Ep 2496b – The Patriot Offensive Has Begun, It’s Time For Trump To Return To The White House
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The patriots are now prepared for the offensive. Trump is now pushing the plan forward. The election audit is coming to a completion, Mike Lindell has the data form the voting systems, other states are following the AZ gold standard audit. The people are now learning the truth about the pandemic, how Fauci, the fake news and big tech lied to the American people. The people are reaching the precipice and they know who the true enemy is. Trump signals its time to take back the house, senate and the White House.️️
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- ← Ep 2496a – The Move Away From The [CB] Fiat System Has Begun
You Tube has even deleted “SkyWatch TV”
Drop the Hammer
Hi Dave! Could you please repost President Trump’s current speeches via Copan? People don’t even know he’s giving speeches! N Carolina for instance…Thank you for all your excellent research to inform us!!
My theory: “Antifa Was Sent To Punish Black Patriot Americans: Not Whites
What do JFK, Bobby Kennedy, Martin L King, Ceasar Chavez, Bill Clinton, Al Gore and Donald Trump have in common?
Wow! Great intel, great video, I think it’s your best to-date yet Dave. Thank you so very much for guiding us through this terrible time.
I had a lovely dream the other day, the 2nd one I’ve had about President Trump. I was in a restaurant talking to my brother about how they obtain adrenochrome & he walked right up to our table. His face was happy & beaming. I touched his face very gently & said ‘Thank you for saving America, thank you for saving Humanity’. Even though I’m a nobody, he was pleased with my words & carried on meeting with people. I know he’s coming back real soon, I knew it at xmas with the other dream.
Great report Dave. Thank you!
AOC would have canceled it because it is not true about her Grandmother and if she excepted it then she would be making a financial gain by deception (Fraud)… that could be very easily proven…
Please inform me how the pandemic was a hoax in the USA, yet millions of people have died from it around the world. I agree that we were dubbed about the virus but why hasn’t this been validated internationally?
In a previous report, you said the dose of Ivermectin was 200mg per dose and it is around12mg.
There is an airtight case in regard to the 2020 USA election fraud case enquiry. The dominos are falling. The hypocrisy of certain bad actors in WDC is becoming sooooo obvious, even to those who are MSM programmed. Big glitch in the CB’s plan!
Still the same old talk,talk,talk, about the same treasonous seditious criminal traitors,…that were to be indicted,….”SOON”,…arrested,…” SOON”,…military tribunals,…”SOON”,…jailed in Gitmo,…”SOON”,…. WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THEN,…AND NOW,…???,…NOTHING.
When I do a search for you on Rumble the Hagman report comes up.. Yesterday nothing came up for you
just the printed material about the patriots—–FaceBook would not allow it.
The truth prevails no matter.
Thanks Dave..
May God save our blessed world.. Amen..
SUPPOSE states other than Arizona decide TODAY, or this week, to conduct a forensic audit. Can they set up physical facilities in one week? Maybe. Can they hire staff or vet “volunteers” in one more week? Maybe. So, they might START their audit process before or by the end of June. Can they finish in one month? Maybe. Can they finish & REPORT FINDINGS by the end of July? Maybe. So, can we expect any decisive action(s) by State legislatures and/or courts during the August holiday season? Unlikely. Unless the Military acts in August, while civil society sleeps, I expect NOTHING SIGNIFICANT. Do you? I’d be delighted with greater speed, but I foresee no significant civil change(s) until SEPTEMBER 2021.
Nadler knows the walls are closing in on he and the REAL LIARS..
Unless those pictures are not from AOC’s grandmother’s house! Under that highly likely scenario, should they accept the money they could possibly be charged with fraud!
ca 32-34 minutes: Sounds like these top “doctors” deliberately harmed (i.e. killed) those ‘test’ subjects in Brazil by OVERDOSING them with an otherwise safe & PROVEN drug, HCQ, in order to “bamboozle” the medical community and the general public by ‘showing’ that HCQ was dangerous. It’s MURDER in my book. And they CONTINUED for months after these deaths. Perhaps they deserve (over-) doses of their own medicines.
Wow😍 great and hopefull message you gave with your last show.
I’m a faithfull Dutch listener living in Spain who knows the importancy that the USA has to act first before al the 👿 “politicians” , Schwab, monarchies, etc…. will fall down🤬
Love your repports👌👏👏👏
The recall in Michigan is dead. However, Stand Up Michigan is a new grass-roots group and another group, The Rescue Michigan election integrity bills were introduced last Thursday in the House of Representatives as House Bills 4952, 4962, 4963, 4964, 4965, 4966, and 4967. This another group going after truth in Michigan. They are all telling us to get on board with paper ballots and being counted in their own place of voting.
Do “DS” and mainstream politicians realize local big city democrat mayors are not liked by their voters? These voters seeking another? Do many voters make the strong connections with unions, pensions(trades,teacher,county,state), and votes solely for democrats? Why can’t another party do so? Does crime in Chicago effect suburbs of another political party? Is there too much comfort, status quo, and complacency in local, county, state government? Illinois one on most corrupt state in country? Does media address? How many shootings here within last/this week? Anyone ask the U.S. Congress delegation/representatives for Illinois why nothing has ever been done? Illinois recount?
I am holding my breath. Until we little people see the politician and government employee and national guard hanging from ropes like Tarzan we are being fooled.