Ep 2466b – Are You Ready To Take Back Control Of The Country? The Silent Majority Will Reign
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The [DS] is now becoming more desperate than ever before, but the patriots are continually dripping out information and the [DS]/MSM are scrambling to sweep it under the rug. By raiding RG they are bringing Hunter’s Laptop back into the news. [JK] is in the spotlight for treasons acts. The audit is continuing and the [DS] is doing everything to stop it. The people are ready to take back their country, the silent majority will reign.
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” I love the smell of an overly long Psy-Op in the morning.” Lt Col Kilgore
Dave, it sure has been a looonng haul so far. Can hardly wait for the DS to get their
just desserts no matter which Gitmo scenario is ready for them or how long the process
takes within reason, like 17 weeks! Watching and praying for the biblical victory!
Dave,Dave< Dave baby. you are losing credibility. Same old talk every episode. Ain't nobody but the deep state doing a damn thing, and the deep state is getting away with every thing. Trump ain't
doing nothing , and getting away with that. Even talking about 2024. Hell, what about 2020 ?? I only
voted once in my entire life and I'm 81 years old now, and it looks like I'm getting screwed out of my one and only vote. For Donald Trump !!
We can't even do a audit! Who the hell is fighting for us? no one?
Well Joe B., looks like you pulled it off. No one on this side gives a damn, or is every one up there on the same side?? Everyone??
Now moderate this ,or better yet censor this!
By the Bye, where or when do we get to see our comment posted.
Regarding the AR audit….the most important thing, to me, would be checking for WATERMARKS
Biden has been executed the person acting as Biden right now is an actor
John Kerry is in prison. AMG-NEWS.com Indictments & arrests, etc.
In God we trust.
Oh my goodness, thank you Dave. I love the x22 report, I never miss it. This is one of my fav’s videos. Have to share it. People are starting to question things. We all have good days and bad days…but your report is always here keeping us grounded in truth. Thank you for reading through Joe M’s post, which was amazing.
Hello David
I have been listening to you for a while now and I ‘am very impressed with you and your way to inform us as listener in a easy, casual way. I’m so ready for the big surprise from the patriots.
Big thank you for your consistency. When this war is over I will come and visit america. If it is possible, beer is on me for your great job!!! Keep doing what you do best!!!!
Kind regards
So, let’s see: ANTIFA (& BLM), minority groups of “Black” people (who, in total, may be 13% of the U.S. population) want to start a RACE WAR to eliminate the evil “White” race? They are FUNDED & DIRECTED by several smart, very rich, very evil “white” people, yes? (LOL!) The violent, riotous, arsonist Antifa & BLM members are generally of lower than average income & education. And the other 87% of the population also own at least 87% of all weapons currently in private hands. This plan for a “race war”, which most people (of any color) DO NOT WANT, does not, on the face of it, look like a winner.
Silent Majority is just STARTING to scream. I have relatives that live in Maricopa Co. AZ.
If Q is so informed WHY did the the US Military brass NOT shut down biden and his illegal thugs, trial them and jail em. Why did they NOT respect, honour the constitution and their oath to GOD and the republic? SHAME on them. CCP paid? Hey why not, everyone else is on the take. Forget all this people will see it. This whole optics stuff, enough is enough. ditto that with the drips. These illegal thugs are hurting America. Killing American people. I want AMERICA back. NOW. not midterm elections or prez elections at all. It’s all corrupt. The stinking dems will just pull off another illegal act and get away with it. Or declare a DICTATORSHIP. America patriots, take the course home and save OUR REPUBLIC. Our military brass will not. They are all to busy playing nice to an illegal THUG. Myanmar USA I say. Sorros, Obama etc. we know what they are doing. We know they are guilty.we have evidence. Prosecute them. Oh no that will never happen. And if we do there is a line of newbies like that THUG billionaire Vee or Vies from Switzerland who wants to buy up all American media.. The elites are whores to money and the world knows it. American lives are at stake. All this awaken stuff is not solving American “we the people” hardships and ruination. The worldview you ask? We are trash. China loves this. They will change the world power balance while we sit here viewing the optics StateSide. This illegal govt. is viewed as whimps. In the world playgrounds bullies eat whimps for lunch. and now the bullies internationally are on the move big time.
My Lord forgive me for this rant. My faith is not of this world. I need to remember that.
All this temporal 😈 is just that. Insignificant deeds and actions. We are in Revelations on high right now and you cannot compare this to Andy Jackson and our past. GOD is in control here always has been, not the people of this planet. This all has been written and is being played out before our very eyes. The Second Coming of Our Lord Almighty Jesus Christ is closer than you think. Christians, ✝️ get your houses in order with our Lord and prepare your faith with him and GOD, for this is to be the Final. The earth we know today will end in unbelievable chaos, violence, tradgedy and distruction.
That satanic, malevolent monster Soros is in his 91st year, so thankfully cannot be too far from expiration date.
You are so right about Andrew Jackson but go further back to the War of 1812 ~ in the 1915 Battle of New Orleans Jackson prepped the resident of NO by bring ALL the different peoples together (Indian, Black, French, Spanish, etc) and UNITED them against the British ~ he even had a PARADE. Check it out!
Ready to “take back control of the country” ? I’ve been ready for 20 years! Hell, we have LOST the right to VOTE, the right to work, gather, go to church! hell we can’t evey take a free breath anymore! Kids as young 2 year old have two years old, suffocate wearing that damn mask! WE ARE NOWHERE NEAR taking out country back”! We CAN”T even hold on to the few rights we still have. DAILY we lose our rights, hell these fuckers even want to tell us that we can only eat one hamburger per month! It goes without saying that they will take our guns, it’s only a matter of time! You can FORGET travel or driving a car! THAT’ ALL ABOUT TO END!
READY TO TAKE BACK THE COUNTRY!! TOO fucking late now pal, america has turned into one big concenttation camp! WE SHOULD HAVE BEEN SHOOTING for the last year! THAT’S THEY ONLY WAY “the people” will EVER GET THIER LIBERTY and LIVES BACK! WAY WAY PAST the time for talk! TALK is BULLSHIT, it’s time TO FIGHT! Trouble is ALL WE DO IS TALK!
Without “power” behind your “talk” you HAVE NOTHING! We are still “asking” the government to give you your life and liberty back! SO THEN what so we do WHEN the governmdnt REFUSES to gives us our liberties back? Do we just say, well that didn’t work, I guess we are screwed. Do we just quietly get an the cattle trains, walk into the gas chambers? WHAT IN THE HELL GOOD is the 2nd amendment if we havn’t got the guts to use it? TIME FOR DRASTIC ACTION AMERICA!
Instead of brown shirts. It’ll be blue helmets of UN. This
Was Hussein’s Nationalize police force.
I was in Germany– The nazis replaced the police with his brown shirts and then imprisoned ALL the opposition. Took everyone’s guns. Created a group of people for people to hate. Looks like they are trying it again.
Then, at the end of the war…guess what? They couldn’t hand weapons out to the citizens fast enough to protect the cities.
Blah blah blah!?!?? Where are all the arrests for high treason??? It was more lies on top of lies!!!? They got Enough information to hang everyone in the past four years how much more do THEY need.???
Yes please, I’d like to remain anonymous.
Thank you, Joe M. for your incredible statement in this report. Is there any way I can get a copy to distribute to friends and relatives. It is extremely well written and Joe has written something that Patriots will want to read and share. Apparently, no one I’ve found can make a copy from a news letter like Dave’s 22 Reports.
I do not have the equipment or access to the equipment, if it exists, capable of making copies that I would be honored to distribute. I have not found any one that can do this work for me.
I’m a retired 85 year old Patriot that loves America, the Constitution and Freedom and want to get as many copies of Joe M’s message distributed as possible.
Send a e-mail copy that I can print or have printed and I will do the rest.
Many thanks!!!
Hi Dave!
Love your reports. Do you have transcripts available for any of the x22 reports? I retain info if I read
it instead of listening to them multiple times. Just an inquiry.
Thanks for all your hard work!d
Janet Clagett