Sep 11 withdrawal date ( important date to the cabal) Trump I believe knew their plan that is why he worked hard to bring the troops home and had a withdrawal date of May 1 2021.
Now Biden and his master’s are trying diligently start another conflict. (Russia, Syria it don’t matter)
Why because this would require all of our millitary personel and equipment to be shipped overseas.
The second requirement was that civil unrest or some other situation which the local, state police would not be able to contain. They could infact use Covid as a primer for this. But I don’t see that, no what I see is they are going to try and strip the police of their ability to do their jobs. They want to set ANTIFA loose for the fear factor and optics, this would give the mayor’s and governor’s the the reason they need to ask for outside assistance.
So the UN would send in the troops to help quell the civil unrest, at this point they would go door to door confiscating guns, any and all registered. Because they would not know who is an enemy combatant and who is not everyone would be treated the same as a possible threat.
That’s why it’s so important to keep us in afghanistan and to protect the opium fields….
Just wanted to share a scenerio that is looking more possible by the day.
Patriots need to hurry up and bring the pain……..
Thanks for your time keep up the great work my friend.
God bless.
Wish we could comment freely like YouTube! Love that you’re accessible but miss the interaction!
Thanks Dave. Thanks for putting everything together.😉 We appreciate the work you are doing to inform Americans. You are in our prayers.
Why do they incite division in the name of diversity?
Do they fear the power of our unity?
Why is this Army of irregulars’ thirst for our blood?
They fear enough to control and enslavement us.
But this illusion will always fail them, for power is granted not taken.
With all their illusionary power, they have nothing?
They fight for it, but they can never attain it, for the power will turn on them.
All their vain attempts for power, will only destroy them.
For we the people of this planet are the power.
I’m wondering if part of the Maricopa Plan to committ FRAUD would have ever happened IF Sherriff Joe Arpeo were the county sherriff. It seems as though Sherriff Joe lost his last election ‘just in time…’ for the ‘fraudsters’ to start their dirty work. It also brings into question the veracity and true outcome of Sherriff Joe’s election….did he really lose? It needs to be checked out if they haven’t already started.
How can I buy real gold coin and have it safely cross the American/Canadian border?
I think all the players in government should have to submit for a blood test and DNA test just to prove who the players really are. If we know who these people are ,we could start to cull the crowd.wouldn’t it be nice to know who is who.
It’s time to declare matial law and go in with overwhelming force, in one night all the dem mayors and council (I’ll bet you’ll find they all cheated their way in, the junta of course, the MSM. Military tribunals.. USA will not be bullied out of freedom and liberty.
Sorry Dave, but you don’t have all the info about the young girl who was shot by police. She was being attacked by the woman in pink (29 years old) and another WOMAN! Someone called 911 on the two women. Why don’t wait until ALL the information comes out before you call someone a crazed attacker! The girl was NOT the original aggressor! SHE WAS DEFENDING HERSELF!!! I bet you won’t address this, which is truly disappointing. Adults attacking children are cowards…