Ep 2502b – FISA Works Both Ways, Track All Suicides, Think Tarmac, [FF] Alert
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The [DS] is panicking, there have investigations since 2017 and there has been no leaks, remember FISA works both ways. There is only one chance at this and it has to be done right. The reporter that broke the tarmac meeting of [BC] and [LR] committed suicide [wetwork]. The [DS] is preparing to counter the audit from the election, they will do everything and anything to stop the information from reaching the people. Think what they did during the election, they created an entire pandemic to cheat in the election, what will they do when the truth comes out, [FF] alert.
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- ← Ep 2502a – [CB]/G7 Believe They Are In Control, Appear Weak When You Are Strong
- Ep 2503a – The Patriots Are Exposing The Club, See The Difference →
Well done Dave – now getting to ther meat of the entire co-mingled issue of ‘pandemic’ and 2020 elections fraud. The donkey and the cart.
We have said this from day 1- a veritable global viral carpet bombing initiated by the GARI (global,atheistic,ruthless,insiduous) CCP to take out the oner man standing in the way of their belt and road agenda now dashed, DJT, in cahouts with globalist great reset elites. Just one foggy issue you need to clarify; just how does China benefit from a great reset-they are cash rich (he who has the gold rules-the golden rule) and labour intensive cheaply expendable.
Perhaps Biden is playing a crucial role in all of this global intrigue; maybe by intent or unwittingly so, he choose a woman who hated him as VP..to expose her stupidity to the world- so expertly and conclusively done-political castration and she is unaware..thats how stupid she be.. she has suddenly gone silent and invisible.
He has more recently at the G7 drawn out idiot Macron with the ‘welcome to the club’ comment and begging unashamedly for funds-Trump right as usual. Notice Biden’s response- a bent headed nod..is he perhaps after all a patriot or just playing a crucial role to both save his and Hunter’s ass by setting up and exposing the elites/China as he can do diplomatically; then depart the world politics unignominously after Trump triumphantly returns by Year’s end.
This would be a grand master killer chess move / play if Trump did set it all up directly or indirectly..letting them fall on their swords. Talking of which- many in Congress and the Deep state bureaucracy if not judiciary should be doing soon or definite JAIL TIME or its all wasted time- SET EXAMPLES for it to never happen again. Perhaps even an execution or two for high treason to start to get em all to fall in line quickly.
Toronto Nik
Why interfere…process of destroying themselves…? Uh, people, children are dying by the hands of evil. That’s why. White hats allowing continued kidnapping and everything else are just as guilty as those committing the crimes. People are sick of this crap!!! Stop with the popcorn. It’s not funny. Stop with the games. Investigations? Lol, you mean like Benghazi? Please. I bet we will NEVER see the official results of AZ audit….just like we will never see the Durham Report or anything else. I call it like I see it.
AK= Alaska
ARK= Arkansas
Twice now, you have hurt my feelings<—- (hehe) when ref: my state AK attending the AZ Audit and stating Ark was the attendee. Please I need any positive I can get having traitor Murkowski lurking in the Capitol. Thank you Sir.
The biggest problem with the former President Donald J Trump’s Administration was that they have PROCRASTINATED FOR MUCH TOO LONG, and look at the end result – Joseph Buyden was elected the 46th President of the USA. If President Trump and his patriots did things much more swiftly and in a much more timely manner, things would be a lot different today, and America would NOT be falling into a horrible state of disrepair today as well. Also, Happy 76th Birthday to Former President Donald J Trump as of June 14, 2021. He should start preparing his son Don Junior for the next presidency in 2024 instead of focusing on the past mistakes (mostly laziness and procrastinations) by his previous administration from 2017-2021. Now, you have a president that cannot even stand-up, and is suffering from advanced Alzheimer and dementia and completely lacks any energy to perform his duties as the commander in chief, and as the President of the USA, and a Vice President Harris is just a complete fool. Even at 76 years of age, former President Trump still shows a lot of energy, and leadership in him compared with what the stupid American people put info office back on November 3, 2020. Still, he should prepare Don Junior for 2024, because Donald Trump senior will also be 79 years old in 2024, the same age the current President Joseph Buyden is now.
Do you not know what Dave at X22 Report has been presenting day after day or do you jut not believe any of it?
I hate to say I am being to be one of those people “I WILL BELIEVE IT WHEN I SEE IT”, do I want people to go to jail for these crimes YOU BET I DO, I HOPE I DO SEE IT IN MY LIFE TIME, I know you X22 put a lot of time and hard work in what you do, and i thank you for that, but its getting on my nerves
Another great report to show just how close to tightening the draw strings is! the dominos
are clicking one by one and now I heard that the Biden regime was caught bribing hospital
staff members for nefarious reasons regarding the vaccine reviews; ouch! That could be the tip
of the hospital industry iceberg doings. Thanks Dave and staff!
This is a test of character, patience and faith. A testimony to perseverance and skill.
Have faith, y’all ! The truth is more and more out and justice will prevail in the end.
Great show, Dave, as usual !
Greetings from France.
I live in France and don’t worry, Macron too is a puppet. He too has to follow orders from his own masters – namely, the EU, the ECB, the French oligarchy, and last but not least, the Rothschild banksters (who were his former employers).
Macron too is “part of the club”. But hopefully, he won’t be part of the club that long, as next year in 2022, we have our presidential elections and we do hope to get rid of him. Like I do hope and pray for Trump to come back so that JB won’t be part of the club no more.
I don’t mind that nations cooperate with each other. Let’s remember the great September 2019 speech that Trump had given at the UN about nations and sovereignty. That was truly great ! He had said it all and nailed it so right !
Besides, I don’t think that America’s true leadership be economical, military, commercial or even cultural. I believe its true leadership is first and foremost spiritual. Pretty much like France who was a former first power. Now France is a medium sized power but with a world significance. Like a beacon in the night, pretty much like the Miss Liberty at the NYC entrance – a gift from France by the way.
Our both countries are very much attacked on public liberties because our 2 countries implemented liberty on a political level like no other country on earth. We are like stonewalls : if freedoms are destroyed in our countries, they can be destroyed anywhere – and they will be. We have to resist.
I pray that the US be rid of JB soon and France be rid of Macron next year. Oh, and be rid of the EU too so that we may enjoy once again our sovereignty !
Watch out for the military … They are being compromised … The Pentagon gave approval then pulled it for the “Rolling to Remember” 2021 rally to gather at the Pentagon parking lot, like they have done in past years for the Memorial Day ride … There is a push to jam Critical Race Theory down the throats of the military members by General Lloyd Austin (Because I want the Diversity and inclusiveness) .. There are rotten apples in the barrel
You whiny bitches. Trust the plan.
SQL Server has Trans Action Logs to help with recovery and or rebuild of a database. The Trans Action logs has everything
Benet Lapid are two people. They’re taking turns at the prime ministership.