Ep 2487b – Victorious Warriors Win First & Then Go To War, Trump Won By A Landslide, Reconcile
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The [DS] is scrambling for the fallout. The patriots have already won, Trump won in a landslide and now he is patiently waiting for the outcome. He knows the [DS] cheated, he allowed it to happen for the world to see. What we are witnessing is pain being delivered to the [DS]/fake news and the corrupt politicians slowly. When this is all done these people will not be able to walk down the streets. The people are rising up, the people are awake, this is the [DS] biggest fear. Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, Trump won by a landslide, reconcile.
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Because the election results have been certified, isn’t the election over with Biden President for 4 year term?
Remember white envelopes before with powder, when the same protocol was use to raise the terror narrative around the time of the first gulf War I think
Proof and evidence about election fraud? If the last 6 months on the campaign trail before Nov 3 2020
was not enough evidence itself, what’s the point? Hopefully what is happening now to this country does not go past the point of no return. We’re almost already there with this plandemic and now the so called vaccine. God help us all.
Hi, did you know that if you got the covid shot you can’t donate blood plasma. I checked the Red Cross website to verify that. Also just a thought, what if a person would need a blood transfusion? You would most likely get blood from a person that’s been vaccinated. Scary thought ! Thank God my husband is type O , I can get his blood !
Does a person deserve a death sentence for a fake $20.00 bill? Anyone can have a fake bill in their possession without noticing it. Also, why was slavery, oppression of a race and the thief of one heritage not mentioned in the history books. This was country was built on the slavery of the Hebrew Israelites, hence, racism, the Willie Lynch letter to Virginia settlers.
Revelation 13:9-10
[9]If any man haue an eare, let him heare:
[10]Hee that leadeth into captiuitie, shall goe into captiuitie: Hee that killeth with the sword, must be killed with the sword. Here is the patience and the faith of the Saints.
What these POSs did requires prosecution to the full extent of the law for Treason. Firing these POSs will not work. They will just continue what they are doing in the shadow government. First and foremost the ENTIRE SOROS FAMILY NEEDS TO BE PROSECUTED AND TAKEN OUT OF EXISTANCE.
I hope that prison in Cuba has a lot of room. And yet treason is a capital crime so a firing squad is not out of the question.
Dave, I listened to a podcast with Juan O Savin and he is saying President Trump will be arrested and you confirm it .
LIGHTS COMING ON,…”SOON”,…the truth is coming out,…”SOON”,… what’s the definition of,…” SOON “,…???
We are still waiting on, ..indictments coming soon,…arrests coming soon,…military tribunals coming soon,…jailing in Gitmo coming soon,…that we heard over 4 years ago.
Allegations, allegations, allegations,…and no action,…how is this any different from all the other ALLEGATIONS,…???
The credibility that the,…
“PATRIOTS HAVE IT ALL”,…and that they let the ELECTION STEAL happen just doesn’t exist.
We will be hearing this line of PROPAGANDA BULLSHIT,…for years, and years.
This doesn’t make sense!! Why would the other states want the audits, when they’re the corrupt politicians, part of the deep state? They didn’t just change their ways over night!! Most of these politicians are corrupt!! 99.5% probably!!
P.S. Very disappointed that no one got back to me! I sent several emails re: Virtual Shield and NO ONE got back to me!! Rumble emailed me and said no one would and I got another email, pretty much laughing at my ignorance, thinking someone would really respond! So far, unfortunately they’ve been right!! I would think you would be concerned about your reputation!!
I can’t wait! I haven’t listened yet, but I’m going to fortune tell. Precipice, precipice, precipice, blah, blah, blah. It’s just the beginning, on the patriot’s timeline, I do believe, I do believe, all a part of the plan, blah, blah, blah. Nothing is happening. Just stop lying and tell the truth.
There is something very important that everyone needs to be informed about and prepare for spiritually, mentally and physically. According to medical professionals available on the alternative media, there is a very large potential for people that have had the injections to start dying off in the next couple of years due to the adverse effects it will cause them. This needs to be published and prepared for because it will have such a strong effect on all people. This is not something to ignore. It needs to be told to everyone. We all need to be prepared for this. There was an estimate on one video that sighted the medical research for 70% of people that have been injected to end up hospitalized by the end of the year with many of them dying. This needs to be openly discussed so that families can be prepared and determined to cope with this as best as possible. It needs to be understood and published that the cause is from the ingredients in these shots and not from some new or variant of a virus. Only the light of truth along with love and compassion will set people free and give them the will to overcome the devastation this will cause. Being forewarned will give people a chance to become empowered to have better control over the situation when the s**t hits the fan. May God bless us all with light, love and truth. Thank you.
Hopefully, in the future finance laws regarding donations to candidates will be restructured! Corporations buying politicians therefore dictating policy etc.
Videos aren’t playing or loading, can’t keep up with the story of what’s going on. Its been 3 days now.
I do believe this is correct. Truth is coming…
Why does Rumble keep stopping ??? I have to baby sit this thing just to listen to you Dave Why ?
Can you please make the point about the racism argument of the left.
They are downgrading most ALL Americans— that are NOT racists.. It’s like teachers in a class scolding the kids that ‘are there’ about the kids skipping class. America is not overall racist — sorry. Small pockets of people dislike rednecks, women, men, Jews, Christians, atheists, speeders, people with tattoos, rich people, homeless, authority, beer drinkers…and the list goes on and on and on. Let’s all grow up. One group is no more important than another. Stop living in the past to surrender to their narrative.
Is it your belief that Trump will be the first arrest that’ll shock us? It makes me so angry they way they harass him constantly.
Mn is never brought into the picture, where Walz, used his executive powers to lock us down, over 50% of deaths from Covid-19 were in nursing homes, and the whole state was red and voted for Trump, and only Minneapolis and St Paul were blue. So please look into MN there is more proof here of the election being rigged in this state also. Why doesn’t anyone see this?
I for one cannot wait until Trump, our true President retakes the people’s house. Hopefully it is sooner than later. Like August of this year. I think our country is in great dire and needs him to come out now.
I used to get your emails but they stopped please send them again. Thank you
remember at the beginning of this covid, the doctor who actually invented the virus was killed by the evil people. remember he posted his phone message, he warned everyone he was sick and he died. In God we trust. Thank you Dave we all are grateful to you for sharing the truth. I read that a group of generals in the civil war, 1861 thru 1865 started the Q movement. I am so happy they did. God will bless you for sharing the truth with the world.
Hi Dave,
These vaxx’s are loaded with all kinds of things to destroy lives, mostly by death. People are finding that they can place a magnet at the injection site, up near the top of the arm, but still on the vertical area, and the magnets are all sticking! One man who got the “JAB” touched the base of a light bulb(normal size bulb) to his bare arm, and it lit up the light bulb! And it stayed lit as long as the man held it to his arm at the injection site! These jabs are also made to make both women and men sterile, and also cause blood clots in the recipients and in those in close proximity to them, by the normal shedding of skin cells. Example: a young mother got the “JAB” and her toddler’s toes all turned black and blue, all from blood clots. And the toddler did not have health problems beforehand. The blood clots came from shed skin cells of the “vaxx’d person. Women and girls are having anomalies with their menstrual cycles and an abnormally high percentage (like 4 out of 5) of women will have miscarriages, just by standing near a vaxx’d person! In addition to blood clots, the placenta is rendered defective in the pregnant mother. We all know that blood clots can be deadly, especially if not treated immediately. And if a person took the jab so he/she could fly in an airplane, for business or vacation, these undetected blood clots will explode when the aircraft reaches a certain altitude, most often causing death, because the person is far away from a hospital. Also, with everybody sitting packed into a plane, bus, or train, vaxx’d people will be shedding on everybody close to them. And we all know that the air is circulated throughout the airplane, bus, etc. This is bio warfare. These un- approved “vaccines” contain aborted fetal tissue, mercury, formaldehyde, and a whole cocktail of other ingredients to make the recipient die at anytime from the reception of the vaxx, up until 2-3 years from receiving the vaxx. This is mass murder. They also create “spiked” proteins, that are dangerous, but I can’t remember what they do. Not good, though. Apart from all the medical analyses by the experts, there is a plethora of people receiving dreams, visions and messages from the Lord on a great number of subject matters, these days, which are so filled with events, one on top of another, rapid fire, especially about the election, etc., and also the pandemic and the “vaccines,” non of which can be approved for another 2 years, and that would require having only a tiny number of deaths. There have been SCORES of thousands of deaths so far. I saw a video of a young nurse capturing her “vaccination” on her cell phone, right at the beginning of giving out the jab, narrating the whole time. She stood up right after the Jab, put her hand to her head, and said she didn’t feel well. She collapsed to the floor, and no further news was seen about her. More recently, a doctor in the prime of his career, was making fun of everybody who was questioning the safety of the jabs. He received his jab, and promptly died. True stories like this are all over the internet.
Brave nurses and doctors are going against the “program,” and are being bullied by their bosses.
Check out Natural News online and C. Ward, also online, with all the guests in his videos, showing more and more proof of the consequences of getting the “vaxx.” They are not even vaxxes! And they are bribing the people with donuts, scratch tickets, and who knows what else!
Along with medical stories all over the internet regarding these Jabs, there’s also a growing number of modern day prophets, people receiving dreams, visions and words from our Lord, covering the election story, and covering these supposed, still unapproved vaccinations. I’ve seen one by a female pastor who receives messages from God, and she was very upset, and was reluctant to reveal what the Lord had told her to reveal… That there will be 350 million deaths from these unapproved vaccines. Think Georgia Guidestones.
There’s a message from another source saying that, although this covid 19 was man-made and released on the population of the world to greatly reduce the population(!), God would send the next plague, and it would be against the evil people who have done all these horrendous things to the world’s people. This plague would attack the gut, the intestines, and it would be very painful and deadly, with the insides coming out!
That’s what happened to Judas Iscariot when he hung himself.
“What you do the the least of my little ones, you do unto Me.”