Ep 2491b – States Will Lead The Charge,The People Will Decide, Constitution Is The Only Way
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The [DS] election plan has failed before it even started. The people already believe the election was stolen. When the truth and facts emerge it will only confirm their belief. At that point it won’t matter what the [DS] media reports the people will demand that the cheating government be replaced. The people have always had the choice they just forgot how much power they actually have. The states will lead the charge
- ← Ep 2491a – The [CB] Is Trying To Put Together The Globalist Plan, Already Countered
- Ep 2492a – [CB] Exposes Playbook For All To See, Event Initiated For Great Reset, Right On Schedule →
I am so very upset that Trump is now pushing the vaccine!
So upset I no longer trust Trump! Why hasn’t X22 addressed this??
Facebook was putting labels on everything I posted until I started hitting back and demanding they identify their factcheckers and furnishing proof. I even at one time stated that I saw a class action lawsuit in their future, they finally let up on me and they never did suspend me. Trump is still my president!
I’ve heard the Fulton open door security breech story from several sources, but none of them mention anything about the most important thing – Have any of the ballots been stolen or damaged? Also, just which sheriff deputies were on that security detail? Who of the patriots and those interested in the audits would not want to know the condition of the ballots? What type of journalist/investigative news reporter would leave this information out of a story like this?
The squeaky wheel gets the most oil but it’s also the first to be replaced
Thank You so much for this web site. You’ve gotten me through some very difficult times.
Dave, no flu for two years, disappeared completely. Was the flu put out on an annual basis for many many years, makes you think
All of you on the web putting out your videos an opinions are all hot air all I’ve heard is not happening all a bunch of BS nobody ever goes to jail an all of us live under different rules it’s all BS I don’t believe any of this shit anymore
“I wanna know why, what happened in Myanmar, can’t happen here.”
Flynn responded, “No reason, I mean, it should happen here.”
I did listen to it carefully, Dave apparently, you DIDN’T! I know you’re not perfect but really Dave?
Doesn’t sound like Flynn in his Telegram statement it saying what he said at the event. Hmm.
Not good to be a hypocrite Flynn, he said what he said and needs to own it.
My wife heard and said the same thing I’m saying after I had her listen to it and what she thought.
How are we both wrong, we could be, I don’t think so but if I am please explain it to me.
The Peoples right to throw off the government, who does the military belong to? The government or the People? Kind of a ridiculous question for who does the government belong to? The People or itself? Who in political theory dis the governments “self?” These are metaphysical questions.
Hi Dave. First of all, let me start by saying Thank you for your programs in x22Report.com. I Love watching them. Very informative and inspirational. The country is going through such a tough time. You offer us hope. Also, Love your upbeat voice 😊
Wanted to also let you know I tried going to agewithx22.com to purchase a couple of products but the it diverted me to another page which read: offers.biotrust.com but page was blank. Thought you might want to know this.
Again, thank you so much for what you do. God Bless.
Dear Dave:
Please send me your X-22 Part B reports so I do not have to watch and listen to them using You Tube.
I entered my E-Mail below.
Thank You Dave. You are doing God’s work for us.
The deep state, bureaucrats and Democrats are winning. There was only one option to change this election and that was through the military while Trump was still in office. That time has come and gone and we will be a third wheel country here very shortly. The majority of the people don’t care if our elections were fraudulent or not. All the people want is to be taken care of by the government now. So now United States will be the land of chaos.
Vote in supermajorities in both houses of Congress and let Biden and Harris swing in the wind – impotent and humiliated for two long agonizing years.
Doctors are owned by the Insurance Companies. Suing the doctors would just boomerang on us.
ABC, NBC and CBS must start communicating this same information so that all Americans have the opportunity to hear it and make up their own minds as to what is truth and what is fake!
Report blocked from coming through!
God: “This is My nation and I will change things according to the time and season”:
Spring 2021 (MAR 20 – JUNE 19):
-Reveal and expose evil things that are hidden.
-Setting up for the next election (A second 2020 election/re-election? 2022 election? 2024 election?).
Summer 2021 (JUNE 20 – SEPT 21):
-Hurricanes and tornados.
-Tumultuous rendering. The earth trembles/shakes.
-God seems quiet, but is waiting.
-Uncovering of great evil.
-Strange July, strange July…
-Two presidents – one is double minded.
-Two terror organizations (dark powers) rage, then pierced.
Fall 2021 (SEPT 22 – DEC 20):
-Pandemonium! Pandemonium in the White House! (2020 winter – election and human trafficking rescue under the White House), but look to the fall…
-Many will fall in the fall.
-Summer tremors so that the fall can do its work in America.
-In the fall, many will fall and many will rise from the dust.
-In the fall, things are shaken and rebuilding happens, release of resources (QFS, NESARA/GESARA?, gas/oil?).
-Trump is revealed as President – “My chosen David”.
-Hypnotic November…
Winter 2021-2022 (DEC 21 – MAR 19):
-Christmas! I will make them happy!
How long before truth exposed,American needs to know,ready are not,the cabal evil doers has no love,are peace,war they wage,neither should good stop,constitution rights continue violation, these pedo,s are sick,they are not above the law,
Videos are not loading. Apple xr
I haven’t been able to get anymore reports sent to my e-mail, since March 24th. Would like to start receiving them, again. I love this site!
I sorry, no sound after intro.
dave. you should make a comnent on how biden went off script and leered and said the little girl with legs crossed looked like she was 19. not cool. plus psycoligists made diagnosis on trump in office where are they on biden?
So Dave as usual you keeps saying these ‘things” are GOING TO HAPPEN, BUT THEY NEVER DO! So now it would apear that your trying to tell us that we MUST ACEPT THE FACT that Biden stole the election! We will ALL KNIOW that Trump won, ans ir WILL BE PROVEN. STATE WILL DECERTIFY the election and “on paper” it will say Trump won 2020, BUT WE will Just HAVE TO LET an illegitamate USUPER of power KEEP WHAT HE STOLE! WHAT AS FUCKING LOAD OF CRAP!! SO it looks like you and all the other SO_CALLED patriots are nothing but a bunch of whipped “bitches” . AMERICA IS FINISHED! WE ARE NOW in TOTAL CONTROL of the DS and the CCP!
Well, just any FYI and hate to bring this up, but finally got the LINK to work for Turmeric from Biotrust and it is NOT 51% it’s not any percent from what I pulled up. The price is what it is shown at the end and get this, even in the HUGE write-up, the pricing is NOT what they say. I may be missing something but I tried to purchase this 3 times and did NOT hit the last button as it appeared that I would be charged $59 for one bottle. There was absolutely nothing that showed any deduction in price…..
I say that this evil has nearly become intolerable by this time. We have evidence of election fraud, yet no court will even bother to hear any of it presented?! Then we have double-talkers everywhere, telling us that no president [meaning this so-called president] can be removed, because it might cause nation-wide riots, or that the constitution doesn’t address a situation such as this? So, we need to stand for this leftist coup, and believe there is really nothing we can do to turn it around, and bring the rule of law in this country to bear on the guilty involved in the theft of our govt., so hence the entire nation?! I have to stand with Patrick Henry on this one, and proclaim, “Give me liberty, or give me death!”, especially since if we don’t fight for our liberty we’ll have no chance at all in preventing our deaths at the hands of the marxists, who are the ‘hidden’ ‘5th Column’ in this country, and around the world as well.